I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 384 I want to be the most profitable goose

What is the concept of an opening price of 62 yuan?

Last year, the largest life insurance company in China listed on HK was more than four yuan.

Of course, he was very ambitious and issued billions of shares, and he was satisfied with more than 20 billion shares at the close of the day.

And the penguin in the previous life only got one billion shares, not even a fraction of others.

Now, the opening alone means a scene close to 20 billion yuan.

This is a market comparable to the largest life insurance company in China.

Among them, there are game companies that have solved the selling point of Penguin's monetization channel, but the price has soared to the current level, more or less thanks to the blessing of Lao Li's prestige.

Just kidding, this quarter of the shares is worth 20 billion.

Penguin is now worth nearly 70 billion yuan!

Just relying on a cash-making game to make money?

So now the higher the opening price, the more room to fall.

After all, if the market opens for three or five yuan, it will not fall there.

After the sound of the gong, the stock code of Penguin Technology jumped out, and all stock brokers began to buy and sell for their clients under the various phone calls one after another.

Everyone watched with bated breath as the stock price quickly climbed to 67 yuan, and then turned around and fell...

For example, a small shareholder like Zhao Dezhu, who owns 2.4 million shares, fluctuates by tens of millions every minute.

Not to mention the second wealth, Zhao Dezhu didn't ask, and he didn't seriously look through his shareholding statement, but it was about 20%, um, a hundred times that of Zhao Dezhu.

The degree of excitement at the scene can be imagined.

Henry and Locke couldn't help gnashing their teeth.

This is a huge fluctuation between tens of billionaires and multi-millionaires.

Only Zhao Dezhu didn't care, he and Nana stood there watching for ten minutes out of politeness, then returned to the box with a smile.

Instead, they drove the second rich and the others back to the box with a smile. Still under the huge change in wealth, they lost their composure and made people look down on the bumpkins from the mainland.

But when Zhao Dezhu came back to the box, he also smiled and asked himself how he felt. Yang Qian couldn't help but probed: "You...are you a billionaire now?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "But I will never sell it in my life, it's just a good-looking number."

The second rich and the others heard it, and Locke turned around and translated for the foreign investor.

It is impossible to say that they were not surprised.

As an original shareholder, there must be restrictions on cashing out. Generally, it cannot be sold within five years, and there are also quantitative restrictions on the reduction of holdings after the time limit.

But how many should be selling points to change financial freedom.

And dare to say that he will never sell it for the rest of his life. As such a young shareholder, he must be very optimistic about the future of Penguin.

Er Fu took the lead in applauding: "Well, I also believe that Charles will win more victories in the next battle, and all our comrades will definitely live up to expectations and give you the greatest support!"

If it were an ordinary high-level executive, he might be so excited that his confidant died, but Zhao Dezhu exaggeratedly made a hen flapping his wings and danced in the box: "Okay! I must be the most profitable penguin..."

Everyone laughed, and the investment bank, operations and other teams rushed in with champagne, at least at this time it was successfully listed.

Next, let's look at the closing of the first day as a summary.

It's worth celebrating now.

Zhao Dezhu cheerfully signaled to several major shareholders, mainly accompanied by Feng Xiaoting and Li Yuanyuan, and took Nana to greet the Penguin executives to say thank you.

In the end, he greeted his own people: "Although I haven't realized it, but to celebrate my becoming a nominal billionaire, now I treat guests to go shopping, and buy clothes and shoes as I like, okay?"

The girl couldn't help screaming, and even Yu Huanhuan flipped her long curly hair back and forth in excitement.

And the girl from the competition group who came with Gao Yuxin was even more cheerful, holding Gao Yuxin's arm and laughing that she already had the determination and responsibility to help Yuxin win favor!

Well, the so-called faction is really extended like this.

Everyone has their own interests, and they also have their own focus on gaining interests. Once everyone puts their own interests first, this faction will be inevitable.

Tang Tianfeng is still capable, and said with a smile that he would connect more with this side and communicate more with people who are familiar with the head office for future work.

Zhou Mengxia also said that she and Locke went to see more financial scenes, but smiled and pulled her sister's head hard: "But Lao Zhao, you have to help me choose two sets of clothes. I trust your vision."

Zhao Dezhu snapped his fingers, preventing others from taking them to the street if they wanted to stay, and called Lao Luo and Jiang Taotao when they came out.

As soon as the golf boss answered, he laughed: "Yesterday, I found out that Zhao Sheng's phone couldn't be reached, so I knew you must have avoided suspicion because of related transactions. Yu Xin's game is the day after tomorrow. Is she preparing well?"

Zhao Dezhu didn't take the initiative to ask Boss Luo how much he bought: "Well, I'm going to be her caddy, the main reason is whether I can meet Mr. Zha at that private kitchen in the past two days. I brought a lot of young people from the mainland. People came to see him, and my wife's daughter also came."

At the end, this somewhat peculiar address made Boss Luo understand the relationship, and said with a smile, "I'll get in touch."

This is the difference between Zhao Dezhu and Long Zhiyu. The last time she came to HK on May Day, she was able to go to visit and report on business by herself, without bringing her daughter.

But why didn't Zhao Dezhu let his daughter show off to meet celebrities?

Then I asked Jiang Taotao again, that guy was very busy and said that Zhang Zegui had already arrived at his place, which was annoying.

Zhao Dezhu wondered if he had made an appointment with these two guys to come to the stock exchange to meet by himself. Even if he couldn't contact him yesterday or the day before yesterday, it wasn't too much trouble. He could guess that he was in the closed period before listing.

Jiang Taotao was visibly irritable: "You'll know when you come here, if it doesn't work, I'll go back to Jiangzhou with you and start over."

Well, Zhao Dezhu asked his team for advice. Nana probably knew about the clothing stores in Causeway Bay, and they were not far away.

She led the way, and Gao Yuxin also visited HK, and she swiped her card to buy something happy?

I'm going to HK University to do something.

Zhao Dezhu took out his Visa card, and the girls were still talking about it. Feng Xiaoting said: "If you don't go, we don't have any fun. Let's go with you and see what HK University is like." .”

Nana is already getting used to it: "Isn't the girl looking for something with you?"

Everyone laughed.

Gao Yuxin laughed the most unscrupulously.

They have arranged a commercial vehicle, so Zhao Dezhu said hello to set off together.

In fact, it is only a distance away from the Star Ferry. Zhao Dezhu also suggested to experience it together when he comes back.

Watching so many HK film and television dramas, in fact, this is a city of about the same size.

Zhao Dezhu is the angle that the people of the whole country will take for granted after more than ten years. At this moment, the girls are still full of reverence for HK.

When I got outside HK University, I walked all the way.

Even Nana and Gao Yuxin, who have been here, are all amazed. The very narrow and commercial Hong Kong flavor, and the messy signboards make the girls curious.

It may be more interesting to take pictures and look at the store along the way than to go shopping.

Milk tea shops must have a cup in hand, ice room also needs to sit down, and clothing stores, jewelry stores, and cosmetics stores need to be scoured.

It's almost noon, and Yuanyuan is drooling again, do you want to eat something before leaving?

It felt like it only cost a few thousand Hong Kong dollars to make the nine girls happy to surround Zhao Dezhu all the time.

Fortunately, Nana's scrutinizing eyes at any time ensured that Zhao Dezhu's hands and feet were clean.

He also gained something himself. When he visited a bookstore, Nana happily bought a few rare collections of essays in China. Zhao Dezhu directly asked the owner which book was the most educated and the most difficult to understand.

The boss looked at this playboy with a group of girls from the gap above his glasses, and took out a copy of "Analysis of Particles in Classical Chinese".

Zhao Dezhu looked it up and found that he probably knew every word, but he didn't know what it meant when he put it together. He was overjoyed.

Certainly more helpful to sleep than word-to-mouth.

It made a few girls exaggeratedly wow at the roadside shop, marveling at Lao Zhao, you have read so deeply.

Fortunately, there were no young and Dangerous boys everywhere, otherwise Zhao Dezhu would have been beaten and his hair pulled.

He is really cool with a group of girls.

So much so that when he walked into Jiang Taotao's off-campus studio, Zhang Zegui, who was squatting outside eating popsicles, was so hot that he stuck out his tongue, but was shocked by the level of a large group of gorgeous Southwestern girls: "Do you want to be so exaggerated!"

In fact, Feng Xiaoting, Li Yuanyuan, and Shen Jianing have all worked with him on GPS orders, and Huang Panpan and Yang Qian also know him.

The main reason is that they get together like this, and there are girls with outstanding characteristics like Nana and Gao Yuxin.

It's too doubtful whether Zhao Dezhu is pursuing a career on his own, or pursuing a better girl for himself.

Zhao Dezhu went in with his arms around him affectionately, and introduced to the girls: "I saw that the building here is not unique, it is very small and narrow, but it is a tall building, maybe it is worth hundreds of millions, we estimated that the one we bought when we go back The 30-story building is already under renovation, and we will be a company with a building in the future, so everyone should work hard and find out what we can do.”

Zhang Zegui used the teasing among friends to taunt: "Fuck, it's incredible, you've made a lot of money this year, and you're already buying buildings."

Yes, less than a year ago, Zhao Dezhu made his first million from his GPS.

Now he comes to HK to participate in a listed company, even if he doesn't know how many shares Zhao Dezhu owns, but being able to participate in it will instantly kill his GPS map company that has hardly changed.

Zhao Dezhu didn't see the outside world: "If you want to do it together, come over anytime, we can provide you with a GPS map professional, but if you want to be an independent boss, then I will definitely support you with all my strength."

Zhang Zegui also hooked his shoulders seriously: "I am more than ten years older than you. After seeing you, I really wonder if I made some wrong choices. Do you have any suggestions?"

If it were Zhang Zegui from last year, how could he believe that such a young man could give advice to him?

Therefore, people still need performance to support persuasiveness.

Zhao Dezhu is also serious: "Continue to do it yourself, but give full support to Hao Taotao, we will become a GPS professional, you can sort out what you need to do to make money, and we will teach..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard Jiang Taotao yelling at the door: "Get out! Get out of here..."

Zhao Dezhu could only sigh and shake his head. Did he misunderstand the person? Is Jiang Taotao the genius who will create a boundless world in the future.

With his current experience and knowledge.

Lao Ma, Xiao Ma, Lao Li, Xiao Li, Xia Jie and other big bosses.

No one is as violent as this guy.

Can he control the development of such a huge industry in the future?

No wonder Zhang Zegui shook his head helplessly.

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