I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 13 Hello Auntie

The attitude of this second generation ancestor is also quite straightforward. Holding the porridge cup, he walked to the front of the podium and raised his head: "Auntie, who are you, you shouldn't be dressed like them at this age."

Zhao Dezhu didn't speak very politely at first, but now he's even a little frivolous.

Standing very close, the dignified beauty should be no less tall than him. With the increased height of the podium, Zhao Dezhu can't stand facing her bulging waistcoat.

It's pretty rude to be honest.

But he also pulled all the other party's anger over in an instant, and took a half step back: "Say it again! What do you call me?"

Zhao Dezhu didn't look at the beauties behind him all the time, and now they all leaned back in fear.

Even though his expression was still dignified, his eyes could burst into flames, and he gritted his teeth when he spoke.

Zhao Dezhu also tried his best to put on an innocent smile that an eighteen-year-old should have: "Otherwise, what should I call you, pretty girl?"

The standard Cantonese pronunciation is a bit more teasing.

Obviously, except for the cockscomb shape on the forehead, the other party's hair is combed meticulously, and now there is an aura of anger bursting out!

But the expression was still not distorted, and Lei Ting was furious: "I tell you! I am the head teacher of this class! Don't even think about studying in this class!"

The other girls all held their breath.

They are Wei Peisheng, employees who were first recruited by the golf course, and then sent here for part-time work and part-study.

It is estimated that he has gone through a period of intensive training before, at least he has a considerable fear of this head teacher.

It's a pity that it is useless to Zhao Dezhu. He has never been intimidated by authority like a teacher in his two lives, and now he has no pressure on this pheasant school.

I thought it was the foreman of the golf club, so I even got closer to observe him carefully.

But from the point of view of the girl and the class teacher, I felt that he seemed to be sniffing obscenely, and his face was a bit pale: "Zhao Dezhu!"

In fact, it’s okay not to call this name, it feels like I’m shouting slogans such as “I can’t stand it, get up” and so on.

The girls in the back suddenly laughed again.

The team aura that he spent so much time and energy to accumulate was really destroyed by Zhao Dezhu, a lazy guy.

He also smiled: "Teacher, why do you teach me? Obviously, you haven't been in the sun much, not even the traces of wearing a ball cap. If you don't mind, I want to touch the two fingers of your elbow. I doubt you have any athletic muscles, can you play golf?"

The head teacher's expression was stable, but his eyes were obviously flustered: "You! I'm the head teacher in charge of leading this class, not the golf coach!"

Zhao Dezhu spread his hands: "That's right, you don't know much about golf, why do you have to teach these students like puppets? Golf is not a flight attendant, and there are not many detailed standards when playing golf Maybe it will limit their development."

The teacher in charge was at a loss for words!

It is really golf. In China, especially in the southwest region, around 2003 it was still a very rare super-high-end sport.

The speculation of golf club membership cards in eastern Guangdong is just in the ascendant, and Jiangzhou is so far away.

There may be people who can play, but there are definitely not many who are proficient in this way.

Anyway, Zhao Dezhu couldn't see the slightest familiarity with this outdoor sport from this dignified head teacher.

At least a little tan should be a result that every golfer who has invested enough time in the game cannot avoid.

Unless it's just playing on the driving range or indoors.

In fact, according to the age of the previous life, Zhao Dezhu is about the same age as the other party, so he has an overwhelming psychological advantage.

Without taking advantage of the victory, he picked up the stainless steel rice bowl and said, "So if you want to lead this class well, I must be indispensable. After all, I am the class monitor appointed by Principal Long himself, and I should still be in charge... the president of the school's student union, I will definitely satisfy you. "

The head teacher may not be able to play golf because it is a flaw, and it is more likely that he did not expect that he would bring such a brown candy. He gasped twice, but failed to tell Zhao Dezhu to get out under the wide-eyed crowd of girls. Sentence: "You...he..."

Let this guy turn around and walk into the seat Shi Shiran.

Zhao Dezhu let himself sit in the last row in the classroom with flip-up chairs that could seat about 40 to 50 people.

He didn't even look at those beautiful girls.

I just vaguely felt that the girl who was still standing seemed to have a flushed face.

In fact, Shen Jianing's face was already flushed with tears.

She had never seen an instructor so furious, and she was frightened.

Thinking of how hard it was to find this job or study, if you really fucked up, how would you go back and explain to your parents?

For almost all college students, being canceled halfway through their studies and returning home is tantamount to the sky falling.

Not all children are indifferent to this school status and opportunities.

The head teacher obviously came from the flight attendant industry. Looking at this innocent child, he took the opportunity to beat him: "Sit down and remember this lesson! No one will give you a chance to make mistakes at work, especially when you are dealing with many high-demanding customers. Sometimes, even a little relaxation in attitude will bring unbearable consequences! Do you understand?"

Wei Peisheng, who are eighteen or nineteen years old, probably cannot understand the cruelty behind this sentence.

Zhao Dezhu didn't know.

Anyway, he was in his thirties and had failed so many times, so he understood immediately.

This is really the head teacher.

Perhaps in the eyes of this class teacher, she is desperately trying to instill the cruelty she understands into these students who are about to go to work.

Serving the boss... is not an easy job.

So he immediately responded with deep emotion: "Understood!"

Among the weak and ignorant female voices, his sincere and sincere male voice seemed to be making trouble.

The head teacher felt like he was having a heart attack, and he suppressed his discomfort: "Maybe you may feel that I am too strict with you compared to other majors, but believe me, if you waste less time at this stage, you will have more time in the future." Respected, you should learn more skills, and you will not say a word of begging for help in the future. There are a lot of people in this school who come to dawdle. If you are surrounded by such people, you will be the ones who will be destroyed in the end. Including every penny of tuition and effort your parents have paid for you."

Zhao Dezhu understood again.

Really, when he was eighteen or even twenty-eight years old in his previous life, he would have sneered at such words.

But now, looking at the rather glamorous homeroom teacher, but said such a heartfelt insight into life, I couldn't help but applaud vigorously!

It made all the girls in front turn their heads quietly, and the teacher in charge was even more twitching!

Almost smashed the folder on the podium: "When I'm speaking, if you make trouble again, get out!"

Zhao Dezhu immediately clasped his hands together and begged for mercy: "The teacher is right. When I first came to this school, I really thought that I might not learn much, and there were all kinds of wild things everywhere, but now I believe it. I will definitely learn a lot from following the class teacher. Reason, I was wrong just now, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the teacher is right, I have to respect the teacher."

The head teacher frowned, he must be judging whether this brat is playing tricks.

But let her go on to talk about the basic golf knowledge collected from books, a little guilty.

Look at the Kun watch on your wrist, choose to change the content: "Okay, the coach will arrive at the practice field at ten o'clock, and there is still an hour left, let's do warm-up exercises first, and review the physical etiquette training by the way, all stand up! Line up, let's go!"

As a result of the previous training, this group of beautiful girls immediately got up neatly and quickly lined up in front of the podium. Zhao Dezhu was still holding the stainless steel porridge cup, stuffed it under the desk, and went out together.

After more than ten years, will you still be good at the kind of sports you love?

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help getting excited.

Like the excitement of seeing a lover.

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