Job Bush must have noticed the sudden surge of emotion.

It is different from the excitement he felt in the Apple R\u0026D team and the Pierce animation team.

Even his Chinese-American engineer, who studied abroad and settled in Citigroup, was a little lost in his thoughts as he watched the group of people drank their drinks and went downstairs one after another.

Seeing that those hardcore fans were taken away by Pang Yong, let's chat with each other.

In the end, Yuanyuan puffed her cheeks and looked around in a daze, eh, why are they all gone?

pack pack pack!

Probe asked the staff on duty in the General Manager's Office to clean up immediately.

Also open the window to diffuse the smell.

Quickly clean up the empty floor into a simple business situation, and put coffee and tea on the table.

While Zhao Dezhu was toasting, Pete had already quickly explained the outline of the exchange to Old Qiao.

His moral level and inner pride still won't reduce Lao Lei's plot of signing a contract with himself in exchange for Zhao Dezhu's agreement to help.

Even out of the corner of his eyes, he was looking at Zhao Dezhu's scene where the whole audience was ignited with passion.

He experienced it once in the car: "Emotion, Charles is obviously a person who knows how to incite emotion, no, or he is very contagious, I have heard many reports about him, young He has a low education background and only started vocational college at the age of 18, but in less than four years, he stepped on several outlets such as online games, e-commerce platforms, social media, and smartphones with great precision, and even one of them can be regarded as a meritorious career , he also grasped each of them firmly, and it can be seen that he has a large group of like-minded followers..."

Twenty-two-year-old Zhao Dezhu, can he call a group of industry leaders in their thirties as followers?

The Chinese engineer also explained: "Indeed, Charles seems to have a very rare patriotic enthusiasm. Although he never mentioned this word, he just... has the kind of enthusiasm that can burn everything easily. So many people gathered under great goals and beliefs, this is a domestic entrepreneur I have never seen before, serving the people... Hehe, I always thought it was a slogan."

Pete still spread his hands in a very Western style: "That's it. He promised to introduce his friends to work hard for your illness. There are no other strings attached. It is just because of Mr. Lei's request. This is also a very trustworthy expression in our country. Charles? Can you tell me exactly how to do it?"

Because Zhao Dezhu just made a call and hung up.

Ma De, Zhao Dezhu is trying to find a way to lie when he meets Lao Lei, that goddamn old man!

Of course he was happy to subdue Lao Lei, but the seven or eight technical masters from Pingjing also seemed to have a lot of background. Chen Xiaolong and the others all knew each other and shook hands and exchanged greetings.

It is estimated that the harvest of this wave will have to be counted slowly to know the quality.

But what about this old man?

In front of Lao Lei, Pete, or his own people, Zhao Dezhu didn't say it cruelly, but after more than ten years, it is difficult for the general public in China to have a good impression of a Citi entrepreneur, especially when these companies are still going all out. The containment and strangulation of Chinese enterprises.

If possible, Zhao Dezhu wouldn't mind throwing this guy in a wild pit to bury him at all.

He didn't plan to dig anything from Old Joe, money was no longer Zhao Dezhu's goal, and Apple shares were too hot to get.

Call Lao Lin.

In the past few years, Zhao Dezhu rarely took the initiative to call Lao Lin to trouble him, asking him if he could find a way to contact the top Chinese medicine practitioners in the country. Officially, there must be experts in this field.

Be smart, Zhao Dezhu is still very clear-headed: "Needless to say who Joe Bush is, he has never been to China in his life, and he looks down on China, but his cancer cannot be cured by Western medicine, and he himself is also a superstitious person who is easy to trust others. Yes, we treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, even if it is delayed for a few years, it is definitely a friendship, and there is no harm."

Lao Lin was surprised: "Let me contact you first, this matter must be reported to the higher authorities, it must be worth doing well!"

Zhao Dezhu also smiled: "No matter how expensive the fee is, it doesn't matter, people have money, right, maybe if Zhenzhi becomes famous and we only rule international celebrities, how many people will we have to speak for us?"

Lao Lin was also amused: "It's not as simple as you said. It's a matter of life and death. It is absolutely rare that people in the world don't believe in famous doctors in Europe and America, but are willing to come to Chinese medicine. They see it as witchcraft!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dezhu encouraged himself secretly: "Witchcraft is right! This old man believes in this... If you think about it, he believes in cow dung to cure diseases. The more magical the better, he absolutely cooperates. This is a god... a man! "

Still refrained from speaking out about the neuropathy.

Lao Lin tsk tsk tsk, he also heard a gossip: "That's too weird, wait for me to ask first, and I will reply to you as soon as possible."

So now I hung up the phone and came back, feeling confident: "Didn't I already contact you, master, I must wait for a reply, what's the matter, send the patient to the hotel to rest or arrange to visit the night scene of Jiangzhou, this place is here Level, the hotels in the industrial park are four-star, but there are a few reception houses over there where I can live... for free."

This grandson really wants to offer a price of 10,000 US dollars a day at this moment!

Passing for nothing is stupid.

Uh, how to describe it.

Stamping the Citigroup stock market will tremble, and the leader of the technology industry is always paying attention to the trend.

When he came to China for the first time, Zhao Dezhu regarded him as an old country man seeking medical treatment.

Just ask if you feel aggrieved?

The old Joe with perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder is actually an extremely sensitive person.

Zhao Dezhu's attitude of not caring about him was almost written on his face.

He is indeed a god-man, not to mention that the purpose of his coming to China to find Zhao Dezhu was not to treat illnesses!

At least until this time, Job Bush still emphasized this in his heart.

So I made up my mind: "I hope to get to know him as closely as possible."

Zhao Dezhu listened to the fuck, I don't want to get close to you. I heard that this guy is a vegetarian and doesn't take a bath. I even look at the eldest princess with disgust.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Okay, then I'm off work, come live with me, the conditions are actually okay."

Unexpectedly, when getting into the car, Old Joe directly left Pete and his Chinese engineer behind: "I want to communicate alone, language is not a problem, you can arrange it yourself."

Pete is also the CEO of the largest Chinese search engine company with a market value of more than 20 billion!

It was just listed on NASDAQ the year before last, and it was in the limelight and enthusiastic.

But in Old Joe's eyes, it was really nothing.

The arrogance of a billion-dollar boss is invisible.

Get on the co-pilot and go away.

On the contrary, Yuanyuan, who was content to eat, looked at the two with embarrassed faces, and asked in a good mood: "May I stay in the restaurant or go to the top?"

Pete was so angry that he laughed, and he hadn't experienced such a feeling of being underestimated for many years.

Zhao Dezhu hugged Old Man Bao without saying a word, and he didn't bother to speak.

In the night, I was sent home in the bodyguard's car, and I called my wife on the way to make arrangements in advance: "Oh, hey, I'm alone, and I can't speak Chinese. What if I die with us? It's not because I came to touch porcelain. .”

Long Zhiyu suppressed a smile and quickly criticized him for not discriminating against patients.

Zhao Dezhu smiled and despised him: "I discriminate against him. I will be enthusiastic when you are sick and undergo surgery..."

Long Zhiyu sweetly told him to be careful on the road, and made glutinous rice balls for supper today.

Zhao Dezhu secretly gasped.

My wife's cooking skills are really dark, far worse than my daughter's.

But no matter how unpalatable it is, it’s your heart, right?

After hanging up the phone and looking at the co-pilot, under the flickering lights, Old Qiao smiled at him.

There was silence in the carriage again.

But not awkward either.

When he got home, Long Zhiyu was already waiting at the door of the small house with an English-speaking property manager.

Didn’t I buy a row of twelve buildings at the beginning, and I lived in Duantou, with one set for Lao Xu, Yi’s mother, and my father and mother, and the others were linked to the hotel management, leaving one set for seven or eight people such as bodyguards and property management. Live in it as a dormitory.

Very convenient.

Zhao Dezhu is simple, this is my wife, live here as you like, eat, drink and eat for free, call the housekeeper if you have anything to do, there are bodyguards and cars, and you can walk around freely.

Then he took away his wife who wanted to fully introduce the safety exit and check-in instructions.

Why are you making so much effort? I'm not used to it.

Long Zhiyu didn't have any idea about Qiao Jiaozhu, but turned around and marveled: "Wow, he is the founder of Apple, hehe, when you bought me a laptop, you didn't expect him to come to us .”

Job Bush had already turned on his laptop, wanting to record something, but he really felt special about the completely different environment in front of him, so he finally chose to walk to the balcony behind the bedroom.

Looking across the golf course with only a few viewing lights, there is no movement on the lawn where there is no sound and no waves.

It is easy to fall into the distance, like a lit Thousand Buddha Pagoda, dotted with bright lights, and there are all kinds of lively and noisy sounds.

This kind of contrast between extremely quiet and extremely noisy made the sensitive Qiao leader stand there feeling blankly for a long time.

Until exactly eleven o'clock, countless lights were extinguished in unison, and after a brief howl of wolves and ghosts, the exuberant youthful energy finally washed off and fell asleep.

There are only sporadic public lights and the lights of the school gate street between the distance and the distance.

So the next morning, Joe Bush, who was affected by the jet lag, opened his eyes, went to the window, and saw the magnificent cottage.

Long Zhiyu really became Mrs. Yazhai.

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