I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 225 Can't afford it

Ferrari didn't make Zhao Dezhu very happy.

I also took Gao Yuxin to the night show to pretend to be aggressive once.

How else can he feel about the Buick GL8 worth more than 300,000 yuan?

It's just that he has a decent car for the investors, and... he can use it as an excuse for Sister Long.

At this moment, it has not yet developed to the point of explosion of private cars, and there are plenty of parking spaces downstairs in Laolong.

Zhao Dezhu has long been optimistic about it.

So Yang Qian drove the new car into the playground of Southwest College, and greeted the amazed moment when the students gathered around like a tsunami.

Zhao Dezhu didn't even cross the road.

Stop and go to the e-sports studio to check the situation here.

Feng Xiaoting, who got out of the car at the back, curled her lips: "Look, look! He's never been happy, and Sister Long doesn't know how to make him happier!"

Li Yuanyuan tried her best to keep up with the rhythm: "I see...he is still happy with Long Jie."

Feng Xiaoting hummed: "Let's go, let's get the car keys back. The car keys of all company assets must be managed and distributed in a unified way, and they cannot be anyone's private car."

Li Yuanyuan hesitated: "Is it a bit offending?"

Feng Xiaoting was fearless: "I just want to help him offend people, so he just needs to be a good person!"

Li Yuanyuan made up her mind: "Well, I won't have dinner today..."

Where does this follow.

Zhao Dezhu walked into the facade room with the rolling shutter door open.

Four concrete walls, just like a construction site manager's office, with five computers on the left and right sides, six guys sitting on blue plastic chairs, hunched over a temporary table made of wood boards, practicing StarCraft and Warcraft crazily.

The latter is obviously still in the research stage, and from time to time they will get together and curse.

Because Pan Jiangyuan downloaded some replays of foreign masters' Warcraft matches from the Internet.

It is different from the CS they are generally familiar with. In other words, CS rarely needs to learn from others in micro-management. Looking at their operations now, these prodigal sons of Internet cafes who are mostly proficient in CS are a bit eye-opening.

There was a guy who was still squatting on a chair and smoking, and the cigarette butts were hot to his hands before jumping up.

Seeing Zhao Dezhu standing by the rolling shutter door, he hurriedly greeted: "Zhao...Hi, Boss!"

The others hurriedly ordered formally, and even blew the soot off the table.

Zhao Dezhu didn't ask not to smoke, he used other methods: "The designer will come over this afternoon, Brother Yuan, you guys move all the computers to the office lobby, and then immediately start decorating it into a very beautiful one..."

These guys immediately shut down and disassembled the keyboard, and their movements were skillful. It seems that they have often played tricks in Internet cafes.

Zhao Dezhu flirted with his new hairstyle again: "Look at me like this, you all have to clean up yourselves, you want to be a star in the future, and you have to publicize your photos everywhere on TV and newspapers!"

The prodigal sons of Internet cafes are a little unbelievable.

Zhao Dezhu simply touched his trouser pocket: "Come on, five hundred yuan per person for clothing, and a haircut. Everyone is required to look clean. They have to wash their faces, brush their teeth and tidy up their hair every day."

In fact, the first two months before he came to the academy were not a mess.

At this moment, he is also qualified to ask others.

The prodigal sons of Internet cafes who were in a hurry took the money, and it was a little unbelievable.

Zhao Dezhu followed his hand to throw food into the fish pond.

Pointing to these computers to make a gesture, he turned and walked out.

Pan Jiangyuan hurried out and whispered, "I...I wonder if I can live in the student dormitory."

Zhao Dezhu: "Over there, the door will be locked and the power cut off at 11:00 p.m., but you can play games anytime here."

Pan Jiangyuan scratched his long hair: "I want to live in the dormitory again, this time I will definitely cherish this kind of life."

Zhao Dezhu heard the determination behind it, he understood.

When those guys in the boys' dormitory desperately want to play games 24 hours a day, only those who have experienced fiasco will know what a precious life they have.

Moreover, Pan Jiangyuan obviously wanted to try his best to get back on the right track that he had lost.

Zhao Dezhu patted him on the shoulder knowingly: "Okay, I'll ask someone to arrange it for you, but you have to mobilize them all, the six of you share a dormitory."

Pan Jiangyuan subconsciously stood at attention with his whole body!

Even if he was not a student in the army, that period of military school career still left an indelible mark on him.

This made Zhao Dezhu very proud, making a guy who was neither human nor ghost like this.

Going back to the office step by step, Li Yuanyuan ran away, and it was Shen Jianing who was on duty at the front desk.

But this girl doesn't know how to read and study, but sits there muttering and practice holding teacups with bamboo clips, the movements are similar to Tai Chi.

Even Zhao Dezhu walked in, but she didn't notice.

Zhao Dezhu simply tiptoed and groped upstairs, miraculously passed!

Concentrated to the extreme.

Maybe it's easier for a simple fool to immerse himself in this state.

There are still only a few scattered office supplies in the two large office areas outside, and there are no people.

In the finance department and the supervisor's office area, several financial tellers have to pay attention to the cash flow of the online store and the sales team at any time, and no one pays attention to Zhao Dezhu.

The main reason is that Long Jie's recent rectification movement made everyone very nervous.

Do your job well and don't lose your job.

Without seeing Zhou Mengxia, Zhao Dezhu thought that the person who transferred the money hadn't come back yet.

Strolling into the last office area, I saw Long Zhiyu sitting behind the desk with a serious face, and Zhou Mengxia squeezed into the corner of the chair in front of the class.

Zhao Dezhu was inexplicably flustered, really, he could raise the banner to charge against the richest and second richest.

Now the first reaction is, what did I do wrong?

He and Xi Lianying's long hair was found on his collar?

He also subconsciously looked back, not knowing whether to look for a way out or to find rescuers.

Then I felt in my heart, I was shocked with a hammer...

Smiling, he pulled away another chair: "Is there a problem with the transfer?"

Zhou Mengxia answered on her behalf: "No, the full amount will be credited to the account. In the name of consulting fees, we also transferred to Boss Luo's share in the name of consulting fees."

Zhao Dezhu still had nothing to do with getting rich and ecstatic: "Okay, I will pay for the meals in the school cafeteria tonight, and you can eat whatever you want!"

This pretense is okay, but in fact, it only costs a few thousand to ten thousand yuan, and there are only more than a thousand students in total.

As a result, the two bodhisattvas, big and small, didn't smile, and their expressions were still so serious.

Zhou Mengxia reminded again in a low voice: "The account is the consulting fee, not the equity transfer fee."

The tone is like a concubine giving the answer when the big woman wants to kill the master.

Zhao Dezhu was puzzled: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Long Zhiyu's tone was so cold that Radisson could pick it up, and he was very professional: "What you told me at the beginning was about stock trading, explain to me again, what exactly is this money?" here?"

Zhao Dezhu pretended to be domineering: "When did I say that I sold shares, and it was negotiated! Isn't it amazing?"

In fact, my heart is dark, hehehe, care about me!

The flight attendant had a plastic smile on his face: "Zhao Dezhu, tell me the truth, did you do something illegal?"

Maybe Zhao Dezhu deliberately blew himself up one after another to have contacts with the designer's sister, just to attract attention.

Subconscious childish behavior that only children would have.

Now I feel comfortable: "Isn't the writing very clear? Consulting fees, Penguin Software has been in business for several years, and Xiaoxia also said that the software used by so many people must be valuable, but how can it make money just by chatting software?" ? They just thought about it, but they couldn’t think of it. When I thought about it, I sold it to them!”

The financial officer's thick bangs and her single eyelids are wide open under her head, and it's written all over her face, is that okay?

The general manager is not so easy to fool: "Do you think I will believe it? Nearly ten million, I warn you, don't do those illegal things..."

I guess I was still shocked. I was skeptical when I saw the check before, and when I got it, I even transferred a million.

Coupled with the reminder of financial knowledge, this is not a share sale, and the two big and small women who don't understand it are a little panicked.

Zhou Mengxia also tried her best to sit upright to match the atmosphere.

Zhao Dezhu is just a cheap guy, he doesn't ask him for money and spends it hard, rushing to spend it, instead he is vigilant and strictly guards against restrictions and not to spend it indiscriminately.

He was very happy, very happy.

Because he knows that there is a kind of people who don't ask how to fight for the money, how to earn it back in the wind and rain, spend it if they have it, make trouble or collapse if they don't have it, and just throw their face out of their temper.

Live with this kind of person for twenty years.

The habit has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and suddenly I care about myself, not money.

How is he not flattered?

I still want to drag the show: "What illegal things can I do to make a lot of money?"

The younger sister couldn't tell, Long Zhiyu was well-informed: "God knows whether you went to Hong Kong or Macan in Feipeng these few days? Doesn't HK Airport have a direct passage to the Macan Casino? Zhao Dezhu, let me say it again, education No matter how short the company is on money, don't use such crooked methods to make up for it. Maybe this time it's luck, but nine out of ten bets, I hate those gamblers very much..."

The veteran gambler in the previous life hurriedly clarified: "No!"

After speaking, I was afraid that I would not believe it, so I raised my hand and swore: "If I dare to gamble in this life, I will be struck by lightning!"


There is a loud noise outside!


God, are you playing with me like this?

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