I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 1025 Only if you don't forget your original intention, can you stay forever

In the evening of early spring, twilight falls.

The street lights in the courtyard were dim, and the lights in the main room were not turned on, but the dim light from outside came in through the open door.

Everything is hazy.

Wearing a black loose suit and a white gauze shirt, the 21-year-old Yi Fei actually looked bright and elegant.

Perhaps her background in dancing since she was a child made her shoulders very straight, and she quietly looked at the courtyard outside and talked.

I can't see the eyes, and I can't see the expression clearly, but it is still pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Dezhu didn't dare to look too much, for fear that he would sink into it.

I don't know why, the heart that he has always been able to control Yao Min and even sister Zhiling seems to be easily shaken when facing Yi Fei.

Maybe it was too much like the shadow of Long Zhiyu when he was young, or maybe he also had the tone of trying to discipline him.

Zhao Dezhu really has no resistance to this kind of restraint.

So I have to ramble: "Most of the time you are alone in Pingjing, you have to guard against all kinds of thoughts, and I am here this time, not because all kinds of people are targeting it, this can be regarded as hunting. "

Yi Fei took a quick look back, stared outside again and said softly, and then remembered something and said: "I used to think too simply, but now there are indeed many people who approach me in a roundabout way, all because they want to get involved with you. , so apart from exchanging work with the film crew and colleagues in the film company, I basically turned down all the social activities, and then I want to stop the endorsement work and focus on acting."

It can be said that traffic stars are desperately trying to create fame and attract attention, isn't it just to earn a lot of money from endorsements.

Zhao Dezhu's thoughts were similar: "Well, don't keep all the money here. Today I saw that the online banking payment center now has more than 1.7 trillion sales turnover nationwide. Do you know how I feel? My calves are shaking."

Yi Fei immediately turned her gaze back to the man.

Zhao Dezhu is also wearing a black suit, but he is high-end and slim. The white shirt inside is even more neat and tidy, and he looks capable and energetic without a tie.

He is thin, even if he is lazily sitting on the Chinese-style wooden sofa with brocade cushions, he is still full of tough masculinity.

It was very different from the trembling calf he said.

It seems to be playing tricks.

But she wouldn't laugh: "1.7 trillion? Are they all sales from TM.com? So much? It's an unimaginable number!"

Involuntarily, the body tilted a little.

In fact, the two sat far away, separated by three or four meters.

Zhao Dezhu slowly shook his head and nodded again: "We will definitely break through one trillion yuan this year. Do you know how much the consumption of all people in the country is? In the early ten trillion yuan, we control one-tenth. How many people are jealous, how many people want to share the benefits, How many people would like to kill us and share our meat..."

Strange to say, he never shared this kind of pressure with Long Zhiyu, as if he couldn't bear to let her have half of the burden, but there was always an outlet to vent the pressure on his heart.

Yi Fei listened quietly: "So you can't keep money in your arms?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "This year, there are more than 200 companies that have applied for online banking payment licenses, but there are no more... The policy will definitely tighten this online banking license. An online company with a license can now just sell shells. Selling hundreds of millions, and I have 37% of the shares in the online banking payment center, many people are jealous, and all kinds of backgrounds have been exposed, so today I donated this share to Jiangzhou City Bank. "

That was a share purchased for 200 million a few years ago, and now it may be ten times or a hundred times more valuable, and even from the perspective of the competent authority, it is close to the status of a referee.

Zhao Dezhu gave up without hesitation, leaving those capitals who smelled blood nowhere to question and rob.

Yi Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine if you don't hug, it's fine if you don't hug."

Zhao Dezhu completely lost the image of wantonly flying outside: "I really never thought about making so much money, let alone grasping the powerful power of WB, which controls public opinion, in my hands. Before we get to this kind of danger, we should grasp it first, but now it is a red-hot coal in our hands, I don’t have the ability, nor the ambition to insist on grasping such a large structure.”

Yi Fei has her own understanding: "I don't know much about business, but I've seen too much on the set, producers and directors, do they have the ability to control the situation, or some directors shoot some love stories?" The scene is not bad, but once it involves group play and whether the grand scene can be controlled, it is too particular. It is not only education, culture, but also talent to follow up and enterprising. If you don't have strong ambitions, even if you have the ability to shoot It’s not a good show, because many times you have to compete repeatedly, and if any one of these things is missing, it is likely to collapse.”

Twilight darkened again.

The light in the main room became even darker. Zhao Dezhu looked back at the vaguely visible figure, leaned himself on the sofa in complete relaxation, and stopped talking.

Only the higher you go, the more chilling you will feel.

One hundred million can completely destroy the life of the second generation.

Now that tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and trillions are in the situation, even big shots like Song Xuanjian and Buffett will be involved, and Li Zhengdao even nodded to himself.

One can imagine what kind of situation the country is in.

With such a big piece of cake, there are many people who want to share the food.

The power at the capital level cannot be rejected by enterprises.

I have hit myself repeatedly before.

Fortunately, the shareholding structure of the entire TM is simple, and 20% of the shares belong to the higher education system, and more importantly, it has never been listed for public interest.

Even though WB.com only has a very small amount of shares in Jiangzhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, it is now a project that the network supervision department fully participates in the management and control of.

At this point, Zhao Dezhu didn't have the slightest pride in being complacent.

On the contrary, there is only fear, just like the fear of being unable to hold huge wealth in the previous life.

He still understands how much he weighs.

Yi Fei said softly: "Everyone encouraged me to try to direct this film for foreign students, but it was only when I actually filmed it that I realized that it was not the case at all. Camera sense, these are all blank abilities that I don’t have at all, so I quickly hired a young director to play the role, and I still do a good job as an actor.”

Then it was very quiet in the main room.

If it weren't for the light in the yard, it would be basically pitch black.

After a while, Zhao Dezhu said: "It's almost... that's the reason. I told many people very early on, don't forget the original intention, hehe, now I understand how difficult these four words are."

Yi Fei seemed to be shaking her head: "No, you have done a good job. Haven't you been working on higher vocational education? We are working hard for education now and in the future, right?"

Zhao Dezhu Yes.

The hall was completely quiet.

In fact, the two rarely communicated alone in the past. Before filming Bai Luyuan, they had a short supper time in Shanghai.

At other times, apart from occasionally saying a few words on WX, I seldom even make phone calls.

I don't speak now, but I seem to be able to hear the other person's breathing.

It's just that the situation has become more and more calm, while the situation has become more and more earth-shaking.

Until Li Yuanyuan bounced and floated away doubts: "Huh? Where is the person?"

Crack, turn on the light, and the two sat silently and far apart, still neatly dressed.

But Yuanyuan, who was caught off guard, was so frightened that Dayan almost jumped off the beam of the room: "Ghost! What are you two doing? Hide and seek!! Scared me to death..."

Zhao Dezhu got up slowly, straightened his suit and walked out: "I figured things out, is Lao Pang back yet, let's have a meeting!"

He also gently flicked Yuanyuan's forehead to peel off.

Li Yuanyuan exaggerated Ouch, but her eyes were fixed on Yi Fei!

Yi Fei straightened her body and sat there without moving, but her face was blushing!

It took a few seconds to get up as if awakened, and came over to gently wipe Yuanyuan's forehead: "I just chatted a few things about work, and forgot to turn on the light."

Li Yuanyuan observed her flabbergasted blush, but was still suspicious: "Weird!"

Then he turned around and ran after Zhao Dezhu: "It's Lao Pang who is asking you how the talks went today. The agreement on his side has been settled. I said you had a serious expression when you came out. What were you doing just now..."

Zhao Dezhu was refreshed: "Thinking about things, I guess I'll be busy all night tonight."

Li Yuanyuan: "Then I'll order supper first, this is not my home park."

Pang Yong can be heard from a distance asking what to eat.

Yi Fei leaned against the door of the main room, touched her hot ears, took out a five-star origami from her suit pocket, and twirled it skillfully at her fingertips.

There was a slight smile on his face.

Zhao Dezhu really figured it out.

What is my original intention, I have not been dazzled by the so-called world wealth fund and international reputation.

It will not be bound by various capital forces.

Then simply increase investment in education.

This is not simply a matter of investing how much money, but donating all of his shares in TM to merge with the previous 20% education fund.

Establish a fully transparent vocational education and training group, comprehensively covering secondary to higher vocational education, as well as on-the-job education and training.

Moreover, all TM employees can become shareholders or volunteers of this education and training group, and can switch between their current jobs and the education and training group.

Maximize the participation of all employees in vocational education.

The scale of this fund is huge, and the TM e-commerce platform is close to 70% of the equity dividend!

More importantly, Zhao Dezhu decided to increase the venture capital listing of high-tech projects incubated in various industrial parks.

Because when talking with various parties today, I have heard that domestic capital can’t wait to copy Uber’s car rental business.

There are even some people who have begun to comprehensively investigate the food delivery business in HK, and want to launch similar projects in the mainland.

In terms of financial strength, technical reserves, and human resources, the Southwest Iron Army can definitely strengthen these start-up companies now.

In this case, if other capital chooses to participate in venture capital projects.

It can also effectively alleviate the greed and coveting of TM.

The scene suddenly became big.

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