For Zhao Dezhu, the second-generation prodigal son, what is this money?

Not even self-reliance to earn money.

What he is looking for is a way that he can keep his wealth and benefit from it for life.

Now I'm just studying, can I just be a babysitter who tricks students into studying and do it for the rest of my life?

So I poured beer and explained: "I don't know anything else, anyway, the four of them let the freshmen come to see them today and think that the image of the school is pretty good, so it's right for them to get paid, we just need to help the main force."

It's hard to explain to eighteen-year-olds that beauty is also a resource.

The boys will definitely not be jealous of the beautiful senior sister getting paid, they are excited that they can work with the senior sister in this way.

Hurry up and raise your glass to say hello.

Feng Xiaoting turned around and opened two more bottles of beer, and waited for Zhao Dezhu and the boy to finish drinking before pouring a toast: "I respect you, you can do whatever you want, and I'll ask you something after drinking."

Zhao Dezhu waved his hand to signal: "Eat something, Liu..."

Is Liu Jiangtao still beckoning to call me?

Zhao Dezhu is really used to instructing people, so he finally got up and stood up: "You guys discuss what to do starting tomorrow. Where did you get picked up in the car today? How can you improve the success rate? I have to wash the bowl with plain water. It's too spicy."

Everyone was stunned again. Just now, they felt ready to bow their heads and obey orders. Why did you let go of it again?

Fortunately, Huang Panpan may have a lot of part-time jobs, so he immediately gestured: "You were also greeted by Mr. Pang at the station. He held up a sign... Tomorrow morning we will pull up a banner at the station and rent another... That kind of activity It looks very formal, and I think Jiangzhou University is doing it like this.”

The Goddess took the initiative to discuss with the boys, and the boys who had just stepped into the campus immediately nodded vigorously with enthusiasm.

When Yang Qian also proposed to allocate, two girls are at the station, and two girls are on the campus side, and everyone splits up to improve efficiency.

Basically, this matter will be discussed and come to a result.

Zhou Mengxia quietly touched Huang Panpan's elbow, signaling Feng Xiaoting to get up and leave with Zhao Dezhu.

The dancing girl made a contemptuous expression and said nothing.

In fact, Feng Xiaoting didn't say anything when she came over.

Zhao Dezhu looked at her: "I'm not interested in finding a girlfriend, don't get me wrong."

What Feng Xiaoting was about to ask was blocked.

Perhaps Zhao Dezhu's carelessness definitely proved that he had experience, not just playing tricks.

But sometimes the more this is the case, the easier it is to form an attraction.

After eating, Zhao Dezhu distributed a banknote to each of the four girls.

Then go with the energetic boys.

The four normally arrogant girls looked at each other wonderingly: "What a special boy?"

"Xiaoting, huh?" The ending sound raised and teased and asked.

In exchange, he gritted his teeth: "I don't believe it can be done!"

"I don't care about money at all. Boys in eastern Guangdong may have good financial conditions. I don't know if they spend money or not."

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not, it feels really special."

"Hee hee, then I also think we can learn more about it."

"Panpan, are you going to cut off my limbs and wear my clothes?"

"Oh, he even stuffed one in my bag today... Wow, a piece of three five? It costs several hundred yuan, maybe it's interesting to me."

"You're going to the station tomorrow, I'll pass it on to him."

"You! Cut off friendship! I want to break off friendship with you!"

The girls were joking and chasing and frolicking on the playground.

But looking at the empty campus, let's hurry up and catch up with the boys.

Early the next morning, the girls were divided into two groups. Yang Qian and Zhou Mengxia took the four boys to the station.

Yang Qian also contributed her 100 yuan to make banners first. The long-distance bus station in Jiangzhou is next to the railway station, and there is one doing this next to it.

But she doesn't know where to rent an awning, so let's try to come first.

It's only been three days since the official start of school.

Zhao Dezhu slept until after ten o'clock and didn't get up. He didn't expect that the bedroom was stuffy, hot and there were mosquitoes, and he didn't fall asleep until midnight.

With a delicate body and expensive body, he went downstairs sleepily, swearing and swearing, all he could think about was how to change the accommodation conditions.

But I heard a crisp greeting coming from the door of the dormitory: "Zhao Dezhu, I'll bring you something!"

Zhao Dezhu raised his eyes and saw that Huang Panpan had changed into a red dress, which made his figure even more slender.

Handing over the bag of cigarettes with both hands, the youthful face with some light makeup was so fresh and fresh, he didn't look like a mirror in his heart, so he took it over: "You didn't go to the station?"

Huang Panpan clasped his hands behind his back and explained yesterday's arrangement while strolling side by side.

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "It's good to buy an awning. If anyone of you has a mobile phone, please call and tell me. By the way, bring me a local mobile phone card by the way."

Huang Panpan smiled and took out a small Panasonic mobile phone covered with peach heart sequins and plush toys from the small bag on his shoulder with a smile, and pointed mischievously: "I earned my part-time job during the summer vacation just to buy this mobile phone. I really like this style... Hey, Qianqian, Boss Zhao told you to buy an awning first, yes, you should put the money on it first, and ask the boys to ask about it, er, er, come on, come on, by the way , help me bring another mobile phone card back, first take your ID card to buy it..."

Zhao Dezhu refused to accompany him, and pointed to the financial office carelessly: "I'll ask when the commission will arrive in the account. There are classmates and teachers at the school gate here, and I don't know how to deal with it. You should find out. "

After speaking, he walked away in his slippers.

Leaving behind the well-dressed dancing girls, Erba's delicate body is at a loss, shouldn't boys of this age be courteous.

There are also those who play cool and pretend to be handsome, but when they are alone, they must be exposed, right?

No oil and salt?

I could only scratch my head cutely and go to the school gate to prepare for the reception work.

When Feng Xiaoting saw her attire, she was so exaggerated that she wanted to scratch her face.

But Zhao Dezhu got it right by mistake.

Most of the freshmen who came after receiving the admission letter for higher vocational education would not come to see the school with their parents.

They think that colleges are good places, and if a child can go to college, he will become a golden phoenix.

It would be nice to be able to scrape together tuition fees, and saving travel expenses is a standard idea for parents of this kind of family.

So with the inexplicable admission notice, the right to decide whether to read or not is often the freshman of eighteen or nineteen years old.

Most of them are not the kind of hard-working freshmen. There are really many who secretly went to work, especially when they came to see this remote school.

Those who didn't like studying at first turned around and left, and some of them might be disappointed and decided to repeat or received more than one similar notice.

In addition, a small number of parents felt unreliable, so they left anyway.

In the end, a few young and beautiful seniors came, who could arouse the interest of this age at once.

Almost 100% are willing to follow along at the station!

Of course, this was also the second day of the registration day, so more people came.

But yesterday, there were three cars of new students, and in the end they walked for a little while, and today there are one car every hour!

And when they arrived at the campus, Zhao Dezhu greeted yesterday's freshmen to play on the court, basketball and football. He didn't play himself, took a few packs of cigarettes, and exchanged pleasantries everywhere.

Yesterday, he was impressed among the dozens of freshmen, and he looked like a big brother who took the lead.

Freshmen who are newcomers are happy to hang out and get acquainted with each other.

So it changed the deserted campus scene yesterday.

The freshmen who got off the bus felt much better, and Huang Panpan and Feng Xiaoting cooperated with the teachers and seniors to greet and receive them.

The success rate of payment registration has soared!

Zhao Dezhu also does not stand idly by, and often takes the title of freshman representative to give tours and explanations.

But there are always smart, noisy or well-informed parents.

In the group after five o'clock in the afternoon, there was a parent who had been skeptical.

The school is not well-known, there is no environment around, and there is no distribution after learning, only a worker who repairs the elevator...

Spend tens of thousands of dollars to study and finally become a worker: "When can I make this little money back? Tell me!"

Zhao Dezhu does not understand the difference between skilled workers and ordinary workers, let alone the principle that education investment will benefit for life.

Originally, I was too lazy to talk about it, but the parent yelled at a large group of freshmen and parents, and it really seemed to disturb the morale of the army.

With a questioning tone, he reached out to pull Zhao Dezhu's arm.

Huang Panpan frowned, and Feng Xiaoting was about to jump up and curse.

Zhao Dezhu stopped suddenly.

In front of dozens of freshmen and their parents, as well as two beautiful seniors and many teachers and seniors, they stopped.

Learn the respectful expression of the lobby manager of a high-end hotel or club, and do a listening gesture: "You..."

Originally following him to visit, everyone stopped and their eyes naturally focused.

When he thought he was going to say something.

Zhao Dezhu suddenly made a gesture of silence, took out the 8910i that was ringing from his pocket, and brought it to his ear.

The latest and most expensive Nokia mobile phone launched this year, a mobile phone with a titanium alloy shell with a unit price of more than 10,000, the slide-up body slowly pops out with a full texture.

The audience is irrepressible wow...

Even if you don't recognize the value of this phone, it still feels cool!

Even Feng Xiaoting couldn't help it: "This is not, this is not in the movie of Gu Tianle and Liu Qingyun..."

Huang Panpan covered her mouth so as not to disturb her.

Because of Zhao Dezhu's deep Cantonese-flavored Mandarin: "The principal is tired, are the majors already in short supply? I will fix the list of majors for the new students, and I will destroy your electronic skating later..."

Then skillfully and handsomely hung up the pop-up body: "Madam, what do you want to ask?"

The mother was in a trance: "Huh? Do I want to ask? What do I want to ask? Sign up, sign up..."

This sentence was repeated by Feng Xiaoting many times while eating supper.


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