I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 196 On the Formation of Sanhe Great God

But this is driving a small van and bringing three coolies to move the goods.

How could Boss Zhao move things by himself?

What's more, Pan Jiangyuan still has to go to the gym to pick a spot. If he doesn't bring more brothers, how can he hold the scene.

Zhou Xiaobo is actually from Panjiangyuan, so he often hangs around him quietly.

All I know is that this is a video game expert that Lao Zhao recruited from outside.

Didn't it be because he likes video games that he became familiar with computers and was called by Zhao Dezhu to be in charge of hardware, network and so on.

Anyway, Zhao Dezhu said he needed a few people to move things, so he went to the Internet cafe to kick the hall, and he immediately took a seat without saying a word.

Most of the other two boys are also keen on games.

It's just that there is indeed a desert of Internet cafes around Southwest College, so they have nothing to do.

At this moment, they were crowded in the car with excitement and chattered.

I want to ask them what kind of game god they have in mind.

This is beyond description!

Pan Jiangyuan sat helplessly in the co-pilot and watched Zhao Dezhu turn on the manual transmission.

Maybe he just threw thousands of mobile phones to beggars on the side of the road in his imagination. Such a car doesn't fit the image at all.

Fortunately, this car was newly bought for the sales team, and the handling is much better than those cars in the driving school.

Zhao Dezhu blocked the excitement of the three people behind: "If we are really going to kick the gym, shouldn't you let the master calm down and disturb him to rest?"

Zhou Xiaobo and the others immediately fell silent.

Pan Jiangyuan hurriedly explained again: "No, I... I'm not very good at talking."

Zhao Dezhu's attitude was: "I'm not very close, just drink a couple of glasses. In fact, you should go to the bar to sit with everyone at night. These idiots can't be urged with a whip. I hope you can motivate them."

Feeling that he was just a newcomer, Pan Jiangyuan didn't dare to speak anymore.

Zhao Dezhu thought that a high-achieving student must be top-notch in all aspects.

In fact, character problems abound.

But fortunately, boys, especially those who are more fond of computers, can get acquainted quickly when talking about hardware.

Zhou Xiaobo, who usually doesn't talk much, can discuss with Pan Jiangyuan.

Zhao Dezhu just listened but didn't talk, and he wasn't interested either.

Waiting for the most prosperous and concentrated computer city area in Jiangzhou, the kind of grand occasion where every big city has a variety of computer cities gathered on one or two streets.

The most luxurious and beautiful buildings are covered with the most famous brands, as well as the most arrogant and proud signboards of those large Internet cafes.

It all shows that this is the most high-tech electronics industry.

Although almost all of these practitioners are simply porters.

Most of the people in the computer city are builders and salesmen, and those who run outside are... Well, Jiangzhou's unique bang bang.

Zhao Dezhu looked a little amused, unknowingly, he was very sensitive to the difference of the times.

Perhaps the demolition was originally the reference point of the greatest change of the times.

The industry surrounded by so many people will change beyond recognition with the development of e-commerce, bandwidth, and technology.

These people will become the main force in the express delivery and food delivery industries in the future.

If I can drive change in vocational education...

The uneducated Zhao Dezhu has begun to realize that he seems to have indeed had an impact on the world.

When he finally came into contact with the field of philosophy spontaneously.

Pan Jiangyuan rarely took the initiative: "Let's... go to the Internet cafe first?"

Zhao Dezhu, huh?

Pan Jiangyuan hurriedly explained: "It's still early, some of them are playing games, and they are resting and practicing in Internet cafes. At this time, it is easier to compete with them privately and talk about something. If you buy a computer later... Well, ten I’m also worried about putting tens of thousands of goods in the car.”

That's true, Zhao Dezhu also took advantage of the trend: "See, you have to put forward good ideas and ideas, you have to take the initiative, and I think about it all day long, won't you be exhausting me?!"

Zhou Xiaobo and the three of them just laughed.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu also discovered that Pan Jiangyuan was already using the PDA function on the A760 to manage his work affairs.

This may be the ability to learn.

According to the direction Pan Jiangyuan pointed out, he quickly found this magnificent "Dingsheng Internet Cafe", which is said to be one of the best in Jiangzhou's hundred-store alliance.

In the past two years, similar game competitions have been held, and the final finals are usually held in this Internet cafe.

So in terms of strength, the number of players raised here is also the best.

These days, it can be said that most of the game masters across the country are in the stage of being taken care of by Internet cafes.

There has been no outside capital pouring into the esports industry.

And the game industry's own funds are still spinning around in online games like Legend.

Even Shiba's shocking World of Warcraft released the most important version together with CS this year.

A version that has had a profound impact on the e-sports industry.

A Baowang was also born in this year.

Zhao Dezhu happened to be reborn in this year, isn't it a bit of a destiny?

Looking at the huge floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall that is luxurious to two floors, the game promotion of Warcraft is posted.

Zhao Dezhu got out of the car and spoke earnestly to Pan Jiangyuan: "CS can't last long, only by practicing it in the future will there be a future..."

Although Warcraft will decline sooner or later, the LOL and Dota behind seem to be in the same line as this.

The transformation of e-sports players can definitely continue.

Pan Jiangyuan immediately lowered his head and recorded it on his mobile phone.

Those three guys would just look adoring like country bumpkins visiting a brothel for the first time: "Wow... what a big Internet cafe!"

In hindsight, the behavior of these three guys also contributed to the development of the incident.

A few young and middle-aged men squatting at the entrance of the Internet cafe and smoking, it seems that they are trying not to look down on them.

It's all guests.

But the image of Zhao Dezhu and the others is really too much.

Going to the countryside to sell a truck, even if it is a new one, getting off the truck is almost like a delivery guy.

Even if it is a Jetta king, it is completely a difference of class.

Zhao Dezhu himself doesn't usually pay attention to it, but in summer he would definitely wear slippers.

It's winter, huh, huh.

Jiangzhou has a cold and humid weather similar to that of Jiangnan in East China.

Zhao Dezhu, a southerner, was suddenly terribly cold when he entered December. Needless to say, long johns and cotton socks, the down stocks on the sales team were tightly wrapped.

Even when facing Long Zhiyu, he always behaved in an old-fashioned way.

In short, it is very different from his image on the golf course.

It feels like a country bumpkin.

Zhao Dezhu had never seen such a scene before, and the small Internet cafes on the street where he lived were incomparable.

When I go to a big city, I will not go to Internet cafes for entertainment.

So these hundreds of computers are lined up in the huge space on the upper and lower floors, and the momentum is amazing.

In the middle there is a wide staircase with a circular patio, which just sets off the huge circular service desk and front desk.

Very imposing.

Apart from a few well-dressed young waitresses who are quite eye-catching, there are various life-sized Warcraft character boards around them, huge game promotion posters, and advertisement posters and banners for the CS league competition of the Hundred Stores Alliance.

Following the instructions of the Competition for Hegemony, Zhao Dezhu saw an area next to it, full of LCD monitors!

Fuck, this is a local tyrant!

After being reborn in 2003, Zhao Dezhu has never seen a large-screen LCD monitor. At most one or two 15-inch monitors are used in such places as the front desk of Tianhu Real Estate and Pinghu Golf.

I didn't even see any applications when I went to Citigroup.

There are dozens of screens lined up here, and they should be 19 inches... At this time, it should be considered a big screen.

Looking at the past, it looks like a graceful and slender beauty.

The CRT monitor against those big brain cases next to it is dumb and silly.

Zhou Xiaobo is the most familiar with hardware prices, and Pan Jiangyuan has also checked a lot of quotations in the past two days.

Both of them clicked their tongues immediately: "Six or seven thousand monitors!"

Of course, the prices of these seats are not cheap, as the tide rises, the price of these seats is not cheap. Ordinary Internet access is two or three yuan an hour, and the video game area is five to ten yuan. These high-end computer gaming areas actually cost 25 yuan an hour!

If you can sit for ten hours a day, you can earn it back in a month.

But this kind of porter model that earns money and keeps investing in hardware upgrades to help hardware manufacturers make money.

In Zhao Dezhu's view, it was too low-level.

With such a scale, the investment is at least hundreds of millions, and any money earned will be used to invest in new equipment updates.

In the future, when the Internet cafe model is just a sentiment, and most people surf the Internet at home or even use mobile phones to surf the Internet, this industry will also be defeated by the Internet itself.

So it's really a gift.

Even if he is a profligate second-generation dismantler, Zhao Dezhu's views are highly different from the amount of money he has seen in his previous life.

But it's better to open the card at hand, and let the four guys with bright eyes try this "big screen" LCD monitor that they have never used.

19 inches!

Zhao Dezhu himself was not interested, he was just observing about half of the seats in the Internet cafe.

There are still not many people who experience it in the high-priced competition area.

Even a few gamers who were engrossed and watched by others chose to sit in front of the monitor with a big head.

The reason for this was quickly discovered by Pan Jiangyuan.

When he first boarded QQ and left a message for the famous master he wanted to challenge.

In Zhou Xiaobo's ardent hopes, opening the game is a warm-up preparation. He has been unable to achieve the purpose of manipulating and practicing on the laptop these days.

But just a few minutes after turning on the LAN battle in the Internet cafe, Zhou Xiaobo and the others hadn't had time to fully praise and marvel.

Pan Jiangyuan immediately got up and shook his head: "This monitor doesn't work..."

Because Zhao Dezhu was leaning on the round bar to see the beautiful women, separated by a distance of seven or eight meters.

Pan Jiangyuan's voice was not low.

Zhao Dezhu immediately saw someone in the crowd of onlookers behind the gamers turn extremely ugly!

Several people came over aggressively.

Zhao Dezhu can only say, you deserve to be a beggar!

I don't understand the world at all, can this kind of thing be said publicly?

It's better to take a big horn and shout on the street.

Other Internet cafes simply buried you alive.

It also saves on cremation costs.

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