I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 466 Are you joking? (Thank you for your support in the new year)

With Lao Lin as the core.

It was when Zhao Dezhu went to the municipal government hotel last year to report the new major to President Li of the United University.

A leader who steps out to listen and coach.

Surnamed Lin.

Zhao Dezhu also didn't quite understand the level of Principal Li of Southwest Associated University.

I thought that even the principal can be a leader who talks about everything, no matter how big he is, he can't go anywhere.

Hehe, they are both principals, can Lao Long compare with Lao Li?

It's unusual for people to come here.

The advantage of Zhao Dezhu is that he doesn't think too much, he doesn't ask what level he is, and he doesn't care what preferential policies he can provide later.

I just hope it doesn't make things difficult for me.

Let alone 2004, such things are not uncommon ten or twenty years later.

Didn't Sister Xia say, don't be superstitious about things on the stage.

The most important thing is to concentrate on doing your own thing well.

So Feng Xiaoting was supposed to be the beauty commentator, so Zhao Dezhu did it by himself.

It was a little drizzling, Xi Lianying originally gave Zhao Dezhu an umbrella.

He thought it was troublesome to hold them, so he greeted them at the construction site and explained them to the leader next to him.

Xi Lianying watched from a distance, watching the child's father grow rapidly to this level.

So Zhou Mengxia silently followed Zhao Dezhu, knowing that today she had to meet with the leader and have a meeting, so the standard black suit still looked a bit like going to work.

He is light and bright to help, and he doesn't care about the rain falling on his body.

Zhao Dezhu's introduction to the transportation of the gourd painted in the same way.

What is the idea of ​​the artificial lake being built at the entrance of the entire park, the next commercial center, and supporting commercial streets, all of which are to create a better environment for the high-tech industrial park.

Zhao Dezhu is confident in this aspect: "These four buildings will soon become legends. In ten or twenty years, we will make this place the domestic headquarters of game interactive entertainment, higher vocational education, e-commerce logistics and new media platforms... ..."

Lao Lin was surrounded by many people. Some were busy holding up umbrellas to shield the leader from the rain, some were busy looking at the muddy puddles everywhere on the ground, and even those who heard it looked at this hairless young man with the eyes of a fool. .

In fact, if someone looks at it more than ten years later, he may have the feeling of encountering a neuropathy.

In another sense, who would believe what you said?

The three major domestic WAT giants in the future are all concentrated here?

Who would believe it.

So basically everyone listened to the bragging scene of an investor.

Zhao Dezhu didn't introduce himself seriously, he just copied what the child's mother said just now, he is best at this.

Unexpectedly, that old Lin listened carefully and asked him to explain clearly the positioning and characteristics of the four buildings.

Zhao Dezhu was not prepared, and when he came back, it was Sister Xia who said it was better to make a gesture. He is not from Jiangzhou, but more like a foreign investor.

Just speaking casually, pointing to the e-commerce platform that has just begun to frantically hoard materials: "The equity agreement has been signed, and the three-party shareholders are about a billion. It will be launched within a month. In the future, this is a company that will exceed trillions in sales. "

Good guy!

Others thought directly, why don't you say that a gap was blown from the Himalayas to make the whole north moist?

Otherwise, you might as well take over the business of polishing the moon.

Today's young people really dare to brag.

Lao Lin also raised his eyes to look at Zhao Dezhu, and saw that this guy was so ordinary that he seemed to be running a canteen.

Not excited or excited at all, she changed hands and pointed to the other side: "This is WB Media Center, what is the concept? According to the discussion between me and Mr. Xia of Tianhu Real Estate, she is a media person. She has seen newspapers, periodicals, The power of television after the reform and opening up, but I think that in ten years at most, these media will die, and the Internet media will beat these old media to pieces. What will happen? Anyone can open their mouths and spread rumors. Anyone can deceive people, so we not only have to do this in advance, but also firmly grasp this in the hands of the state, so we invited the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and some departments to participate in the shareholding, although they don't care very much. I admit it a little bit, but we can talk about it at any time in the future, come to ask for permission, it’s okay, we are just porters helping to do things.”

He said this sentence more like he bought a newspaper on the side of the road, and he was about to turn around with a wave of his hand...

Lao Lin, who was about to hold him back just now, finally said: "Xiao Zhao, when explaining a project, it should start from the cause and effect relationship, the background of the times, the trend of the situation, what are the prospects, what are the difficulties, and complete. The expression can be more clear..."

The surrounding officials all held their breaths and concentrated, and some people took notes seriously.

Zhao Dezhu said: "Huh? We don't have any difficulties. Self-reliance and not asking for help is our attitude."

On the edge of the construction site under the continuous drizzle, there was a moment of silence as if a few crows were flying by.

Fortunately, no one dared to talk nonsense at this time.

It was still Lao Lin who laughed loudly: "Okay, if you have the ambition, then introduce this e-commerce platform to me again. Why do you think it will be a company with sales exceeding one trillion yuan?"

It's really asking Zhao Dezhu to introduce the development trend of the Internet, he knows nothing.

But to put it intuitively is very simple: "Principal Li has inspected our school, and the leaders of the education system have also investigated. We have an e-commerce major and opened several online stores. Three or four people can operate a store for a month. There are about tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of sales. It is not a problem to make more than half of the profit at the beginning, but this is just an internship for us to cultivate e-commerce talents. 100 million, Penguin pays a few hundred million, and we pay a little more to be the management and operator. Look over there... I bought 300 of that kind of small truck, and the drivers, purchasers, and cashiers of each car are all high-school students. Various manufacturers have a backlog of goods, understand?"

He really didn't have any experience in dealing with the stage, and he said it smoothly, with a tone that was a bit commanding in the academy recently.

The people next to him frowned.

Lao Lin didn't care, because it could be seen that Zhao Dezhu's expression was only colloquial, and he expressed it very seriously.

It can also be seen that the TM minivans queuing up to unload in the distance are doing practical things.

So I asked: "Specially selling inventory? Selling trillions?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "No, this means that when a new store opens, there will always be some discounts and promotions. Do you understand this? A shirt costs 9 yuan, a down jacket costs 49 yuan, and a backpack costs 19 yuan. Do you doubt the quality? Right? No, these are really not shoddy fakes. Each manufacturer actually has a large backlog of unsalable products. For example, clothes that have been unsalable in clothing companies for three to five years are sold by the ton. We collect these and sort them out with good quality. It is very cheap to sell. The advantage of online shopping is that what Jiangzhou doesn’t like may be liked by the Northeast, and those that are unsalable in the Northeast may sell well in southern Yunnan. We do this as a starting point for people to see this kind of model, anyone has channels and goods, for example, your family opened a small factory to produce... screw caps, before they could only be sold to fixed sellers, and let them sell to the whole country, right? Now you open an online store yourself , It’s free, just take a picture and put it up, and people all over the country can buy your screw caps, and it’s just a matter of express delivery.”

The businessman is concerned about the circulation of goods, but Lao Lin's macro sensitivity is immediately touched: "Is this a subversion of the national supply and marketing system?"

Zhao Dezhu was at a loss. He didn't know what the supply and marketing system was: "The goods we purchased from manufacturers in the eastern coastal areas of Guangdong have already exceeded 200 million in inventory. In fact, a large part of them are foreign trade goods for export, and they are worth a few dollars on foreign shelves. , but it is not used in China, and even has to be purchased at a high price, because there are various middlemen who make the difference. After this online shopping comes out, the middlemen... will be eliminated by the times."

Lao Lin frowned a little: "The supply and marketing system, the state's material control, will all fail?"

Zhao Dezhu is the rough and simple wave of the times: "This is an irresistible trend. As long as the Internet is established, this e-commerce model will mature sooner or later. This kind of enterprise is owned by foreigners, and we can only eat soup. Bones, but get ahead and maybe we'll eat meat all over the world, it's as simple as that..."

He couldn't explain the truth, so he waved his hand and pointed to the WB media center next to him: "Why did I say that newspapers and TV will be miserable soon? There are two reasons. First, the network broadband must be developed to be able to transmit video at high speed. This is the threshold. Once it is over, everyone can watch news videos online at any time, order videos at any time, and who will watch TV programs? Second, each of our mobile phones has evolved to a smart phone like mine, and everyone can buy a mobile phone. tower……"

So Zhao Dezhu chose the smart phone that is closest to the form of future generations, and it can be used as a prophecy at any time: "Look... now it is GPRS mode to surf the Internet, WAP protocol, and can barely read web news. It only takes a few years to develop From reading newspapers to reading news on mobile phones, do you think that in this era, everyone can use their mobile phones to express their opinions?"

Lao Lin turned his head back: "Has the Science and Technology Committee come? Can you explain and demonstrate how feasible Xiao Zhao's technical direction is?"

What a joke, even those who stand on the top of the IT Internet wave can't tell which of the countless development directions in the future is correct.

Even Nokia, the world's number one mobile phone, completely collapsed in this maze-like technical fork.

Can the gentlemen who count on government agencies to make a cup of tea and read newspapers to understand the trend of the times understand?

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