I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 882 Long-term vision, high-distance vision

Staying in Jiangzhou these days, eating, drinking and having fun, is still very enjoyable for the rich second generation.

The well-known conference halls have their own style, but Mr. Wang must still have the whole market situation hanging out of the corner of his eyes at any time.

He also wanted to see how Zhao Dezhu handled this matter.

According to his guess, you are the richest man in the country, and social relations and government relations are not to be pinched with your hands, just go directly to the Central Plains to crush such a role, and slap your face face to face.

At least through contacts, don't you have a cooperative relationship with Disney, don't you use Disney's internal pressure?

As a result, President Xiao Wang witnessed Zhao Dezhu's way of playing public opinion.

In this life, the WB eye-catching tactics may not have sprouted in Mr. Wang's mind.

It is easy to use the power of Internet communication to expose the whole incident, causing huge social impact.

Definitely an Internet-driven change that has never been done before.

But what about benefits?

Mr. Wang is most concerned about, of course, how do you make a profit after doing so much?

Well, maybe there are also their own interests.

In fact, for Zhao Dezhu, does he still care about this benefit?

To put it mildly, catching such black sheep and recovering losses for Disney is a trivial matter. It is Zhao Dezhu's inner feeling to prevent the domestic land from being damaged and the local people to be fooled.

Based on his experience in this kind of thing, if it is said that the former employee of the liar has no other accomplices, or even some acquiescing collusion, who would believe it?

More importantly, looking at the big picture, both Pang Yong and Lao Lin paid more attention to this matter than him.

The former is Zhao Dezhu's number one housekeeper. The entire industrial park, the industrial park, including the structure of the major vocational colleges, has a total of more than 20,000 employees and a huge scale of 30,000 to 40,000 students. How to manage it?

This kind of management topic is the core of official administration that Lao Lin is familiar with for thousands of years.

But in front of him, it seems that another kind of innovation has appeared.

Big data management, network management.

Pang Yong's view on the whole matter is that Disney, like Microsoft, has fallen into a typical big company disease.

Speaking of Zhao Dezhu's industry, the scale is so large, the boss makes random and uneducated decisions, places cronies with low education and incompetence everywhere, and has expanded to so many provinces and cities, so many branches, it should be properly messed up.

But in fact, after a few years of operation, it didn't.

Except for the high vocational students who are basically the result of Long Zhiyu's high-pressure team training, all of them have the temperament of a private army that Zhao Dezhu's disciples are proud of.

Perhaps the most important thing is the joining of a large number of professional managers such as Pang Yong.

Zhao Dezhu also chose to completely delegate power to them.

Disney and Microsoft have apparently recruited famous working emperors one after another, but they failed to do what Zhao Dezhu did. They only pointed out the direction and never intervened in the specific implementation level. They were quicker to admit mistakes than anyone else.

Pang Yong is very supportive of Zhao Dezhu's sneak attack on Microsoft's mobile phone system. Lao Gai's reputation is too prominent, and he loves to show up to give advice, making it difficult for the current CEO to completely control the situation.

The same is true for Disney, and the Disney family also likes to dictate to the CEO.

Coupled with the natural slow response of multinational companies in the East, it is no wonder that they can manage well.

So Zhao Dezhu and the others observed all the reactions of Disney, more like learning from the experience and lessons of others.

I'm still a little surprised by Mr. Wang's question, I've completely forgotten about it.

The 500 million e-sports club and the Disney real estate that invested more than a billion dollars didn't take it to heart at all: "Then tell me, if we can take over the Zhongyuan project, what can you do?"

I don't know if President Xiao Wang's father asked him that when he returned to China.

I don't even know what attitude he will use to face his famous father.

Anyway, Mr. Wang answered seriously at this moment without any hesitation: "This project planning involves e-commerce trading center, brand authorization management center, and international procurement center. The picture is still very big. The most attractive thing is actually the dream Town-themed commercial streets, themed parent-child resorts, and supporting hotels, everyone will think that this is the most famous part of Disney, but actually check the contracts displayed locally, using Disney’s contract text, but the text There is absolutely no confirmation that it is a Disney theme in the middle, a sneaky change of concept."

It can be seen that Xiao Wang has always put in a lot of effort: "In addition to the international film and television translation and post-production center, animation training and animation creative workshop, there are ten projects in total. Even without the brand effect of Disney, we can still Come out to buy the bottom at this time, because the local government will definitely hold them accountable. If someone takes over the offer at this time, there will be no loss. Even if the asking price is high, we can take over and make it... a similar cultural tourism project, the Disney set Isn't it just a fairy tale world for fools?"

Hearing this familiar language, Zhao Dezhu suddenly remembered.

In the last life, it seemed that President Xiao Wang's domineering father seemed to be openly challenging Disneyland, and it was nothing to do in China. There were also amusement parks comparable to it in China.

He even threatened that Disney would not be able to make a profit within 20 years, and the Chinese would set international standards.

This kind of nationally inspiring language will definitely attract a lot of repercussions, but if the people who shout this kind of slogan are just stirring up emotions for their own commercial interests, then it is not that they are talking about doctrine and all they are doing is business. what.

Moreover, this kind of bloodshed for one's own interests must have violated the laws of the market, and it is not surprising that they were beaten in the face in the end.

So Zhao Dezhu couldn't help showing a playful smile, oh, so that's how your business is done.

Taking advantage of the most simple patriotic feelings of ordinary people, laughing foolishly behind the scenes when they make a lot of money.

He suddenly laughed so unpredictable, especially because Zhao Dezhu's eyes without cultural connotation were empty and frightening.

Mr. Wang was a little flustered: "What?"

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help but sarcastically: "Dinis has been in business for dozens of years. If you say you don't have such a big brand, it will be gone? Even an illiterate me knows how many years of rich experience they have accumulated in this operation. You shoot If you slap your butt, you can imitate it. Come on, let me take a look at the brand-new operation rules of the cultural tourism project, from site planning to project construction, from operation management to operation rules, down to the movements and lines of each animation model There are trainings, you can easily say, show me?"

He said he was going to study abroad, but this little Mr. Wang has learned 100% of the bad habit of domestic businessmen who slap their chests and sing big plays. As long as they can get the business, they dare to brag about anything.

I'm speechless now.

But I still can't bear such a good opportunity: "Didn't you have a school of film and animation, and also a post-production center that cooperates with Tingfeng Nelson, so you can follow this line to take over with the local government."

Zhao Dezhu became interested: "Why don't you go, why don't you go? You can completely ignore me and take over by yourself, don't say that you don't have a channel to report and expose this matter."

President Xiao Wang paused, maybe he really couldn't hide it from Zhao Dezhu, he could only admit: "We are too famous in domestic commercial real estate, as long as we are involved in projects, they will be sold by the local people. This land... ...give Disney 21,000 acres, give us 6 million, what the hell!"

Three hundred times the price difference?

Zhao Dezhu laughed loudly, no wonder Boss Wang sometimes scolds his mother!

How would you describe this?

Is it worshiping foreigners or deliberately setting up obstacles to choose cooperation?

To be honest, putting aside factors such as ethnicity and patriotism, if Zhao Dezhu chooses for himself, I am afraid he would rather cooperate with Disney on cultural tourism projects than the old Wang family... You have never done anything before, so what qualifications do you have to clamor to enter the existence of knocking down benchmarks? ?

At any rate, make something down-to-earth, surpass and catch up step by step.

Just shouting slogans sounds like a fool.

Regardless of whether Disney has a big company problem in its management, at least it is number one in the world when it comes to building parks.

Zhao Dezhu stretched out his hand: "Then hand over all your related information. You must have information about which department that guy contacted and who is the leader, right?"

Mr. Wang was surprised. By this time, Zhao Dezhu hadn't even contacted the local area: "What are you going to do? Are you sure?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Anyway, you can just follow along with the soup."

Mr. Wang turned around and arranged to send the full set of information to Mr. Zhao Dezhu's office.

To his surprise, it was only done in the morning, and Zhao Dezhu asked him to go to the Central Plains Province to participate in the negotiations in the afternoon.

The dumbfounded Mr. Wang hurriedly greeted his father and rushed to the Central Plains Province separately, only to find out that Brother Le, Luo Shixin, the boss of Pierce Animation Studio, Brother Ting Feng, and sister Zhiling who flew over from Shanghai to meet him from Hong Kong were luxurious. The team took the official letter from HK Disney to seek this comprehensive cooperation agreement to continue.

That's right, Shanghai Disney is the general manager in China, didn't you announce that that employee has nothing to do with you?

Now change to HK Disney to take over.

In theory, this one is more authentic. HK Disneyland has been open for a year.

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