In fact, what Zhao Dezhu was most unaccustomed to at this time was the backwardness of the mobile phone.

On Friday he went around for a day, bought a digital camera and a laptop, but didn't even get a satnav.

And these things will be integrated into a small mobile phone more than ten years later.

Not to mention making him the most uncomfortable to carry a wallet with him.

So he had to buy a map of Jiangzhou City to figure out how to get to the golf club he was going to.

Originally, he planned to take all the club bags back to school on Sunday night, and take the bus with everyone early in the morning.

Who knew that Monday not only agreed on the purchase and sale of the farmyard, but also a car dealer finally made an appointment with a buyer who was interested in a purple cloth sports car.

What a rare thing.

Zhao Dezhu felt that he was about to become a master of time management.

Confirm the location on the map, and make sure to the class teacher that you will arrive at the golf course before noon as much as possible.

Long Zhiyu was very polite to him for his extra assistance, but adjusted his tone very businesslike.

Feng Xiaoting took all the washed and ironed clothes from home to school, and called to ask when they would get them to the boys' dormitory.

Zhao Dezhu took advantage of the opportunity and asked her to call Liu Jiangtao and the others to do cleaning in the small courtyard opposite the school gate.

It is only two or three hundred meters away from the street frontage outside, and there are only three or four houses scattered in the empty fields.

It is separated from the old man's yard by a single family.

The boys and girls who gathered quickly were very excited and surprised at Zhao Dezhu's efficiency.

Of course he wouldn't say that he bought the place, he just asked the boys to do the cleaning, and the girls...just wipe it down.

Both Liu Jiangtao and Ding Wei came from the countryside, and they turned on the corroded faucet with ease, and let the yellow soup run for a while before the tap water became clear.

According to Zhao Dezhu's arrangement, where empty wine bottles are piled up in the yard, where to put the big wine barrels, where to fill them, where to put wine labels, and where to recycle and wash them all need to be discussed and confirmed.

Feng Xiaoting seriously held up the Sony digital camera to take pictures and record. She learned broadcasting and hosting, and she knew a little bit about camera language.

Yang Qian seized the time to ask Zhao Dezhu about the use of laptops. She had simply played online in an Internet cafe, and there was no computer class for acting majors.

Huang Panpan and Zhou Mengxia squeezed to watch, curious about how to dial up the Internet.

Zhao Dezhu's mobile phone can be used as a dialer, but it is expensive and slow. For Zhao Dezhu, who is used to fiber-optic broadband, he is very impatient.

So he suggested that Zhou Mengxia keep the computer, because when he bought the computer, he asked someone to install some small software, and I heard that there is a simple software of Hecheng Xiaomi, which has some financial management of purchase, sale and inventory.

It is most suitable for laymen without financial ability.

He said it unintentionally, but someone remembered it.

Zhou Mengxia decided to learn some financial knowledge later, of course, she still needs to learn computer well.

And now that Zhao Dezhu didn't go back to school, everyone took it for granted.

Long Zhiyu didn't break her promise. On Thursday night when she received the call, she notified all the school security guards to go to work, went to each floor of the boys' dormitory to check the warnings, and took away many illegal sticks and knives.

Then on Friday morning, she personally accompanied the police officers from the nearby police station to the classroom to publicize the legal provisions, warning that fighting is a crime, and how the bullied party can collect evidence to ensure that the other party is punished by law.

The simplest point is that as long as there is a record of administrative detention at the police station, the qualifications of the training unit will basically be ruined.

When Liu Jiangtao mentioned that class teacher, he was full of admiration: "She said that even if she can get into the unit by virtue of her relationship, any competitor wants to report, this is a handle, a handle that will never be washed away in a lifetime, let those guys weigh it!"

Zhao Dezhu's tone was almost the same as that of the head teacher: "So I said what kind of fight is it? Making money is the last word. I have borrowed a lot of debt. Don't screw me up."

Everyone nodded vigorously.

The girls discussed the age of the head teacher, but they didn't pay much attention to it. They were all aunts.

They are still too young.

Zhao Dezhu saw the power of his aunt the next day.

Of course he told everyone that he lived in this courtyard.

Looking at the wilderness yard with no electricity and many mosquitoes, compared with the high-end luxury hotel last night, the girls suddenly became a little more emotional.

Feng Xiaoting drove away the boy who was carrying the practice pole, and said that he would stay and accompany him to endure hardships.

Huang Panpan also had the same meaning.

Zhao Dezhu smiled and pushed them back to school: "Send you across the road... Don't be moved by my small favor, a five-star hotel ordinary room with a few hundred yuan, a little food and drink, are you moved? Then you just It’s worth the price, two thousand yuan is too much for the man chasing you to fix you. Only when you face tens of thousands or even more without blinking, will others think highly of you. Gifts that want to make you smile are all It should be more than ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, right, if you don't think you are worth anything, who will cherish you?"

This unheard-of theory made the four beautiful girls of ordinary background feel as if they were opening up a new world.

Feng Xiaoting couldn't help but opened her arms and insisted on hugging with tears in her eyes.

Yang Qian also opened her arms: "Thank you, I really feel that I have gained a lot from knowing you these days, and I will cherish this relationship very much, no matter what happens in the future."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Mengxia also hugged her, but said nothing.

Only Huang Panpan hugged and doubted: "Are you also planning this? You think we are too easy and ordinary, and you have to meet the daughter of a rich and well-off family official to get along with him?"

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help giving the girl a light slap on the back of the head: "I want to do something! I want to be able to make a career on my own, not a small company with trivial details, but a formal industry that can be patted on the chest and continue..."

Speaking of this, I'm really depressed: "If I rely on rich and powerful women to make my fortune in my life, I will die!"

The girls were amazed by how ruthless he was, and whispered when they entered the school gate and looked back: "I must have been hurt by this kind of woman!"

Huang Panpan just loves to doubt: "How old is he, can he be hurt like this?"

It was Zhou Mengxia who had the simplest thought: "Just follow Brother Zhao, why think so much!"

Feng Xiaoting hugged her happily and said yes.

Yang Qian understood Huang Panpan a little bit: "The main reason is... We have seen pictures of our bodies, and there are too many people who want to deceive us, right?"

Huang Panpan nodded slowly: "Actually, I trust him a little bit now, and I really want to do something with him, the kind that is looked up to by others."

Zhou Mengxia suddenly remembered: "Brother Zhao said that he would bring those clubs to the golf class for him at night, so don't delay!"

They quickly quickened their pace and caught up with the boy who was climbing the stairs ahead.

Then I witnessed a rare and spectacular scene.

Liu Jiangtao and the others didn't even open the shipping bag for the cue, and the two of them carried it away without being heavy.

Arriving downstairs in the girls' dormitory, Zhou Xiaobo was able to open his mouth and ask the auntie in charge of the dormitory to inform the girls who were going to the golf class to come down and pick up things.

Qin Di still involuntarily stood behind Liu Jiangtao.

Then Li Yuanyuan, who was wearing slippers, came down with two roommates. When they saw Liu Jiangtao, they immediately asked, "Where is the monitor? Where did our monitor go?"

Liu Jiangtao also got better, and explained without stammering: "I don't want to fight and cause trouble. He is doing business outside, and he will meet you at the stadium tomorrow. Let us move it back and hand it over to you."

Feng Xiaoting went over with a smile: "He treats you really..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Yuanyuan, who squatted down and opened the dirty woven bag, covered her mouth in surprise.

At first he was holding the corner of the bag with his fingertips, but now he ignored the dust and jumped up violently, clasping his hands to his mouth like a trumpet.

Jumped into the dormitory building and yelled and shouted: "Here we come! Here we come! The cue custom-made for us by the squad leader is here! Jiajia! Yuxin! Hurry up, come down!"

The two girls also poked their heads to look at each other. First, they laughed and screamed with Li Yuanyuan, and one of them couldn't help but jump on the spot!

Like a little girl in kindergarten.

The whole building could hear a bunch of girls rushing down screaming.

Who else fell or something.

that movement...

Huang Panpan actually said: "I'm suddenly jealous of them!"

Yang Qian quickly persuaded: "It's okay, it's okay, they are just classmates, we are friends..."

Then the whole dormitory building, even the girls' dormitory next to it, was alarmed.

It was Sunday night, and many students who went home on the weekend just returned to school to watch the scene.

The class favorite in the golf class actually bought gifts for all the girls in the class...

What kind of fairy squad leader is this.

Liu Jiangtao and the others looked at it, and they all secretly made up their minds that a man should still be able to make money.

How much did it actually cost?

Even if the real price is only more than 10,000 Hong Kong dollars.

How successful are the twenty beauties.

Yang Qian also couldn't help commenting: "I can now more and more understand what Lao Zhao said. We must regard ourselves as more precious and make ourselves more valuable. Don't just succeed like this for a club."

Gao Yuxin rushed down with a large force, keeping his eyes on the beauties with complex expressions standing beside them.

Hearing the sound, he stood up and squinted his eyes: "Are you the seniors that Zhao Zhao knew?"

The girls in the golf class immediately got up and surrounded them one after another.

It's a bit like Hong Xing's thirteenth sister.

Keep your chest up, is there a big promotion for VV drinks?

Still ask for a recommendation ticket! Come on, sixty!

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