It was sold to Disney.

But Job Bush didn't get the money.

The shares given by Disney were exchanged for Pierce with 13% of its own shares to become a subsidiary.

Job Bush has thus become Disney's largest individual shareholder.

Worth seven and a half billion dollars...

Change this life.

Can Zhao Dezhu say no?

Pidiandian followed immediately.

He has never had a strong character in this kind of thing, and he is fat in his hands.

But he doesn't want Disney's shares, and he doesn't want US dollars, he just needs to set up an animation base in Pengzhen.

When he told this to his domestic bosses and even officials, most of them would guess what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, and what kind of secret calculations he had hidden.

But in the face of top bosses like Lao Gai and Lao Qiao, they will look up at them instead.

Still the same sentence, selfless, will appear great.

During the flight to Pingjing, Lao Qiao explained the entire transaction process to Zhao Dezhu in as much detail as possible.

It's a bit entrusting, after all, he doesn't know if the healing process of drinking herbs will be successful.

"First of all, Pierce and Disney were established through many cooperation contracts, so each of Pierce's works has the label of Disney, but there are more and more commercial conflicts between the two..."

To put it simply, Pierce's fully computer-generated animation film model is too amazing, shaking Disney's dominance of animation in the world.

The more important reason is that Job Bush looked down on the CEO of Disney: "That's shit, I feel disgusted when I see their pretentious things! So I didn't plan to renew the contract before the contract expired last year, but before the contract expired, They have a new CEO, and following the vulgar routine of buying if you can't beat it, they completed this acquisition, and I also want to get a lot of Disney copyrights through this acquisition, do you understand what I mean?"

In Zhao Dezhu's office, it shows that Yi's mother is more reliable as an interpreter.

After all, anyone else may be driven by the huge commercial interests and do uncontrollable things, even heroes like Pete and Lao Lei are not allowed to participate. Even the Chinese engineer of Job Bush was asked to stay in the industrial park to get acquainted with it. The situation here.

It is obvious that Joe Bush may have to stay in China for a while. For a person like him, traveling with ease is just playing with literary style. In just a few days, a lot of work will pile up like a mountain. A huge Apple team is ready to go on the road. Meet at Pingjing.

So in the VIP reception room at the airport, Mama Yi was the one who translated the whole process. When she got on the plane, she even occupied the business class seat behind the two bosses, and translated between the two chairs.

Portions are too heavy.

Both Shen Jianing and Zhou Mengxia would sit in the aisle and serve as temporary bodyguards for isolation.

Long Zhiyu sent her to the airport, and told her husband and girlfriends to go early and return early. Lao Meng's Shonan school affairs group was coming back for inspection, and they were very busy.

Zhao Dezhu was also thinking about how long it would take to see a disease, so he grabbed the medicine and went back to Jiangzhou to take it.

Nodding now: "I also bought a lot of film and television resources for smartphones, enough content to ensure that the phone has resources."

Job Bush was satisfied: "Many idiots don't realize this at all. Bells of Amazon sold me the copyright of many CDs at a very low price before. I couldn't help but remind him that the ipod will greatly reduce his CDs. Sales!"

Zhao Dezhu also laughed: "Yes, that's an idiot. Up to now, we have proved that the mobile phone is the terminal of the mobile Internet. What should we develop next? A tablet computer with a slightly larger screen, this idiot actually made a handheld The reader is also fooling people, watching it for a long time will not hurt the eyes..."

Job Bush was taken aback: "You also think tablet computers should be developed? Wow, how do you know that Bells is working on a handheld reader, and he intends to use it as a mobile Internet terminal? What an idiot!"

Some say the easiest and quickest way to build a friendship is to have someone you despise in common.

So more than ten years later, the owner of Amazon, who surpassed everyone and became the richest man in the world, played this role innocently.

Zhao Dezhu has become a master of lying, and he will involuntarily raise his left hand only in front of his wife. At other times, he will open his mouth and say, "I work with Microsoft on TiTa, and an engineer came from Amazon and mentioned this information."

How could Joe Bush have imagined that last year Zhao Dezhu was still swearing to Page that he had an undercover agent at Apple.

At this moment, he shook his head with a sneer: "That's an idiot. His purpose of doing this must be to think that the handheld reader can resist the invasion of various APPs on smartphones. Do you think this is the moat? Only mobile phones and tablets are All terminals in the future, including handheld reading... Yes, what do you think about tablet computers? If you don’t mind, I want to share our ideas with you, and I promise I won’t steal your ideas.”

Oh, there are too many opinions on this. When the iPad came out, Zhao Dezhu didn't remember whether Lao Qiao hung up or not.

He still thought about it mysteriously, and said in a deep tone: "I have a daughter who is about to turn three years old. In the future world I imagine, she should be able to learn a lot of things from a tablet computer. Teachers from all walks of life around the world In front of the camera of the tablet computer, thousands of children can be taught those beautiful things that only belonged to a very few people..."

That's right, for Zhao Dezhu, the ipad doesn't make any sense, and there are two or three years that seem to be fashionable gadgets that are bought everywhere to play games, but then the ipad has completely become an online class terminal. The only advantage of smartphones lies in the larger screen of the ipad, which neither fulfills the working vision of a production tool nor becomes a new generation of game consoles, but is only useful in teaching.

When Mama Yi translated, she already had an adoring tone.

Maybe I don't feel it when I see the couple next door all day long, but at this moment I deeply understand why Zhao Dezhu can stand at the top of technology.

Job Bush looked at the facial expression of Dongfang Boy up close, and was shocked: "I understand, I also have children, I know how you feel! I thought it should be used for office purposes..."

Since Zhao Dezhu is about to get a large amount of resources from Lao Qiao, he is not hesitant to increase his own value now. They have already paid in advance, so they have to buy later: "No, no, no, office use is a false proposition. Tablets are always Input, handwriting requires a pen, typing requires a keyboard, which is always inferior to a laptop, which is irreplaceable. The advantage is the simple operation of the Internet, and our massive APP."

In the end, he didn't expect Job Bush to ask back with a smile: "Just like you know that Amazon is working on a handheld reader, I also know that several computer manufacturers are conspiring to launch Netbooks in series. Do you know that?"

The tone became a little playful.

Zhao Dezhu really tried his best to recall, sorry, he has no impression of this kind of thing.

He and his ex-wife are not cultural people at all, and even bought a laptop to pretend to play games with aliens, so they can only shake their heads blankly.

Joe Bush finally felt happy. He felt that Zhao Dezhu didn’t know everything. He lowered his voice, “Actually, it’s the computer manufacturer’s mobile Internet thinking. A low-configuration but very small and light portable laptop computer can surf the Internet, send and receive emails, and instant messaging. , can also play videos and music, the size is between 7 and 10 inches, do you understand the value?"

Zhao Dezhu was really shocked!

Fuck, there are people thinking about it everywhere!

For example, Zhen Yuejin, who has some TV administrative connections and coaxial cable technology, wants to make an entertainment set-top box, Chen Banqiao, who has online game technology, makes a game box, and Amazon makes a handheld reader, the purpose is the same!

Establish an Internet terminal that you can control, and you can reach thousands of households, subverting the situation where computers dominate the world.

Whoever succeeds will be the overlord of the world in the next generation!

Look, this is the thinking logic of Joe Bush and their vision height.

In this sense, both Zhen Yuejin and Chen Banqiao are amazing.

But they all chose the wrong direction.

Wang Fenglian chose the right direction, but she didn't have the height. She only thought of a PDA with mobile phone function.

As for the computer manufacturers who still want to take it to the next level, their idea is to shrink the existing computer and shrink it to the size of a PDA. Wouldn't it become a new generation of terminals?

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Mobile phones hang all netbooks, even the old woman who sells vegetables on the roadside can watch TV and movies on her mobile phone, but she can't use a laptop. This is the characteristic of mobile phones and tablet computers. They are simple and easy to use. Tablet computers should It is an enlarged mobile phone, the only advantage is that the screen is slightly larger, which blocks the screens of all Internet terminals."

Only then did Job Bush reveal his ferocious minions, the arrogance hidden under his seemingly weak or artistic appearance: "Actually, in 2001, we created the prototype of the tablet computer. Now that Netbook wants to reach out to the mobile Internet market, we will Take out the ipad and crush them!"

Zhao Dezhu applauded: "Good!"

Job Bush stretched out his hand in satisfaction: "Are you agreeing to cooperate with me on the iPad?"

Zhao Dezhu held both hands, and then he heard Mama Yi's excited translation, a little frozen, huh?

Aren't we talking about Pierce Animation Films? Why did we suddenly talk about the cooperation with ipad...

No, I cooperate with Guge on mobile phone hardware, cooperate with Microsoft on a new generation system, and cooperate with Apple on ipads.

It is not right for one woman to marry three times.



This is more appropriate.

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