I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 29 Paid Teaching Textbooks

Long Zhiyu had always communicated with him in standard Mandarin.

I can even imagine the plastic smell of the air broadcast she speaks in English.

Answering the phone is also clean and neat: "It's just right, I have something to ask you too."

Zhao Dezhu was polite: "Then you talk first."

This kind of proper middle-aged man style made Long Zhiyu stunned for a while.

Except for the fact that she took the initiative to call Zhao Dezhu after class yesterday to ask about Zhao Dezhu's class situation, this was the first time the two of them had a phone call outside of work, and there was no sense of teacher-student relationship at all.

Especially through the mobile phone, the appearance of age can be completely erased: "Today I came to the golf club to have a look. I have talked about it a few times before, but after I really got in touch with training, I found that there are many things I don't understand. I think the students also There will be this kind of confusion, you must have been to such a place, I hope you can still accompany them, and guide them from the perspective of peers, if you think you need to calculate the cost, I can personally subsidize you here."

Zhao Dezhu didn't know whether he was out of the mentality of teasing the old dragon, or if he was really a habit of talking: "I think you and I are the same age."

Liu Jiangtao and his idiots should really pay to learn Zhao Dezhu's chatting skills.

In one sentence, Long Zhiyu took a deep breath, and then frowned severely: "I told you several times! You have shown excellence in all aspects, is it just this frivolous problem that can't be corrected?"

Zhao Dezhu's response was: "Okay, okay, okay, there's no need to be strict with a guy like me, you should smile more, be more happy, don't be so tense, go on a trip, go clubbing, drink some wine, meet the opposite sex Relax, friends."

It is simply a textbook-level touch to a woman's heart.

Long Zhiyu even forgot the age gap between teachers and students, and asked strangely: "Why do you think I need to relax and have friends of the opposite sex? I'm married."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "What are you talking about, but if I were your husband, I would definitely try my best to visit how you lead the students."

He also paused for emphasis: "In any case."

Long Zhiyu had completely forgotten that there was an eighteen-year-old student over there, let alone the assumption: "Whatever the situation? What do you mean?"

Zhao Dezhu was in a stable group: "If he is lustful, he can't help but come to see your students. If he loves you very much, he will definitely come to see how beautiful you are in this position, but I didn't see it. He, let alone seeing any happiness and sweetness in you, most likely the relationship between you two is not very good."

Long Zhiyu still wouldn't be able to break through the line of defense with just a few words, she was also a well-tested former flight attendant.

But it made her take another deep breath.

Among middle-aged men, Zhao Dezhu can be regarded as an eloquent and eloquent little expert.

So instead, Long Zhiyu instinctively raised his vigilance: "Hehe, this is my private matter, so you don't need to care about it."

Zhao Dezhu said in a calm manner: "Well, I know, just to remind you that you can be more relaxed and happy, I don't mean to inquire, no problem, I have something to do on Monday, I may be late at the club, you tell me the address, and other things something?"

Long Zhiyu originally wanted to explain and persuade, because she always felt that she had to persuade a stubborn kid.

But what she is facing now is the full understanding of a middle-aged man, as long as the words are reasonable.

It's easy to say anything.

This kind of non-resistance is like the operation of fully lubricated mechanical equipment, which is very familiar and smooth, very comfortable.

The feeling that she could easily be catered to whatever she said or did, made Long Zhiyu laugh: "No, it's fine, what do you want to say."

Zhao Dezhu explained the ins and outs: "The girls in the class don't seem to have mobile phones, but you can contact the dormitory supervisor to ask. This kind of thing can be big or small. Due to their family background or economic conditions, sooner or later, the Pearson students of the Energy Commission will be with ordinary students. This is a matter that needs to be strictly guarded against in the school, if there is a fight and a fight results in a life, it will be a small loss."

For urbanites more than ten years later, as long as they can surf the Internet, they all know the harmfulness of school violence.

But in 2003, many people did not realize it.

This surprised Long Zhiyu. The first-person description just reminded her that Zhao Dezhu was a student.

But now there is no frivolity in the attitude of talking inside and outside the talk?

The biggest difference between maturity and childishness is that adults who have experience will be predictive of many things.

Even if you fall, you know how to avoid injury. Putting a cup on the table will prevent it from falling.

You can draw inferences about many things at a glance, and know what will happen if you know what to do. This is called maturity.

Maybe it's precisely through the phone that you don't have to look at that eighteen-year-old face.

Long Zhiyu seemed to really see a soul about his own age communicating with him.

Her attitude was completely different from that of Long Chuxiong: "Well, I didn't allow them to bring their mobile phones, and I also agree with your concern. What do you think is the best way to deal with it?"

Zhao Dezhu said cleanly: "I don't know, I have never dealt with this kind of thing, and I don't want to fight with them. I am here to study. Although this school can't learn anything in class, then I will learn extracurricular things."

Long Zhiyu seemed to be drawn back to the teacher's perspective on the students, and laughed: "Well, do you know how I feel?"

Zhao Dezhu, who was driving a sports car with one hand, was also very comfortable. He wanted to light a cigarette, but he remembered that he had quit smoking: "Well, tell me."

Long Zhiyu's tone had a lightness that was rarely seen in the past: "As the class monitor, you have led to change the atmosphere of this golf class, so as the chairman of the student union, can you also change this school ethos?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Then you have to pay for it personally."

Long Zhiyu pretended to be serious: "Appropriate subsidies are fine, but you can't just talk about money."

Actually, didn't she expect this kind of teasing tone?

Zhao Dezhu laughed: "Well, if you want me to do it, I will do it."

This sentence is impeccable, and the monitor has no problem saying that to the head teacher.

But Long Zhiyu felt very clearly that her heart beat violently.

Is the tone of voice a bit teasing, with other meanings?

Or are two souls in their thirties coming and going with ease?

Anyway, Long Zhiyu forcibly covered her mouth before swallowing the word "naughty".

That would be a real flirt.

This is the first time I took a teaching position, and this kind of thing happened to my students.

This was something Long Zhiyu couldn't imagine anyway.

After taking a deep breath for the third time, she managed to speak: "You do have the responsibility to change the school ethos, and I very much hope you will do it."

When she said this, she had already had a hard time controlling herself to be serious.

Zhao Dezhu actually enjoyed it quite a bit: "Well, although it is a bit suspected of helping your family work for free, I will try my best, but this is a long-term matter. In the short term, I am the one they want to clean up. You have to help me find a way to protect me .”

This once again aroused Long Zhiyu's maternal desire to protect: "I... first inform the security guards to strengthen their work, um, I will go to the police station and ask a staff member to go over and frighten the scene. This is still very effective and let them understand this. In fact, it has violated the edge of the law."

Zhao Dezhu said yes: "Then I won't be at school at all for these two days, see you on Monday."

Only eighteen or nineteen-year-old little cocks will do their best to show how brave and aggressive they are in front of the opposite sex.

Mature men mobilize social resources calmly, advance and retreat with ease as usual, and wipe out the strong in smoke while talking and laughing.

Long Zhiyu didn't even need to persuade her to be patient and evade, she just felt so comfortable before: "Okay... If you are not familiar with Jiangzhou, you can call me anytime."

Zhao Dezhu Well, he heard another incoming call alert from his mobile phone, and hung up the phone only to find that it was that woman looking for him again, so he hung up immediately.

The good mood just now, and even the vague thoughts were all thrown into the sky.

I have seen the expressway going down the road before, think about calling the golf equipment owner in Hong Kong: "Today Thursday, I know there is a company next to Tsim Sha Tsui, they claim to be able to go to major cities in the Mainland in one day, can you do it before tomorrow morning?" Just hand them the goods, I have a scene on Monday."

In 2003, when the national express delivery had not yet reached its peak, the famous Shunfeng Express had sprouted from the office buildings in Hong Kong, and was famous for connecting Hong Kong and Guangdong.

Boss Luo is even more sure that this young customer has deep connections and sources of information: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I will arrange for someone to deliver the custom-made cue to the freight office overnight tonight, and there will be no delay."

Zhao Dezhu politely said thank you like a big boss.

Then turn off the phone directly, because the call came again.

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