I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 908 The Scary Young Man

That’s right, Backgammon, Oubo, Weiwu, and even Zhao Dezhu took a while to realize that OnePlus means 1+.

These four brands that have been famous for 20 years actually belong to one family.

So Zhao Dezhu rejected Duan Tianping without saying a word.

Of course, his reaction shocked Boss Duan again, he could see the approval in Zhao Dezhu's eyes and attitude.

Why did you suddenly refuse again?

Zhao Dezhu immediately explained: "I am not opposed to any possible cooperation, and I even ask you to use my domestically produced chips, which are absolutely cheap and easy to use, but I will not take the initiative, refuse, or recognize this relationship."

Duan Tianping was even more surprised?

Zhao Dezhu explained again: "What is the biggest reason for me to come to HK this time? Isn't it because of being attacked and monopolized by a bunch of bastards, TM's e-commerce platform is monopolized, WB's social media and Internet public opinion are monopolized, and now we also have to monopolize the mobile phone market. ? Are you trying to kill me?"

Duan Tianping has been working on electronic products for 20 years, and he may never have enjoyed monopoly treatment.

Maybe he still dreamed of monopolizing the market. If the entire market was dominated by his own DVDs and telephones, and the standard and model were determined, wouldn't it be great?

Since the reform and opening in China, in fact, it has been following the model of crossing the river by feeling the eagle sauce. The content of independent research and development of various electronic products is low, and the threshold is not high, so it is difficult for anyone to monopolize the market.

What really formed this kind of change should be the Wujiang of the previous life.

But Duan Tianping is a master of economics, and has spent so many years in North America where the monopoly is called out every year. He was suddenly shocked: "Are you deliberately avoiding this monopoly situation?"

It might just be mixed emotions.

What a self-important man he is.

Without relying on power and wealth, he built a business empire from scratch within a few years, but resolutely gave up fighting in the business world at the age of forty, enjoying the carefree life.

It can also maintain the continuous improvement and progress of this team, and its own wealth is also steadily appreciating.

May I ask how many people can retreat bravely and start well after decades of turmoil in Kaikai?

Duan Tianping should feel that he is a master who is extremely smart and decisive enough, and even feels how lonely it is to be invincible.

As a result, Zhao Dezhu's grades were hard to come by.

Moreover, in just a few years, Zhao Dezhu's situation was much more ambitious than he was at that time.

Then right now, he actually told him that he was considering avoiding monopoly.

Twenty-three years old!

Top experts in the electronics, technology, and IT industries.

From Charles Zhang of a certain fox, anti-virus cannon, Baidu Pete, Lao Lei, Chen Xiaolong, Sun Xingping, Jiang Taotao, Yang Yichuan who challenged Zhao Dezhu many times before...

Those who can become famous and famous are not ordinary people.

They are basically super academics who come from humble backgrounds, and the family backgrounds of the second rich and the old horse are better.

When they were twenty-three years old, they were absolutely superior to their peers.

But no matter how brilliant his achievements were, they paled in comparison with Zhao Dezhu.

seeing is believing.

Duan Tianping was shocked: "Then what kind of achievement do you want to achieve?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "It's what we said yesterday. Don't forget the original intention. Ever since I came to this world, I wanted to be self-reliant. When I have this ability, I will let more people be self-reliant. Backgammon, Oubo, Weiwo, and 1+, it means that you are definitely a great character, but if you die, you will die. When people mention you, you are at most awesome, not great, and you have changed countless The fate of the Chinese people is worthy of the challenge of people like us."

As he spoke, Duan Tianping, who was still twice his age, patted on the shoulder.

Duan Tianping blurted out: "I really want to work with you, the feeling of being young when I started my business is back!"

Zhao Dezhu still shook his head: "You should be awesome... Unless you clean up all the ties with BBK and Ou Bo, and leave no connection, maybe you can come to us to be a high-level executive, otherwise the outside world will be scared to death. Now I I handed over the mobile phone to Lao Lei from Yinshan Software, he came from Ah San in the past two days, you can talk to him if you are interested, I can’t give you the mobile phone, right?”

In an instant, Zhao Dezhu really felt that Lao Lei was an excellent choice.

Perhaps no one in this world would think that Lao Lei, a software tycoon who has been in business for more than ten years, can achieve great results by moving to the mobile phone market.

So in comparison, Lao Lei is not eye-catching enough.

All the hustle and bustle of the domestic mobile phone industry is concentrated on Zhao Dezhu, and no one is targeting Lao Lei.

If Duan Yongping and Zhao Dezhu really joined forces, my God.

It is estimated that colleagues will feel disappointed.

For Zhao Dezhu's flattery, Duan Tianping is still useful.

In fact, he and Zhao Dezhu lacked a good friend, and Zhao Dezhu was so coaxing that he didn't even ask what kind of person Duan Tianping was.

Duan Tianping probably thought there was a legend about me in the world, so he came here directly.

Fortunately, the communication was good. Duan Tianping finally made a request: "Huang Zheng, the young man who asked you questions yesterday is very talented and hardworking. When I go to dinner with Buffett, I always take him to open my eyes. , I want to hand him over to you, hoping to help you achieve your wish, this is also the request he made to me after he went back last night, it is really that as an electronics company that is good at marketing, he has very limited room to play. "

Zhao Dezhu glanced at the young man standing over there, and readily agreed: "Okay, since he has been in Guge, he should still have a level, but how high he can reach depends on his own efforts."

Duan Tianping is very serious: "I hope to have more exchanges in the future. Although I spend most of my time in North America, I still look forward to the domestic industries catching up."

Zhao Dezhu will not discriminate against those who have gone abroad, and nodded with a smile: "The focus of the future must be in China. For various reasons, I may seldom go to Citigroup. If you don't mind, you can be my Citigroup member." The collaborators over there, I have a lot of opportunities to deal with Lao Gai, Buffett or Page."

Duan Tianping is like a treasure, thank you again and again!

That's right, his domestic reputation and achievements are really nothing to Citigroup.

A rich Asian businessman with mediocre performance.

It is difficult to have the opportunity to deal with top elites without paying.

In the end, Zhao Dezhu took two photos with Qiao Mei out of courtesy, and returned with Huang Zheng.

On the way back, he casually hugged Ha Mei to the bodyguard's car, and chatted with Huang Zheng in the same car.

Since it was recommended by an expert, he asked for his own opinion. He thought that Huang Zheng was either interested in mobile phone electronics, WB social media, or the technical school of Chen Xiaolong Research Institute.

As a result, Huang Zheng said that he is most concerned about the impact of TM's entire structure on various industries.

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "No problem, first I will give you the identity of the director of the TM Innovation Division. You can set up and find the direction of this innovation division. We have an open structure, and we hope that we can incubate excellent companies to go to Be independent, but the most important thing is to contribute to society, and economic benefits are not necessarily the first priority, because we have already made enough money in games, e-commerce platforms and overseas finance.”

What he said was really emphatic.

Huang Zheng is actually only a few years older than Zhao Dezhu, and he used to be the kind of super-student who cheated all the way, but now he can't believe it: "Mr. Duan actually talked to us a few days ago about how he feels about you, just because of the game."

Zhao Dezhu was a little interested: "What?"

Ha Mei also played the gossip magazine, tilting her head to listen.

Huang Zheng gestured: "When he was working on the Xiaobawang game console, he also faced huge social pressure on video games. The most exciting thing about Mr. Duan is that he made the game console into a keyboard form, emphasizing learning typing, elementary programming, etc. Functions, only when a game card is plugged in will it become a game machine, and as a result, it broke through the shackles of this social view on the learning machine in one fell swoop, and achieved success.”

Zhao Dezhu suddenly realized, that awesome person who made Brother Long sell so many game consoles back then!

Huang Zheng came back here again: "As a result, the method you adopted was to directly elevate video games to the height of the e-sports industry. The difference in the structure is too great. Mr. Duan admires you very much."

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "It's not that I'm awesome, it's that at this moment in time, e-sports is promoted by Nanli people as a sports industry. I just happen to be in this era and seize this opportunity, but the harm of games to teenagers does exist , if you have the heart, you can also think more about how to change this kind of problem, after all, the height we are at and the resources we can mobilize can affect many people, especially many young people."

When he said this, Zhao Dezhu hugged Ha Mei, and Huang Zheng nodded quietly.

On their side, Runyu was silent, and Zhao Dezhu didn't know who he had introduced. After Lao Lei came to HK to meet, he took Huang Zheng to participate in a lot of conversations and negotiations.

But on the other hand, as soon as Mei Qiao returned to Nanli, she was immediately invited to Samsung to ask all the details between her and Zhao Dezhu.

After all, the lace news of the two in the same frame caught Samsung's attention in an instant.

They were seeking to get information about how to get close to Zhao Dezhu by any means.

Now of course it is a treasure.

Facing the largest chaebol in the country, of course Li Hye Kyo knew everything and said everything.

Zhao Dezhu's professional attitude towards smartphones and his views on career mentality.

After letting the Samsung executives listen, they were very surprised.

This young Chinese man who single-handedly promotes ancient songs and Microsoft smartphones is so terrifying?

It is even more important to plan carefully and plan carefully!

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