Zhao Dezhu really loves and hates the Somao input method in his previous life.

He bet on dogs. There are a lot of gambling software installed on the computer. This dog input method is actually a huge source of rogue software.

All kinds of rogue software will be continuously produced on the computer, and it is estimated that there is no way to realize it, and this is regarded as a source of profit.

But from the input method itself, it is really easy to use.

Especially after the input of mobile phones has become the mainstream, the installed capacity is huge, and the hundreds of millions of mobile phones are estimated to have 80 to 90% of the share.

It turned out that this guy who searched for words made it!

Confidence was immediately high.

It's like Zhao Dezhu discussing this idea openly, but not too worried about being copied.

Even if other people present are also experts in the IT industry, it will take a long time to reach the final form without the final correction by Zhao Dezhu, the experience officer.

Maybe he will follow behind and fall into the trap.

After all, as long as you don't get the first place in market share, it's basically nothing.

But Yang Yichuan's name made Zhao Dezhu aware of his bloodlines. What the f*ck came out must be good. What I have to do is to ensure that this grandson will not go on the road of rogue software again.

The meal was very pleasant, and finally agreed to meet with Yang Yichuan's boss when he returned to China, and then finalize the agreement on this matter.

Yang Yichuan's asking price is not high, with an initial investment of 5 million. The project premium these days is not that strong. Just a few years ago, a certain fox got a venture capital investment of only 400,000 US dollars.

But what is the proportion of shares, Zhao Dezhu wants to talk to another Charles.

Zhao Dezhu didn't care.

He doesn't have such a strong desire to control at all, and he can connect horizontally and vertically with the industry elites, and prepare all the links that the mobile Internet will need in the future.

In the future, I will be a winner-take-all situation!

The dowry of the two daughters is no longer worrying.

After dinner, take a family walk back to the hotel along the picturesque "night", this is what Zhao Dezhu talked about.

Abroad, Long Zhiyu didn't seem to care much about the eyes of her surroundings, and she would hold Zhao Dezhu's arm to relax herself completely: "But I still can't figure out how to make money with the input method."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "This is the key point. Except for me, it is difficult for anyone to think of how to use the input method. Well, even if someone thinks of it, they will not be able to achieve this result, so I will not bully you if you talk to the other party about the shareholding ratio." Him, half will do."

Nana was curious: "Then what is the key?"

She was holding Zhao Dezhu's other arm.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't bear such feelings, and explained happily: "It's the truth I told him. The last part is about big data. In the future, Nana, which boy's name will appear more often in your chats? That's it. It means that you are likely to fall in love..."

The daughter jumped up in anger: "Who said that!"

Long Zhiyu actually giggled: "It seems to be a bit of an invasion of privacy, but we really have to pay attention."

Zhao Dezhu quickly explained: "That's what it means. Which restaurant has a good reputation? If someone enters cuisine, hot pot, Chinese food, etc., there will be recommended options immediately. There are related restaurants in the surrounding address, shopping for clothes, buying electrical appliances, buying medicine, and seeing a doctor. Similar recommendations, but which store is on the top, give money, recharge and become our member, and it will be recommended first. In the future, this will be related to word-of-mouth, review pages, and takeaway service recommendations. This is a big one. The industry not only needs technical personnel to be online, but also needs a lot of people offline to deliver food. Our local promoters are not only responsible for contacting salesmen, but also managing the food delivery team. This team is spread all over the country and requires a lot of professional manpower."

Long Zhiyu was a little clouded, but she understood that Zhao Dezhu's intention was to ensure the future of the high vocational students, her heart was so warm that it was about to explode, and she hugged her arms hard.

If it wasn't for her daughter, she might have taken the initiative to make out.

Zhao Dezhu could feel the strength, and quietly patted the catkin on his arm to show that he understood.

Long Zhiyu tried her best to wake herself up: "Why... why does it feel like you have suddenly become very sober in the past year or so. Before, it was so difficult to even sell wine."

Zhao Dezhu understood: "Isn't it the direction? On the surface, I seem to know how to eat, drink, and have fun, but only on the Internet application can I display my true strength. Doesn't this prove it?"

The only student in a family of three has set a grand ambition: "I also want to study this kind of computer major, and I will accompany my dad to do such meaningful things in the future!"

The couple looked sideways at their daughter together, making Nana uncomfortable: "Can't you?"

Zhao Dezhu earnestly said: "If you want to do something, you should start at the peak, but to achieve the peak of a computer, you need hard work and talent. If you pointed out a few points to me like Yang Yichuan today, he will be able to react immediately and add his own things. , others can’t do it, so, if you really want to start a career, why don’t you study business management, the family will take care of you sooner or later, of course you can do whatever you want, it’s best if you don’t.”

It's okay if he didn't say the last four words. The mother and daughter were surprised, but Nana wasn't angry.

Zhao Dezhu still had the same reason: "You are really ambitious, and your family will do things for you with at least tens of millions. If you are still ambitious and want to prove yourself, you dare to do projects worth hundreds of millions, and your family must support you." You... But the probability of this kind of loss is very high, because if I do it, I will only choose the best people in this field, and leave if there is a slight loss or failure. Follow the support, if this mentality of wanting to prove yourself is too heavy, the prodigal is a must..."

Nana pouted her lips so high that she could hang an oil bottle.

But Long Zhiyu stood by her husband: "This is from experience, you said that if you don't come to Jiangzhou, you will be like this when you stay in your hometown?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded and gave an example: "I have an older friend who is in the same situation as me, but it's just like this. Hundreds of millions of property have been lost, and his wife still wears a cuckold..."

Long Zhiyu wouldn't doubt that this friend was you, right at that moment, Zhao Dezhu's cell phone rang, and he took it out to have a look: "Oh...you called again, what time is it!"

Nana was still stretching her neck, Long Zhiyu had already suppressed a smile and asked her daughter to discuss this issue of future career direction, and it was indeed time to discuss it in the third year of high school.

She also realized that her daughter would not be able to go to a university in an ordinary way and follow the crowd in the future.

But it was Yi Fei who called over there.

I have been calling almost every day for the past two or three days, obviously due to jet lag.

Right now... it should be one or two in the middle of the night in China.

Zhao Dezhu was surprised: "Don't you guarantee enough sleep for beauty?"

Yi Fei said softly: "I'm busy during the day, I called you last night and I was climbing a mountain, so do I bother you now?"

Alas, man, even if his wife is by his side, it is easy to drift away when he hears this voice.

Fortunately, Long Zhiyu was completely open-minded, and his kite-flying skills were good, so Zhao Dezhu didn't hesitate: "Have you thought about how to do it?"

Yi Fei is really not that kind of high-flying personality: "I think what you said is also reasonable. Even if top figures like Fa Ge, Uncle Jie, and Jack Chen go to Hollywood, it will be difficult to get the leading role. I definitely can't compare with them. And female roles are more difficult in Hollywood, but I really want to hone myself..."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Don't lie to yourself, how old are you? International Zhang and Queen Gong will not be able to get the leading role if you go out at your age. You finished film school two or three years beforehand, just to go to Hollywood to wash dishes and play tricks ?”

Yi Fei whispered without confidence: "It's not like washing the dishes."

Zhao Dezhu didn't show mercy: "That's what it means, ten or twenty years from now, your acting skills may or may not be good, but now you don't want to be the leading role in some popular movies because of your youth and beauty, but you have to sharpen yourself to pursue art. After a few years of Yao Min's life as an actor who has never been a leading actress, you will understand what is the most precious."

In fact, Nana, who was pricking her ears a few meters away, whispered to her mother: "Dad, don't show mercy to outsiders, okay?"

Long Zhiyu smiled: "That's right, that's the truth. Your family will tolerate you infinitely, but the actual society is very cruel. Your father's statement is very new, but I think it makes sense. See yourself clearly instead of going to Prove yourself, um, but it's too difficult, give up all your fantasies early, and do what suits you best, it's really too difficult."

Nana looked again: "But Dad did it, didn't he?"

Already back at the hotel, Li Shengjun was still sitting in the lobby watching the program running on the screen intently.

Long Zhiyu gestured to Zhao Dezhu, took her daughter back to the room, and asked the front desk to bring a glass of beer outside.

Keeping the distance between the two bodyguards, Zhao Dezhu responded to Yi Fei's question: "What kind of movie is suitable for filming? Why are you so anxious? You are really strange. On the one hand, you are anxious to make a film when you are young, and on the other hand, you say I would rather spend time going to a foreign country to wash dishes..."

Yi Fei finally couldn't take it anymore: "I don't wash the dishes!"

Zhao Dezhu hahaha: "Let's shoot it, I'll conceive a movie, you find a way to fill in the story yourself, and then I'll pay you to make it."

Yi Fei was pleasantly surprised: "Huh? There is such a model?"

Tsk tsk, look at this big talent in picking up girls, it's much more powerful than what the coal boss stuffed into any crew.

But after the bait was cast, Zhao Dezhu hung up the phone in a hurry: "I'm sorry, I have another call, I'll tell you later..."

Now the fairy daughter can't sleep well.

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