I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 692 Ginger, old is really spicy

The Zhao Dezhu recorded by the camera really boosted the aspirations of the Chinese people.

In fact, a lot of foreign journalists also came, which was originally a show-worthy thing for Microsoft.

Show Gates' approachability and enthusiasm for new things, and get rid of that superior impression.

But they forgot a very important thing.

Zhao Dezhu is only twenty-one years old!

The two oriental girls who followed him were dignified and vigorous, slender and tall, and they were also extremely young.

They were all standard black suits and skirts, and their silky buns were meticulously combed, which showed their entourage identities in a low-key and clear way.

It also made Zhao Dezhu more relaxed and relaxed.

That's right, even Gates and his old friend were wearing appropriate Hawaiian-style resort shirts and shorts, which made the meeting easy.

But they can't hide the traces of their aging years!

Aging compared by the three of Zhao Dezhu.

There are about 20 domestic reporters, facing the restaurant that has been booked out, basically they can only shoot from a dozen meters away.

But they all had the same kind of excitement.

Zhao Dezhu and the others didn't recognize him, but the reporters were familiar with that white-haired old man!

Warren Buffett!

The stock god who has the opportunity to have lunch together is auctioned once a year, and the auction price of each meal is more than half a million dollars!

Uninvited to appear at the table of this dinner.

More importantly, just in June this year, the sales tycoon who set the highest domestic sales of DVD players spent 620,000 US dollars in lunch to ask the stock gods what to invest when he earned so much cash.

The Chinese at that time had a face full of admiration for the stock god.

In fact, among businessmen from all over the world who do business, who doesn't worship the stock god?

With a net worth of 50 billion, he often takes turns to be the richest man with Gates, and he accepts various inquiries except stocks during lunch.

Such opportunities are indeed worth tens or even millions of dollars.

But Zhao Dezhu's face was relaxed, even a little nonchalant and frivolous. He smiled and reached out to shake hands with the fifty-year-old Gates and the seventy-five-year-old stock god. Mutually.

This is very different from the reverence of the domestic disc player billionaire that was circulated last month.

Full of self-confidence and eagerness to try at this age, as well as infinite vitality and opportunities for fault tolerance.

This is the biological trajectory that the two middle-aged and elderly richest men cannot change anyway.

Faintly, it can even make people see a bit of insinuation.

Then, Zhao Dezhu, who was chatting and laughing happily, did not submissive in front of his seniors or the richest man.

This made me even more curious about what they were talking about.

Because it contains too many commercial secrets, the only person who can get close within more than ten meters is the waiter serving the food.

Chen Yanling and Nana listened to and participated in this historic conversation.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu was as simple and direct as ever: "Hello, what can we talk about?"

Another translator might soften his tone as appropriate.

Chen Yanling seemed to be his doppelgänger, translating almost as it was.

Gates' voice is very pleasant, relatively deep and clear: "We have conducted a large-scale analysis of the operation mode of the WB network, and found that this is actually a completely different way of socializing from Facebook and MySpace. You seem to have poured a lot of money into it. Unusual expectations, even more than TM.com.”

Chen Yanling was surprised by the praise of the richest man in the world.

She has always thought that TM is Zhao Dezhu's most important company, making the most money and securing the most high-level jobs.

So Zhao Dezhu handed over the branch to her, just to ask her to play a good role in support.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of the richest man, this is the heart and soul.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu flew all the way here, thinking about how far he would go to explain to the world's richest man.

No good, will he reveal the future trend and make enemies for himself for no reason?

The use of the Android system for mobile phones is already an irreversible business development.

Although Page didn't call to tell him, he must have been watching the scene.

Zhao Dezhu felt a little confused about Infernal Affairs.

Now with a smile: "That's right, WB.com is more important in my hands than many people imagine. We Chinese have a saying that we must grasp with both hands and be hard with both hands. Material civilization and spiritual civilization are indispensable. In our In my eyes, TM.com and WB.com are the two hands, so takeover is out of the question, I won’t be robbed and make me crippled.”

After the Battle of Pebble Beach, Chen Yanling regarded practicing English as her only pastime after work.

Not only did he study business management courses at Jiangzhou University, but he also enrolled in the School of Foreign Languages ​​to strengthen his oral English.

Her vocabulary is much larger than that of Long Zhiyu.

Nana could only hear the general idea.

Zhao Dezhu brought his daughter here mainly to let her participate in this big scene.

As a college student, this start is really high enough.

Perhaps the uncontrollable pride on Nana's face made Gates smile and gesture to the girl who was holding a knife and fork, neither eating, nor translating or recording: "Is your girlfriend?"

Zhao Dezhu also smiled: "My daughter, my wife is more than ten years older than me, but in my young and ignorant life, my wife, as my university teacher, made me really understand how to work hard."

The two old men suddenly realized and didn't think it was weird.

The stock god who had been silent for a while, paying attention to Zhao Dezhu's communication with the two young girls, applauded lightly: "No wonder, you have a kind of maturity that is not commensurate with your age, although you hide this maturity under the pretentious young Fly down."

Alas, in the eyes of this kind of fine old guy, everything is transparent.

Zhao Dezhu was not embarrassed: "I am definitely dissatisfied with some aspects of Microsoft, and the new project about the mobile phone system has also started. I don't know what can be changed after such a meeting and negotiation. I am not pursuing a stock listing. Even since this year, I have launched a plan to return 1% of the stock every year. I try my best to make the company's employees and even restaurant chefs become minority shareholders. I will never seek the listing of these two companies. Let's talk."

The stock god smiled again, and turned his head to smile at the richest man: "Have you noticed, from the information we can find, he is very good at such a sudden change of attitude to anger opponents."

Gates nodded hahaha, raised his champagne glass and signaled to Zhao Dezhu: "Usually, this approach is to try to encourage your opponent to make a wrong business decision through seemingly impulsive behavior, causing your opponent to launch A poorly conceived move, and then you profit off of it, which you've done many times."

Speaking of this, the richest man in glasses made a face while cutting oysters.

Zhao Dezhu, who turned his face like a book, finally realized that he was just a rookie in front of these great mages.

But he has a way to deal with it, and immediately turned his head to Nana seriously: "Have you heard the teachings of the two uncles? In the future, you need to learn more about these principles of life and work."

Nana was actually confused by the richest man's evaluation, which contained a lot of slang and academic vocabulary, so she blinked hard to hear clearly.

But I heard Chen Yanling's soft-spoken translation.

I am a little convinced in my heart, but also a little frustrated, and I am full of fighting spirit to surpass in the future.

Now being told by my dad, my eyes are full of innocence.

Chen Yanling didn't translate this sentence, the two "old uncles" were happy, looked at each other with a smile, and pointed their knives and forks at Zhao Dezhu.

It seems that he has seen through his rambling tricks again.

Zhao Dezhu has a thick skin and is not afraid to laugh: "Of course, as the chief experience officer of Penguin, I pointed out that they didn't know how to cash in when they had hundreds of millions of users. The result of my negotiations with them made me I got my first pot of gold, and it’s the same now, we can talk, but I have to make a profit to talk about it, otherwise it’s hahaha, the weather is really good, ummm, what the hell is this food?!”

He has been in Jiangzhou for a long time in the past two years, and he is used to Jiangzhou cuisine. He really frowned at the practice of sprinkling some salt on such bland seafood.

Gates, who booked the table and was responsible for paying the bill, laughed loudly, as if no one had been so sincere in front of him for a long time.

That's right, the richest man in the world, who in front of them doesn't want to gain benefits.

But they all have to be respectful and try to please.

How can Zhao Dezhu be so afraid of talking too much, afraid that you will take my advantage!

Even Buffett, who auctions off his right to lunch once a year and charges hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity, laughed, and quickly took out a medicine bottle from his pocket: "I need to take some medicine to stabilize my mood. It's so interesting."

Everyone begged him to give him some advice on how to make money during lunch.

It turned around today.

Zhao Dezhu didn't smile, and said solemnly: "Really, we Chinese still have an old saying, that is, if you don't see a rabbit, you don't scatter an eagle. Now you are asking me to talk, what benefits can you give me? Let's see if there is any purpose to continue the talk? "

The richest man swallowed with a chuckle, and pressed his mouth with a napkin: "Very good, you are also clear enough in terms of negotiating points, so the benefit I will give is, have you considered opening the WB network to Citigroup without buying it?" Stocks, let’s set up a new subsidiary together in Citigroup, including WB in Europe in the future, and I can use this in exchange for WB’s comprehensive optimization support on the windowsCE system, is that okay?”

Really, at that moment, Zhao Dezhu's mind buzzed, and he felt very clearly that the whole person seemed to be dizzy for an instant.

Drive WB to Citigroup!

This is like the War of Resistance Against Japan, planting the military flag in Tokyo!

Once this commanding height is occupied, it means that the whole world will be dominated by WB!

This bait is too tempting.

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