I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 874 The rich second generation must have a pattern to start the game

On Zhao Dezhu's side, he raised his finger: "Five billion, I'll give you a club."

What the hell are you counting how much money people have in their pockets, and the lion opened their mouths.

Xiao Wang was so shocked that his jaw popped out.

But Zhao Dezhu was expressionless.

In her last life, she was a very boring second-generation demolitionist.

Zhao Dezhu must be a fan of e-sports games, well, his main purpose is of course to bet through this.

In the eyes of Gambling Dog, everything in the world is handicap.

He may not remember when Xiao Wang always participated in it, and what the specific operation was like.

But the opponent's behavior is really vivid.

Many people praised Mr. Wang, saying that he was the first standard-bearer who used funds to drive the scale of the entire industry.

Before his arrival, the entire domestic e-sports industry was a small workshop.

The first world champion in China received 3,000 yuan in prize money for domestic competitions, and even a few bottles of Coke in some competitions were regarded as prizes.

A group of little kids who play games, what qualifications do they have to get a high salary?

It means it's okay.

Many bosses are at the level of Internet cafe bosses, and they don't even think about or have the strength to think about the scale of the entire industry.

It was Xiao Wang's hundreds of millions of investment that completely changed the ecology of this industry, e-sports players with an annual salary of one million, industry influence and legal binding force...

In fact, from Zhao Dezhu's current perspective, fart!

First of all, in the current e-sports market, there is no need for such a fund monster as Mr. Wang.

Zhao Dezhu has already followed Xiao Wang's model, holding a national competition to select talented youngsters, and then using higher vocational training to train these uneducated and uneducated geniuses.

Let these guys fully understand that it is not how great they are, but that they are so lucky that their talents can make money in this era.

And only a few years to ten years, don't waste it.

Because every year, the waves behind push the waves ahead.

The e-sports players who came out of the Southwest Higher Vocational College can basically understand this truth.

Be polite, cooperate with sponsors and clubs, respect teammates, and respect the game.

Well, it's a bit like the NBA taught a group of muscle monsters how to maintain the charm of the league and life planning.

This is the result of Pan Jiangyuan going back to New York to meet the world and communicating with many top elites.

This set of capitalist society has been done long ago. If you have a complete learning experience, you can always copy your homework.

There are smart people all over the place, and they will reveal the path a little bit.

Those who have resources and strength can do it in a down-to-earth manner.

Pan Jiangyuan has been doing this since returning to China.

What the domestic e-sports industry needs now is this orderly and normal development.

President Xiao Wang was no longer the one Zhao Dezhu was going to sell to take over.

The most important thing is that Zhao Dezhu knows what to do with this product.

Various connotations and rhythms provoke the escalation of the struggle between clubs, not to mention the unlimited attention.

He also played professionally by himself, and made a gimmick of winning more than a dozen games in a row.

In the name of euphemism, it has expanded its influence.

Fuck you!

Using an analogy, you can understand how unprofessional this approach is.

There is a Chinese Super League football owner in Shanghai who has brought in the world's top Warcraft center in an ingenious way, and actually wants to play in the same field by himself.

Warcraft angrily refused.

This is an insult to other people's professional ethics.

Rich people just want to trample on the rules and play casually?

This is a palace that a group of professional players play for ordinary people, not a game room for rich people to realize their dreams and satisfy their private desires.

In the end, President Xiao Wang made a mess of chicken feathers all over the place, so he patted his ass and left.

He had a good time, withdrew his capital and left, leaving behind a chaotic player salary system, distorted values, and the most disgusting thing is the fan culture of spraying shit on each other.

Now doing higher vocational education, Zhao Dezhu knows best that children really need to be taught.

Otherwise, it is a group of strange non-mainstream.

It's not doing society any favors, and it's smug about being a cesspit.

So Zhao Dezhu snapped his fingers, and the bodyguard waiting at the door saw his gesture, and skillfully took the Q1 from the trunk.

Zhao Dezhu handed it over: "Did you register for WB, I'll give you a lot of fun, but whether it's WB or e-sports, the rules are determined by me, don't play around, if you play around, you will be banned from the game."

This is definitely a situation that Xiao Wang never expected before he came.

Zhao Dezhu seemed to be very familiar with him, and he was very strong.

He was a little puzzled: "I... the investment and construction of a club, even if you add up the e-sports stadium, 50 million investment is already the limit. I have done market research, and most clubs only spend a little on renting venues. Twenty million, or even less."

He can't even say at the moment, you attack me for a fool.

The momentum was suppressed.

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "You can give it a try, there must be someone who is willing to sell the club to you. It's not shameful to make money, but as long as I find out which one you bought yourself, don't even think about having all the Southwest College players. Find a way to go Prepare, I will give you this chance to challenge the rules and see who can win."

President Xiao Wang's eyes became serious, and he stared at Zhao Dezhu: "Why are you doing this? Targeting me?"

Zhao Dezhu released a somewhat mocking tone: "Didn't you emphasize that you want to start a business? What is a smooth journey to start a business? If you start with 500 million yuan, the difficulty of the game must be different. Otherwise, what's the point?"

President Xiao Wang is also slowly accumulating an unruly aura: "So you're just playing with me?"

Zhao Dezhu gave a candy: "You are a smart person. It is impossible to give you the right to host the league. The e-sports and game industry is a big cake that will exceed 100 billion or even trillions in the next year. As the country's first-class and highest-level e-sports league, 200 million, and you have to lead a club to be a referee and a player, when you say this, you are playing me."

Xiao Wang may only realize that he has offended people since the quotation.

The unruly mood dissipated a lot, and he softened with a smile: "For the deal, you can sit back and pay back the money, but at such a price, I can already organize a league by myself, whether it is getting agency rights from abroad or building a domestic scale, it is more than enough Woolen cloth."

Zhao Dezhu spread his hands: "Then you can also give it a try and start a league by yourself. Now we are negotiating a deal. Even if we don't have the slightest friendship, we are not rivals. When you are a competitor, let's see how I suppress the competitor. Baowang received a billion-dollar venture capital investment in 2004, so what is it now?”

At this time, Zhao Dezhu is really no longer that flip-flop boy who talked in the vernacular.

Any word has great power.

Holding 500 million in his hand, Mr. Wang, who might have once thought that he could do whatever he wanted, changed his expression.

At this time, he should understand, what kind of scene can 500 million make?

No matter how big the scene is, it is not a scene on Zhao Dezhu's side.

But more importantly, he heard clearly the prospect that he was very proud of: "Do you also think this is an industry worth hundreds of billions or even trillions?"

Zhao Dezhu didn't hide it at all: "If you can find Southwest College instead of the high-tech industrial park, you are no longer an ordinary person. There are currently 5,000 practitioners in the game building, and there are more than 140 R\u0026D teams from large and small game companies. The annual game turnover is now 2 billion, which is just a small start, and you have a good vision."

Sure enough, Xiao Wang always felt comfortable, and his smile was gentle and shrewd: "Then I am also a very good collaborator. We can gradually develop friendship. I really want to be friends with you."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "As long as I have money, everyone is destined to be with me. There are many people who want to be friends with me. Surely you understand this truth?"

As the saying goes, pretending to be coercive of others makes it impossible for others to pretend to be coercive.

Mr. Wang said awkwardly, "That's true, but I'm very sincere, and I'm not that poor. It's definitely not for your money."

Zhao Dezhu felt refreshed in his heart: "Anyway, you don't have as much money as I do, and your money still belongs to your father, right?"

This is a deliberate provocation.

Sure enough, President Xiao Wang's expression became serious: "I am self-reliant..."

Zhao Dezhu laughed loudly, don't waste this word.

Xiao Wang never smiled, and was even aggrieved: "I just borrowed 500 million yuan from my father to start a business. This is the real foundation I already have. I can't let me start from scratch and work hard. Why do you put so much effort in pretending? "

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "I'm self-made, and I rely on my parents to have a mobile phone, knowledge, and opportunities to study for higher education. I don't deny that there is anything wrong with relying on my parents, but in front of me, you are a rich second generation." .”

These words and the tone made people uncomfortable: "What's wrong with the rich second generation? I work hard to start a business, and I won't break the law or harm others..."

Zhao Dezhu interrupted: "Come on, you want to enter the e-sports industry because you want to make money. I am not. I want to let e-sports geniuses have legitimate jobs, so that video games can become legitimate commodities, and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people are employed. , create wealth for the society, and create social progress that will not be pulled down by foreign countries.”

Mr. Xiao Wang watched Zhao Dezhu, trying to figure out what kind of way he was.

Zhao Dezhu has a fart way, he kind of means to suppress the other party to get a bargaining chip, but more of it is ridicule: "You are not a high-achieving student who graduated from a famous foreign school, you have the ability to make a show, compare your career with me, and be optimistic about the game industry. Either you set up a stall yourself, or enter my hell difficulty mode."

Mr. Wang muttered, "You're not fair."

Zhao Dezhu was amused: "You frankly went to a famous foreign school since you were a child, and now you have 500 million training hands after graduation. How dare you tell me it's unfair?"

After thinking about it, I added: "You are the rich second generation, there is nothing shameful, but don't pretend to be self-reliant, it's a shame, it makes those who are desperately trying to survive very hopeless, don't be poor if you are full of fat. Slapping your mouth in front of your face is called being cheap."

After finishing speaking, he tapped the mobile phone box, got up and left.

Isn't it 500 million? It's like knowing that the other party has three kings, but you have three aces in your hand.

It is natural suppression.

Who told you to come to this casino?

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