I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 68 Really Difficult

Instead, Zhao Dezhu became the introducer: "This is the owner of a Mitsubishi off-road vehicle, a famous designer, and this is a detective from the Dongjiekou Police Station. Please introduce yourself to each other."

In fact, he didn't even know what they were called.

The subjective initiative of the young policeman instantly increased a lot: "Cheng Ting, from 1978, are you friends?"

Xi Lianying already regarded this as a casual trip: "Call me Xiaoxi, please introduce yourself, Mr. Zhao, I only know about your family background."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "College students from the countryside in eastern Guangdong, this is the third time I have dealt with the Dongjiekou Police Station. Fate, do you want some wine?"

Cheng Ting was still desperate: "Everyone is here. Sometimes this kind of thing changes rapidly. It may be transferred hundreds of thousands of kilometers tomorrow. I will drive on the road after eating. Try not to miss the opportunity. There is still a long time to go back to the institute." Pile up cases."

Zhao Dezhu joked: "That police officer Zeng can't sit still in the station, he can't wait to run outside."

Cheng Ting hehe: "We take care of her as a little sister, and in a few years she will also take care of her juniors as younger siblings, just get used to it."

Zhao Dezhu was very experienced and went to the next door to buy two of the best cigarettes he could buy.

Cheng Ting also took care not to smoke in the lady's car, but Xi Lianying, who was in the back row, smoked more than him.

Because Zhao Dezhu was dozing off in the passenger seat when he was about to drive again, and Xi Lianying turned on the rear dome light and guided Cheng Ting with a locator and a map.

The policeman is very good at driving, and the female designer is very proficient in orientation, distance, and picture reading.

In addition to driving on the road and paying attention to corners, it is also quite familiar to talk about Jiangzhou's social anecdotes, sophistication, and family anecdotes.

The two seemed to be working together to complement each other, and the owner was completely transparent.

However, the smell of smoke in the carriage made Zhao Dezhu not able to sleep well, so he could only listen to others chatting silently, half asleep and half awake.

Knowing that this kind of large police station is almost a company, the division of functions of various departments is very clear, but there are too many things, and various positions are often intertwined.

For example, Cheng Ting belongs to the special police officers who deal with emergencies, but in fact, he often works as a film police or criminal police.

Only the newly arrived policemen like Xiao Zeng must sit on the bench for a year or two, and get familiar with the world before they can get in touch with various affairs.

In fact, most of the things the police come into contact with are the dark side, and if they are a little careless, their mentality and outlook will be affected.

The designer also consulted some ways to deal with disputes at work by the way.

The chat was so smoky that everyone was not too sleepy.

At three or four o'clock in the morning, Zhao Dezhu finally felt a little groggy that the car had stopped.

I barely opened my eyes and saw that there was a small yard around, but the badge light box hanging at the door proved that this was still a police station.

Of course, it is incomparable with the large police station in the most prosperous area of ​​the municipality.

The biggest feeling is that the cold wind is biting when you get off the car!

Jiangzhou at the end of September was still in the 20s and 30s, so Zhao Dezhu was only wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt, and Cheng Ting's police uniform was also summer.

Only the female designer wrapped in a windbreaker was able to resist, but she also quickly jumped into the duty room with a stove for warmth.

The police and defense here are very enthusiastic, and they are not surprised that the owner of the car has been found.

But the suggestion he gave surprised Zhao Dezhu: "Do you still have the car keys? Yes, then take the opportunity to drive back secretly."

"Fuck, I have the procedures..." When Zhao Dezhu handed over the car to the other party to rent, he must have secretly equipped a key with him. Before the remote control key became popular, he must have had this basic defense.

But it never occurred to me that the local police would not be able to carry out the recovery of stolen goods?

The female designer immediately jumped out and despised his experience: "Haha, you don't know, this is an ethnic minority area, and some policies are very troublesome!"

Cheng Ting also admitted: "Yes, in fact, there are similar situations all over the country, but the proportion is higher in ethnic minority areas."

This has already been said very implicitly, and the local police also talked about several cases, because the central control of some stolen cars was destroyed or damaged, the owner insisted on pursuing the responsibility for buying the stolen car, and insisted on enforcing the law positively, resulting in a lot of trouble Can't be handed over.

Zhao Dezhu was not so serious, of course he nodded in agreement.

Look at the distance of 20 to 30 kilometers on the locator, and the local police judged the location. It is recommended to pass by dawn, because it is definitely not a standard national highway and provincial highway, and accidents are easy to happen if you are not familiar with it in the dark.

Zhao Dezhu was about to take a nap in the duty room with a strong smell of ghee, when he saw Cheng Ting, the local police and the auxiliary police inspecting the guns and loading the bullets.

How can he sleep!

The police from Jiangzhou brought a small pistol, and the local police even brought out a rifle with a magazine and a bayonet!

Is it so cruel?

Cheng Ting was helpless: "This is a grassland and mountainous area. Shotguns, mastiffs, and tough folk customs, any of which may cause accidents. It is our rule to be lenient when we predict the enemy."

What Zhao Dezhu cares about is: "Do all the stolen vehicles come here?"

The local police admitted: "Yes, Jiangzhou is relatively small, and Rongdu has a lot. Off-road vehicles are the hot spot for selling stolen goods here. In recent years, there has been a large increase. You can see the traffic environment here. Obviously There is a trend of stealing, selling, and using one-stop. We have cracked down many times. There is no way. The land is sparsely populated. If you drive to any ravine, you will not be able to find it. This is the first time we have seen your high-tech. But there is no way to stop this kind of criminal behavior from happening, people who should steal, sell or buy will not stop."

Zhao Dezhu's heart felt cold again!

He didn't care about such a car.

What he cares about is the car rental industry.

Just like selling counterfeit wine at the night market in Jiangzhou, the geography and ethnic environment here also created the special situation at hand.

As long as you dare to rent a car, as long as there is a price difference between the deposit and the stolen car, people will dare to steal it and sell it.

Some people will take risks even if they earn thousands of dollars.

There is no need to care about licenses, formalities or being discovered here.

Cheng Ting also said that there are more and more stolen vehicles in the Jiangzhou area and they don't know where they went. It seems that this case has given a reminder.

So if Zhao Dezhu engages in car rental in Jiangzhou, he will open a barbecue restaurant for criminals.

If people want to eat meat, they can come and get it, and if they eat too much oil, they still have to run orders!

It is not difficult to install a GPS in each car, but the difficulty is that every car comes to chase like this?

Just the cost of chasing the car is a dead loss!

The sky was getting bright, and the three of them set off together with the local police and the auxiliary police.

Originally, Cheng Ting said that the lady should stay here to ensure safety.

Xi Lianying bravely said that if there is one more person and more help, at least she is familiar with her own car. Since she wants to "steal" a car, multiple drivers are good.

Besides, since dawn, Cheng Ting has started to have a very clear headache.

Both Xi Lianying and the local police said he had altitude sickness.

Zhao Dezhu was fine.

In this case, Cheng Ting might even have trouble driving.

Nodding in agreement.

The local police drove a famous Wuling van to assist in the distance.

When I came out, I found that there was already a thin layer of frost on both sides of the wet road outside!

Fill up the gas, drive about two or three kilometers in the direction indicated by the locator, and then stay away from the road.

The local policeman on the walkie-talkie is used to it: "People in counties and towns don't dare to buy stolen cars blatantly. These cars are bought by herdsmen...follow the ruts on the ground, they all live in the wild."

This is the real way to go straight in the direction indicated by the navigation.

Because this is a frozen plateau, the road can have nine bends and eighteen bends, or it can pass straight for several kilometers, with rolling grassland hills on both sides!

If you look at a green grassland from a distance, you will find that it is all green grassland trampled by the hoofs of cows and horses.

When you drive up the car, you will find that even if there are wheel marks, because you don’t drive often, they will probably disappear in a few days.

People who are used to driving along the road, when there are roads all over the mountains and plains, they can't find their way at all!

Zhao Dezhu was driving, and the police officer who was strong and sharp yesterday kept telling him to slow down, even the slightest shaking gave him a terrible headache.

Xi Lianying didn't respond either. She opened the skylight and held the locator and the map to indicate the direction: "The distance is fifteen kilometers, fourteen seven... Huh? Why is the distance increasing? You drive faster?"

Only people who have been to this kind of plateau understand that the vast grassland looks very vast and magnificent. If you have a lonely car in it, and there is no road, you will be terribly panicked!

It feels almost like a lonely boat on the sea, especially empty.

And isn't this area the famous big swamp where the Red Army crossed the grassland?

Zhao Dezhu was driving the car, with feedback from the limping wheels, feeling that he might get stuck in the mud at any moment.

I was terrified!

want to cry!

I don't want that car, okay?

It's only a matter of tens of thousands of dollars... Is it okay if I don't do this business?

Is it really that hard to be self-reliant?

Thanks to a kiss_rose reader, six years have passed, and I went to Iron Blood to subscribe to "Traitor" to watch the genuine version, thank you for your support.

Thank you also to all the friends who have been silently voting and rewarding the new book.

There is also the whale shark hunter, who has been silently focusing on the role of Dudu. Thank you on behalf of Boss Du. I hope that there will be a day to repay you in the future, haha

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