It is not an easy task to convince stars and make actors fall in love.

As the saying goes, a bitch is ruthless, but an actor is ruthless.

Throughout the ages, an actor has always been a profession that is used to the coldness of the world and the warmth of human relationships.

They have performed too many human relationships in film and television dramas, and they are used to pulling themselves away to observe.

So Zhao Dezhu now has a bit of deception skills: "I believe everyone knows that money can solve most of the problems in the world. Poverty is the root of many things. It is difficult for poor families to get good educational opportunities. If education is changed, it will continue to be poor, even if there is a little windfall, I will not be able to keep it, so what I want to do is education instead of good deeds, and I only help those vocational students who are trying to change, so I implore everyone, no money, no name , is to give us a chance to perform as a group, thank you..."

Let's be arrogant and respectful.

Such an arrogant and wealthy billionaire is so humble when he pleads with his higher vocational education students.

The contrast is too great.

Yang Yichuan, who had been standing by the side, suddenly felt that this Charles was very different from the previous Charles.

That person has all the advantages and brilliance on himself, creating a benchmark of chic success.

This one seems to be the exact opposite, always sparing no effort to push people around to show up.

Looking at the hands around him, almost all of them had accustomed expressions, and one could understand why they followed closely.

The same feeling also appeared in Wang Fenglian.

In the past few days in Pingjing, she tried her best to mobilize Chen Yanling, and wanted her to see the big world and make a big show, so that she might be able to compare with that young man.

But at this moment, the chairman whose share price on the right bank soared to the top of the market value just because of signing a large customized contract with Mainland China Mobile, seemed to find that he had something incomparable.

Because the few most qualified celebrities sitting next to Zhao Dezhu, at least one or two times won the best actor, said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao is not very old, but he has done a lot of things."

Zhao Dezhu actually said: "There is no big thing outside of life and death, and I can do such small things."

The old stars all smiled and clasped their fists together and agreed that they would contact Lao Xu.

Standing among the guests, Li Xiaojun was a little dazed.

They also don't have much culture, but they also have keen market insights and grasp the opportunities of the times.

He made a lot of money by pulling wool hard, and he also did good deeds.

But there is absolutely no such "putting the cart before the horse" like Zhao Dezhu.

Instead, make money to help others.

If the last time I saw the image of the industrial park in the exhibition hall in Jiangzhou showed the words "serve the people" at the end, it might be trying to save face and shout slogans.

People like this are seen a lot in Pingjing.

Now it seems to be true.

The same scene was not just seen by him.

Wang Xiulian said: "Charles, I heard your people call you that. Last time in Jiangzhou, you criticized me for not paying attention to the mainland market. Now we have signed a contract with the Mainland Mobile Communications Administration at the most favorable price. Model agreement, fully expand the production scale in Ezhou, now I want to ask, in your eyes, is the domestic market bigger than the European and American markets? Obviously you have the opportunity to go to NASDAQ to fight for tens of billions Listed in U.S. dollars.”

The whole scene was still in an uproar.

No matter how I heard that this young man is a billionaire before, a celebrity of this level has seen rich people before, so he wouldn't be so eager to kneel down and lick him immediately.

But this woman with glasses who spoke with a Hong Kong and Taiwan accent, dressed in an unusual manner, even directly pointed out that Zhao Dezhu may be worth tens of billions of dollars!

This is amazing!

Last year's list of the richest people in China was just over RMB 10 billion!

Is this the youngest billionaire in the world just now, and immediately became the richest man in China?

What is the face of those real estate developers?

Could it be the babysitter?

Only a very few people had the opportunity to ask Chen Yanling and Shen Jianing who were nearby.

Li Xiaojun has already explained in a low voice: "HPC... the owner of the stock company with the largest market value on the right bank, oh, her father is Wang Baiqing, the god of business."

Oh oh oh!

I've heard this before, it's amazing!

In the 2000s and 2000s, it was really an era when the right bank looked down on the mainland from a high position, and it was disgusting that tea and eggs could not be eaten here.

People here also admire the advancement of Baodao, and even the saying that the cultural origin is in Baodao is very popular in the film and television circles and literary and art circles.

It's just total lack of confidence.

Zhao Dezhu is the most confident one: "Hehe, I also told you in Jiangzhou that we are already ahead of the TM model. Let's see if Amazon will copy us. He is only at the level of selling books and CDs. It would be good to catch up with a certain Dongwang in Pingjing. Today we have officially signed a contract with Jingcheng Electric. I expect that within a year we can generate sales of over 100 million. In three to five years, sales of home appliances should be tens of billions. It should not be a problem. This is our mainland. The market potential will continue to grow in the future.”

Wang Xiulian still wanted to criticize: "Then you mean that Citigroup is not as good as you?"

Zhao Dezhu is not fooled: "These are two completely different countries with different cores. We do the Internet just like the government of this country. We serve people. Remember this clearly. The core is to make everyone in this country as good as possible. We can live better, we don't even need others to praise, wow, you are so free, what we want is real food and clothing, and a good life. Citigroup is making money, so we must try our best If you want to make a lot of money by any means, if you want to enjoy the beauty brought by high technology, then you can’t compare with us. Let me tell you about it over a period of ten years. It is true that there is more than one level, but we will chase, and countless people will chase desperately, because we have suffered for many years."

Yang Yichuan didn't know when, but he had silently stood beside Zhao Dezhu.

The difference between the two Charles is too great.

Then I was surprised to find that several old celebrities just now were standing near him unknowingly, looking at Zhao Dezhu brightly, and the people around seemed to get closer.

Wang Xiulian narrowed her eyes: "Do you think the mainland will surpass Citigroup?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "It is China, it is China that will surpass Citigroup, and there will be such a day."

Even after more than ten years, it is still unknown who will win or lose.

In 2005 this is definitely an unbelievable assertion.

Someone once posted a post in this era, predicting that China would surpass Jiaopan in 20 years, and they were scolded bloody and arrogant, and they didn't know their last name just after eating some steamed buns.

Zhao Dezhu directly compares with the number one country.

The stars present are not the ones who can be easily incited.

They all have the opportunity to go abroad and have seen the glamorous artists of capitalism. Even in Taiwan, they can now beat 99.9% of the social affluence in China.

If Zhao Dezhu said before that he wanted to catch up and work hard, everyone still breathed a little bit involuntarily, and felt the same way as You Rongyan.

At this moment, I still feel that this young man is a bit crazy.

I even feel a little skeptical about the words that were moved by him before.

Don't you just like bragging?

All eyes were on Zhao Dezhu's face.

But a voice came from behind: "I agree with what Zhao Dezhu said..."

If there is any substance in all the eyes, turn around with a swish!

It's the host, Boss Li.

Li Xiaojun walked towards Zhao Dezhu from the crowd.

While walking, he said: "I know, you may think that Zhao Dezhu and I are business partners now, and I have to help him with everything. Let me tell you a story. Why did I... sell all the coke pots in 1998? assets, exit the scorched pot market? Because I know they can’t do it anymore.”

Wow, no one expected that this is the richest man in Beijing who never talks about his business in the circle of friends.

At least the richest man before the two home appliance tycoons fought.

Will take the initiative to reveal the secret.

He didn't even signal the surrounding media to avoid him.

These days, the myth of the scorched pot is still the best in the world, probably second only to the existence of Citigroup.

China is still a thousand miles away from them.

Li Xiaojun strolled in the courtyard: "Didn't I make hair tonic at that time, and of course I made other daily chemical products by the way, and the proportion of packaging was very large and the most important thing. At that time, the domestic daily chemical packaging production was far worse than it is now. If you want a good one, you have to go to the coke basin to order it, so I made an appointment with the manufacturer to see it in person..."

His reputation in the capital is much stronger than that of Zhao Dezhu, the scene was completely silent, and everyone listened attentively.

"The printing factory is in Kitakyushu, a poor place. It takes two hours to drive to Fukuoka, Kyushu. You know Kyushu. It's the one closest to us that faces Shanghai... After looking at it, they said it's okay. They It can be done, and the quotation is reasonable, but I dare not accept the order.”

"Why not accept it, because they only accept orders from a local commercial company. For decades and two generations, only after seeing the order plan and finalizing instructions of this small commercial company, they dare to produce and deliver goods, because they are the production factory. Never had a client myself."

"Okay, no problem. I drove back for an hour and found the company in town. It was more professional and clear. There were no problems in all aspects, but I didn't dare to accept our order, because we were a foreign trade order, so we had to do it by The Tokyo Co., Ltd. was allocated according to the plan. If we find that small factory, they don’t care, but if they intervene, they must have a Co., Ltd. to participate. They can only work, and they will not settle foreign trade... Do you understand? "

Zhao Dezhu laughed: "When you have time, go to the small factories in the countryside of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and eastern Guangdong. A farmer who wears slippers dares to receive foreign trade orders and fly them. We are a pack of wolves."

Li Xiaojun is more calm: "Every year, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry prepare budgets and industry guidance white papers. The company holds meetings to determine the corresponding industry shares and development plans, and the following small and medium-sized enterprises sign agreements based on the plans. Production... Ms. Wang, you are familiar with the characteristics of production in East Asia, right?"

Wang Fenglian was surprised.

You An can be said to be Jiaopen's pug, and she admires Jiaopen's style the most, but her father is famous for his flexible business methods.

That's why she emphasized that she was taking the Citigroup road, not the Jiaobain style.

The point is that she has never paid much attention to the mainland.

After the twenty-year-old young man dashed forward and hit hard, another experienced soft and hard foam came.

Who can stand this.

What a surprise.

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