I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 798 Culture travels to the sea

That's right, Zhao Dezhu is a well-deserved protagonist.

Even without the bonus of the two peerless beauties, he is still the Internet pioneer in the mouth of Job Bush: "Charles reminds me of my twenties, when I just came into contact with Buddhism, and I just started to understand my own mind, and keep an empty mind. Do everything with a new heart, cherish every day of our future life infinitely, we are all people who are running wildly in life, I believe that Charles will do better than me in the future!"

Er Fu also came. He is based in Pengzhen and often travels between Peng and Hong Kong. He is full of admiration for Joe Bush.

Now he is also quietly looking at Zhao Dezhu, looking at that somewhat smug face, and suddenly feels as if he is acting.

Yi Fei stood up straight, but the corners of her mouth were also calmly puzzled: "Why did you suddenly stand up this time?"

I talked on the phone for so long last night, with all kinds of repeated emphasis, but I didn't mention this.

How dare Zhao Dezhu explain that all of this has already been confessed, he is already fearless and really wants to be the vanguard and rush to the forefront.

Fight for everything as much as possible and protect everything behind you.

He could only respond in the same calm manner: "It's the most eye-catching to act like a playboy, otherwise why do I do so much?"

But his left hand lightly tapped Yi Fei's waist twice, implying that she meant something.

Yi Fei snorted coquettishly.

Zhao Dezhu was overjoyed, secretly thinking that it was worth it.

This is almost the very rare physical contact between the two of them, and it feels a little inexplicable.

Ning Zhiling blatantly turned her head and whispered in Zhao Dezhu's ear. It seemed that the soft jade and gentle fragrance were actually translations, but added a lot of accents: "Wow, he described you as Van Gogh!"

Zhao Dezhu, who has no taste, can only huh?

Sister Zhiling quickly explained with a coquettish smile that she is a famous European painter, because what Job Bush described was: "Charles has a nature of extreme immersion, just like Van Gogh walked for a few days for the woman he loves, stopped for a while outside the window of the other party and then turned back. , This is a very pure and powerful spiritual force..."

Yi Fei smiled sweetly, with the expression that you can pull it down.

Sure enough, after hearing the translation, Zhao Dezhu must be lying: "How could I do such a stupid thing..."

But under the watchful eyes of all the dignitaries and dignitaries, I just feel that this young man is standing at the pinnacle of his life.

Let me ask everyone present, starting from scratch at the age of eighteen, can they do this at the age of twenty-two?

Now Job Bush is commenting: "His highly respected superpower is still seeing the future, and he is always firmly exploring towards the future. This is the most different feature of the Internet age from all previous years. Countless successes in history are Through wars, power struggles, transactions, real estate, land or resources, as long as you master one of them, you may be able to win for a long time. The Internet is not like this. Every day, every idea is changing the rules of the game. Yesterday Today's experience may be worthless today, today's victory may be tomorrow's grave, and tomorrow's hope may seem like an absurd idea today, just like I am now receiving Chinese medicine treatment. Ridiculous witchcraft, now it seems that it should be the communication of the soul..."

Mr. Zha, who was also standing among the guests, couldn't help turning his head to Uncle Lan: "I believe he will lead our Chinese culture to the world, and Fruit Media will make great achievements."

Uncle Lan praised: "Then give your full support."

That's right, even the two of them viewed it this way, and the others at the scene were a little dumbfounded.

In any case, it was unexpected that Joe Bush would push Zhao Dezhu so high.

Because Job Bush even talked about his own inadequacies...

In the past, he called everyone shit, when did he self-examine: "In my mind, success always comes from a process of overcoming difficult challenges, and in the end it will be too simple. In order to achieve success that is more difficult to achieve, this near-death experience is enough to wash away all unnecessary distractions in creation. It turns out that in Chinese culture, this is called "do not break and stand, put it to death and then live again. I am surprised, but even more surprised What’s more, in Chinese thinking, there is another kind called the mean, which is impartial and does not go to extremes, which is opposite to the thought just now, but also has an incomparable fusion..."

A group of HK bosses, who speak English and Cantonese better than Mandarin Chinese, listened in disbelief to the Citi boss, talking about his experience and admiration for Chinese culture, and how Charles applied all these to the product.

Because in Joe Bush's view, innovation is not important, what is important is great products.

Well, this is what Sun Xingping used to worry about. It is obvious that he innovated something, but his ring operation mode is only a part of the entire operating system, but it was condensed into a great product by Job Bush and the Apple team. middle.

In the half a month that he has known Zhao Dezhu, Job Bush has been thinking about how Zhao Dezhu designed and condensed such a ground-breaking work almost every day, and where did he come from for the idea of ​​the IPAD.

He must figure out this way of thinking...

It's very axis.

At this kind of ceremony on the trading floor of the stock exchange, Xu De talked about how the Internet art of Chinese culture was integrated by Charles.

Most people's eyes are clearly dazed, but they all say they don't know what's going on.

That young man with two big beauties in his arms is really amazing!

Usually, this kind of large-scale shareholding transaction of listed companies is an announcement by the stock exchange, a signing ceremony, a photo taken by the chairman of the listed company, a group photo of the officiant with all the guests, watching the trading situation, and introducing the current situation of the listed company. It's only about ten minutes.

The last time Yinshan Software was listed, it urged other listed companies to line up.

It feels like a field of fat cows and leeks in the stock market, begging to be listed, traders don't pay attention at all.

Now listen to Joe Bush talking non-stop for half an hour!

Probably still excited.

Because he took the traditional Chinese medicine for half a month, he could feel his physical condition is changing, and the accompanying old Chinese medicine doctor also confirmed that his pulse condition was improving, and he was not hesitating to guide the foreign guests to practice the pulse.

To put it simply, the spirit of exploration that Joe Bush emphasized just now is the secret of his success. Now he is as happy as a child who gets a new toy.

It is said that whoever comes out of terminal illness will be uncontrollably happy.

With such wealth and status as Job Bush, he is already very restrained without having a big banquet and showing off to the world.

But the consequence of his eloquence was that almost all the media could only focus on praising Zhao Dezhu the next day!

Because Master Qiao's impromptu speeches are notoriously esoteric and difficult to understand, similar to a Zen master's sharp edge, so let's talk about the world's technological overlord's love for the little Internet prodigy.

Of course, the plot of hugging the big beauty from the left to the right also needs to be written in a special way.

All kinds of photos of three people in the same frame occupy the covers of almost all magazines!

Regardless of finance, entertainment, news, cross-strait, three places, and around the oceans, as long as they are a little concerned about the international situation, the media that can get involved with HK will use the intimate appearance of these three people hugging as their cover.

Moreover, Zhao Dezhu's appearance of a colorless embryo that does not hide his role is not the topic that the audience in the market likes to talk about the most.

The left hand hugged Yi Fei's waist, soft and soft without a whip, and the right hand was almost hanging on sister Zhiling's hip bone, graceful and juicy.

The writers are racking their brains for this scene.

People are not flirtatious, and they earn so much money, of course they want to be accompanied by beautiful women and confidante.

Just look at how much he loves the beauties around him.

As the chairman of the listed company of Fruit Media, Yi Fei briefly mentioned that she will invest billions of dollars in Shanghai to build the world's largest animation film and television production base. She will participate in the dubbing of the first animation blockbuster. The animation film and television base that cooperates with Disney will also export Disney classic characters to various parts of Asia.

There is a bit of the overseas tone common to Citigroup Chinese in the words, thanking Disney for its support of technical poverty alleviation, highlighting the superiority of cultural inheritance and so on...

Such words were not too much in 2007, but when Zhao Dezhu told Yi Fei last night, he repeatedly emphasized that if she didn't want to say that, then forget it.

Yi Fei was still a little strange.

When the image spokesperson and cultural director of the listed company came to the stage, the sound of the doll sounded, and the bones of the audience were all broken: "In addition to the gratitude to Disney's parent company mentioned by Chairman Sarina, we also sincerely express our gratitude to Mr. Zha , Thank you for your decision to donate the copyrights of all fifteen classic works to us, Fruit Media, as the first batch of themes for serial comics in the global film and television animation base, we will launch the first animated film as soon as possible. Mr. Zha's martial arts comics, dedicated to the traditional culture of our Chinese people all over the world..."

Wow, the applause was overwhelming.

Over the past few decades, Mr. Zha’s novels have come in many versions in various languages, and even fan fiction in online literature has proliferated everywhere.

The only thing is that there is no complete comic version.

At least it is a collection of classic comics that have been authorized by the original and are very beautifully done, which can compete with American and Japanese anime.

HK people have always regarded Mr. Cha's novels as the pride of Hong Kong and the crystallization of Chinese culture.

As long as there are Chinese, there will be Mr. Cha's martial arts novels.

Is it really going to cruise around the world with Disney's big ship this time?



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