I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 1016 Do you like it, then I will buy it for you

It will be lively when you come to Jiaopen.

Charles Zhao, who doesn't show his talents in China, is still famous in Jiaopen with the name of Zhao Dezhu.

Outside the airport, all kinds of reporters flocked to interview.

Most of them can still speak stuttering Chinese and ask Jiaobain if they are interested in investing in the IT industry...

Zhao Dezhu originally wanted to cover up his momentum in driving domestic high-tech research and development. As a result, his relationship with the mainland was blurred and indistinct, and he was more like a foreign Chinese who favored European and American investors.

The symbols of the mainland on the body are very faint.

Especially sister Zhiling's appearance that is so red in East Asia, and Song Fuzhen's identity as the eldest princess of Sansun, it is easy to make people think that Zhao Dezhu does not look like a mainlander.

In the minds of many people from Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan these days, China is still far behind what it was ten or twenty years ago.

Zhao Dezhu was reassuring Sister Song, and Ning Zhiling answered directly: "Mr. Charles is mainly here as the executor of Apple's special projects to participate in the new product launch conference. More investment matters need to be discussed with all parties. , of course I will inform you..."

That is really long-sleeved, good at dancing, and exquisite in all directions.

In contrast, Li Yuanyuan feels that she is indeed just a coward, so she has the confidence to HOLD within the company.

Even Song Fuzhen, who was frowning tiredly, glanced at her: "She is indeed able to help you?"

Zhao Dezhu laughed: "Too many people look at her appearance, but it actually conceals her pretty good working ability."

Song Fuzhen actually sighed: "I also want to be someone who only needs to be alone and can give you the back more often. It should be much easier and more reliable."

Zhao Dezhu heard some rumors: "What? Is it involving me?"

Song Fu smiled wryly: "There must be a lot of fuss about our relationship, and it's unsightly. Now the divorce case is also taking the opportunity to make a lot of noise. It seems that I betrayed Sansun's interests, even Nanli's interests, and even the employees of Sansun mobile phones. Quite a few are following along and passing on news, dissatisfied with me, the whole situation is so difficult."

Zhao Dezhu thought for a while: "Five years ago, when I was just learning to be independent, one of my elder brothers taught me that some of us are destined to be tree-top people, that is, standing at the most peak place, with no one to rely on, All the subordinates look up to you for advice, when you feel that Song Mengchang is not good enough to inherit Sansun, why can't I come if you have this thought, you have to have this kind of awareness."

To put it in terms of low EQ, you choose it yourself, and you have to do it even on your knees, don't be hypocritical.

But for women, this expression is easier to move.

Song Fuzhen nodded slightly.

It is obvious that the strength of leaning on Zhao Dezhu's shoulder is much easier.

At this time, the people who picked up the plane outside had already greeted them, and Li Xiaojun and Brother Dong came over two or three days earlier.

Gao Yuxin arrived yesterday.

Li Xiaojun, who started out selling shampoo in Jiaopen back then, has a lot of contacts on both sides. Dong Ge has signed the exclusive agency right of IPAD in China, and now he will come to support the press conference.

Both of them pretended not to see Zhao Dezhu hugging Princess Sansun.

Yuanyuan made eye contact with the little sister, she was so annoying!

But when he got back to the hotel where he was staying, Li Xiaojun asked whether Sansun mobile phone would be interested in doing e-commerce promotion and sales agency in China.

Make money, not shabby.

When the mobile phone access system was very strict in the past few years, it was difficult for other big international brands such as Nock Duck, Motorola, and Sony Ericsson to enter the Chinese market.

Sansun found a southern company to do OEM, and the curve entered domestic sales.

Now that the access is liberalized, Sansun has just begun to transform, and more importantly, the head has changed. If you can get this general agent, you may earn more than IPAD.

This is also the money-making model that Li Xiaojun and his generation of businessmen are most keen on.

Brother Dong reacted more slowly, his eyes slightly regretful.

Song Fuzhen's eyes lit up immediately, but she still turned to look at Zhao Dezhu.

Zhao Dezhu shook his head directly: "There is a global market competition agreement between Dopta and Sansun. In some markets, we don't want to consume each other and win as much as possible. Dopta will not enter Nanli..."

What the hell, the Chinese market is more than 20 times the number of people in Nanli!

But Zhao Dezhu is not fooling around: "The more important thing is what is your purpose of launching Galaxy? Is it to sell mobile phones? You must think about this clearly. Did we push so much work so hard to sell mobile phones?"

Brother Dong is a talented student, so he nodded immediately: "Yes, the purpose of promoting the popularization of smartphones is to help the development of e-commerce platforms and completely change the ecological structure of the mobile Internet."

Zhao Dezhu gave a thumbs up in satisfaction: "In fact, we have already done experiments in HK. It is meaningless to sell one or two smartphones. The most important thing is to spread the smartphones desperately after losing money. Countless smartphones have formed a huge Once this network effect is complete, almost no one will turn back to use the feature phone, then Nanli’s mobile phone market will be controlled by you, and the popularity of smart phones will also benefit the e-commerce platform and the takeaway market. What else would they use to argue with you? There is no need to fight!"

Song Fuzhen's eyes are really bright, sharp!

Maybe Sansun is used to dominating the domestic market, launching a new mobile phone, asking a celebrity to endorse it, at most it will be promoted in some TV series, and then it will be launched in a hurry.

The entire Nanli market can only choose two or three domestic brands, and then coax the patriotic routines that are not second to each other.

As long as it is slightly cheaper than imported similar products, the sales will go out.

As a result, when confronted with the instigation of internal strife and betrayal this time, he suddenly became a bit incapable of doing it.

Zhao Dezhu's method is simple and rude: "Come on! Charge at a low price. We use the bank card binding model in HK to charge at a low price. You must bind a bank card and quickly charge tens of millions of mobile phones, and then Launching a revised model with a higher price, won’t this situation open up?”

Song Fuzhen also has a lot of experience, but just changed the track and was beaten a little by her own family.

Immediately reacted: "When I was in the hotel group, I had a very good bank, yes! Applying for a bank card..."

Brother Dong actually added: "In fact, there is no need to lower the price too much. Since the bank card is bound and the interest-free installment payment is paid in 12 installments, this advertisement is particularly shocking and attractive. The down payment is 200 yuan, and it is easy to get!"

It was only then that Zhao Dezhu suddenly remembered, oh yo, Brother Dong, your method of digital installment payment must be written down to the bone.

ok ok...

Song Fuzhen called overnight to ask for arrangements.

Zhao Dezhu also witnessed the domineering and bossing of the eldest princess Sansun with his own eyes.

This arrangement requires a series of operational agreements such as bank binding, installment payment, and who to contact. She only needs to call a friend to finalize, but there are a lot of specific matters.

Including brand-new promotional advertisements, who will shoot them, and what kind of content ideas, the eldest princess only puts forward her own requirements.

It takes about 20 to 30 minutes to come up with a response plan.

In about an hour, two or three stars of Qiaomei's level had been found in the studio and started shooting.

Even a symphony orchestra rushed to the recording studio overnight to record the commercial song just composed.

The eldest princess doesn't care about these processes, she only wants the results.

Whether it's photos and videos taken by Ms. Qiao holding a new mobile phone, or a new chapter played by the band.

If you don't see it when you get up tomorrow morning, or you are not satisfied, wait to bear the anger.

There is no trouble or inconvenience here, only goals and results.

Costs are even put on the back burner.

Li Yuanyuan and Ning Zhiling followed suit.

Marvel at the efficiency of this control to achieve results overnight.

Song Fu is really capable of developing the Sansun Hotel Group, which was previously a nursing home, into a billion-dollar turnover, which is indeed extraordinary.

Zhao Dezhu, who was having breakfast, noticed, "Your TiTa seems different?"

He couldn't understand Korean, but Song Fuzhen's chat interface with his subordinates on his mobile phone was somewhat specious.

Song Fuzhen looked at it inexplicably: "It's no different."

Ning Zhiling is the one who exists across several districts, and immediately noticed: "Stickers, look, isn't this phone case just a series of stickers? I'm also using the coke pot version of TiTa, because they have a lot of good-looking ones. sticker……"

Zhao Dezhu took it over and looked at it carefully, and then fuck it, what kind of stickers are these, aren't they just emoticons!

After all, this profit point was triggered in the coke basin!

Five years ago, he jokingly mentioned to Erfu that he should take care of the emoji pack.

Zhao Dezhu himself couldn't explain why he had to take care of himself.

But following the star-chasing ex-wife who often came to Japan and South Korea for entertainment and consumption, Zhao Dezhu still knew that the focal point of his previous life had a social media that was basically independent of the world.

Mainland China uses WeChat, and Europe and the United States use Twitter, INS, Facebook, etc., but Japan and South Korea, including the right bank, are more enthusiastic about another LINE.

There is no essential difference, it is very cute.

In this small circle where anime culture is particularly popular, this social media stands out with emojis.

To put it simply, Zhao Dezhu in his previous life didn’t understand how WeChat in the mainland makes money, but he has heard that LINE relies on selling emoticons, and it is said that it can sell billions of dollars a year!

There are LINE offline Internet celebrity stores in Jiaopen, Shanghai, and You’an, and various emoji peripheral products are selling very well.

But at that time, Penguin, the second richest man, didn't have any charging channels.

Don't care about this, add a few new expressions at most.

It is completely different from the new cartoon bears, cartoon cats and other emoticons.

Including later when his own WB was launched, Zhao Dezhu also mentioned to Chen Xiaolong that he wanted to make emoticons.

But that guy is more stubborn and won't engage in such fancy things easily.

Zhao Dezhu was busy with various major affairs, and he would not intervene in particular to interfere with the overall situation.

The matter was shelved.

Obviously, this kind of thing that is bound to appear will eventually germinate in the focus basin with a stronger atmosphere in the second dimension and animation.

Even though it's still free now, Zhao Dezhu has already seen a resemblance to Brown Bear!

Even a strong woman like Princess Sansun can't help but use the expression pack of a cartoon bear clenched fist and trembling with her assistant!

Not to mention sister Zhiling, who is at the forefront of fashion trends. I thought Zhao Dezhu didn't realize the importance of this, and she kept holding her mobile phone and introduced: "Nanli doesn't have a TiTa branch yet, but I know that Jiaopen TiTa was taken by Li. Mr. Zhengdao signed it, and he specially set up a Jiaopen TiTa company to promote it. This is a sticker they launched. It is very popular among the users of You'an, Jiaopen, and Nanli. Look, I like it the most. Love using this..."

Zhao Dezhu looked at the beautiful side face that was close at hand, and pressed his paw forcibly, and said lightly: "Dig out the people who are involved in this, and dig them to HK's TiTa company to set up a separate company. From now on, this company will be yours."

The joy that bloomed in the beauty's eyes exploded into fireworks.

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