There may really be providence in the dark.

If it weren't for the efficient and pragmatic style of the Big Three here, they would have finalized the e-sports game overnight.

In the morning, everyone reached a consensus on the e-commerce platform after careful consideration.

Even if there is no contract in black and white.

Locke and Henry have also returned with a full load.

Locke is responsible for solving the financial technology problems of online payment, and Henry promotes the establishment of the entire shopping platform architecture.

On the basis of being both shareholders, both parties have a working relationship with the video game special development team.

Let the third contractual relationship reach the point where both parties can trust each other without immediately signing for confirmation.

This shows that whether it is a big company that is accustomed to bullying customers without leaving any loopholes, or Zhao Dezhu, who is very defensive.

It has entered a state similar to the running-in between husband and wife.

Try to be completely honest and cooperative.

Among them, the second rich dad who didn't talk too much played a very important lubricating role.

Without this drastic operation.

When the richest man's father arrived after three o'clock in the afternoon, there were probably other changes in the situation.

The two were chatting on the long steps.

Because I have basically read it, there are only so many things here.

Zhao Dezhu shook his head completely, and reported to the CEO which games he was going to work on, using web games to test the water.

The second rich dad is still professional: "I don't care about these details. You communicate well with your team and learn to manage this kind of professional team. This is an important foundation for you to have a greater say in the future and a greater ability to operate projects. Follow me later. Let’s go to the city together to meet your new team, I’m going back to HK too, and I’m going to continue negotiating with investors about the listing tomorrow, so let’s take a breather now.”

The three high-level executives, who are busy with everything, left in three groups.

It's all for Zhao Dezhu, already very sincere.

Zhao Dezhu suggested: "Let's go, then I'll treat you to a hot pot first, although I'm not very familiar with the city."

Erfu nodded and the two went down: "In the past few years, you have stayed on campus to consolidate your abilities, give full play to your experience-sensitive expertise, and be less impacted by the outside business environment and various administrative affairs, so that you can stand on your own in the future , keep pace with everyone, or gradually fall behind, it all depends on your own efforts."

It's a bit like a brother telling a little brother.

Zhao Dezhu listened attentively: "My main energy is still to expand this vocational education. Since the game industry will have a scale of billions and tens of billions, it requires the participation of many people, even low-end people. And after the e-commerce platform grows bigger, the logistics support... You see, those of us who deliver express delivery on motorcycles, can we still help pack a package and deliver a takeaway? Is this industry big? I think it is very big."

Erfu nodded slowly: "Your acuity always surprises me in these places, your unrestrained imagination, this is indeed a huge future, this school may be a bit small."

Zhao Dezhu smiled and pointed to the signs of the construction site that had appeared on the opposite side: "Over there is the international golf course and the largest logistics center in Southwest China. My short-term goal is to build a huge teaching building here. This college has a scale of tens of thousands of people, so as to provide enough opportunities for these new majors in the future.”

Erfu hasn't spoken yet.

A string of four Buick commercial vehicles filed in, followed by Audi, Passat... and Coaster?

The second rich father looked at Zhao Dezhu, and this guy was also looking at him: "Who is it...Principal Li of Southwest Associated University, I didn't inform him of the progress here."

Of course, the two of them soon saw that the richest man's father got out of the second business car surrounded by crowds!

One daughter and two marriages!

Stepping on two boats makes people meet!

If Zhao Dezhu didn't have rich experience in flirting with women, he might still be a little flustered right now.

But in this life, he dared to talk to Sister Long about the designer.

How dare the three of you sit at a table and chat.

Zhao Dezhu's experience was not in vain, he turned his head and smiled calmly: "Do you recognize it?"

The second rich dad let go of his arm with a half-smile: "He has organized the National Internet Conference, so few people, who doesn't know who, he knows we're coming?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "At least I haven't told him that we need to block the news that we are going to be an e-commerce platform first."

The second rich dad actually said, "What do you think?"

Zhao Dezhu really thought about it seriously, and found that there was an interview car of the media group behind Coste!

Then I will keep doing it: "Sooner or later, it will be exposed. At worst, he will close these few stores of mine, but he will not be able to prevent anything from how we operate the e-commerce platform. While you are both here, let's face it." Admit it."

The second rich dad laughed: "Regardless of whether our e-commerce platform will succeed or not in the future, you are the only one who suffers directly right now?"

Yes, during the visit just now, Zhao Dezhu also made it clear that the current daily income of 30,000 to 50,000 is the entire e-commerce major supporting everything else.

This fully proves that Zhao Dezhu does not have the kind of careful thinking that only cares about his own interests.

He didn't care about it himself: "If you block it, block it, sooner or later, you can't afford to lose that person..."

As he said that, he strode down, because not only the richest man's father, but also Principal Li came to get out of the car, and even the media aunt came down later, and even dressed up to attend!

I have to admit that, in terms of bluffing, the richest man's father is very tricky.

That Taoist priest is really a trickster.

However, Zhao Dezhu had completely lost the thought of kneeling and licking, and without any fluctuation in his heart, he took out his mobile phone and called Sister Long.

The couple came out to pick up the guests!

The second rich dad probably hasn't lived in such a simple way for several years. His elegant personality pays attention to his serious appearance.

Habitually parting the front of the forehead, only to realize that there is no shape, and turned his head to signal.

In fact, the assistant, who is always in sight, hurried over to help the boss observe the hairstyle: "Also... okay, do you want to arrange a media release?"

The second rich dad pointed to the little man below who was looking around: "What do you think?"

The assistant immediately held his breath and called his colleagues to prepare for work.

Seeing the boss walking down slowly, he even considered whether to call and shake people!

After a few years in the previous life, the two of them were basically tacit understanding that the king did not see the king.

Because the two sides have broken out in almost every field of the Internet.

In many fields, blood flowed like rivers of blood.

Even if he hasn't reached this point in this life, he is a rising star in charge of the e-commerce platform and the uncrowned king in the field of instant messaging.

There are already signs of Mars hitting the earth.

Moreover, the bosses who can do this kind of business are extremely strict.

There is brotherly warmth towards Zhao Dezhu because he deserves it.

At this moment, the expression on Zhao Dezhu's face was gradually smiling as he went down the steps.

In the end, it was full of enthusiasm: "You are here! Welcome, and welcome to Principal Li, sister Chen has worked hard..."

However, she leaned into the ear of the media aunt who was already smiling: "My investor has changed. It's not Baowang, but Penguin. The CEO is right behind me...down."

In fact, there is a little difference in information between the two sides.

With Wogualian's special body shape, even if you overlook it from the steps on the mountainside, as long as you know someone, just like the people of the whole country in later generations, you can recognize who it is with just one glance.

But on the other hand, the second rich with an ordinary family background is indeed in the category of ordinary passers-by.

At least from a distance of one or two hundred meters, it is difficult to make a preconceived confirmation.

but useless.

Such an outstanding man like him, even if he came down behind Zhao Dezhu.

The slightly messy hairstyle, the iconic crystal gold-rimmed glasses, the black short coat that looks like a high-end brand that is not cheap, and the suit and tie exposed from the inside look like a formal dress.

In the urban-rural fringe environment of this vocational college.

Just like the brand-name electrical appliances that were picked up in the waste collection station, they are so distinctive and outstanding.

Not only did Principal Li notice, but immediately behind the richest man's father, someone came up to whisper to him.

The richest man's father, who was originally focusing on Zhao Dezhu's side, was surprised and focused.

Looking at the surrounding environment in disbelief, he confirmed that this is a vocational college in the outskirts of Jiangzhou, not a gathering of domestic Internet celebrities.

The media aunt who was about to hold the microphone and be full of enthusiasm immediately had her beautiful eyes shining!

Compared with Baowang, which has just risen, although the e-commerce platform is currently the focus of everyone's discussion, even though there was a billion-dollar investment just two or three months ago.

Compared with the penguins that are already in full swing in the country.

Before the Spring Festival in 2004, it was almost universally known.

Moreover, the two Internet celebrities have both come to Jiangzhou, a higher vocational college.

Doesn't it just show that this kind of exploration has been recognized by the society, and it has also been recognized by the industry.

Justified the leadership?

Those who engage in the media are best at interpreting from different angles.

Immediately signal the interview team to get ready!

~~Recommended "Martial Arts Live Room"

"Sanda, boxing, judo, Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, karate, no matter what you practice, kung fu, two words: one horizontal, one vertical; right, stand; wrong, lie down."

——Martial arts emperor, No. 1 brother of live broadcast, Kung Fu superstar: Wu Li.

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