I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 771 Come out to mess around, keep your word

Perhaps the HK media has also been the emperor for a long time, and they really think they are the uncrowned king.

Freedom to say anything without regulation.

But I never thought that I was just a small place, and it was also the collision point of different cultures between China and the West.

When the relationship between the two parties is good, they can make a fortune from both sides.

Once there is some friction, don't you just use this place as a tipping point.

The next morning seemed to be a continuation of the all-night carnival. Those media that were published in the morning were printed and shipped at full speed overnight, just for another wave of sales in the morning.

What is a mainland star? The international chapter went to Hollywood and came back to Hong Kong, so he would be scolded bloody.

What is a rich man from mainland China? He is just a nouveau riche. To be a real rich man, we still have to look at our old man from HK...

Laughing and cursing unscrupulously, mean and mocking!

It's a pity that happiness is always short-lived, in exchange for endless pain and long sighs.

It was only after nine o'clock in the morning, and on the far side of the ocean, news came from a nightly celebrity talk show. An African-American host turned his three-inch tongue, and made a joke in English of the harsh description of the HK media.

Lanying's photos really started to come in handy.

Twenty years ago, the beauty who overwhelmed Weng Meiling, Zhang Manyu, Liu Jialin and other great beauties became the most beautiful female actress.

She was still very beautiful ten years ago, and even three or five years ago she was still considered a beautiful woman.

Suddenly, in just one or two years, the whole person fell into a state of collapse.

Messy and short gray hair, high cheekbones, vigilant and fierce eyes, the sloppy dress of the street mistress, and the bankrupt look of tightly guarding the grocery bag!

The contrast is huge!

Of course, when I went back to the room last night, Yi Fei specially helped Lan Ying make up and dress up to take a selfie. It was really shocking!

Almost instantaneously, Britney released a blog composed of nine photos on TiTa...

Three changes of Oriental stars, three self-portraits of herself from her debut, pregnancy, and emaciation, and three photos of the media frenziedly chasing and intercepting her, with the caption: "Enough is enough of you! Kill her, and still kill me!"

The eldest princess reposted and liked it as soon as possible!

She doesn't care that the big golden retriever is the main force of the show, this time is to stir up a topic!

When it was still reposting @a lot of celebrities, I asked you what do you think?

The stars of the world have been suffering paparazzi for a long time!

There are more male and female celebrities, and there are more male and female celebrities, flocking to scratch their heads and complain that the paparazzi should have a limit!

Solidarity with our distant Eastern colleagues...

Brother Cao Cao only received a text message from Zhao Dezhu, which was edited by Yi Fei in English: "This is an attempt to show political influence and media effects, let's try to see what kind of effect it has..."

If he hadn't known Zhao Dezhu, Nash had planned to return to New York with the big golden retriever, and he would immediately acquire the oldest newspaper and enter the media industry.

But apparently dear Charles had opened the window to a whole new world for him.

Compared with traditional media with publication restrictions, time limit, circulation restrictions, and geographical restrictions, new media such as TiTa can fully exert its power unscrupulously!

At his lobbying invitation, a state congressman proposed to pay attention to the persecution of entertainment stars by the HK media...

TiTa began to intentionally push topics about celebrities being hurt by paparazzi. The tags were celebrities, paparazzi, HK, violent treatment...

On the contrary, users with this kind of label will automatically swipe to these related news.

There are so many celebrities who eat melons, and the more they read, the higher the exposure rate of these related news will be. By the afternoon, it has fermented into news quoted by many TV newspapers in Citigroup!

A classic case of Internet media influencing traditional media was born!

From this time, many traditional media people in Europe and the United States suddenly felt that the emerging online media seemed to have taken an absolute advantage in silence!

Because of various traditions, whether it is TV or print media, you will find that all their information channels are talking about this topic.

An otherwise inexplicable distant topic.

Now it is starting to ferment under the leadership of countless stars!

Moreover, various traditional media have to follow up, because all of them are talking about this topic, if you don't participate, you will be left behind!

Opinion articles, column articles, news roundups, all kinds of forms follow and participate!

Just like Zhao Dezhu once said, if you put a lighted billboard on a New York square, you will show how big your brand is as a multinational brand.

Even after more than ten years, Citigroup still deserves to be number one in the world.

The focus of the world's attention.

What is a hot topic in Citigroup will probably become a hot topic in the world.

Zhao Dezhu's way of forcing Mu Yanggou from the Lighthouse Country really surprised HK.

They have always felt complacent about being the most outstanding representatives of the European and American systems, free speech, democratic and open.

As a result, this time, Citigroup was criticized by overwhelming public opinion!

The first thing to react was the judicial system. Barristers, justices, etc. were interviewed by radio and television in the afternoon. It was too dangerous to respond to such unfettered media voices.

Then at night, HK's entertainment programs and news broadcasts began to turn around, denouncing some paparazzi who went too far in the endless pursuit of gossip, and shamed HK's reputation...

The most surprising thing is that Brother Guanxi jumped out and scolded some gossip media for being disgusting and shameless...

He was broadcasting live entertainment programs on the right bank, talking about how happy he and Yi Fei had been working together on filming in Shanghai, but when the two of them went to HK to promote, the media gave all kinds of obscene hints and groundless speculations, wishing that the stars from the mainland would panic Make a mistake.

Brother Guanxi seemed to be the first one to jump out and tear his face. That night, several female stars with extremely appealing voices followed suit.

At this time, some media were a little scared, and they dared not follow up after discussing. Some people even went to the Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui to film the scene where Zhao Dezhu, Lan Ying, and Yi Fei stood side by side by the seaside railing, looking up and laughing at the fireworks. !

Don't you guys guess which rich man set off fireworks for the romance of some girl?

Standing between the two of them, Lan Ying didn't wear makeup, but her whole face was glowing, shining brightly under the reflection of the fireworks!

The 500,000 fireworks are set off for the citizens of Hong Kong to watch, standing majestically in a bright place to see what the dirty things you guessed are like.

Some media are distributing these images.

Some stubbornly continued to dig out the darkness as much as possible, and wanted to start showing off tomorrow morning whether it was a scene where a man and two women had to be talked about.

It's a pity that they don't know what the middle-aged man with glasses standing more than ten meters away is thinking.

From the early morning of the third day, all stocks related to HK media collapsed!

Because the U.S. stock market and European stock market last night expressed concern about HK media’s market supervision, and they are not optimistic about the profit prospects.

Most of them were penny stocks, and the media stocks, which cost only a few cents per share, fell in response. When the bosses lost hundreds of millions in an instant, they panicked.

Guess if someone is playing the game!

But what the entire HK market showed was that the paparazzi provoked public outrage!

Almost all celebrities began to speak out on the third day, counting the past cases of being entrapped by paparazzi.

Request the relevant public office to strengthen the approval and control of media organizations. After all, individuals can sneak into media organizations and dig out private privacy without a bottom line...

Even the HK billionaires started to add insult to injury, taking the opportunity to complain.

The media hurt them the most.

The whole HK is fond of talking about the life of the rich, wishing they could all show them a reality show under the spotlight.

All of a sudden, media companies in HK became like rats crossing the street, everyone shouted and beat them!

In fact, the matter fermented until the third day, and it was the loudest in the mainland.

After all, WB has formed a social media atmosphere in mainland China with more than one million mobile phone users and tens of millions of registered users.

The gossip media, the paparazzi's insulting and slanderous news, and all kinds of cynicism and sarcasm about past stars, especially mainland stars, have all been turned out to be incriminating evidence.

Even Zhiling, the most famous sister on the right bank, was trampled on her breasts last year because she was riding a horse in an advertisement, and got the vicious nickname of Yimapingchuan from the HK media, and now she stands up to support her colleagues in HK!

This kind of speech and topic will obviously not be affected by the supervision of the mainland or the right bank, and they even expressed their support.

HK's official voice came long ago, reminding all media companies to be dedicated to their jobs, clear up the level of employees, and ensure the overall image of HK...

Various media and newspaper companies finally realized that they seemed to have kicked the iron plate, and began to ask whether it was really because they offended people.

They started to complain to each other about who did it, and they wanted to target Lan Ying, who took the money from the benefactor, and now they have lost so much!

But this is just the beginning.

What we want is to frighten the media index of Hong Kong stocks under the pressure of European and American public opinion and a few rhythmic congressmen' voices.

In fact, by that night, a group of stock market friends recruited by Pang Yong and Luo Shixin had already felt that they couldn't hold back from the US stock market.

This kind of deliberate bearish view of HK Media's stock market has indeed caused many retail investors to sell off one after another, causing several leaders led by Fruit Media to plummet.

However, there are more signs that the big households and bookmakers entering the market to harvest are coming.

Because of the volatility, it even affected many other sectors of Hong Kong stocks.

In many people's minds, the media will always exist, so it's time to buy the bottom.

But at this time, who is the most well-funded in the entire HK market?

Pang Yong came back from Guge with hundreds of millions of dollars, which was originally intended to be used to buy shares in Guoxin Electronics.

Now there is just an extra layer of cover.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the hungry wolves who couldn't wait all rushed towards the media stocks that had already fallen into scum!

The big boss who thought he controlled the fruit media, the traitor who was ordered by his friends to hunt down Lan Ying and make her bad, suddenly found out that he had attracted a giant kun!

The kind of viciousness that wants to swallow the fruit media directly!

Others are taking advantage of this wave of bottoming out and rushing to buy the bottom, but the temporary army commanded by Pang Yong wants to directly become a major shareholder!

After asking, among the few people around, only Yi Fei still holds a Citigroup passport, so please write your name.

Everyone thought that Zhao Dezhu bought Fruit Media for the beauty just for the sake of sex...

As everyone knows, in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, only the acquisition of HK Media by Citigroupers will not arouse some people's vigilance.

After all, it is already 2007, and it has not been a few years since the unexpected chaos.

As for those media rubbish, what did Liang Kun say?

When you go out, you have to be articulate, and if you want to shovel at home, you must shovel at home!

When you come out to hang out, you have to be honest, and if you say you want to kill the whole family, you must kill the whole family!

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