I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 897 I will repay your family

Because a man chases a woman, even if he loves his wife so much like Zhao Dezhu, the look in his eyes declaring male ownership is different when he gets it or not.

It doesn't matter how much money you have.

Xiao Wang always licks girls when he doesn't get them.

More importantly, with just one glance, Zhao Dezhu could tell that the girl was still making decisions.

This is a very strange feeling. If he had to describe it, Zhao Dezhu saw a little bit of his ex-wife in this beautiful woman with a unique temperament.

It's just that you say love, but I really haven't seen Guanxi's kind of biological admiration from the bottom of his heart.

There is no way to hide the eyes of someone who truly loves someone.

Say you don't love it, it's too much, what else is there to worry about?

Talk about a hammer love.

Cultivate it slowly, it will always be pleasing to the eye.

It's that kind of half-push, half-full feeling.

I don't want to just agree, and I don't want to miss this opportunity to change my destiny in an instant.

Maybe he is still taking Joe intentionally or unintentionally, trying to raise the price as much as possible to determine the maximum profit.

At the age of eighteen, just after graduation, he dragged his father to buy a BMW sports car, and then covered the graduation ceremony with flower bushes and balloons. Zhao Dezhu knelt down in front of the whole school and gave his ex-wife enough face.

This thing is so close.

When Zhao Dezhu looked at that face, there was still something he didn't understand. Could it be that the famous exorbitant ransom fee hadn't been finalized yet?

The young actress that Superman is pursuing is a rising star built by the film company with a lot of money. She has signed a long-term contract for more than ten years. In her previous life, she spent 200 million to redeem herself.

It was the shocking gossip back then, who could pick up girls to such an extent?

So Zhao Dezhu must have eaten this melon, and he knows that this melon is still in the future. After giving birth to three children in two years, he did not marry into a wealthy family. Li Bancheng also recognized the baby but did not recognize him. .

Anyway, these two are not good.

Zhao Dezhu took a look at this and decided to disturb it.

Just to think of my ex-wife, why bother to delay each other.

Obviously just now he was a little restrained, and deliberately gave it to the second rich man, letting him be the protagonist in a shameful way, but now he suddenly took the initiative: "Hello, Richa, it's still this set of TaylorMade commemorative poles, you miss it very much." Ah, nice to see you again."

Er Fu froze for a moment, looking at the beautiful woman out of the corner of his eye, he might be lying in his heart, are you commotioning now?

Luckily the ladies didn't come!

Even if Little Superman is chasing after a beautiful woman who is willing to spend billions of dollars, he still has to look straight at Zhao Dezhu and shake hands with a smile: "I am also very happy to see you again. I am very surprised at your achievements in the Internet industry. I also use Tita, very happy." Great! Introducing, Belissa, Charles, this is Bob, congratulations on your new home."

People who have been standing in high places for a long time may not know how many years a casual expression on their faces will make them work hard.

Anyway, the second rich man later said that he was instantly relieved, and he also extended his hand with a smile: "My golf skills are too bad, so I never go out to make a fool of myself. Charles came to accompany him today."

This is the elder brother, I feel that Zhao Dezhu is suddenly showing up, even if it is a bit inappropriate, he still pushes his brother to the top.

He was originally a restrained character.

Yang Siluo saw that Zhao Dezhu and the others were indifferent, and the white-faced and needless second rich man was not ostentatious, unless he had done his homework, it would be difficult to know him.

But Zhao Dezhu already has a somewhat iconic tall and thin figure, and he especially likes the fashionable hairstyle of later generations with his temples pushed very shallow, plus the beard around his lips that looks old on purpose.

Since Lan Ying's battle, he has been bombarded by the major media in HK, mercilessly destroying the fruit media, making him frightened among the HK media.

He wanted to hide himself as the man behind Yi Fei and Ning Zhiling, pulling out a long row of billionaires with one hand.

In the past few days, it has become the key target of HK media's tracking and filming every day.

So the young female star who was only 20 years old, her beautiful eyes lit up: "Is that the founder of TiTa, nice to meet you."

She has been as elegant and decent as possible, but she was born in the market, even with all kinds of training in the past few years, she still has a wild look.

It is even more difficult to control the restraint that a lady should have.

Zhao Dezhu thought that he and I were on the same page, and nodded with a smile: "I hope that if there is a chance, I can invite Miss Yang to our company to film..."

This is subtle, people only introduced the English name, but Zhao Dezhu called the Chinese surname directly, which shows that he is paying attention.

Uh, in the whole of HK, perhaps Richa has never encountered a similar situation, and there are people standing in front of him, younger than him, handsomer than him, and richer than him.

At their level of rich people, as long as they don't relax their body control, and some image consultants guarantee the most suitable appearance matching, they can get 70 to 80 points no matter what.

He is worthy of the title of handsome and rich.

But Zhao Dezhu is really younger, more handsome, and more capable, so that he will not fall behind when he is with Guanxi and Tingfeng.

Now it must be the most outstanding appearance among the three rich men.

Anyway, Yang Siluo agreed casually.

But Richard frowned: "Belisa should quit the entertainment industry and concentrate on caring for her husband and raising her children."

Zhao Dezhu tried not to exaggerate the surprise: "Oh? Is the wedding date set?"

In the last life, he even gave birth to three babies, and the little superman who played games in the world and had countless girlfriends still didn't give him a title.

Zhao Dezhu just stabbed the knife in the waist.

Er Fu almost didn't laugh out loud, maybe he was a little dark inside.

Aren't you rich? You are nothing in front of Zhao Dezhu.

Ruicha couldn't help but raise his voice to observe whether Zhao Dezhu was careless or on purpose... No, no one would know that this is the crux of his family.

So looking at Zhao Dezhu, who was full of sincerity, he still didn't have an attack, but his expression was already a little dull, and he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Zhao Dezhu would lick his face, and introduced to Yang Siluo with enthusiasm: "My first regular business was here. Brother Ruicha sold me two thousandths of Penguin stock. Do you know Penguin? Now The top ten stocks in HK... It is because of this entry ticket that I started to cooperate with Penguin, Guge, Microsoft, and Apple, and I have 200 billion US dollars of TiTa, from the bottom of my heart Thank you so much Richie!"

It's a real performance, it's a show off that the ordinary people in the market are crazy about when they succeed, and it's vividly reflected.

One must know that at the level of these three men, almost all of them are surrounded by respectful and obedient subordinates like Luo Shixin, and even business partners are all cautious.

It's hard to come up with little people.

For a moment, Richa felt like he stepped on dog shit.

Kick it away, it will make the shoes more messy, and if you don't stomp your feet, it will be a bit aggrieved!

Because Zhao Dezhu nodded and bowed to him, and made Yang Siluo giggle.

Zhao Dezhu really knows himself and the enemy too well.

He even knew about the birth of three sons, including two twins, so he followed his ex-wife to read the ins and outs of this gossip, and especially remembered the expression of his ex-wife's sneer.

At that time, he would only wonder why, but now he certainly understands that he just looks down on him and can't even pay the breakup fee.

This Yang Siluo is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. At the age of twelve, he dared to rely on his tall height to change his age to join the entertainment industry.

If you were a lady from a big family, you must be watching coldly and knowing who your girlfriend is. If you can smile with sarcasm, that is a great bonus for your man.

Bisheng Yang Siluo is most used to this kind of foolish guy, laughing wildly and wantonly.

It is said that Richa fell in love with Yang Siluo's wild beauty, unrestrained and generous, unlike those pretentious puppets of famous ladies, and treated him carelessly and recklessly.

But when all men are not competitive in front of Richard, this wild flower seems to only bloom for him.

Who else would dare to make Yang Siluo laugh.

Especially those handsome guys, aren't they courting death? Do they still want to make a living in HK?

So this is the beauty of Richa.

Until this time, a situation that had never been possible before finally appeared.

Twenty-year-old Yang Siluo was still smiling so happily.

Richa really felt like he was fed shit.


Just when the second rich man was frowning, Zhao Dezhu suddenly changed his expression: "Mr. Li, what's the matter, Ms. Yang may not be suitable for you."

The four of them were strolling towards the tee table. Luo Shixin told the bodyguards to stay away a little bit so as not to disturb them, and the caddy didn't need to approach them.

Then the other three people brushed together as if they had been struck by lightning.

Erfu might be thinking that Lei would open a trench on the ground, and he would jump in and escape without hesitation.

Is this what people say?

Richa saw Yang Siluo next to him from Zhao Dezhu's face in disbelief...

The camera head slowly turned around.

Yang Siluo was the first to react, and slashed the No. 1 iron across the head and face towards Zhao Dezhu like an explosion: "Do you want to die? I'll kill you...!"

She really has the masculinity of a girl, and she has the fierce aura of a street girl when she gets mad!

In fact, Zhao Dezhu ran away as soon as he finished speaking!

The mad Yang Siluo dragged the No. 1 iron and chased after him with forgetfulness!

The rest of Erfu and Richa looked at each other in blank dismay, and then turned to look at the young men and women chasing and playing on the vast golf lawn.

Unlimited vitality is more suitable!

Richa had more than four, and murmured, "What... what does he mean?"

Of course, the second rich man with more than three cards has to wipe his ass: "Charles is actually deliberate in everything he does. I don't know Ms. Yang, but at least from just now to now, I don't think she is a good wife and mother. Charles must have something to say. I think this may be his kindest repayment to you, and he often mentioned thanking Mr. Li for giving him this opportunity."

Richa was still stubborn: "I..." but didn't say it.

Zhao Dezhu ran wildly with the strides of Yingmuhuadao, Yang Siluo was tall and long-legged, and when he became mad, he chased and killed him desperately!

They're all so fired up!

It's up!

If you do this to me, even a blind person can see that it's a thorn that punctured the old lady's bluff balloon!

It's none of your business with the hammer!


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