I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 89 Interesting Soul Only 666

Feng Xiaoting also asked Zhao Dezhu in this way: "1.45 million? You just need to add another 450,000 final payment?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "Yes, do you think it's interesting that we insist on taking two million to make people think that we are greedy for money and fall into the eyes of money?"

Feng Xiaoting still couldn't help but click her tongue: "I earn 550,000 less! My God, many people will not earn 550,000 in their entire lives."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "Didn't I just say that at the time? I know more than one million people like Mr. Xia."

The little secretary majoring in broadcasting tried hard to wake up from the intoxication: "You are amazing."

Zhao Dezhu actually didn't realize that he was cultivating the vision of the whole team: "Why does Lao Long make me look down on him? It's because he is reluctant to pay us the 20,000 yuan. Let's see how Boss Xia does it. The GPS part of two million is dispensable, but she is aiming at tens of millions or hundreds of millions of projects, so she is willing to take it out and try, so I will learn to put some money to test the relationship."

He also stands and talks without pain in his back. If his family is not as wealthy as him, let's see if he can test it like this.

Back in Jiangzhou, where the temperature was a little lower, Feng Xiaoting still buttoned up her small suit, and part of her bottoming tube top was exposed, and she said in a very youthful way: "I think she is willing to give it to you... Yes, greedy, We can't help being greedy, 550,000..."

Speaking of which, he leaned heavily on the passenger seat, watching the street scene galloping by outside.

Can't help but be heartbroken.

After staring blankly for a while, he turned his head and looked back at Zhao Dezhu: "Do you really like Teacher Long?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "I never lied to you."

Feng Xiaoting was thoughtful: "Then I can only be your good secretary. I don't know why, but from the very beginning, I felt that you were actually serious about your relationship."

Zhao Dezhu broke the illusion: "Eat, drink, prostitute and gamble before, so I should find a mature woman like Long Jie who can control me. My aunt and grandma are fine, I can't afford to take care of me."

Feng Xiaoting opened her mouth to say something, but finally she changed the topic with a smile: "Anyway, just tell me what you need me to do. Xiaoxia talked about starting a company, so I can be regarded as your first batch of subordinates."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "You are the first subordinate, I know that I am more mature and handsome, it is normal for you to like me..."

Feng Xiaoting's lively and big eyes started to smile in amazement at these words, and finally laughed loudly, and quietly wiped the corners of her eyes when the driver was not paying attention.

I heard the handsome guy continue to be shameless: "When you returned the car in the morning, you also saw my two fellow villagers. I grew up with them since I was a child, driving to pick up girls, eating, drinking and having fun. I don't want to live like this anymore, so I can I cherish having you friends doing serious things together, and when the company is established, we will get paid in a serious way, and then think about what business to do next.”

The secretary nodded seriously and said yes.

He also opened the folder: "This GPS business is indeed just a profit. It is impossible to expect such a good thing every day, but do you think we can really maintain this thing?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded and pointed to the bracket on the center console: "Look at our navigator. If it's broken, just replace it. You can install it. The main reason is to continue to keep in touch with Mr. Xia's company through this matter. It's impossible to really Want me to sell my beauty?"

Feng Xiaoting smiled happily, and looked in the rearview mirror that she hadn't put on her make-up and smiled: "I really want to be this happy for the rest of my life."

As he said that, he took out the camera to take pictures of Zhao Dezhu's driving: "I will also learn to drive as soon as possible, so you can let me drive home and show off?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "Absolutely, you can borrow someone... You can turn the camera upside down, raise your hand up, and point the lens at the two of us, then you can take a selfie."

Feng Xiaoting can understand what the girls of later generations are best at: "Ah? It's okay! Hehe..."

So for the rest of the drive, she has been persevering in various group photos and selfies.

Just flipping through the photos inside, I suddenly laughed: "Hey, when you go back to school, you will definitely be a sensation... That school uniform is so pretty!"

Zhao Dezhu also smiled wretchedly with anticipation.

Feng Xiaoting hurriedly laughed together and patted his shameless face.

Zhao Dezhu's expression was even more exaggerated.

The smile on the girl's face never stopped.

When the two of them drove into the street, Feng Xiaoting couldn't wait to call and report: "Ah? Really? Hahaha, they can do it too, okay, okay, we are at the school gate..."

However, Zhao Dezhu kept his gaze on the opposite side of the school gate. The row of front-facing rooms that were empty when school started, now there is a room on the first floor that is undergoing major renovations, and the door is still covered with colorful strips of cloth.

It has been renovated for more than ten days, but now I saw a black Audi A6 parked there.

As soon as he turned a corner from a distance, he noticed it.

The new model that has just been localized, the round buttocks are very eye-catching.

Long Zhiyu was standing there talking to a refined man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

Feng Xiaoting also saw it, and immediately hung up the phone nervously to see Zhao Dezhu's reaction.

As a result, the guy slid the car along with a smile on his face, pointed his head and waved to the co-pilot window: "I just arrived today, Mr. Long, when are you free? I have something to report to you."

Long Zhiyu's response was very official: "Thank you, I don't accept work matters during the National Day holiday."

Feng Xiaoting and that elegant man stood between them.

The secretary also squeezed himself against the backrest, as if this would make him transparent.

Zhao Dezhu also treated her as if she didn't exist, and leaned forward almost leaning in front of Feng Xiaoting's chest.

He also greeted the elegant man with a shameless smile: "Hi, I am the monitor of the 03 golf class where Mr. Long is the head teacher. This car is very handsome. It will cost more than 400,000 yuan."

Sure enough, this flattery really scratched the opponent's heart, and he was proud: "460,008, I specially found a friend to get a good license, 07666! Three 6s!"

Zhao Dezhu just oh oh oh: "It's awesome, it's awesome..."

But when he said this, seeing the other party stretching out his hand to caress the new car and looking away, he couldn't help winking at Long Zhiyu, and teased Long Zhiyu with the corners of his eyes.

It seems to say: "It's not very good, an Audi is like this."

Immediately, Long Zhiyu couldn't control the expression of the head teacher before, she stared fiercely and bared her teeth!

In fact, it is indescribably beautiful, like a chinchilla with its teeth and claws.

Feng Xiaoting, who was watching with bated breath, couldn't help but gasp.

Only then did Long Zhiyu realize, ah, the co-pilot was occupied, and instantly withdrew his expression and acted like a flight attendant.

Zhao Dezhu saw that the elegant man also looked up, and stopped joking: "The new textbook will be here next week, and I have some other personal matters. Call me when you are done with your work. Bye, Audi, bye!"

Long Zhiyu listened to Zhao Dezhu's indiscriminate nicknames, but he was still very well-trained, so he usually didn't laugh.

It just leaked from the corner of Wanwan's eyes that she was trying to endure.

Feng Xiaoting hurriedly waved goodbye carefully before the car moved away.

When he drove into the school gate, Zhao Dezhu complained to her: "You don't know how to act, hug me affectionately or kiss me, I'll give you fifty yuan."

Feng Xiaoting was stunned for a moment, her face paled with a smile, and she was out of breath: "Me! I, I, I can stand you... I will help you clear it up so that she won't be jealous!"

Zhao Dezhu waved his hand to avoid a group of boys on the playground who couldn't wait to rush over, and hurried back to the dormitory along the side.

With contempt on her mouth: "Do you understand women or not, just to arouse her jealousy, umm, such a young and beautiful girl, I must snatch her!"

So when Zhao Dezhu drove the car to the practice field on the top of the school mountain, beauties in brand new school uniforms surrounded him.

Feng Xiaoting pushed open the door with great difficulty and got out: "Hahaha, hahaha, here, here you go, I still, let me leave my life as a dog, I'm going to laugh to death..."

Oh, Zhao Dezhu, the National Day holiday is three days off, and not everyone will go home. A dozen or so girls from the golf class are smiling and changed into new clothes, especially Huang Panpan and Yang Qian. .

It's so beautiful.

The original black pencil pants and white shirt were covered with a small black vest, all thanks to the colorful silk scarf at the neckline.

You must also pull up your hair to have the taste of a stewardess uniform.

But the cuteness and innocence of the students are missing.

Now the light beige one-piece dress inside was originally dignified and a bit playful, and it only reached the knee length.

Putting on the off-white sleeveless fleece vest, it immediately has the style of a British student.

Putting on the little brown suit outside, whether it's shawl hair, braids, or ponytails, it looks terribly beautiful.

The girls were also very satisfied, as if they still had an appointment, when Zhao Dezhu got off the car, they formed a semi-circle around him, swaying forward and backward!

Put on the starting gesture of Huoshanfang Huihong.

They also shouted together: "Ah!"

Jiao Didi's voice was scattered, but it made Zhao Dezhu feel very happy.

It's worth it.

This energy is much better than going to a nightclub to see Mommy bring in a row of raw pork.

And the little black dog who shook his head and rushed towards him fully represented the girls' miss for him.

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