I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 562 You Are Really A Talent

Most people in later generations say that Zhen Yuejin is a big fool.

Zhao Dezhu, as the second generation of demolition in eastern Guangdong, besides knowing about Zhen Yuejin's return to China next week and cheating a lot of celebrity investment gossip, he also knows a little bit of detail.

Those were the years when Zhen Yuejin was making rapid progress. In fact, he customized and processed many branded electronic products in the eastern Guangdong area.

That huge media empire is developing and producing everything from speakers to mobile phones, headphones, TVs, and video boxes.

And even if Zhen Yuejin collapsed and ran away for several years, the series of products in the eastern Guangdong area still have a good reputation of good quality.

Zhao Dezhu had come into contact with this kind of goods once or twice in those nonsensical second-generation demolition businesses.

The production side is the expert who is most familiar with Zhen Yuejin's corporate structure. Their evaluation is that the boss is really rich and really wants to make things well. Many electronic products are still market-oriented after three to five years.

But the people below are really good at making money, and they can spend hundreds of millions of dollars on any project.

After all, it took only five or six years for Zhen Yuejin to explode at a high speed after his rise, and he almost launched a full ecological audio-visual entertainment electronic product system.

It was he who led the entry of domestic super-large-screen TVs into the market.

His net worth quickly climbed to tens of billions, and then quickly disappeared.

So Zhao Dezhu never cared about Zhen Yuejin's dreams, he didn't even care about what his family looked like or how his development track was.

I don't even know where the minefield of capital operation is.

Anyway, in his little information, almost all the producers judged that this product is purely too big.

Ideas are good ideas, and things are good things, but they are too eager for success, or they are too ambitious, and their trading skills are not enough, so they are out of play.

Now that the other party appears here, it's none of his business.

Anyway, I won't fall into this pit.

Knowing that it was this big fool, he felt confident and steady: "Mr. Zhen is right, no matter what bragging you do, it can't compare to letting all the common people enjoy the benefits, right?"

Lao Ma, can be said to be the most successful big fool that Zhao Dezhu knew in his last life.

Zhen Yuejin is estimated to be second only to him.

But at the moment, Zhen Huyou must be more favorable, and I couldn't agree more with Zhao Dezhu's reaction: "Yes! Make products to thousands of households and provide services to every family. This is also the purpose of our Xishi.com, Mr. Zhao, see you again Too late!"

He spoke with an undoubted passion, that is to say, he possessed a strong personal charm, and he reached out to hold Zhao Dezhu's hand with the kind of vigor and heartiness of a northern man.

It made the old horse next to him look dark and thin.

Lao Yang never expected that Zhen Yuejin, who came with him, would turn his back on the spot.

He even glanced at the old man next to him, forcibly suppressing his temper, but his face turned red and white, it is estimated that at this age, he still needs to take some nitroglycerin tablets.

The respected old man raised his head and said to Mr. Cha over there: "What do you think, sir?"

Mr. Zha stood up, came over with a smile and shook hands first: "I haven't seen you for a few years, and your complexion is better... I agree with what Zhao Xiaoyou said just now. Everyone is a successful person, so we should pay more attention to those people's livelihood. Go in the middle of the big plan, because... the big plan is to make the people's livelihood in the world long and safe."

The old man nodded slowly: "To make a living, to make a profit, even if the people of profit and wealth seek hegemony, is it not as good as the chivalry described by the gentleman?"

Mr. Zha laughed: "Whether I joke about martial arts or in various history books, there are often heroes from all walks of life, and there are few ordinary people. The big figures who stand up to decide history, those heroes and heroes, they are individuals after all, they use their own methods, and use both kindness and power. Their purpose is to win the attachment of the little people and integrate the power of the common people, so that they can achieve great things..."

He even paused, and patted Zhao Dezhu on the shoulder: "That's why I cooperated with Zhao Xiaoyou. I believe that he does all this without so many gorgeous and brilliant visions, but always stands from the perspective of a small person, uses himself This is the blessing of the world."

Zhao Dezhu smiled, the old guy has poisonous eyes, and he knows when to say something.

The old man finally turned to Zhao Dezhu: "Do you have anything else to say?"

The guy looked at the time on his phone: "It was supposed to be a golf summit forum, but it's almost eleven o'clock now, why don't we go visit the Southwest Vocational College and see how we do it, if there is If you are interested, we can also visit the high-tech industrial park after dinner, and of course, play golf and talk about the future of the Internet, you can do whatever you want."

Because obviously this old man's status is relatively high, and Zhao Dezhu doesn't know which great god it is, whether it is to leave the other party and take the big guys to play golf, or whether the big guys go around with the big officials, it is not appropriate.

Simply stroll together.

Even Lao Yang is so respectful, no other Internet bigwigs have any objections.

Yao Fangyuan wailed in his heart, and hurriedly arranged vehicles at the entrance of the golf resort hotel, which was a big mobilization.

Fortunately, when Zhao Dezhu came out, he directly asked to take a golf cart and go to the back door.

As a large international golf course with 36 holes, there are more than a dozen golf carts.

And it is definitely not a cheap product like Nagumo Golf that is modified with a local van.

A brand new battery car.

Fortunately, Long Zhiyu had already arranged for people to meet the stadium security at the back door.

The bosses came out one after another.

Zhen Yuejin even gesticulated all the way to introduce what he was saying to the old man.

Zhao Dezhu calmly opened some distance.

He also greeted Sister Xia who was standing inconspicuously in the lobby: "Aren't you going to show your face?"

Sister Xia praised: "You played well, Mr. Cheng is a very pragmatic leader, your attitude is indeed worthy of this scene."

Zhao Dezhu hid his mouth and smiled: "It's because you taught me well, I don't follow the things on the stage so closely."

Sister Xia smiled and said nothing.

Indeed, in the eyes of people like Zhen Yuejin or Lao Yang, there are only six words to make a fortune: open up the door of the rich and powerful.

Zhao Dezhu didn't care much.

Because times have changed.

Passing through the high-end and empty golf course, separated by a wall, and beyond the door, is the hot school gate.

It seems to be similar to every university, and it seems to have some unique characteristics.

All kinds of shops are almost all clustered around the e-sports training room with aloof temperament.

Now there are many e-sports players and game enthusiasts gathered from all over the world, crowded like a pilgrimage to watch outside the cover-like floor-to-ceiling glass.

Therefore, there is a clear distinction between foreign young people and the professional uniforms of vocational colleges.

But from the faces of those young people, it seems that there are more differences.

The higher vocational students are more in a hurry or even trot, with a clear and busy look on their faces.

And those fans who are still addicted to the game, there is a fundamental change.

This feeling became clearer when the stage was built inside the school gate.

Although the music festival has come to an end, logistics students are still busy on the stage, transforming the music stage into an e-sports scene.

The students were so busy that they didn't even have the time to watch these guests.

A row of Santanas, a row of small trucks for driving school practice, and even two newly purchased large trucks, all painted with the words "Southwest Railway Army. Logistics Special".

The school building, which was under construction at any time, was deliberately suppressed in a corner during the past two or three months, and was also wrapped with large-scale spray-painted cloth and dust-proof and slag-proof safety nets.

More than a dozen tall and low off-white buildings swept away the shabby atmosphere of last year.

Feng Xiaoting is responsible for leading the introduction here, but attributed all the credit to Mr. Zha's authorization: "All the construction funds come from our income from developing games, and similarly... this is also the source of our game design profession's vigorous development. Motivation, everyone wants to become a talent as soon as possible and participate in this kind of contribution..."

The momentum is astonishing. In the huge classroom, dozens of hundreds of drawing boards are lined up. Under the guidance of the original artist, the high vocational art students are hand-painting the key frames of the two-dimensional animation.

The same busy e-commerce classrooms, warehousing training centers, and logistics data statistics courses show a spirit that is completely different from the high vocational students in everyone's impression.

Especially in the training hall filled with hundreds of e-sports computers, there are hundreds of new e-sports players who have just arrived from all over the place.

Take classes under the guidance of Nanli's coach and club manager.

Listening to the translator's expression, Mr. Cheng finally couldn't help asking: "Are there really so many children who take video games as their career? How does this industry work?"

Zhao Dezhu thought for a while and explained briefly: "In August, we will send a team to Nanli to participate in the World Series. Think of it as a football club, with a huge audience, international competitions, and a future national professional league... so to speak Well, just like on the table of ordinary people, there is a change from eating well to eating well, from working hard to survive, and now to live happier, more hobbies, and more entertainment. This may be our hard work. direction."

It has to be Zhen Yuejin who can speak: "Material civilization and spiritual civilization must be grasped with both hands. In this new Internet era, people return home after a busy day. Only a rich leisure life, leisure and entertainment can constitute the happy future of our dreams. We It seems that Xishi.com and Southwest College have a lot to cooperate with in the future!"

The faces of Lao Yang and Lao Ma became even uglier!

But that's not all.

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