Zhao Dezhu must be reluctant to go to Zhejiang and Hangzhou. But I couldn't help but want to announce the good news.

From the school to the outlets, he basically walked the entire southern half circle around Jiangzhou City, and then went to the hospital to buy computers and game consoles, and then walked the northern half circle around the city.

I have to go back to pick up my classmates later, and then go back to school.

This is about a hundred kilometers back and forth.

He doesn't feel tired yet.

An angry man is so powerful.

I tried my best to suppress my anger downstairs in the hospital, and then I was still wearing a gray middle-aged jacket and jeans, carrying a computer bag and carrying a game console box.

Anyway, Long Zhiyu couldn't help laughing when she saw him coming in with big and small bags.

He could only grit his teeth and sullen his face: "What are you doing... Who told you to bring these here."

Being rich is self-willed, Zhao Dezhu lightly asked the escort to take a rest and walk: "This game console was not specially bought for you, the other one is in the bar, you didn't see the grand event yesterday, there are photos."

For the same laptop, Zhao Dezhu asked Feng Xiaoting to transfer the photos to the memory card, and bring it to the card reader of the new computer to turn it on.

No matter how much Long Zhiyu muttered, she could only stare at the screen with bright eyes, but she couldn't move her waist. Zhao Dezhu found a wire drying rack, hung the notebook on it, and then hung it on the infusion stand of the hospital bed, so that she could sleep while lying down. look.

For being so comfortable and considerate, Long Zhiyu said thank you helplessly.

When Zhao Dezhu was busy connecting the game console to the TV in the ward, Long Zhiyu couldn't help glancing at that figure out of the corner of his eyes.

A lot of psychological preparations have been made: "Zhao Dezhu, you do this..."

Zhao Dezhu pulled the bench and sat at the end of the bed: "The golf class has basically been settled, and Nanyun Golf Club has decided to let me be the director of the competition department..."

Long Zhiyu actually leaned against the head of the bed and made a childish movement of lowering her lips!

It's just knowing that Zhao Dezhu did it on purpose, but having to listen to what he said is extremely depressing.

Cheeks are puffed up.

She didn't expect that she had more than three cards!

Also do this action.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu is two meters away: "I have entrusted the counselor of Jiangda Guanghua College to find a teacher to teach the theory class. In the future, I think golf classes will not only train golf players, but also train management. The rest will be I can’t carry it no matter what, and in the end I can only work as a caddy.”

Long Zhiyu's lower lips slowly retracted, and she returned to her dignified and gentle appearance.

Because it is really comfortable.

Zhao Dezhu was controlling himself not to look up, lest he be unable to look away: "This is number one. There may be more than one golf course in Jiangzhou in the future. Our class and future classes will continuously provide professionals in this field. I think you, a golf major, will be able to take the lead in China after two years of exploration.”

How could Long Zhiyu's eyes not shine, she nodded slightly.

Zhao Dezhu still lowered his head: "Secondly, maybe next week or the next week, I will take five or six golf classmates to play in Zhejiang and Hangzhou. Except for Gao Yuxin's pursuit of results, the others mainly want to experience the game atmosphere, because the shopping website invited us to visit the company headquarters in Zhejiang and Hangzhou, so I will also bring a few classmates from the school. If you have the opportunity to show that Principal Li again, this matter will be considered a success.”

Long Zhiyu looked at the big boy who was sitting obediently at the end of the bed and talking with his head bowed, and he was still agitated at the beginning.

Even if she was a little self-indulgent, she could still think of why Zhao Dezhu worked so hard.

It doesn't do him any good.

There will even be a lot of expenses involved.

So she tried to be sincere: "Except for your personal attitude towards me, which makes me feel that you are delaying you, you have done a very, very good job. Really, now I even want to remind you not to be too tired and not to act too hastily."

But when Zhao Dezhu looked up and smiled, she lost all the emotion just now, because this guy's playful smile is very annoying: "What are you delaying me? Looking for a girlfriend? Do you think it will delay? In order to prevent the little girl from rushing forward desperately , I returned the Ferrari today!"

Long Zhiyu pouted: "No...Really? I'm really surprised that you can do this!"

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly put on an arrogant and arrogant look, tilted his mouth and raised his head: "Just to surprise you!"

Long Zhiyu tried to repeat the same old tune again: "You saw it yesterday too. That is my daughter Nana, who is three years younger than you. Don't you think this age gap is embarrassing to me? It will even make her carry a heavy burden. You unilaterally think that it is for true love, but in fact, you don’t consider our feelings at all.”

Zhao Dezhu still nodded in a generous way: "Okay, okay, do whatever you feel comfortable with, just treat it as the class monitor showing courtesy to the head teacher, the age gap of seventeen years is a bit outrageous, but if you are forty-seven and I am thirty, At that time, it was not so obvious. Fifty-seven and forty years old, maybe the appearance is still a good match. Eighty-seven and seventy years old, the age difference has probably been erased. I don’t even mind if you are six or seven years old. I only recognized me when I was ten years old, because for me, there is nothing wrong with being single. I have a lot of things I want to do in my life, and I am busy doing things. Only when I want to share with you can I be happy. Really, these things are done. When I was in love, my first reaction was to be able to show off and share with you, as long as you are happy, don’t bother.”

Long Zhiyu felt that she was only like a child, because she could understand the emotions behind it.

It doesn't necessarily have to be feelings for her, but a middle-aged person who has been in trouble for a long time will understand the kind of indifference.

If you have this emotional sustenance, you will be happy, but if you don't, you won't die.

So she fell silent, and suddenly said, "You won't be like this forever, will you?"

Zhao Dezhu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Do you still believe in eternity?"

Long Zhiyu suddenly relaxed: "Oh, oh, when I was a little girl, I would always be moved when I heard it, but now I only feel..."

She also wants to express with a circle of arms, and she looks a little less educated.

Zhao Dezhu can also rush to answer: "Just want to say haha?"

Long Zhiyu was still bright: "Hey, it really feels like this."

Zhao Dezhu didn't want to mention more co-productions in his mind, so he quickly changed the subject: "Okay, okay, don't think you have to persuade me or something, I'm busy with so many things all day long, so I just want to chat with you to relax, But you are too boring lying in the hospital bed, I still suggest you play this PS2, it is very simple and fun, I will teach you."

Long Zhiyu found that she was actually a little attached to this kind of chat, so she quickly used an enhanced version of contempt to dilute it: "You still play games! Only children who are worthless and not motivated play games. I never allow Nana to play games!"

Zhao Dezhu had already picked up the handle and handed it to her, looking at the screen and said casually, "That's why she didn't have happy gaming experiences in her childhood, so she seemed a little too serious."

It is absolutely difficult for an eighteen-year-old boy to say such a thing.

However, she stabbed the mother's heart firmly.

Long Zhiyu immediately worried: "Really? You also think she is too serious?"

Zhao Dezhu skillfully chose on the screen: "Yeah, I didn't have much contact with her yesterday. I just feel that she is too sensible, which is a good thing, but the downside is that she may not enjoy Shen Jianing's silly happiness. It feels like she was strong enough to bear it early on." Responsibility, I feel sorry for this child..."

Zhao Dezhu didn't hear the response behind him, so he looked back, and was surprised to find that Long Zhiyu was a little bit tearful. He quickly put down the handle and pulled a tissue to pass it over, but turned his head away: "I'm sorry, I may have said too much."

Long Zhiyu pressed a tissue to her eyelids and whispered, "No, I just feel guilty. I failed in my own life, but let her bear the consequences..."

But Zhao Dezhu cut it off straight away: "No, it's wrong, I don't think so, everyone's life is their own, your daughter is your daughter's, and yours is yours. When you are young, you have to live a harder life, be strong and sensible, grow up It will be smoother and more successful. Nana is like this. The environment you and your father created for her will make her outstanding. This is how I feel when I go to the college fraternity. You have done enough, and she is good enough. Work hard, I just said that she can relax a little bit, such as playing games for ten minutes and half an hour, but you can see if she can control herself very well, Gao Yuxin trains for eight hours a day now! Can you imagine?"

Long Zhiyu had completely forgotten about the age gap, and of course Zhao Dezhu's keeping his back on her might also have helped: "Unexpectedly, she will definitely succeed."

Regardless of whether Zhao Dezhu was talking about Nana or Gao Yuxin: "But speaking of you, a daughter is a daughter, and you should have your own happiness. If you don't like me, you should also like someone else. In short, you don't live for her, you have to live for her." yourself."

Long Zhiyu said skilfully: "If you have a daughter, you won't look at it like this."

Zhao Dezhu also hehe: "The night I hummed to you, I even thought about having a daughter. It's hard for me to imagine what it would be like to hold a daughter in the palm of my hand. Is there really that kind of heart-to-heart feeling?"

Long Zhiyu was not irritable to the first half of the sentence, and still had a sense of superiority: "I don't know about the relationship between father and daughter. Anyway, I have a relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, I just held her in my arms and curled her up in my arms. The feeling of being relied on, I can face all difficulties for her."

Zhao Dezhu listened thoughtfully and nodded slowly.

That's why he couldn't talk about his relationship with the little girl, they weren't on the same channel at all.

Just start a game on the screen, and Zhao Dezhu hasn't played this kind of controller game for many years, so even if Long Zhiyu controls it randomly, he can still slash and kill him with swords and swords.

Then chat casually about things related to children and students.

Actually sit for a long time.

Tang Yuhua called and said that the designers had arrived and had a good talk, and when would he be able to participate.

Zhao Dezhu originally said that the rest was none of his business.

Tang Yuhua insisted on him to participate in the testimony.

Listening to the phone, Long Zhiyu was also a little vigilant about why he was so addicted to this kind of scene, so she hurried him away.

Zhao Dezhu decided not to give Tang Yuhuashao a penny from the online store in the future!

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