I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 374 Slow down, slow down

The future is indeed convenient.

When Zhao Dezhu placed the order to choose the apartment type, he focused on being close to the college.

After completion, the stadium has a huge area, but there is a side entrance along the original country road.

It can be directly connected to Southwest College, which is considered to be a convenient working channel for golf majors and related maintenance personnel when designing.

With a commute distance of two to three hundred meters, it is still an international golf course with such a beautiful environment.

It was impossible for Long Zhiyu not to like it.

According to Zhou Mengxia's report to Zhao Dezhu, Long Jie's favorite thing to do outside of work is to stand by the window and watch the progress of the project.

I also secretly set up a telescope, probably a habit developed at the airport.

Although the payment party is different, this small building at the end is still hung under the name of Dexi Education Company together with other small partners.

According to the simple common sense of finance and taxation taught by Locke to Zhou Mengxia, it is good for the company to make money and consume more points appropriately.

The surplus of tens of millions on the book is taxable, and the more you earn, the more you pay.

Although it is a matter of course for a citizen to pay taxes, if you earn tens of millions and use them to buy a building to balance your accounts, you don't have to pay tens of millions of taxes. Anyone can do this simple and reasonable calculation.

Therefore, those big companies often slap a lot of annual profits, and even lose money.

Those big bosses and rich second generations buy luxury cars and spend a lot of money at every turn.

This is not for nothing, not only to increase their fixed assets, but also to pretend to be extravagant in exchange for greater financial trust.

By the way, the minority shareholders who are waiting for the dividend will be disappointed.

The calculations clanged.

In the previous life, Zhao Dezhu's dismantling of the second generation was purely fake and rich, and every penny was squandered.

It's a pity that when he barely understood this truth, he had already lost his money.

Now even Zhou Mengxia knows the benefits of Boss Xia buying a new car every year, and carefully reminds Zhao Dezhu that he can still buy a better car this year, so that he can pay for it.

Back then, buying a car for tens of thousands of dollars was as painful as killing a small financial officer.

Now she is also changing accordingly, although she still likes to act when she said this, her single eyelid blinks very cutely.

At any rate, he also followed Long Zhiyu but participated in the signing ceremony of the new building.

After witnessing the big scene of tens of millions of funds transfer, the vision is still different.

Zhao Dezhu asked her to arrange to buy two buses. Now the entire Southwest College has several Jinbei buses and Iveco buses.

But as the number of people increases, whether it is the engineers in the new building, the freshmen who will definitely break through the peak of enrollment, or the e-sports players who will tour around the country.

Demand soared.

It's not so much to spend one or two million to buy a car that you can enjoy.

It is better to spend on the overall image.

Zhao Dezhu didn't even know when he had this awareness.

Perhaps since he drove that Z4 to Jiangzhou, but put it on the shelf, he has inexplicably got rid of the pursuit of luxury cars and mansions.

But when he told Long Zhiyu about this, the general manager raised his head and thought: "Then you take Xiao Zhou to HK to see the big scene, I won't go, whether it's the construction of a new school building or a townhouse I have to keep an eye on the decoration."

Zhao Dezhu swore: "I have absolutely nothing to do. The company is listed, I am a shareholder, and you are also the boss of an affiliated company. You should be there at a time like this."

Long Zhiyu was steady: "Slow down, Zhao Dezhu, I've repeatedly reminded you to slow down, whether it's between the two of us or the cultivation of all the little friends, please slow down, okay?"

Seeing her like this, Zhao Dezhu really lost his temper: "Then I'll take Nana with me, and invite more people to go with me."

Long Zhiyu didn't care: "Her grades haven't been affected this semester, and the school teachers reported that her relationship and popularity among classmates are better, but even if the daily consumption is a bit beyond the level of ordinary students, don't get too used to her. "

Zhao Dezhu's attitude is completely different: "Our family will have money once it goes public. If you don't go, I will go to the lawyer's office and go through the formalities with her. She can just sign it."

Long Zhiyu had to look at him: "Then you still say you're not famous?"

Zhao Dezhu was helpless: "I can't do anything about legal procedures. Before listing, these properties were relatively simple. Once listed, the shares will be restricted by all parties. I asked you to spend a day with me to go through the marriage procedures. You If I don’t go, I have to go through the formalities of becoming a joint property with her first, but we have to go to Hong Kong to go through the formalities before November.”

Long Zhiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You've become a forced marriage!"

Zhao Dezhu sat opposite and propped his head: "It's just a procedure, and it doesn't affect us. Don't look at the fact that the game can make some money now, and it can become a billionaire when it goes public, but as long as I decide to invest in the e-commerce platform, things will start. Inside, this little money is wasted every minute. This is a matter of hundreds of millions, billions or even tens of billions of struggles. If I lose, the property saved from the divorce can guarantee that schools, education companies and even game companies will not lose money. Affected."

Long Zhiyu mainly needs to distinguish whether this guy is playing tricks: "Last time you said that the reason for getting married was that if the video game market screwed up, you should take responsibility, and you can only shout once if you are a wolf?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Just take it as I'm trying to trick you into getting married."

Long Zhiyu curled her lips: "Can't you develop the game company step by step? You can gain a foothold in Penguin just because of this. Do you have to engage in e-commerce logistics?"

Zhao Dezhu was leaning on the table, like a boneless one, but he was always smiling: "At first, I wanted to rely on a certain treasure website, but they don't want it. We can only rely on ourselves, otherwise our students won't be able to get in."

Long Zhiyu immediately felt guilty: "Or... I dragged you into the thief's boat?"

Zhao Dezhu's cheap look is a bit like a thief: "I used to be responsible for the golf class, and there were 20 girls. Behind the Golf International Club was a professional team of at least 200 people. Everyone in the school is in charge. There are about a thousand people. As you can see, not everyone is suitable for e-commerce and logistics. Next, we need to recruit students. Two thousand, three thousand or even more people, is it enough to just focus on the game industry? "

In Long Zhiyu's eyes, he must no longer be a big boy, but a man who is responsible for his shoulders. Finally, he said softly, "Is the pressure on you too great?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head with a smile: "With your support, it's not pressure. I'm quite happy. Maybe my life should be education?"

At this time, instead of mentioning it, he just wanted to be with Sister Long.

So Long Zhiyu's expression was even more beautiful: "Well, when I was in the fleet, I didn't expect that all my work experience was to prepare for education, so what should we do next?"

It doesn't look like someone who is more than ten years older, and he is serious about flipping through paper and pen to record.

Zhao Dezhu also often thinks about how long his dividends can last: "Our main business is education, cultivating people one after another, and there are many leading industries, not those high-level vocational schools on the market. Professional, what we do must be unique, promising and earning majors. The game major is actually quite demanding. It doesn’t mean that anyone recruited can draw game characters, and those who can do game programming are even more e-sports masters. Needless to say, that one cannot pass the college entrance examination at all, so now we have to see how many students can register for the new semester, and how many students will apply for our school."

Long Zhiyu has been busy with this these days, just like the science and technology committee secretly gave some discounts for hello, me, everyone, and the education department actually did something, and the old dragon also went for a run Next, for the new school year, 2,000 freshman quotas are reported, 500 each for logistics and e-commerce, 100 for golf, 800 for video games, and 100 for each major in acting.

This is not a big deal for a large comprehensive college with tens of thousands of people.

But for a pheasant university like Southwest College, if Zhao Dezhu and the others hadn’t helped recruit students last year, it would have been great if they could have tricked in hundreds of Wei Pei students. Who would have recruited themselves?

So I don’t know exactly how many students can come, but it is said that last year’s Weipei students did not ask how the students were doing.

It is estimated that there will be no Wei Peisheng in the next school year.

Zhao Dezhu touched the beard on his chin: "Actually, you see, we don't have any majors this year. They are all messed up and sent to the battlefield for real swords and guns. After finishing the work, we will send whatever suits us. September will do the same thing, here we come Let them learn everything together, and then divide into majors after two or three months, after all, golf and hotel management can’t be distinguished just by looking at their appearance.”

Long Zhiyu smiled and said yes: "That's why I can't accompany you to HK. I have to do so many specific things. Only by doing well can I be worthy of the students who apply for our school."

God knows how much she likes this kind of feeling of doing things, the things she likes, the things she is good at, and the people she cooperates with... barely get along.

Zhao Dezhu was safe for less than three seconds, and immediately put on a shy face: "Then the matter of marriage..."

It's obviously a good match, the piano is harmonious, and he must be able to make a deal.

Long Zhiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you annoyed? I said that it will depend on your performance when the designer gives birth to the child."

You are right, but it sounds a little weird.

Quickly add another sentence: "Then you and Nana go through the formalities first..."

What's more wrong: "I said it was a property notarization procedure."

It gets darker and darker.

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