This is Zhao Dezhu's style.

When he feels that Chen Xiaolong deserves to be trusted technically, then let him do it completely, and just support him fully.

Anyway, I am responsible for the experience myself, just go in the right direction.

Now I feel that Pang Yong can make up for his shortcomings in business operations or financial management.

Then bet heavily.

On the way there, he never said what position he would put Pang Yong in or what salary he would raise.

It’s just a detailed account of how my group of people suddenly emerged from high vocational students and worked in the red wine and car rental business. They originally wanted to be a labor exporter for a certain, but they still didn’t get enough money after going through the Battle of Pebble Beach. Respect, that's why I decided to fight back and do it myself.

Because hundreds of thousands of students are waiting for their way out.

I won the penguin stock by golf, and repeatedly studied the chat software with the most users in China to find out where their profit outlets are.

Zhao Dezhu's description seems reasonable.

It even outlines an image of an entrepreneurial teenager who forgets to sleep and eat, under the dim butter lamp... oh oh oh, in front of the old computer screen.

Pang Yong was in awe.

His appearance is very mature, and it is easy to make people feel very reliable.

Much better than Chen Xiaolong's rustic impatience.

Zhao Dezhu really knows how to brag, fully emphasizing his own keen feelings, as if his series of successes come from this sensitivity to the Internet industry: "Penguin gave me 9 million consulting fees, and gave me 1 million I invest in game companies, and I invest in the research and development of drones."

Pang Yong later wrote his autobiography, which especially emphasized this moment.

He talked about his feeling that Zhao Dezhu and Chen Banqiao are essentially the same kind of people.

They have an extraordinary imagination, and have the penetrating ability to jump from one dimension to another.

And his linear thinking ability and logical thinking ability cultivated from the finance major do not have such creativity.

So from that moment on, he decided to firmly grasp this distinction.

Go all out and be responsible for bringing this imagination to the ground and implementing it.

At this time, he completely realized that he was being beaten by a genius.

Reconciled with the soul in his bones that wanted to find the ceiling and control his own destiny.

All he had to do was to assist Zhao Dezhu and ensure that these precious imaginations would not be squandered.

In fact, in his opinion, the previous industrial park was a bit of a joke in operation.

That is to say, it has just started, and there are not enough opponents to target it, let alone capital malicious attention.

It's just full of loopholes.

After Zhao Dezhu explained his entrepreneurial history clearly.

This is what Pang Yong talked about: "Now it is all thanks to the strong market share of TM Network, which covers up a lot of financial and decision-making ambiguity. Once this market share reaches saturation, many problems will be hard to return... "

Basic finance is to do accounts and present various data.

Excellent finance can also tell the company how to avoid taxes reasonably and ensure profits as much as possible.

The top finance is to bring the company's business review and outlook.

Just like Pang Yong: "In terms of e-commerce platforms... social media... game revenue..."

Although due to permission issues, he has not yet had access to all the data.

However, what can be found in the public is enough to support his judgment, which parts can be strengthened, which parts have problems in personnel management, what are the core businesses, what are the innovative businesses, and how to allocate manpower and material resources.

And he worked under Chen Banqiao for two years.

Having experienced the largest and earliest online game company in China, he personally sorted out the financial structure of this 3 billion US dollar company.

This allowed Pang Yong to know all kinds of situations of the game company.

The income from the game side should be in line with the online advertising business, and what can be improved in the advertising placement solution? For the advertising promotion situation in the real estate and automobile industries, it seems that it is not doing very well.


Pang Yong used to work in an international metropolis with the most commercially developed business in the country, and he has served in an international accounting firm for a long time, and has come into contact with countless similar business operation plans for major clients.

All these experiences seem to be useful for this moment.

He was not in a hurry to show himself either, he just put these dry goods in front of Zhao Dezhu in a straightforward manner.

He even took care that Zhao Dezhu was a high vocational student, and tried to avoid using professional terms.

Zhao Dezhu's advantage is that he can accept what he doesn't understand, and he listens carefully as much as possible.

Arrived in Shanghai, walked through the passageway of the international airport and nodded: "Very good, combined with my feelings for you in the past two weeks, I hope you can learn from Chen Xiaolong's technical structure, not limited to a certain company or a certain enterprise, both of you It should be higher than all companies, like the kind with a team of special forces, whoever needs to do something, immediately lead the team in, higher than the CEO, CFO, COO of this company, and fully promote integration."

There was no trace of gratitude or fear on Pang Yong's face, and he nodded while holding his computer bag: "Thank you for your trust..."

Zhao Dezhu heard that his words were not finished, and motioned to speak.

Pang Yong was beyond his expectation: "...then I may touch many of your veteran executives, and those who do not meet the development prospects of the entire enterprise will be eliminated."

Zhao Dezhu suddenly panicked: " don't have to be so ruthless. The purpose of my establishment of so many companies is to enable higher vocational students to better serve the society and to create more jobs in the Internet age."

Pang Yong has a well-thought-out plan: "The situation I consider is that the whole scale is divided into ten levels, and each level has A, B, C, three grades of employees from supervisors to senior management, with 6A as the dividing line, and the employees below adopt a relatively moderate performance appraisal, but 7C The senior executives above must be eliminated and transferred from the bottom, so as to ensure that companies and business departments will not be overstaffed and sleep on the credit book under such a large scale. "

Zhao Dezhu heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, I made an order early.

As a secretary assistant, Yuanyuan has a high position and authority and can blow all kinds of wind, but in fact she is the director of the general manager office, with a level of 6B. Feng Xiaoting is only the head of TM's customer service department, and she is only 6C. That is to say, Chen Yanling surpassed everyone and looked down on everyone as 8A, then Pengzhen's Huang Panpan and Yu Huanhuan were 6A, and Tang Tianfeng was 7A.

There are less than a hundred other people above 7C, a small number of them were transferred from Tianhu Real Estate at that time, and most of them are people from all walks of life who have been recruited over the past year.

Indeed, it has reached a stage where it should be cleaned and tidied up.

At the beginning, Sister Xia reminded Zhao Dezhu to strengthen his internal skills, and it was almost for this part of the structure.

Zhao Dezhu didn't have this ability, but he got a big gift from Chen Banqiao for no reason.

Happy to invite Pang Yong and his wife to the dinner with Wang Fenglian.

Pang Yong was in a dilemma: "My wife is a very ordinary housewife and never attends my work banquets."

Zhao Dezhu wanted to laugh when he saw the expression on his face that he was afraid of going back to Daoshan, and forced himself to say yes: "Now it's three o'clock in the afternoon, then seven o'clock in the evening..."

At this time, his cell phone rang, and Tao Zheng still got the news from Lao Xu: "Come to Shanghai? Just in time, it's about to wrap up, why don't you come and see..."

Suddenly, Zhao Dezhu had an idea, and asked Pang Yong while clutching the phone: "The stars Tao Zheng, Yi Fei, and Chen Guanxi are making a movie, do you want to see your wife?"

Pang Yong's expression turned bright immediately: "Is Tao Zheng? Okay, okay, my wife likes to watch his plays."

Zhao Dezhu decided to make an appointment with Tao Zheng at night.

Then he patted Pang Yong on the shoulder after hanging up the phone: "We are becoming traders who will change this era, and at the same time let our family members enjoy the scenery with us."

Pang Yong has a calm and quiet appearance that looks like an office director.

He is used to staying behind the scenes all the time.

Zhao Dezhu's suggestion is difficult to adapt to.

Of course, it may be because he didn't dare to let his wife follow Zhao Dezhu's example, but dared to let his wife act in a movie as a cameo.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu's mentality is that in one's life, as long as he does not break the law or harm others, he should try to experience different things as much as possible.

It turned out that the star is indeed a big killer. Lian Pang Yong's junior high school daughter heard that Guanxi brother was going to have dinner with her father, and the crazy request came along with her. The shy little girl's eyes flashed with a hundred thousand volts of high voltage. electric spark.

Tao Zheng and Du Mingsha brought the leading actors and actresses over.

It really makes the whole restaurant flourish.

Zhao Dezhu deliberately let his eyes pass over Yi Fei, and locked on Guan Xi who was at the pinnacle of beauty.

This is the originator of Xie Mei Smile and All Beings.

Walking in dressed in a bit of hip-hop style, he also fixed his eyes on Zhao Dezhu, and opened his mouth when shaking hands.

Also in a low voice with a little hip-hop accent: "Hello, it's you... Ask someone to bring me a note to pay attention to the laptop?"

Zhao Dezhu is good at fooling people, so he whispered in Cantonese: "You have a notebook, and there are... photos of you and your girlfriends in it, right? Hackers cracked the network and found out."

Pair it with a slightly wretched and greasy expression between men.

Brother Guanxi was so shocked that his hair was about to stand up: ""

Zhao Dezhu clarified: "There are people who wear police uniforms for fun, right? Be careful, once it spreads, your entire career as an actor will collapse."

Brother Guan Xi struggled: "Are you... threatening me?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Threats are bullshit, what is asked of you is a threat. I am just reminding you in good faith that if an actor like Yi Fei plays with you, if something happens to you in the future, she will also be implicated. Wipe your hands and feet clean, even if the hard disk is completely deleted, professionals can still restore it for you.”

Brother Guanxi didn't know what to say at all, maybe he had a hallucination of the world of Truman, or he really found that this world was not as simple and easy as he thought.

After sitting down, Yi Fei quietly asked curiously: "What are you talking about? He is so proud on the set, and the director is not afraid. You can calm him down with just a few words?"

A handful of clear water noodles tied into a ponytail behind the head is really the youthful look in every middle-aged man's heart.

Who can stand this.

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