I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 862 Shocked the man who shocked the world

In the exact words that Joe Bush told Zhao Dezhu: "At this moment, the first thing I think of is my son..."

Zhao Dezhu's heart? ?

Do you really want to take advantage of me?

I advise you to be an individual and take a bath first!

But instead, Hamei raised her head and looked up curiously: "What, what did he say?"

Master Joe doesn't like the habit of taking a shower, and he has had it since he was a hippie.

After he fell ill, the spiritual practice of not bathing in holy water, anyone who knows the allusion to this bowl of Ganges water, knows that it is not groundless.

But what kind of magical existence is Hamei.

The strong nerves that can lean on Heiwa's arms and read books slowly for an hour or two.

What a taste.

It was mainly the unique temperament of this foreign old man that attracted her.

Zhao Dezhu had no choice but to continue to communicate patiently: "Continue."

Yi's mother didn't even bother to translate his words, and grasped every English sentence unexpectedly and unexpectedly: "His son is as old as you, and it is because of getting married and having children that he completely changed his view of the world. ..."

That's right, before getting married, Job Bush was a very egotistical man. He bought the best sports cars, lived in the most luxurious mansions, and had the best arrangements for all his consumption.

The hedonism of the absolute elite.

Even after getting married and having children, he suddenly began to pay attention to the delicate feelings of each member of the family.

How should the furniture be placed, which washing machine is better, or should I design a washing machine that is more suitable for the home, and so on, such a huge change in family.

Zhao Dezhu was really about the same age as his son.

Looking at the bamboo forest outside, Job Bush was a little dazed: "I have sketched this kind of scene in my mind countless times, sitting on a Zen-style corridor, explaining the world to my children carefully, but I missed this stage of children, can you help me?" I achieved it, so in order to thank you, I want to entrust my other child to you, and I hope you can treat him well in the future, Aipao..."

What? ! !

Zhao Dezhu was struck by lightning, love to break? ? !

Hamei said in a childish voice, "What?! What?"

Yi's mother suppressed the violent shock in her heart, hugged Ha Mei and repeated: "Pingguo, he entrusted Apple to you, he... probably wants to give up the worldly life."


Secular what?

Mother Yi didn't even have time to explain to him, this is what it means to become a monk: "He said that he came this time to warn you, to warn you to protect yourself in the face of the encirclement of the capital market..."

That's right, this is the original intention of Job Bush: "I saw the information about TiTa's listing on industry information and market reports, but I didn't mean to congratulate you. Do you understand that I have experienced everything you have experienced. You broke I led Apple to set the IPO record, but when you accumulate such a large amount of capital, you will attract those greedy capitals! They will completely distort your original intention, and that is how they almost destroyed Apple!"

Neither Mother Yi nor Zhao Dezhu knew that after Apple went public that year, it entered the world's top 500 within five years, which was the fastest record at that time.

Of course, the current record is TiTa, and it is estimated that no one will be able to break it in the future. It entered the top 100 in the first second of its listing, and entered the top 50 at the close of the first day.

History is indeed always strikingly similar. Job Bush seriously explained to Zhao Dezhu how capital squeezed him away.

Desperately increase the market value to enter the top 500, just to be able to occupy the promising Apple company.

At that time, he was also blinded by fame and fortune.

Forget that the original intention of creating Apple is not to make huge wealth.

When he finally entered the top 500, he also ruined himself.

Fortunately, he turned around and found a new life from Pierce...

It's like rebirth.

Zhao Dezhu's heart was churning when he heard this, isn't this...fucking the fate I experienced?

Do the strong have to go through hardships like this?

But the main point of what Master Qiao said is: from the gossip he got, the capital market is almost sharpening its knives and preparing to repeat all this.

Zhao Dezhu certainly did not expect that he actually fell into the situation surrounded by who: "Buffett, Page, Soros... Wait, I can list you a long list of names, from seeing these names When I got in touch with you, I felt a sense of vigilance, exactly the same as what I met back then. If you, who hold half of the stocks, enter at such a high level, I think you will encounter Waterloo within five years, and then you will be deprived of capital Control, they have a million ways to deprive you of control over TiTa..."

Zhao Dezhu finally shook his head: "It doesn't take five years, what the fuck... I finally know why this shovel has to go public at this time, he wants to completely crush the stock price and take away TiTa during the financial crisis!"

Job Bush nodded heavily, bringing a strong breath: "Yes! If the subprime mortgage crisis really turned into a financial turmoil, then TiTa will definitely be suppressed by human manipulation. With the current high price, it is very easy to suppress, and then you are The sinner that everyone is pointing at, who was chasing after your market yesterday, will kill you tomorrow! I want you to give up control, and I want you to get out!"

Zhao Dezhu suddenly shuddered.

He knew that he would be hunted, but he didn't expect that the hunting knife had already been stabbed quietly into his crotch, and he couldn't help but clamp his legs tightly.

In fact, Job Bush has been paying attention to the news: "But I didn't expect you to take the initiative to dilute a lot of shares. This is the reaction I didn't do back then, and it was only a small amount of cash, and a considerable part was given to Wall Street and Buffett for management. They were in chaos at once, because the agreement that was going to eat you was broken, someone got more benefits than before, of course they did not agree with the original agreement, so your extraordinary keen sense saved you, she Said you took the initiative to make this change, right?"

Yi's mother was pointed out to be cautious: "On the way here, he repeatedly asked me about the operation of Citigroup's listing. I was a little motion sick, so maybe I just said something about the actual situation."

Zhao Dezhu is infinitely tolerant towards beauties, especially the beauties who are especially fond of sisters: "You are not motion sickness, you were tortured by his chemical weapons! It's all right."

This is what Joe Bush wanted to say: "I'm afraid you don't realize how dangerous this is. They will definitely compete to maximize their interests. I just want to remind you that you can't even talk about this on the phone..."

Zhao Dezhu also knew that mobile phone transmission was not safe, so he nodded.

Master Qiao looked up at his little loli lovingly, and stretched out his hand to touch the top: "But seeing you two, I suddenly have a feeling that you will not escape, right? You seem to have an inexplicable power, resisting capital, Well, just like the monkey in your legend, you will not escape in failure like I did back then, hide and lick your wounds, and it took twelve years to return to Apple. Even today, I can’t To fight against capital and protect Apple, I can only use my personality charm and performance to resist reluctantly, so I think it's time for me to pursue my personal feelings selfishly, and you will take care of Aipao instead of me, okay?"

Zhao Dezhu was a little worried before, what would happen to the recovered Qiao leader, would the situation that had been completely changed be disrupted by this genius?

This is tantamount to adding a super general to the Citi side...with chemical weapons of mass destruction.

After all, in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, this is a Citiman, an out-and-out capitalist.

Now turn around completely 540 degrees: "What are you going to do, your body has recovered, what are you going to do?"

Job Bush smiled and said, "Practice, I have vaguely seen another world..."

Mother Yi simply helped to explain: "The end of science is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is theology. As the greatest scientist in history, Newton spent the rest of his life as a theologian. Mr. Qiao should be in the same situation."

With her level of education and experience, it is already very rare to be able to realize this.

But looking at Master Qiao's previous fifty years of career, he was such a guy who intertwined God and science.

He was originally fascinated by Asanism, but when he came into contact with the profound religious content that is more out of the world, it was really easy to be attracted.

Zhao Dezhu, who was secretly delighted, could only say: "It is impossible for me to openly accept any shares, personnel, etc. of Apple. Citi...Capital will definitely be wary of a Chinese like me who, while cooperating with Microsoft, is also connected to Apple, right? , it is impossible for Apple to listen to me."

Job Bush narrowed his eyes and observed: "Are you really actively guarding against capital controls? How did you realize that?"

Of course, Zhao Dezhu would not say that he was guarding against Citigroup, he said: "I have a simple judgment, am I worth 100 billion U.S. dollars? Obviously not worth it, and if it exceeds this value, I am a helpless man holding the U.S. dollar. My child, anyone who sees it will be tempted to snatch it..."

What he said was not so educated, but Yi's mother used the allusion of "it's like a child with a daughter in a busy market", and broke it to Master Qiao.

He also emphasized: "This is very emphasized in our traditional Chinese culture. Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty."

At this time, Job Bush was used to hearing it as a verse in religion.


If he had this kind of awareness when he was young and successful, would he have been defeated for twelve years?

The Chinese... Mama Yi proudly explained that this is the wisdom of two thousand years ago.

Super shocking!

How could he not treat Zhao Dezhu differently.

What kind of wisdom is this.

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