I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 1057: Eyes full of stars

Because Boss Zhao doesn't understand English, Mr. Park's English also stutters, with a strong smell of sticks.

We had to rely on two American ladies for transit.

And the two don't understand each other's Chinese and Korean.

But such a situation of tossing and turning did not affect the formation of a grand scene at all.

Boss Zhao boasted that he has been working on the new energy vehicle track for a long time and has accumulated a lot of research, but still needs a lot of technical support.

The energy tycoon was very excited. Before he took over the family business, he was actually not optimistic about the sustainable future of the energy industry. Moreover, what is Nanli's energy tycoon in the world?

The top 500 energy companies in the world are the backs that he will never be able to catch up with.

So when he decided to use the communications industry as a new starting point, he was always thinking about how to innovate the energy industry.

Now he invests and builds in China, all of which are downstream energy factories such as polyethylene, robbing oil fields and other jobs, and he has never won a few barrels of oil and several major international leaders.

As a result, Charles Zhao Hengkong was born, and he proposed the road of new energy vehicles with a broad mind...

Well, it’s a bit overblown, Park Tae-won is really paying attention: "Last year, a Citigroup announced a new energy sports car called Tesla..."

Zhao Dezhu was lying in his heart, Max, no, Max did it so fast.

There was a little contempt on his face and he didn't speak.

As a result, Park Tae-won then showed the photos on his mobile phone: "But this car is just a static model, and many people speculate that he still has at least five to ten years before mass production..."

Zhao Dezhu began to pretend: "This is an idiot..."

When Yi Fei was translating, she had to be as subtle as possible. In this respect, she was not as comfortable as Ning Zhiling.

But it is precisely this kind of hectic confusion, and I even have to discuss with Ms. Kim Ee-won what this means.

It fills up the intimacy of family gatherings.

Park Tae-won seemed to enjoy this feeling very much. When he was leaning on the sofa and waiting for the two incompetent translators, he was always happy and couldn't take his eyes off it.

Zhao Dezhu had to take out the manuscripts written by Sister Ha before he could bring this top son-in-law's attention back.

It fully proves that Zhao Dezhu's evaluation just now is not nonsense: "See, what he does is to get a supercar first to attract attention, but there is nothing in it. I just look at it and know that he has no confidence. At this time, he really wants to make a mass-produced car." Yes, it has to be an SUV..."

This is really not bragging. Before jumping off the building, Zhao Dezhu had seen several new energy vehicles, and even played with those cronies.

The accumulation of mass-produced cars in the past ten years has given him a lot of hints: "Because the biggest problem with new energy vehicles is how far the battery can drive, so according to the current battery technology, it is necessary to fill the car with batteries as much as possible. , Can you see how many can be installed in that sports car? Even if it can be driven on the road, it feels like sitting in it and driving it can pass. It is so light and thin, and it can run dozens of kilometers. Is it energy-produced? So just use a sports car to follow you What they talk about is trying to fool you."

Pu Taiyuan suddenly felt that Zhao Dezhu had indeed studied it carefully, and nodded in admiration: "So that's the case."

Zhao Dezhu roughly drew a few SUV shapes: "Only the interior of an SUV has enough space to install a battery pack. The most important thing is that we have to emphasize the creation of a new era of Internet cars, so that we can completely avoid the frontal confrontation with the current auto industry..."

It is impossible for Park Tae-won not to admire him.

Just pointing to the characteristics of the battery, at most it proves that Zhao Dezhu has seriously investigated this matter, and this kind of big boss, maybe the people below have been busy.

But this sentence really points out the height of strategy.

The automobile industry can be said to be the largest industrial production and sales system for mankind.

There are as many interest groups as there are associated industries related to it.

If you really want to make an enemy of the whole world and launch subversive products, the first thing you need to do is to see if you have the ability to resist the encirclement and impact of this old force.

And if it is just to change the battery drive, many car manufacturers can quickly switch production lines to keep up.

Can this highlight the high quality of new energy vehicles?

Will it be possible that after investing heavily in research and development, many car manufacturers will finally pick up the peaches directly?

The only way to increase the proportion of the Internet is to truly package this new energy vehicle into a brand-new carrier rich in Internet factors.

To build a moat...

This is Internet thinking. What new ideas do you invent? Can you quickly form a moat around it so that other companies cannot imitate it, so that you can gain market share.

Park Tae-won believed it immediately.

Because the pictures Zhao Dezhu took out are also very professionally drawn. The instrument panel of the center console is a large connected screen, and there is even a screen in front of the co-pilot: "If the problem of long-lasting power is solved later, the rear passengers should also have One screen, think about it, the driver's seat can monitor all vehicle data, such as tire pressure, battery, road conditions, battery life, etc., and even every shock absorption sensor, rainfall, light, panoramic probe, etc. can be monitored, remote control driving, automatic parking These functions of the car are very simple in a smart car, but the co-pilot and the rear seat can watch their own movies, chat online, and play games, this is a brand new car!"

Park Tae-won was amazed. This also drew a brand new world, which is completely different from the current concept of new energy vehicles in the world that only focus on environmental protection.

This set of rhetoric alone can make money in major investment banks all over the world. Charles Zhao is indeed a super venture capital expert!

What Zhao Dezhu wants to talk about is this: "I am now an investor in the World Wealth Fund. Whether I invest in this project will be questioned by others, but this is really my own project, but it cannot be supported without hundreds of billions of dollars. Come to think of it, then the best way is to operate it yourself first, make an appearance as much as possible, and even have a product launched, and then invest through the World Wealth Fund, we can also maximize the original shares, but I am sure it is best not to appear It’s so reminiscent of being on the list of founders, right?”

Park Tae-won nodded again and again: "I'm here, I'm here to make arrangements, I will shift the focus of the industry as soon as possible, and fully support the development of new energy smart vehicles...Of course Mrs. Zhao will also be the controlling party."

That's right, this Internet start-up company with an initial estimated investment of 5 billion US dollars is co-invested by Yi Fei and Ms. Jin Aiyuan, but the ratio is enlarged to eight to two. Zhao Dezhu borrowed it.

But in the future, in the name of Park Corporation, he will quietly enter the field of new energy vehicle manufacturing. He will mainly complete a series of surface work related to new energy R\u0026D centers, patent acquisitions, and vehicle manufacturing qualifications.

That is to say, this offshore company will be completely led by Koreans, Americans, etc. all overseas companies, holding various patent portfolios, in short, it has nothing to do with China.

The purpose is not to attract attention in the early stage, and to avoid various restrictions in the later stage.

Park Tae-won was able to take advantage of this business to dismantle and transfer part of the company's property, trying to transfer as much assets as possible before the divorce case is completed.

What he wants is to transfer tens of billions of assets to the name of the junior, not to be separated by his ex-wife, and to complete his evolution from the energy industry to a new industry.

Zhao Dezhu found a big project that spent as much money as possible, and took out the funds of Citigroup's financial market in exchange for core competitiveness.

This level does not require a written agreement. Zhao Dezhu promised that the first batch of one billion US dollars will arrive in the account within 48 hours. This automobile company, which is destined to shine in the future, will set up company headquarters in Seoul and Pingjing. The style of the company.

Then the production OEM must be placed in the manufacturing industry in mainland China.

After negotiating the big framework, Mr. Park is in charge of acquisition and publicity externally, and Mr. Zhao is in charge of R\u0026D and production internally.

The two parties opened a bottle of red wine, even if all the details were finalized.

Ms. Jin Aiyuan also took the role of corporate spokesperson as a matter of course.

After all, as a star, Yi Fei can't go too far, and can only silently hold the status of the largest shareholder.

Park Tae-won happily thanked Mr. Zhao and his wife for their cooperation and blessings, and agreed to go on vacation at a ski resort this winter before leaving with beauty.

Of course, it is logical to keep Mrs. Zhao here.

Yi Fei also sent off her girlfriends with a smile on her face, and when the hotel elevator door closed, she loosened up playfully and made a mischievous expression to Zhao Dezhu: "I'll leave later, Miss Jin often asks me this and that, It’s a good thing that I often leave the crew and live in the academy, you are so amazing..."

Finally, sincerely fold your palms together and make a gesture of worshiping the Bodhisattva.

That's right, when she saw Zhao Dezhu talking about this matter with Yue Yaofeng, she didn't seem to know anything about it, it was just that "a friend" had some opinions on this matter.

Now there is no trace of this friend at all, but Zhao Dezhu has turned into an expert.

And it is very convincing all-round control.

Park Tae-won is not a fool who can be fooled casually. Among the four major chaebols in Nanli, he should be the first person of the younger generation who is in charge of the overall situation. Song Mengchang is still fighting for control.

Moreover, it was precisely after he married the former princess that Pu's Co., Ltd. developed rapidly, and became an equal position with other chaebols under him.

It fully proved Zhao Dezhu's wrist.

But right now, he has to control his wrist so that he doesn't put it on Yi Fei's shoulder, and he has to remind him with a stern face: "Man! See, this is the man who cheated. It was nothing to find someone to marry for the prosperity of the family, but I When you are developed, you say you are going to find yourself, isn't that a bit shameless?"

Yi Fei nodded quickly: "But you won't!"

Zhao Dezhu sighed inwardly, trying to stop himself from fantasizing: "So we need to supervise each other and remind each other, you have to pay attention to observe whether he starts with this Miss Jin. It's always wonderful every minute, and after a while, it will be three minutes hot, or is it really found?" I really love it, and this will have a great impact on our future countermeasures.”

Yi Fei clenched her fists: "It should be true! Miss Jin said that they have been together for two years and their relationship is very good..."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "Let's wait and see, let's talk in ten or twenty years."

Yi Fei hid behind him, smiling with stars in her eyes.

Just hearing that ten or twenty years is such a long time makes me very happy.

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