I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 895: History Is Always Surprisingly Similar

Chapter 895 I am relieved to see that they are all hooligans

But this is obviously not the focus of Er Fu's story.

"This country is Nanfei, a country full of ambition and rich resources. At one time, they also wanted to become the Citigroup of the African continent. In all respects, they are more advantageous than Citigroup. They are far away from Europe and have a huge African market. There is the best financial market in the entire southern hemisphere, and there are European and American investments, except... the aborigines can’t be killed like the Indians, so this is finally used.”

Zhao Dezhu listened carefully and nodded slowly.

Erfu said softly: "At least from the end of the nineteenth century, the most humiliating and tragic days in modern Chinese history, when the Chinese were fighting non-stop, these white people no longer regarded themselves as Europeans and Americans, and led the black sorghum to take Nanfei The business was very good, and World War I and World War II were like fish in water. For example, England, who started the war, entrusted the entire African affairs to Nanfei. There are so many colonies, so after World War II, Africa became independent, and most of the initiators were Nanfi people. Well, including the father of Asan, Mahatma also studied and improved in Nanfei, and then returned to China to make Ahsan independent. At this time, you understand that when we were still suffering, Nanfei was the most low-key big country on this planet , is only a little worse than the low-key Citigroup before World War II, and the reason is...they have too many black millets in their original state, and they cannot improve the overall strength of Citigroup.”

In the eyes of Zhao Dezhu's second-generation demolition, when did Nanfei... oh, it seems that there was a year when the World Cup was held in Nanfei, and he won a bit of a bet. This is the only memory.

But whether he knows it or not does not hinder the progress of the wheel of history: "So after World War II, Nanfei drifted away. At least in 1960, China began to build large-scale industries. Hans was rebuilt from the ruins, and the coke basin was still revived. Nanfei's real economy industry level, the overall strength is second only to the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France, the industrial system and economy are stronger than China, Hans, Jiaobain, the financial market and London Dingli, the entire southern hemisphere Nanbo bowl, the national economic income is already 1 The ranks of sub-developed countries...China dare not say that it has entered the ranks of sub-developed countries."

Zhao Dezhu immediately felt a familiar smell.

Sure enough, Er Fu laughed: "At this time, they are really the children who are walking in the downtown area with gold nuggets, because before, it was just a few hooligans who were greedy occasionally, and the downtown area was still fighting and romping and ignoring him. After the beating, you are licking your wounds to find medical expenses, don’t you all watch? All the hooligans are watching.”

Zhao Dezhu heard something: "All?"

Er Fu smiled: "The five permanent members, Britain and France were destroyed by Nanfei after World War II. They hated so many colonies. The United States and the Soviet Union are starting the end of the Cold War. This big country that is proud of negotiating terms between the two sides is dangerous wherever it goes. , It is the safest way to destroy him, as for China... We have been seeking the support of African countries, if you have to look at Nanfei, it will be difficult, you know what it means."

Zhao Dezhu was overjoyed: "Yeah, I'm relieved to see such a hooligan in the motherland."

Er Fu also laughed: "Anyway, in history, the five permanent members of the United Nations have been offended, and this may be the only one. In 1961, Nan Fei united with Ah San to become independent. This matter has a high prestige in the third world countries. Ah San also became the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, um... a year later we happened to teach Ah San a lesson and became the leader of the third world, the wisdom of the predecessors is very subtle."

Zhao Dezhu's face was full of surprise. When he jumped off the building, the news about Ah San was also unfolding.

It turns out that there is such an ins and outs, standing at the height of human history, looking back on all this, nothing is for no reason!

National leaders are all dragons and phoenixes!

Of course...you can't compare big golden retrievers with top players.

Even Zhao Dezhu could vaguely hear the signs at this moment, squinting at the second rich.

Erfu put on his glasses and smiled: "As I said just now, the racial issue became the fuse of Nanfei's collapse. A man who had been in prison for decades was released to govern this democratic country, and the financial industry was fully opened up. Industry, um, China has participated in hundreds of financial companies, second only to Britain and the United States. Nanfei Finance, which was built by the Boers for hundreds of years, was divided in a few months, and the international environmental protection organization came to the door, asking black leaders to look at developed countries The green mountains and green waters of the country, shouldn’t this be the case for advanced cooking, so Nan Fei de-industrialized, do you know the consequences of de-industrialization?”

Zhao Dezhu was lying again: "Isn't this the kind of thing that's being compared to the environmental protection we're talking about now?"

Er Fu was surprised: "Hey, you are in control of WB, so you are indeed very sensitive to this kind of information. I just found out that there is such a sign."

Zhao Dezhu said in his heart, oh, it turns out that this trick has been practiced on the unlucky country of Nanfei.

No wonder the country wasn't fooled.

The second rich man had a half-smile: "What is the Nobel Peace Prize, what is the highest medal of mankind, and I keep giving it to the leader, and he is even more aggressive about his family. The manufacturing industry is depressed. Originally What about black people with poor background? Noisy, the factory must recruit a certain proportion of black people, now it’s all right, the only remaining factories have collapsed, so the hospital, the army, the municipal government, and even the financial industry must also have a certain proportion Blacks, I don’t mean racial discrimination, but blacks are illiterate, let them come to power, become doctors, and engage in futures trading? The medical system and financial status have also completely collapsed.”

Zhao Dezhu suddenly smelled something familiar again.

This is so... isn't it Hei Jingui?

Ouch, it's true that Feng Shui turns, and history is bound to repeat itself.

The second rich all noticed: "Why do you smile so treacherously?"

Zhao Dezhu hehehe: "You are not a good person..."

The second rich actually did not resist: "So I won't answer your question, but what I want to tell you is that half of the company's shares belong to Nan Fei. Well, the few investors you saw before the HK listing were, Do you understand it?"

Seeing the provocative flair revealed from the corner of Er Fu's eyes, Zhao Dezhu could only lie down, lie down, lie down!

Seeing that you look like a dog, there are still so many things hidden.

The second rich really seems to be guiding his younger brother: "There is no such absolute distinction between surname capital and social surname. The world is not black and white. Isn't the country also advocating non-public economy? Since the founding of the country, we must unite national capitalists. Only by allowing various forms of reasonable co-existence can this be a relatively perfect ecology, right?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded after thinking about it: "I think I understand what you mean. Many people are working hard in different ways and in different fields, but in the end everyone still has ideals."

Er Fu smiled as warmly as the July sunshine outside the parasol: "But you are right, you reminded me more clearly not to forget the ideals when I started. I am surprised. Four and a half years have passed, and the first half a year When we first went public, so many people got carried away, as if the rest of their lives were spent enjoying life, and you were the only one to talk about new games and prepare for new projects, and up to now, you still haven’t forgotten your original intention at that time.”

Zhao Dezhu blinked and looked into the distance, if you have been crushed once, you will not forget it.

So on the way back to the hotel after the whole family left, Long Zhiyu could see her husband's comfortable mood: "Did you talk well?"

Zhao Dezhu hehehe: "It's good to pretend..."

The daughter's finger has already poked her forehead: "Speak well!"

It was exactly the same as her mother, and even worse, Zhao Dezhu was so happy that he almost reached out to hug his wife, and even complained when he turned a corner to hug his wife: "That's what it is!"

Shen Jianing also giggled: "That big star isn't very good, he's not as tall as Sister Zhiling, nor as temperamental as Sister Xiaofei."

Nana curled her lips, but she had to agree with the young lady's statement, but she was full of doubts: "When did you meet?"

Long Zhiyu laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, don't worry about your dad's work..."

Because after visiting the mansion, Nana and her younger sister played on the tennis court next to her for a while. In fact, she was a little disgusted that the court was exposed to the sun and rain and was close to the sea, so it was very old, and the greenery was like a mountain and jungle.

After the sunshine weakened in the afternoon, at the instigation of Luo Shixin, I went to Shuiceng Stadium to play golf for a while.

Of course, at the level of Erfu, a pure 24K rookie, he may not be ashamed to show his ugly face on the court without Zhao Dezhu's support.

Obviously, in order to receive Zhao Dezhu, he temporarily bought two sets of expensive but unusable golf equipment.

Fortunately, Luo Shixin had the foresight to bring two sets of professional golf equipment for men and women in the trunk.

Anyway, when he accompanied him to the court, his face was full of tears as he saw that his young master was promising.

That's right, back then he flattered Little Superman, and matched Zhang Luo and Zhao Dezhu to play ball with celebrities and rich people. Four or five years later, Zhao Dezhu...

During the chat today, it was mentioned that Li Bancheng's current net worth, including movable and real estate trust funds, is about 700 billion Hong Kong dollars.

In the past two years, the GDP of the city of HK is about 200 billion U.S. dollars, which is about 1.4 trillion Hong Kong dollars.

One person is worth half a city!

It's really not nonsense.

But Zhao Dezhu is worth almost this amount just by virtue of TiTa's shares!

Not counting WB, the parent company of TiTa, let alone TM, which should be more valuable in theory.

All of this started from the little stake that was won in the game at the beginning, and the entry ticket was obtained.

So Zhao Dezhu felt that giving him hundreds of millions was justified.

Then with a high probability, they "bump" into Superman.

Originally, on this hot day, it was either playing in the morning or early in the morning, or playing for a while before sunset. The time slot was actually just that little.

Zhao Dezhu originally wanted to set up Yangzi to watch the fun, but when he met at the entrance of the clubhouse, he encouraged Erfu to play with Little Superman, and the two of them were against him...

Then I saw that tall figure like Zhi Ling's sister, who lowered her head and straightened her neat new golf skirt as she came out.

Er Fu looked at the man who had dismissed him before without turning his eyes.

But the old snake skin Zhao Dezhu dared to confirm 100% with just one glance, the little Superman hadn't chased the girl yet.

Is being a licking dog.

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