I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 342 The childhood sweetheart is okay

Zhao Dezhu didn't even invite Xi Lianying to have dinner together, Li Yuanyuan accompanied the child's mother upstairs to the office.

This area is the site of Tianhu Real Estate.

You can still see the vacant land that used to be the logistics market, which has now been fenced off and under construction.

Obviously it was the commercial center where Sister Xia trapped Nan Yun.

Zhao Dezhu called Tao Zheng, reported his coordinates, and asked him to tell the taxi driver to meet him.

Just eat the high-end mountain chicken soup restaurant that Boss Xia took them to last time.

Li Yuanyuan came back bouncing around without distractions: "Many people in her company smoke, which is not good for pregnant women. My mother told me to thank you. She is very satisfied and happy with her new home."

Panting, put on your seat belt.

Zhao Dezhu had to restrain his urge to help the mother and daughter buy another house.

Even if you don't know the allusions of Sheng Mien and Dou Michou, you can probably understand now that there is a limit to helping, and exceeding the limit will form a dependence, which will harm the people around you.

So his tone was similar to that of his father: "So, you still have to work hard, earn more money, and make your mother's life happier. Well, you still have to eat chicken soup later. You have to take good care of the guests, and don't waste money on them." Eat enough to hold on!"

Yuanyuan hurriedly said, "No way! I'm paying attention now, you praised me for improving a lot just now!"

Zhao Dezhu asked again: "That's for outsiders to hear, did you learn to drive? Xiaoting has learned it, and Yanling heard that she is also enrolled in the test."

Li Yuanyuan is a bit lazy and easy-going, and quickly put her palms on the side of her face: "Please, I am really talking like my father. This month's salary is all given to my mother to buy things and decorate the new home. She almost cried. She said it several times. When you go home to eat, you will never be surrounded by neighbors, knowing that you don't like it."

Zhao Dezhu skillfully turned the car into the parking lot of the Chicken Soup Restaurant: "Tell me that you don't have enough money to learn technology. As long as you don't spend money indiscriminately, I will support you."

Li Yuanyuan snickered happily.

Just don't say to sign up right away...

Still lazy.

But he was active in ordering, and he swallowed his saliva as soon as he turned the page while holding the menu.

Zhao Dezhu also reminded her: "Don't be so reluctant, you have to make enough scenes!"

Li Yuanyuan happily said yes, and swallowed loudly at the same time.

Zhao Dezhu felt that he needed to find a way to cure her problem.

Not long after, he was leaning against the counter when he saw a taxi bringing someone over, and hurried out to greet him.

Tao is in the front, wearing sunglasses and a soft-brimmed hat to hide the star smell.

Huang Bai and Wang Baoqiang, who got down from the back seat cautiously, had a strong local flavor.

Neither of them has made a fortune yet, especially Wang Baoqiang. He hasn't made a movie or a TV series for which he became famous. He only made an unknown movie as a martial artist for no reason.

It doesn't feel like a star at all.

To Zhao Dezhu, he rushed straight at him, and subconsciously put his palms back and forth!

He was so happy that Huang Bai quickly wiped his long hair: "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao is a man of temperament!"

He has not yet reached the state of a big player who can freely swing, so he is very careful.

Zhao Dezhu directly hugged Wang Baoqiang who was much shorter than him: "Are you married, do you have a girlfriend, what's her last name?"

When he heard gossip about the celebrity wearing a cuckold back then, he was actually a little bit reminded of the signs around him.

It was so useless.

So I didn't delve into the gossip details that are well known in the world, I only know that the woman's surname is Ma.

Wang Baoqiang was startled, his face full of confusion: "What, what are you talking about, there is nothing!"

That's good, that's good, Zhao Dezhu put his arms around Wang Baoqiang's shoulders: "This matter is on my brother, Brother Bai, you have to stay to shoot commercials, Brother Qiang will also come to shoot a few, must follow the market conditions The price is not bad, and there are many beauties in my office here, you can contact more to see if there is any suitable one."

Huang Bai exaggerated and screamed: "Charles! Why didn't you consider this matter for me?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Because you are not a woman who can be deceived!"

That's a good word, Huang Bai laughed.

Wang Baoqiang was puzzled by the second monk: "Cheat? Whom?"

Zhao Dezhu walked into the store with his arms around him, and imparted his experience in this life: "You must find a girl with good character. As the saying goes, you start a family first when you meet a good man, and start a career when you meet a noble man. You have already met such a noble man as Hua Zai this year. , you must meet your lover in the future, don't just pick any woman who treats you well, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people..."

He was really talking lightly, people didn't even know who he was, so that's all he said.

Fortunately, Tao Zheng walked beside him to help: "Baoqiang, this is what I want to remind you, fame and fortune are in front of you, and whether you can hold on to them will determine how far you go and how high you go, and there are so many beauties in the film and television industry. , Mr. Zhao just reminded you as soon as we met because he regarded you as a good friend, because your nature is very simple, and the feeling you want to perform in the movie should not be deceived in life."

Wang Baoqiang is really simple from the outside to the inside, from his eyes to his expression, he just needs to play himself well.

Li Yuanyuan happened to be standing by the private room and said respectfully: "Welcome Mr. Tao, Mr. Huang, and this one to Jiangzhou, please..."

Huang Bai is already quite familiar with her: "I haven't seen you for a few days, Assistant Li looks very good, there is a happy event."

Li Yuanyuan smiled brightly: "Yeah, did you have a good time going to the Kingdom of Zhuang?"

Zhao Dezhu is really satisfied, Li Yuanyuan has indeed improved a lot now.

He sat down and chatted with Tao Zheng about serious matters, and he could also take good care of him.

The main issue that Tao Zheng raised was the schedule. Wang Baoqiang is now returning to Pingjing, and he will leave the group in half a month. The entire schedule of Hua Tsai's movie is from June to August.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for "Lost in Thailand" to be filmed this summer, and it will not start until September at the earliest. After filming and editing, it will definitely miss the Spring Festival next year, and the smoothest probability will not be until next year. It will only be available in theaters in April and May.

Can investors wait?

Of course Zhao Dezhu could wait, he was just afraid of having long nights and dreams, and hurriedly made this golden triangle popular on the road, so that he could gain popularity.

This year he needs the heat too much.

Next year, it's okay, anyway, it seems that "Crazy Stone" must be a National Day file to see if it will work.

The Penguin IPO was listed in July, and the Tmall e-commerce platform was launched at the end of the year. They all need hot spots.

So nod for sure.

Tao Zheng heaved a sigh of relief, probably the investors he had contacted before were too foolish.

Then he took out the script from the casual suit: "I followed the structure you said, perfected it and plumped it up, and you can see if it suits you."

Zhao Dezhu turned it over, and there were some dialogues listed in it.

Huang Bai also explained: "We just tried to walk through the route of the script, so we also discussed the dialogue along the way... This feeling is very strange, and I will never forget this way of saving scripts in this life!"

Tao Zheng nodded: "Well, we were walking on the road, sitting in the hotel, lying on the beach, in the jungle, in the wilderness. I can imagine the beauty of that scene in many scenes, but the more important thing is that the three of us seem to have cooperated for a long time. You are very familiar with this role, you are very precise in controlling this role, basically it is the true performance of the three of us."

Huang Bai hastily said, "I'm not that vicious, but I can portray this character, and I'm sure I can portray it well."

He is still in the stage of insecurity that he may be pushed over by others at any time.

Zhao Dezhu quickly comforted him: "No problem, no problem, our company has been registered these days, it's that girl, I dare not even mention filming to her, I'll tell you why, her parents both It belongs to the troupe, her father is a prop, and her mother is Huadan, but her mother left with others when she was very young... um, you understand, so her father almost instilled the concept of being ruthless as an actor..."

The two listened clearly, and there was a tacit understanding between old friends.

Tao Zheng suddenly pouted and gestured with his chin. Zhao Dezhu and Huang Bai turned their heads and saw Li Yuanyuan telling Wang Baoqiang which kind of wild mushrooms were delicious and what their characteristics were, and which one was more suitable for taste, green pepper or red pepper.

Wang Baoqiang had a simple face, like a long-eyed bull terrier, sitting there obediently wagging his tail.

Li Yuanyuan said that it was ready to eat when it was hot, so he immediately took it out and ate it regardless of the scalding. He even expressed surprise that it was delicious, but he was so hot that he couldn't enjoy it.

Li Yuanyuan was annoyed and amused and served her with a tissue and a drink, and she didn't dare to criticize and laugh at the customer.

The elegantly decorated private rooms use carved wooden grille windows, and the bright light from outside spills in.

It's a little childhood sweetheart, which is very beautiful.

Zhao Dezhu suddenly had a complicated feeling that his daughter was going to get married.

If it really happens, be sure to give a big red envelope!

It's just that the table was so quiet, Li Yuanyuan and Wang Baoqiang both noticed the half-smiling eyes of the three men at the same time.

Wang Baoqiang was very reserved immediately, but Li Yuanyuan opened her eyes cutely: "Continue to chat, I don't think Mr. Wang can chat, so I will help you take care of him to eat."

Tao Zheng couldn't help laughing with a subtle expression on his face: "Although I'm married, I still want to stay and shoot some commercials, is that okay?"

Zhao Dezhu's elongated voice hahaha: "Okay! Anything is fine..."

Before the words were finished, Li Yuanyuan knocked on the private room door twice. Li Yuanyuan thought it was a waiter, and immediately jumped up to open the door.

As a result, Boss Xia stood outside with a smile: "Boss Zhao's business is booming recently, are you in such a good mood?"

Zhao Dezhu's expression of surprise didn't seem to be feigned at all, and he quickly got up and introduced: "Sister Xia, my life mentor and guide, these three are movie superstars who will soon become popular all over the country, Tao Zheng, Huang Bai, and Wang Baoqiang."

If Tao Zheng and Huang Bai hadn't gotten to know him very well, they might have felt that he was teasing people on purpose.

Now he smiled and nodded: "Mr. Zhao is polite..."

"Charles has been so encouraging us..."

Only Wang Baoqiang jumped up and waved his hands vigorously: "No, no, Boss Zhao, don't be joking!"

Xia Fenglin was surprised: "Ah? When did you go to work on film and television dramas again? What do you think? Do you want to promote a new atmosphere in the film and television industry?"

Li Yuanyuan has indeed made progress, and now she knows to quickly set up the dishes and prepare the teacups.

Regardless of whether Boss Xia eats or not, she will definitely not focus on herself.

Where did Zhao Dezhu think so much? He was also surprised: "Can someone promote a new atmosphere in the film and television industry?"

Sister Xia smiled and sat down to criticize: "Concentrate on your work! Jumping around like a monkey, not knowing anything, it's hard to make money in film and television dramas."

Tao Zheng and Huang Bai were obviously a little panicked, the investors wouldn't just withdraw like this, would they?

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