I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 812 Only eyes are big, big, big...

In fact, for Zhao Dezhu, the matter in front of him is really not a rebirth.

He doesn't understand, the views on the subprime mortgage crisis are just those few words, financial turmoil, crash.

So Pang Yong is only based on this conclusion, trying to avoid the situation and profit from it.

He is not the kind of state-level figure of Jingtao Weilue, so he can only move around as much as possible in Zhao Dezhu's current situation.

TM now has nearly 100 million registered buyers and more than five million sellers.

The internal search engine alone has reached a calculation volume no less than that of Baidu.

Two or three years have passed since the initial period of relying on low-priced products to attract users. Sellers have understood the rules of the game, and there are various practices of shoddy, shoddy, and cheating. Buyers have also begun to raise their requirements, hoping to buy better products with guaranteed quality. The product.

What Pang Yong has to do is to open two series of Tmall Youpin and Tmall Famous Products.

The former promotes domestic OEM manufacturers to directly sell high-quality products previously manufactured for foreign brands under their own brands.

The latter even chooses those brand-name products, which are directly sold by the manufacturers and brands themselves.

After setting the direction, Pang Yong went everywhere to find Tang Tianfeng and Yu Huanhuan's Southwest Railway Army to hold meetings and communicate for support, and asked them to focus on promoting the products of small foreign trade enterprises to open stores in various coastal areas.

On the other hand, we teamed up with Hao Wenjian, the advertising director who is familiar with various domestic famous brand manufacturers, and Li Xiaojun, who is in charge of smart retail and specializes in connecting with large corporate brands, talked about famous brands entering Tmall Famous Products.

At this time, it can be seen that TM has formed a huge volume, and the interior has been divided into hills.

In less than three years, the outsourcing companies like Li Xiaojun, who have been in a state of cooperation with the local push department of the Southwest Railway Army who came out of a high-level job, and the TM sales department that was formed later, will all stop at the same time. Consider issues in terms of self-interest.

Even if you find Zhao Dezhu, you can force cooperation at most, but anyone who has worked in a large company will understand whether everyone works together.

Then the more in this chaotic and complicated situation, the more Pang Yong's ability to clean up can be reflected.

Since August, I have basically been traveling all over the country! Most of them communicate with brands and teams, and some go to the front line to check the actual situation to ensure that they understand the most cutting-edge information.

The advantage of Zhao Dezhu is that, knowing that he doesn't have this ability, he won't meddle in the command blindly.

Obediently squatting in Jiangzhou as a bodhisattva on the shrine, wait until all parties come to him to complain and complain about Pang Yong, but he still insists on pushing in Pang Yong's direction.

Pang Yong left, and his main focus was on urging the construction of local electronics factories in Jiangzhou.

Coordinate with Yue Yaofeng and Sun Xingping to promote the construction of chip factories and supporting factories, seek support from Jiangzhou, etc.

It can be regarded as very busy, and gradually let Nana participate in it.

Nana is about to start her sophomore year majoring in mobile communication. The students may not have figured out the basic principles of the course yet, and the stock of the memory card factory that has been put into production has been counted on her head.

In fact, it is counted on the head of the School of Communication.

Next, there will be communication chip factories, integrated circuit factories, and silicon wafer factories, all of which will be invested in Nana's name one after another.

It's reasonable for the spoiled girl to invest billions of dollars to make her daughter a shareholder and guarantee her future assets.

For this, Nana also bought a degree from Jiangzhou University. The outside world can find out that Zhao Dezhu's daughter is studying economics and trade at Jiangzhou University.

Yue Yaofeng set up a chip factory in the past few years, and suffered a series of siege and interception, which made Zhao Dezhu very serious about hiding these details.

Yue Yaofeng also rejected a series of national awards and administrative titles, in order to sink down and live in seclusion to develop chips, and more importantly, to cultivate his own semiconductor talents.

So even though she was going to school in a few days, Nana still went to work with her father every day, listening to the conversation guidance of her seniors.

This allowed her to accept the most advanced and cutting-edge academic information from the very beginning.

How can ordinary classmates compare to the start of the super rich second generation?

The villa area behind the industrial park has been completed. Unlike Pang Yong's house, which is basically empty, Yue Yaofeng likes this house very much. His mother and family all live here. After work, he likes to play with flowers and plants in the garden. He even urged Zhao Dezhu If we want to set up supporting facilities for primary and secondary schools, we must not delay the growth of the next generation of so many young people in the industrial park.

Zhao Dezhu also respected this old man quite a bit, maybe it was difficult for his elders to give him so much pertinent education.

Generally, they would accompany them back after the talk, and repeatedly told the Ministry of Security to ensure all the details of these scientists, even if they fell across the road, it would be the dereliction of duty of the Ministry of Security.

He will also talk to Yue Yaofeng about some of the things he is doing. Although the old guy built a factory and engaged in technology, he has nothing to say about his global experience.

Of course, this financial crisis will also be mentioned, as a hint, if Yue Yaofeng has relatives and friends who are heavily invested in stocks, get rid of them as soon as possible.

And ask for his opinion: "During this turmoil affecting Asian finance, do we have a chance to do something? For example, the shares of Gulf Semiconductors."

This is Zhao Dezhu's plan. When there is a mess, of course he must reap it.

Unexpectedly, Yue Yaofeng immediately denied his idea: "Half of the shares of Gulf Semiconductors belong to the right bank official, and Philips, as the main manufacturer of lithography machines, holds 25% of the shares, it is difficult to influence."

Oh, Zhao Dezhu, a little disappointed, he is still planning to do a good job in the HK market.

What was even more unexpected was that Yue Yaofeng's first reaction to the financial crisis was: "Will it affect our food supply? There must be no famine. When I was young, I heard my father talk about the war and the country. In this huge famine, we serve the country, so we must prevent such a thing from happening, that will be the loss of life!"

Zhao Dezhu was frightened by this. He has always kept a sufficient distance from the authorities. He neither confuses titles nor awards, so he called Lao Lin as soon as he came out, reminding him of the financial crisis.

Because according to Pang Yong's calculations, the subprime mortgage crisis should not have an excessive impact on the domestic economy.

Of course, the statement is based on Internet companies’ observation of Citigroup’s financial economy, and isn’t TiTa planning to go public at the end of this year.

I am very pessimistic about this subprime mortgage crisis, and it may even completely erupt and cause a financial tsunami. I am looking for industrial and commercial export trade to domestic sales, hoping to deal with and prevent harm. Is there such a danger in agriculture? Please pay attention to precautions.

Lao Lin was taken aback. He really knew: "Will there be such a big harm? Just three or four years ago, this was done once in the international grain market. It was to deliberately jam our necks and completely destroy our soybean industry. It was defeated, and the largest import volume is soybeans every year. The lesson is very profound. Fortunately, soybeans are not a staple food. If the three major categories of rice, wheat, and corn experience this once, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

It is enough for Zhao Dezhu to remind in place, and he doesn't understand: "Anyway, the economic crisis is very likely to explode. This is the news I got close to that Joe Bush recently. They Some of the top tycoons on the Internet have reliable news channels.”

Lao Lin is very cautious: "This kind of thing is better to be believed than not to be believed. We must be fully prepared and not allow the common people to starve. Thank you."

I quickly hung up the phone and went to Zhang Luo.

Nana looked at her father's eyes, full of infinite reverence and deep affection: "Dad, you are amazing!"

Zhao Dezhu put away his phone triumphantly: "Look, see what big things your dad is worried about, so how can those vixen things have something to do with me."

Nana affirmed with a heavy nasal voice, um!

In the end, I can’t talk too much. By the way, after watching the new community that has been capped, the second phase of the project caters to thousands of employees’ families, and is going to go back to the office to pack up and go home.

I saw the business star with the Beijing plate parked outside the lobby, and Yao Min's TV drama was finished and came back!

Maybe I was waiting in the car and saw Da Ben coming back and a slender figure coming down.

The daughter who was so angry that she just slapped the center control vigorously: "Look at it! Look at it! How can I feel relieved?!"

Zhao Dezhu quickly comforted him: "Calm down, calm down, buy you a car, and drive a new car for school, okay?"

Nana was even angrier: "Is this about the car? The front foot just got a little sticky, and then another sticky one. It's still going on, my God!"

Not to mention, Nana described it very accurately.

Yao Min is attached to Zhao Dezhu.

And the sense of proportion is excellent.

Obviously she is two years older than Nana, and she is full of girlishness in a black sling and white floral short skirt. She looks more relaxed and playful to Nana, who is wearing a shirt and work skirt: "Your summer vacation is so busy! It’s very fulfilling, let me take over, I’ve filmed two costume fairy tales in a row, I’ll do business with your dad, okay?”

The last three words were addressed to Zhao Dezhu.

The long hair in the shawl is scattered on the shoulders, the eyes are stubborn, and the chin is raised slightly.

Zhao Dezhu knew a lot about women in this life, and he knew that this girl was on the verge of breaking out.

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