Zhao Dezhu was so cowardly.

Buffett's business jet accompanied him to Jiaopen, where he hid in the hotel and seldom went out. Even the acquisition plan of the facial mask company was handed over to Ning Zhiling to complete.

In the end, it was also euphemistically called the nearby cruise ship back to Ludong to select the factory site.

You can't blow up the cruise ship with thousands of people, can you?

And it's not like a plane crash, if you say no, it's gone, the VIP who booked the highest suite, Zhao Dezhu asked the bodyguard to confirm where the nearest lifeboat was when he came up.

With unprecedented caution, the bodyguards must be more vigilant.

A security team of nearly ten people boarded the cruise ship and took two-hour shifts.

Moreover, the boss and his boss' daughter are in a luxury suite, and they have to accept their safety confirmation at any time.

This finally ensured that Zhao Dezhu would not cheat, and he still couldn't achieve the professionalism of the leading actor in Ivy's movies.

Just basking in the sun is already very comfortable.

Yao Min was also satisfied, this kind of intimacy made her feel reassured.

After arriving at Ludong Port the next night, she flew directly to Pingjing instead. She had already left the group and made special time to go to Citigroup to witness the listing.

It didn't achieve the scene she wanted, but it seemed more satisfying than she wanted.

Li Xiaojun led the smart retail team, and Dong Ge and several executives from the home appliance platform were already waiting here.

Yue Yaofeng and Sun Xingping quietly mixed in, negotiating with the local government of Qincheng together.

What is publicly expressed is land acquisition for the construction of a white goods industrial park.

Traditionally, domestic home appliance companies have been close to Japan and South Korea in the vicinity of eastern Shandong. There are a group of companies with superior technology, and a large group of companies in the coastal area of ​​eastern Guangdong rely on Hong Kong input and labor advantages.

Zhao Dezhu funded and supported domestic companies to acquire technology from Japanese companies, especially various white goods such as Toshiba.

He does not seek shares in other companies, and he will give priority to a certain Dongwang in the future.

The most important thing is to improve quality, increase production capacity, satisfy domestic sales, and at the same time go abroad as much as possible to compete with Japanese and Korean brands in the market.

Zhao Dezhu also suggested to Brother Dong that we go to Nanli first and invade Nanli's electrical appliance market along the e-commerce platform.

Li Xiaojun and Dongzi quickly covered his mouth, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense.

Japan and South Korea can be said to be the most closed regions in the world for self-production and self-sale.

Let's first consider the backward countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Then go to the Southeast Asian market first.

Brother Dong in this life was actually a little hurt by Jingcheng Electric, which was e-commerce in advance.

Both of them are still in Pingjing. Although Zhao Dezhu supported Moudong to do a good job in 3C electrical appliances, the major appliances have been controlled by Jingcheng Electric.

Moreover, the most critical logistics and installation teams for major appliances are also the areas where Jingcheng Electric is good at.

Boss Song's son, Song Zhiqiu, was the rich second generation who was very interesting to Shen Jianing when they met for the first time in Pingjing.

In his thirties, he was still able to accept new things, so he spotted Zhao Dezhu's high-level job in Pingjing, and came over to invest in a high-level home appliance major, which was specially trained for this type of logistics, installation, maintenance and other categories.

Over the past year, more than two hundred senior technicians have been added to Jingcheng Electric.

In the past, they were taught by masters and apprentices in the store, but now they are taught by formal vocational training.

This year, we deliberately recruit students nationwide, and then try to return to the place of origin to contract outsourcing companies, from receiving goods to installation, maintenance and after-sales.

Home appliances only need to be shipped.

Earning thousands or even tens of thousands a month is not a boast.

This completely blocked the way of a certain Dongwang's step-by-step growth.

So Zhao Dezhu felt a little sorry now, and tried to help Brother Dong.

This is a talented person who can do things. Just because of the appearance of Zhao Dezhu and Song Zhiqiu, these two interrupting characters have completely suppressed the expansion of a certain Dongwang.

Then consider becoming an overseas home appliance e-commerce company?

Brother Dong gratefully expressed that he must seize this opportunity.

Zhao Dezhu is concerned about whether he has found a girlfriend, and if he has a chance to have a meal together.

But in fact, when he was having dinner alone with the city leaders, Zhao Dezhu explained the main purpose of this home appliance industrial park, which is to transplant three chip production lines to meet the short-term burst production capacity to meet the storage chip market, and even feed back Jiaobai enterprises. It is to expand the R\u0026D and production of civilian-grade chips through this line.

Completely exchanged production for technology, secretly helped Jiaopen to resist Samsung, and survived the industrial situation suppressed by Citigroup.

In short, Samsung is not allowed to dominate, because in fact, Samsung has been swallowed by Citigroup for nearly half of its shares during the Asian financial turmoil in 1997.

Ever since Yue Yaofeng knew about the boss's mysterious operation, his hands were shaking with excitement: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be this way... We want to get the technology of the lithography machine from Jiaopen people as much as possible!"

Uh, Zhao Dezhu doesn't know about it, but he has vaguely heard about it, the key equipment for chip production.

In the last life, almost all the people in the country were popularized this knowledge from the self-media.

But it had to be told by experts that Zhao Dezhu and the city leaders knew that in fact, chip equipment such as lithography machines was originally the leader of Nikon, followed by Canon.

It is under the comprehensive suppression of Citigroup that the two Jiaopen companies have been miserable in the past few years.

Although he is not a shareholder of Sanheyi Company, as long as he digs this corner, he will not be able to gradually approach the treasure.

Zhao Dezhu is very confident in this kind of work!

As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug!

Therefore, the supporting vocational colleges in Qincheng should also be established to train manpower for the superficial home appliance production and the actual chip and semiconductor production lines.

After all, in the fast-changing semiconductor industry, if the Jiaopen people cannot continue to improve, their existing technology will soon become obsolete, and what can be used is their production model and rules and regulations.

It is said that the yield rate of these coke pot chips is far higher than that of Citigroup, and the management is still very good.

Qincheng city understood the ins and outs, and allocated a municipal higher vocational college to support it without saying a word.

This is the advantage of the system. There is no nonsense of argumentation. As long as the direction of benefiting the country and the people is confirmed, the support will be leveraged.

Zhao Dezhu is also unambiguous, one cent is not a lot, we directly charge according to the standards of foreign-funded enterprises investing in schools and building factories, we have overseas companies to import real money, otherwise Citigroup agents will find out in the future. Academy, please don't leave this kind of loophole for the secret agents of US imperialism to discover.

We are billionaires certified by them, and we are not short of money.

The city leader laughed so hard that he couldn't hold his wine glass steady.

The laughter at the dining table is naturally harmonious.

Yue Yaofeng was a little tearful. He returned to China to attack chip construction. Even though he received a lot of support from the state, he also encountered too many hardships.

After Zhao Dezhu joined in the past two years, he really felt like a fish in water, advancing at a high speed like a god.

Not only did he not take a detour, but he even took some shortcuts.

But obviously Zhao Dezhu, the boss, doesn't understand any technology.

Sun Xingping can understand the old man's feelings very well: "I have always felt that my hands and feet are bound in the past few years in Dopta, but I can only say that I am lucky to talk about Charles' support for us with Mr. Lei this year."

Zhao Dezhu explained to the city leaders here: "Generally when our company comes out, they are good at bragging about me, so as to win the company's funds to invest in favor of it. It can't be true."

The city leaders laughed even more hahaha.

But even more curious, I asked Sun Xingping to talk about the mobile phone industry. The impact of smart phones this year is already obvious.

The price is still too high for ordinary people to bear.

Sun Xingping revealed the current progress. According to the boss's instructions, Mr. Lei launched a large-screen version as the main force, but will also keep the cheap small screen to ensure the market sinks, and rely on this price to contain other brands.

But the key question is, what kind of system will be used in the new mobile phone that is estimated to be launched in March?

This is the technical problem that Sun Xingping followed here deliberately to discuss with the boss.

Because Dopta, who has both sides, will follow the Q2 mobile phone to follow the Android system next year, or follow the Microsoft system that is being improved.

Zhao Dezhu once again exposed his ignorant but stubborn local tyrant style: "Can we make our own system?"

Yue Yaofeng applauded fiercely!

Sun Xingping really didn't even think about this road, holding chopsticks: "Huh?"

Then he immediately explained: "The code of an operating system can be simply divided into three parts, which are open source code, property code and basic GMS... The GMS part is the core mastered by Gu Ge, Microsoft, Apple, and Nock Duck. Open source? It is released so that software and hardware manufacturers can develop and contribute codes, which belong to the wealth of all mankind, and many of the property codes are Microsoft, Oracle and the like who take advantage of the first-mover advantage to lay out a lot of patents, and many communication-related companies such as chips and Bluetooth are also Among them, the patents of various manufacturers are intertwined, and it is difficult to clarify the ownership. It is good that we can do a good job in the open source code part. The property codes are all in the territory of European and American countries. If we do anything, we will touch their patent protection.”

Zhao Dezhu also took out his Q1 mobile phone and explained: "Our current systems are all foreigners. For example, one day they will not allow us to use them, just like desktop computers do not need to use Microsoft systems. Do you think we have collapsed? This is better than desktop computers. The mobile phone is even more ruthless, after all, you can basically use the desktop computer if you unplug the network cable, but the mobile Internet system can be shut down in the background at any time, and the entire mobile phone system will crash, and all desktop devices and machine devices that use the Android system may fail."

The attitude of city government officials will only be: "Really?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "It's absolutely true, when we pose a threat to European and American countries, they will definitely start to shut down this system."

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