I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 150 My Senior Brother Is Too Steady

That's right, from the perspective of those who are older than them.

Zhao Dezhu is such an existence.

His leadership and shaping of golf classes, including his controllable calmness towards young girls.

All show that he is a responsible person.

At least they are those who are supported by capital or other forces in the foreground.

As for age, it is not a problem at all in the eyes of successful people.

They've seen a lot of successful young guys.

The most important thing is that Boss Xia's return to Zhejiang and Hangzhou to inspect the project must have shocked the real estate industry.

Tianhu Real Estate is the kind of real estate company that Jiangzhou is in charge of, and it is very stable and does not rely much on local officials.

In the municipality directly under the Central Government with a small size and the southwestern region where housing prices are not high, it can be ranked among the top ten in the country.

The industry understands what that means.

Most of the people sitting around here are people from the real estate industry.

It's not like a certain treasure net heard about Tianhu real estate, which is as interlaced as a mountain.

Boss Xia came to Zhejiang and Hangzhou for inspection, no less than Hongxing Tongluo Bay, wandering around the site of Dongxing in Wanchai.

Either be wary of whether she will go overboard and come here to take land to start a project, or think about what industry project she is interested in, and it is worth everyone to follow suit.

Even Lao Yu had to weigh it.

In the end, what Zhao Dezhu revealed was that Boss Xia just wanted to build a golf course?

It is obvious that everyone around is breathing a sigh of relief!

Is it because of the remoteness of Jiangzhou and Southwest China that they are still in the stage of opening their eyes to this kind of imported products?

Even Lao Yu leaned back in his chair in a daze, observing the expression on the young man's face, it should not be acting.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't think of these deep entanglements at all: "Didn't Mr. Xia inspect this club at noon that day, and he was full of praise. I guess he should learn to be so classy."

Mr. Yu didn't speak anymore. He is a big boss who only cares about the movements of his opponents at the same level, and nothing else is important.

But quite a few people around asked Zhao Dezhu for his contact information, saying that they were very interested in the golf professional training system.

Zhao Dezhu glanced at Lao Yu from the corner of his eye. He had heard of this famous real estate owner in his previous life, but he had only heard of it.

no idea.

Fortunately, he doesn't ask for too much now, and concentrates on operating the few lines in front of him, which is Amitabha.

As for this kind of thing that leaked the project direction of a large real estate company, he didn't know the severity.

In fact, there may be a huge transfer of benefits in the middle.

Flash past him.

On the way back to the hostel, the girls were exhausted, but still excited and happy.

Zhu Zi's status in the golf career is very honorable in front of so many big bosses today.

Everyone is happy.

And I heard that Boss Xia is also going to build a golf course, Zhuzi will definitely be entrusted with important tasks.

Then everyone will rise with the tide.

Happy, really happy, I parked the car outside the ancient town, and there were two girls holding Zhao Dezhu's arms sincerely.

I am very grateful and want to do something for him.

He wanted to express something, but felt that Zhuzi understood everything.

In the cold air of late autumn, the fragrance of the girls taking a bath in the clubhouse after playing golf also carried a bit of the glitz and hustle and bustle of the evening reception.

It contrasts beautifully with the silence and simplicity here.

Zhao Dezhu had to divert his attention: "Work hard, I really have to play hard. I hope that next time we come out, it's the kind that invites us to all kinds of games and includes high-end food and lodging for the whole process, don't you want to?"

Gao Yuxin dismantled the situation: "As long as I'm with you, I can live anywhere!"

Several other girls also hum.

Maybe Zhao Dezhu is really like a master, with more elders than classmates, and the feeling that the elder brother is like a father, which makes the girls feel too reliable.

It didn't even mix too much love between men and women.

Of course, it is also possible that Zhao Dezhu was totally defenseless.

This guy was so angry that he almost threw Gao Mei into the river ditch: "Fuck off! You don't make progress at all! You ignorant guy!"

The girls giggled, full of anticipation.

Obviously, when they went to the stadium the next day, they were already treated differently.

The last round of the three-in-one competition, the 18-hole doubles competition, is grouped comprehensively based on results and registration areas.

The key is to synthesize the word.

That is to say, as long as you enter the forefront, you should give priority to guaranteeing each other a place and a team or know the initiative to form a team, and then draw lots to form a team for the rest.

Gao Yuxin did her part to team up with Zhao Dezhu, but the other five girls were actually lined up by many players hoping to form a team.

The level is not bad, who wouldn't want to find a young and beautiful ball partner?

Because there are more than 200 male players and only more than 80 female players, girls are really more likely than men to stand out in various competition rankings.

Zhao Dezhu's approach has also been approved by several club competition directors.

At this moment, the 18-year-old Zhao Dezhu is already in the name of the director of the competition department, and communicates with other people on an equal footing.

He also quietly instructed the girls to choose top-ranked players to form a team, regardless of handsome guys.

But the team formation that many male players have been looking forward to is not over yet.

Zhao Dezhu's phone rang, and it was Chairman Sun of Nanyun Club: "Xiao Zhao, is the game going well?"

I just thought hehe.

I helped you get such a golden piece of land for investment, you gave me a job with a monthly salary of several thousand, and you only supported five thousand to play games, and now it is only a few days before I call to ask.

What the hell is rape or theft is talking about you.

Zhao Dezhu finally understood a little bit why those professional club players turned their backs and wanted to leave.

The feeling of not being respected and cared about is very uncomfortable for capable people.

Not staying here has the confidence to stay here, which makes this kind of person care about being respected.

Zhao Dezhu felt that he had learned it, and he wanted to win over his own people like this.

Of course, his richness that has been passed down from his previous life is indeed hard to make others unhappy.

Instead, you have to rely on your confidantes to stop you from spending money indiscriminately.

So at this moment, the response was a little light: "Huh? It's okay."

At this time, the pop-up mobile phone was worthy of Zhao Dezhu's level, even if it was not amazing in the eyes of real estate bosses and old golf general managers.


The voice over there was a little anxious: "I heard Mr. Xia is interested in building a golf course in Jiangzhou?"

Zhao Dezhu was lying in his heart, did the news spread so fast: "Ah? Is it possible? For a boss as big as her, these things must be carefully considered, and have nothing to do with me."

Sun Dong was obviously in a hurry: "Give me a confirmation letter!"

Zhao Dezhu was very cautious: "If you have no money, you can't afford stamps. If you have any letter, I can't give it. I hang up. The total entry fee is only 5,000 yuan. Long-distance calls are expensive."

Then it really hangs up!

Anyway, until now, except for the hourly wages before, the director of the competition department has never received a penny.

There is no time to wait on this stingy guy.

Later, when the phone calls continued, Zhao Dezhu, who was playing, simply turned off his phone.

He and Gao Yuxin both wear the same long-sleeved polo shirt and beige sports trousers, but the sneakers are not as high-end as Gao Yuxin.

The outside was covered with a temporary advertising shirt for this competition, but Zhao Dezhu still found a pair of scissors and cut the sleeves of the two into vests.

Ensure that the most important Shixin Ball Company advertising space is exposed on the sleeves.

As for the Nanyun Club on the chest, the 5,000 yuan fee was already worth it for the first two games.

Gao Yuxin looked sweetly at Zhao Dezhu's gestures with his clothes, which belonged to the kind of momentary state.

The smile on his face has not been restrained since the kick-off.

Because it is a combination of women's first and men's third, they both ranked first without any hesitation.

Then when Gao Yuxin drove the first long drive, the sky started to rain in the early morning!

This made the field, which had been sunny for two days, suddenly have a completely different situation.

Many people may not have thought of this detail change.

In fact, the rainy season in Jiangzhou is almost exactly the same as the rainy season in Jiangnan Water Town.

Zhao Dezhu and the others just received a baseball cap with rain shoulders from the organizer, which is a bit like the ball cap with two pieces of cloth on the back of the devils back then, to ensure that the neck will not get wet.

Including those five girls, they walked onto the arena without hindrance.

They have experienced at least ten days of similar weather in Jiangzhou recently!

But more than half of the other female contestants fell short!

It's not a matter of being afraid of being exposed to the rain or getting sick.

But in the drizzling rain, hitting, putting, rolling of the ball on the slippery turf, and most importantly, the mood and even the drops of water on the eyelashes will affect the performance.

Even the male contestants from the north are a little uncomfortable.

So all the spectators and fans watching the game in the rain saw that the young golfers who teed off first quickly left everyone behind!

The first hole was a par and a birdie.

Another birdie on the second hole, a burkey, was even par.

Because there are only thirty pairs of players playing in the third round, they all kick off uniformly.

But when others kept stumbling and delaying the goal because of the rain and slippery grass.

The two of them seemed to be driving a small motor, chug chug, you hit the ball alternately, the rhythm was terribly fast!

This invisibly puts a lot of psychological pressure on the players who kick off behind.

Because on the first hole, you can still see them hit the green before teeing off, but when you tee off on the second hole, you can only see them dangling on the green.

After the fifth hole, they are basically invisible, and they are far away from the opponent like a long-distance race.

Except for the photographers and a considerable number of spectators who have been following them, the other players can only see in despair the signs shown by the referee showing all kinds of birdies and pars for these two guys. Among them, Gao Yuxin even caught four holes in a row little bird!

According to the description of the fans who watched the game, it was impossible to see which of the two men was a woman and who was a man in the rain and fog. They were dressed exactly the same and even moved similarly.

Just like the combination of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu's two swords, the coordination is so skillful that it makes people speechless.

Only the referee and the ball boy standing next to them appreciated the tacit play style of the two who basically did not talk to each other and could get assistance from each other with every move.

This is mixed doubles.

Without any suspense, he won the championship of this three-in-one event!

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