I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 230 Don't Think Too Much

Some things just can't be thought about.

Boss Xia's trick of beating and tidying up is too skillful.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu knew about the incident in Minzhou in his last life.

Word spread throughout the golf community.

It ended badly.

It is estimated that the high-level executives of Tianhu Real Estate were also frightened.

There are always some people who start to relax disapprovingly while doing it.

Especially this kind of large enterprise with annual sales of hundreds of billions.

Deprivation of high-level salaries and benefits, even elimination and strikes, beatings, and a lot of functions.

By the way, there are too many ways to stimulate the middle and lower classes to generate ideas for rising stars.

Anyway, Zhao Dezhu looked at the Mercedes-Benz S600 left on the side of the road, and he knew how high-ranked Mr. Liu was.

The knowledge here is very deep.

Zhao Dezhu was not interested in looking at this kind of top model twenty years ago, and just stood on the curb next to him, lost in thought.

Until the voice next to him: "Oh, I saw the big scene on your side as soon as I came here. Which company's big boss is it? The momentum is really great."

Zhao Dezhu turned his head and saw Teacher Wan from the Academy of Fine Arts coming out of the bar, and greeted him with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, I kept you waiting, the real estate company is expropriating land, and this large area behind will be turned into a golf course. It’s beautiful, Professor Wan is welcome to come and play often, he’s very stylish besides exercising, and it’s easy to increase his social status in various circles.”

People who are engaged in art have a strong style, so they nodded with a smile: "This Mercedes-Benz is worth one or two million?"

Zhao Dezhumen Qing: "The eighth-generation S, this car should be the top model, you can tell by looking at the wheels, but looking at the headlights, it's been two or three years... The big boss changes every year, so the seniority is down. Wheel, do you like it?"

As long as the other party dares to say that he likes it, he dares to give it away immediately!

The right to use it, what's the matter.

Zhao Dezhu has never been stingy when it comes to recruiting talents.

He doesn't care about Ferrari.

But just these three words also stunned Wan Qingyue.

Anyway, he is also the youngest associate professor in the Academy of Fine Arts in his thirties, and the academic leader of emerging majors.

At the turn of the century, finding a million successful artists a year was not a problem.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't resist the arrogance of this young man.

He smiled and shook his head: "I prefer off-road vehicles. I drive this in the school. I'm afraid it will be seen as a thorn in the side of the dean. Let's take a look at this e-sports studio you mentioned. I'm curious what kind of car you are?" train of thought."

Zhao Dezhu didn't like to fight, the two went to the messy e-sports studio, and two of Professor Wan's students were already taking measurements and drawing drawings.

For experts, the description is very simple: "The key is that it can be done within a week, preferably within a week. If you have a computer, a week later, there may be a big boss who is bigger than this show, and you will pay if you see it. It’s too embarrassing for the money of a few Mercedes-Benz, so we must make this beautiful at any cost.”

The artists all sighed: "We cannot find such a fierce investor in serious industries."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "That's why we want to make games into a serious industry, and you will become a turning point in history."

So he also imitated the richest man's father's style of pushing the topic to a very high level.

Very useful for Wan Qingyue.

He just took this set, and said seriously: "Now I kind of believe that you will make this happen. It looks like everything is ready in all aspects."

Zhao Dezhu is not afraid to reveal: "How do you charge and charge, and how to pretend this is up to you. We will finish it as a war for one week."

The two had a detailed discussion on the side of the road.

Wan Qingyue had far more thoughts than Zhao Dezhu.

Zhao Dezhu just needs to start.

In fact, he is a layman who knows what he doesn't know why.

Wan Qingyue immediately knew why the gaming room was made in color, why the bed and the computer were put together: "Style, a room has a different color style and positioning, and the color perception of different games is also different. I'll do this, but don't put the beds together in this showroom. The bedroom can be done like this in the next step. This is to promote investors. The next step is to attract e-sports fans across the country. The positioning is different, and the effect is also different. .”

Zhao Dezhu let go completely: "Would you like me to call those guys over for you to have a look and get some uniforms or something."

Wan Qingyue didn't care if this was her major, so she nodded and agreed.

Zhao Dezhu called Pan Jiangyuan, but the guy said they were training.

So the two discussed and walked to the office.

Wan Qingyue suggested that Zhao Dezhu find a gardening company to tidy up this commercial area. It won't cost much, but it can improve the effect.

Zhao Dezhu asked him to work hard and did it together.

In fact, this is also a test.

The six boys who just received the installation fee haven't had time to change, but they still look very engaged in playing games while sitting in front of the computer chair.

Wan Qingyue looked at their hand speed and their operations in the CS battle, and believed that they were professional players.

At the appointed time, Wan Qingyue also left cleanly. She really drove a Cherokee with a garish sticker.

Shen Jianing just reported that those from the Academy of Fine Arts arrived almost after Boss Xia and the others.

He must have been overwhelmed by the pomp and circumstance.

Zhao Dezhu looked at the time after eight o'clock, and quickly invited the front desk to get in the car with him to cross the road, and don't go outside in times of chaos.

Right now, blue flashes and red and blue flashes have already been seen swaying over.

And it is said that reporters from the media company have also arrived.

That ostentation was definitely publicized as a positive event.

By the way, he called and found out that Long Zhiyu was trying to arrange for the old man to live in the janitor's dormitory temporarily.

He hurried over to show his courtesy: "General manager, you see that when you drive this car back, the aura of our education company will completely overwhelm the principal."

Long Zhiyu still doesn't know his tricks: "Go, go, don't do this with me, you'd better go and praise the big boss, don't take advantage of others and give them away, it's not good."

Zhao Dezhu said about the real problem: "I am upset that the old dragon comes to school. If he doesn't come, it will be troublesome for you to go to work. If you don't drive, I will have to arrange a driver to pick you up. Which one do you think costs more?"

Long Zhiyu despises: "My three-year-old child can't go to and from get off work by himself, go and do the things you should do by yourself, I can just buy a scooter by myself, don't be too inflated, yes, still I didn’t explain the consulting fee.”

Zhao Dezhu didn't seize the opportunity, and reborn himself in vain: "Well, okay, I'll take you back, talk slowly on the way."

Long Zhiyu hesitated, got into the car and sat in the back, and waved goodbye to a group of boys and girls who were watching.

Boys look at cars, girls look at people, and they are all envious.

So after the car started, Long Zhiyu couldn't help complaining: "Can't it be simpler? You have so many thoughts all day long, I have to wonder if it's right at any time, I'm exhausted!"

Zhao Dezhu didn't answer directly: "Don't sit behind me, sit over there, um, there is a seat adjustment on the door, do you see it, touch it forward, there are two small buttons, press that...seat cushion adjustment."

There are four seats in the S class, and only the boss seat has this special setting.

Long Zhiyu couldn't help but sighed in a nasal voice: "Oh, it's really enjoyable."

Basically, the whole person is sitting paralyzed, with his waist supported.

The designers of Mercedes-Benz are really worried about the bosses who are busy with everything.

Zhao Dezhu explained backwards: "This car is about 1.5 million new, so we think it's a lot of 80 to 9 million. In fact, it's just a few cars. It's nothing to a big company. In the future, we will There will be such ostentation, and now it is very good to have this car to welcome investors."

Long Zhiyu actually enjoyed it a lot, and it took a few seconds before she said softly, "My dad has always wanted to set up an independent college, and he still owes the bank a lot of money for decades, but your span is too big, and your thinking is too fast and too far away. "

Zhao Dezhu didn't hold back: "His upper limit is to build such a scale. I don't plan on him. I just borrow his school so as not to waste time on procedures. Now time is money. My next step is to build a building. The big ones, which make people think, 'Damn, this school is very powerful', that's enough."

Long Zhiyu gently supported her forehead: "Slow down, slow down, I can't keep up..."

It was a little quiet in the car.

The main reason is that the tone is urgent with a little helplessness, with a little joy in the helplessness, and with a little complaint in the joy.

Little girls with no experience and charm can't learn it.

Zhao Dezhu held back all the noises, even controlling the steering wheel carefully.

But the shock absorption and sound insulation of the S-class are so good that it is so quiet and stable that even a silent fart in the car cannot be covered up.

It couldn't hide the laughter in Zhao Dezhu's heart.

Long Zhiyu was instantly ashamed and angry silently: "Can you think of something normal!"

Zhao Dezhu is innocent: "I didn't say anything."

Long Zhiyu raised his breath violently.

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, it's because I've been thinking too much. We're talking about business. Why is it urgent? Time and opportunity are in this little bit. Let me explain why Penguin gave me this money. After New Year's Day, 2 They called me suddenly this morning, um, you went upstairs from the front desk and saw me answering that call, what did they say?"

Long Zhiyu pursed her lips to look outside, but listened carefully with her ears pricked, and unconsciously put her fingers beside her to tap on the leather armrest, which was indeed very comfortable.

Zhao Dezhu is not afraid of divulging commercial secrets: "They are going to go public, that is to say, the shares I bought in HK before New Year's Day, these few days, they offer ten times the price and want to buy them back. I don't know they are going to go public, but I am very optimistic about the future of this company , I didn't expect it to be so soon, so I went over to talk to them immediately..."

"You have to know that even a demolition can clean up the old man's house, and the company with billions and tens of billions listed on the market doesn't bully small shareholders, so I have to talk to them..."

Even if the heavy body passes through the slightly messy road outside the logistics market, the multi-link chassis is still so stable that even the water will not swing out.

In the silent compartment, apart from the lights on the dashboard, only the door handles and seat adjustments have background lighting.

Even after twenty years, it may not be possible to popularize the luxury configuration on most family cars.

Make the atmosphere very peaceful.

So there is a joke that driving a Ferrari looks handsome from any angle.

If you add the content that Zhao Dezhu talked about with eloquence.

Both men and women will find it attractive.

Even Long Zhiyu laughed, put his elbows on the door handle, tilted his head slightly to support his cheek, and looked at the looming profile of the trendy hairstyle.

But what kind of girl do you think is the most suitable for him?

This kind of subconscious loving smile is commonly known as aunt's smile.

When an aunt often wants to give the best to this child...

The seniority is there.

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