I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 820 Don't Look Back

In the end, Zhao Dezhu didn't drive the car into the palm-sized city, but stopped at a wild farmhouse along the road.

However, in the afternoon, the store owner was surprised that this earthy gray square box truck, which was escorted by three domestic off-road vehicles, ran out to greet him wiping his apron.

Zhao Dezhu pulled up the handbrake with a seemingly expressionless face, pushed open the car door and jumped out, and casually ordered to the nodding middle-aged boss: "There are big pot vegetables, Hehua fish, sour bamboo shoot sausage, and local pig dumplings, serve them quickly. "

Yao Min and the others got out of the car, and they all expressed that they didn't understand at all. Even the well-informed mother Yi shook her head: "It's not exactly authentic Cantonese, it may be his native dialect."

The boss was even more surprised. He touched the cigarette attentively and said, "My family's big pot of vegetables is the most famous. My little brother has good eyesight. The accent is from Dongkou County."

Zhao Dezhu was annoyed: "Go cook your food!"

The girls are surprised to see the boss running to the kitchen in desperation.

Zhao Dezhu doesn't say that everyone laughs, at least in the past two years, he rarely sees anyone with a bad face, the more the service staff, the more respectful his attitude is, and it's obvious that he doesn't know him from the other party's reaction.

Without thinking about it, Shen Jianing quietly took Zhao Dezhu's hand: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Dezhu took a deep breath, what could he say.

In two years, this place will become a well-known underground casino in ten miles and eight villages.

Originally, it was just that the boss's cooking was delicious, and some gambling dogs came to admire his reputation. Coupled with the remoteness of the location, he gradually opened up a game of eating and drinking.

The second generation of dismantling hundreds of millions of property was naturally coaxed here by fox friends and dog friends, who knows how much blood was shed.

However, the owner of the farmhouse didn't have a good end, and he also gambled away his wealth under the influence of his ears and eyes, owed a lot of debts, and even had several fingers chopped off from both hands.

In the end, he went crazy or disappeared.

He was a bastard who hated Zhao Dezhu deeply and couldn't complain.

Yao Min and Zhao Dezhu's bodyguards, as well as assistants like Yi's mother, only seven or eight people.

At this moment, I got out of the car curiously and sat under the simple arbor.

However, his eyes followed the boss and led his daughter to stand by the fish pond next to the farmhouse vigilantly.

Just holding Hamei by the hand, Zhao Dezhu's hostility disappeared without a trace.

In this life, I will definitely hold my destiny firmly in my hands!

As a result, the little hand he was holding might feel the strength. Today, Ha Mei, who was wearing a small cheongsam, leaned forward and looked up at her father's expression: "You, cry if you want to cry."

The father was amused in an instant, and he bent down and hugged his daughter with infinite love: "I don't want to cry! I'm so happy!"

Hamei sighed and patted her father's head: "That's right, crying is useless."

Zhao Dezhu can only say that this Mengpo soup has been mixed with water.

Send yourself such an angel.

Sitting back at the table is also a good mood with a smile.

The dishes were served quickly, and they really are very distinctive country delicacies. The big pot is a bit like Jiangzhou Maoxuewang. It is also a hodgepodge of various ingredients, but it is definitely not spicy and has a variety of flavors. Growing up on rice ears in the rice fields, the fish has a faint aroma of rice grains, and the sour bamboo shoots are stir-fried, combining the hot and sour taste with the pig's large intestines, the taste is crisp, and the bodyguards almost didn't grab the table .

Mother Yi hurriedly asked Shen Jianing to bring over the extra.

Zhao Dezhu glanced at the store owner who had been laughing with him at the bottom of the wall, and simply raised his hand as a signal.

The store owner rushed over, but heard the customer say: "Shut up your store, and the whole family will go to Jiangzhou to work as a cook for me. Your income will be ten times what you are now. Do you want to go?"

The middle-aged man was shocked, and he couldn't believe it: "You are joking, I will open a small shop right now."

Zhao Dezhu was impatient: "There is a disaster in your place, I am helping you avoid the disaster, I closed the shop and went to work as a chef at my side, and I will come back after five or ten years."

The shopkeeper continued to shake the rattle: "Thank you brother, thank you boss, I'm nothing good, so I'll stay here."

Zhao Dezhu bumped Yao Min with his elbow: "Take off your hat to scare him."

Yao Min hated all kinds of cursing, and took off his baseball cap in his hand.

The long hair tied behind the baseball cap was loosened, and he skillfully put the back of his hand on his chin, smiling at the middle-aged man.

It was so powerful that it shocked the other party to speak Mandarin: "This... no, no..."

Zhao Dezhu still spoke in dialect: "My parents moved to Jiangzhou to live and wanted to eat local food, so they gave you this opportunity to prosper. You will really suffer a bloody disaster if you stay here for the past two years, so think about it."

The shopkeeper even said that he had discussed with the family, and then went into the house.

Yao Min was curious: "What are you talking to people, don't use me to show off."

Zhao Dezhu said simply: "My parents must be very happy if I want to dig back to the industrial park to cook hometown dishes."

It was rare for Zhou Mengxia to say: "Yuanyuan promises to like it too!"

As a result, after the meal in the afternoon, the peasant couple who had discussed it for a while were unwilling to leave their hometown.

Most people in eastern Guangdong do not have such a strong idea of ​​going out to work, unless they are still interested in going abroad.

Who wants to leave the inexplicably leisurely days.

Zhao Dezhu felt that this was fate, and he just wanted to give it a hand, or to prevent this casino from appearing in the future.

But in fact, as long as those gamblers are here, if they don't open here, they will open casinos elsewhere to harm people.

Lying under the awning by the fish pond, I waved my hand lazily to signal to get out.

If you can't escape this fateful future, then you deserve it.

When it comes to Jiangzhou, he has never lived such a leisurely life. He is not serious about fishing casually, and more is playing with his daughter. On the contrary, Shen Jianing is focused and calm, and easily hooks one fish after another. Several girls are quite novel.

Yi's mother was sitting under the eaves, looking at these young people lovingly.

Yao Min was only curious: "Are you going back to your hometown like this and not seeing relatives and friends?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Who do I need to show off to? There are really a bunch of people reaching out, which spoils my mood instead."

Yao Min wrinkled her nose in disappointment, what's the point of that.

But after dinner, a few girls who had never been in a small farmyard had nothing to do. Zhao Dezhu watched the night fall, so he asked them to go to the street for a supper: "Go early and return early, leave early tomorrow morning, and have morning tea in Pengzhen at noon gone."

Unexpectedly, as soon as I stepped out of the arbor and was about to get on the off-road vehicle, I found that the moonlight was shining brightly in the mountains and fields like mercury. The full moon in the sky looked like a big plate. It turned out that it was the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Going down from the mountain a few kilometers north of the city, you can see bright lights in the small cities on both sides of the river on the mountainside, and there is a festive atmosphere with lanterns and festoons everywhere.

When driving into the city with the only two main roads by the river, fireworks are actually going up on the bank!

The three self-produced off-road vehicles bought temporarily from the factory are all seven-seaters, and the bodyguards squeezed into two of them. Zhao Dezhu drove and introduced this small place by himself: "There is nothing to see in this small place. The only lively place in this small place is this one. Let me see……"

The high-speed rail demolition benefits, in addition to the Zhao family alone, there are also some million-dollar demolition households, plus some local entrepreneurs, the past two years have been a time of singing and dancing.

Where can they see the subprime mortgage crisis that is already in full swing, let alone the sweeping tide of the mobile Internet, and live a life that they think will be similar to today.

Driving by the familiar streets and passing by, Zhao Dezhu was a little silent.

Yao Min, the co-pilot, only paid attention to his attitude, and admired him a little bit for showing off when he returned to his hometown without any clothes.

Hamei, who was taken care of by Mother Yi in the back row, stood behind the armrest box as much as possible, looking curiously at the light of the fireworks outside, brightening her face, and then slowly fading away.

Suddenly he said calmly: "Dad, no matter how beautiful the fireworks are, there will always be an end..."

A carload of sisters and aunts screamed in unison!

Shen Jianing may not be able to speak such profound words in her entire life!

Not to mention how proud Zhao Dezhu was.

With the emotional support of showing off, I still found a famous night snack shop by the river, and ate beef brisket skewers.

In fact, it is similar to the skewers that became popular all over the country later. Meatballs, beef brisket, beef tendon, tripe, lotus root, etc. can all be skewered into a skewer, but cooked in the sauce and then poured with a special local sauce, it tastes delicious. very unique.

In the end, Zhao Dezhu didn't expect that it was the city's rare Mid-Autumn Festival fireworks, and they made a time difference. The three tables here were seated separately, and they just started to taste.

The citizens who gathered by the river to enjoy the fireworks poured into this almost only snack street in the city like a tide.

Zhao Dezhu put on Yao Min's baseball cap when he went out, and sat in a chair with his head down, thinking that he could avoid the possibility of being recognized.

But he forgot how high his average appearance was at this table.

Especially in addition to Yao Min, there are even Yi Fei who have to be said to be inferior to her mother.

The messy riverside old street full of smoke and fire seems to be filled with bustle and bustle from the empty before.

But almost all the citizens who passed by the door of this store would involuntarily look at this small table by the side of the road, forgetting to make any noise.

Shen Jianing grinned delicately and licked her teeth, Zhou Mengxia quickly counted the menus while feasting, Feng Xiaoting was always looking left and right with affection, Yi's mother was mature and beautiful, and Yao Min was looking at her face. The beauty of the pinnacle.

Oh, and there is also Ha Mei in a small cheongsam, with her waist crossed and her cheeks puffed out.

It is basically a dimensionality reduction attack base camp.

Especially someone who was stunned and accidentally kicked the foot of the person standing in front and staggered.

Then there was a lot of noise, and a group of sloppy people came out shouting and shouting: "What are you doing standing in the road, so many people still don't go back...you are beautiful..."

Immediately, he felt very good about himself, with all kinds of colorful messy hair, flip-flops, cigarettes and slim pants standing in front of the small table.

But before they had time to speak, at the two left and right tables that they hadn't noticed before, the bodyguards on the two wings who were originally arranged in the shape of a zigzag stood up and lined up to form a wall in front of them.

Zhao Dezhu raised his head, what a disappointment.

So he doesn't want to come back.

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