Sure enough, with the participation of sister Zhiling, even the arrangement of her own hot pot is much more beautiful.

Not to mention the big beauties, who casually roll up their sleeves and put on an apron busy in the kitchen, are too beautiful to behold.

Long Zhiyu watched from the sidelines habitually, watching Zhao Dezhu secretly pour chili oil into the hot pot base, the corner of her mouth couldn't hold back the smile.

There is no such thing as the depression of my aunt coming to kick the hall.

As the chef, Nana is also familiar with the helper after she is busy inside and outside: " you mainly live on the right bank now?"

Ning Zhiling beat eggs with a small bowl, and her movements were very skillful: "I'm just thinking about it. The new job is a new life for me. My parents went to Shanghai to have dinner with me last week, and they also I am looking forward to watching my movie, this is my childhood dream, but in the last week I have also been studying business work hard, the prospect of Fruit Media is very bright, I will do my best in this job!"

Being able to use a gentle tone to express the inspirational effect full of confidence is the unique skill of sister Zhiling.

Zhao Dezhu flung people away generously: "Yao Min, you know, the location where she and Eisen filmed the ancient costume fairy tale drama is more than 300 kilometers away from Jiangzhou. If you are interested, you can go and see it. After all, movies Watching the box office to watch acting skills is very accidental, but as long as the TV series are good-looking, the show will not be bad. If you partner with her, maybe you will make a few TV series a year. No matter how big your dream is, you will have to vomit .”

Ning Zhiling thought about it and was about to speak.

At this moment, Hei Wa had already smelled the aroma, and happily lay down outside the kitchen window sill, her slobbering face was full of evil, and the face without IQ was so fucking delicious!

Just the sudden appearance of a black shadow startled Zhi Ling's sister!

Subconsciously, she jumped behind the only man, but even this did not damage her half-elegant posture. She shrugged with one foot, carefully pinched the cuff of Zhao Dezhu's T-shirt with her fingertips and poked her head out.

Use strength to explain what is called people are more tender than flowers, tender and delicious.

Nana has to review whether she has been too rude in the past 19 years after watching it!

But she threw a piece of meat out, and the silly dog ​​disappeared with a whimper.

The movements are simple and honest with a little skill.

Ning Zhiling continued to stand there with one leg and shook a few times: "Oh my God, I've never seen this kind of beast before, it's kind of funny."

Long Zhiyu smiled helplessly: "That year when he went out to do errands, he brought it back in the trunk and it was no bigger than a slap. Now we are also very worried. Snow area mastiffs are notoriously fierce and a bit stupid. When they attack, they can't distinguish between enemies and friends. I almost bit him once, but... it can be regarded as family."

Still refraining from saying that the relationship between Heiwa and Hamei is the best.

Sister Zhiling was already familiar with the kitchen, and helped Mrs. Zhao pour a cup of fruit tea and served it at the bar next to her: "Actually, I am also trying my best to treat you and Charles as my family. I have never seen such peace of mind." , let me cherish this feeling of happiness.”

With her posture so low, Nana stomped on Zhao Dezhu's feet by the stove and glared at him, look! look!

Fox tail leaked out!

If you change to a little girlfriend, you will probably explode.

Long Zhiyu still put it lightly: "Well, it's worth cherishing. Zhao Dezhu and I have walked all the way, first we treated our classmates and friends as family members, and gradually the entire Southwest College has tens of thousands of students every year, and I treat them as my own children. There are tens of thousands of employees in the high-tech industrial park. They get along like brothers and sisters. Maybe everyone will cherish the beauty. I met so many people along the way, but the most memorable ones are Yao Min and Yi Fei. With a beautiful woman like you who has an outstanding temperament, in fact, in our eyes, they are all family members who are working hard to pursue their dreams, so you can rest assured that this is a big family that will always support hard work."

Sister Zhiling felt that her hard work was like falling into the ocean, and she was easily contained in all directions. It was quite comfortable but she couldn't jump high!

Long Zhiyu was actually gentle and friendly: "Where is your hometown?"

Sister Zhiling was a little distracted: "Huh? I am from the right bank..."

Maybe it's the baby voice that is useless for a moment, but these words have a slightly smoky voice, and the pronunciation of herringbone has a slight tremor, which is full of charm!

Nana's side is numb holding the spatula!

Try to make a face for her father.

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly taught: "I am Yuedong Ren'er..."

Nana couldn't help laughing wildly, hahahaha.

Zhao Dezhu was serious: "I'll teach you, just pick up the last note, I want to eat Mao Duer..."

Nana almost smashed her hairy belly on her father's face!

Now even Long Zhiyu laughed so hard that he pounded the table.

Sister Zhiling found it difficult to get into the rhythm of the family.

Even if she is already a master of smooth speech.

But this family is already a tight fit.

In the evening, walking with the family on the golf course, Zhao Dezhu played a few shots with Lao Xu, and chatted about whether the dean of the Shanghai Film and Television Animation Base and the Vocational College hired a famous person, or Tao Zheng or Cork who will play the role.

Lao Xu himself made up his mind to lead a group of performers, and recommended Wan Qingyue to try more high-tech animation films.

However, as the head of the Department of Animation and Art in Shumei, it is hard to say whether Wan Qingyue, who is nearly 40 years old, can jump out of this circle and accept new challenges.

Zhao Dezhu also admitted that this position will be under great pressure in the future.

Because not only the high requirements of the market box office, but also the heavy burden of exporting culture to the world.

These two points must complement each other and are indispensable.

Lao Xu lamented that it is so easy to be well received and well received, at least Tao Zheng and his department may not be able to make cartoons well, these are two different things.

The Reborn can only scratch his head.

Sister Zhiling kept walking with Long Zhiyu on her arm, just getting close without interrupting.

It was not until the next day that I had the opportunity to visit the industrial park with Zhao Dezhu and Nana.

Long Zhiyu hung up her exemption card, so she didn't follow her to show her face.

If it weren't for the tight security at the golf club, reporters who were looking for Zhiling's sister would have gone door-to-door to ask for evidence.

Just like this, the industrial park was full of various reporters early in the morning.

No matter how upside down, sister Zhiling still wants to visit here today, right?

Besides, after Zhao Dezhu's raving remarks about the entertainment industry yesterday, all kinds of media and all walks of life are a little bit fried.

Today, more media are rushing to Jiangzhou and the high-tech industrial park non-stop, hoping to dig out more news.

As soon as Zhao Dezhu's Mercedes-Benz came out, it was followed by seven or eight vehicles waiting on the side of the road!

It's just that Zhao Dezhu was driving this not-so-expensive boss car, and the co-pilot was not sister Zhiling.

Ning Zhiling in the back row was a little lost in thought looking at the driver's silhouette, and Zhao Dezhu hardly gave her a chance to be alone.

And Nana, who has changed into a suit and skirt, is domineering towards her father, which shows Zhao Dezhu's pure and tolerant father's love.

This was in stark contrast to the so-called upper-class people she had seen who were rich and unkind, and who sought excitement in addition to making money.

Zhao Dezhu could catch a glimpse of the warm eyes in the rearview mirror, and occasionally smiled and nodded.

But mainly to communicate with her daughter: "You are studying science, but no matter how good the science is, it needs excellent business operations and publicity methods, no matter how good the work project is, and no matter how busy the company is, it also needs rich entertainment activities, so your father Although I'm not as educated as you, but I can still stand at a high level. I was in the entertainment industry yesterday, and what I want is that everyone knows my attitude today."

So Nana accompanied her father to work today as an assistant, learning something other than textbooks, and of course she mainly watched the vixen.

The vixen is actually very stable, so quiet that he doesn't say a word, and enjoys the gentleness Zhao Dezhu teaches his daughter.

"Your dad used to like to hate those who count on the good of European and American countries. In fact, when we are far behind, we still have to learn secretly, right, what a beacon of lighthouse Citi is in most people's minds now. Shining, what a perfect human nature, besides the fact that they are indeed ahead of technology, richer and more powerful, there is another important reason is that their cultural propaganda offensive is very powerful, especially the brainwashing of Hollywood movies..."

Of course Nana listened carefully.

"I've talked to you, Uncle Xu, Uncle Pang, and Uncle Xiaolong. Propaganda ability is the ultimate weapon that a mature country must have. Even if its economic strength is not particularly strong, it can still do well in the international arena. For example, Jiaobain, Their cultural propaganda over the years has been spread widely through comics and industrial manufacturing myths, and even Old Man Qiao has been fooled by them."

"For Citigroup, their Hollywood is simply too important. The whole world is watching their movies and their values. They think that the Citigroup soldiers are the Red Army in the world. Everything is the best. Let the world We all yearn for Citigroup, yearn for Citigroup soldiers to liberate us, do you think this matter is important?"

Nana nodded sharply: "Now I understand the importance of film and television companies and animation bases, to spread our various images of China to the world..."

Zhao Dezhu is satisfied with this education method: "Of course, what is passed on is also the kind that is positive and excellent. Sun Wukong is not afraid of the Jade Emperor and fights hard, Nezha's bravery like a dragon king and prince would cramp, and...Zhuge Liang's ingenious calculations, Guan Yu's loyalty, The same goes for Zhang Fei's brother, Zhao Yun's handsomeness, these things can let the world know the values ​​of our Chinese people, we don't care if you are aristocrats, if you are bullied, you will rebel, regardless of whether you are the second generation of rich, Feng Shui takes turns Turns out, we in China definitely don’t only have kung fu, nor do we only have official diplomacy schools to go out, we can only become a big country by relying on the influence of this kind of soft power!”

Because a girl from the right bank sat in the back seat, Zhao Dezhu didn't exaggerate the confrontation with Europe and the United States, but he saw in the rearview mirror that sister Zhiling's eyes clearly understood.

Sure enough, when the three-vehicle convoy that attracted so much attention stopped downstairs in the education building, crowds of cameras swarmed up, and even Nana turned over a pair of glasses to put them on.

The bodyguard helped Zhiling's sister, who was wearing a white shirt and jeans, drive down the door. Li Yuanyuan looked curiously at Lao Zhao's latest rumored partner, and began to provide today's daily schedule with a folder in her arms.

Zhao Dezhu nodded to Ning Zhiling: "I'm very busy with work here, why don't Nana accompany you to visit everywhere, including our industrial park a few kilometers away, where there are a large number of mobile phone foundries, so you may understand more clearly Know what kind of group we are, know what we are worth, and not just covet that little shit like others."

Unexpectedly, Ning Zhiling faced the difficulties: "I want to be the director of this film and television animation, can I?"

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