I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 916 Hello, Sister Furong

So after night fell, what Song Fuzhen, who was waiting in battle, saw was Zhao Dezhu who was holding the koala's daughter.

Hamei, who is pouting her buttocks, has already fallen asleep, and the brand-new Mercedes-Benz S still provides comfortable pneumatic shock absorbers in the rear.

The bodyguard jumped out of the business car, carefully opened the door and escorted the boss into the hotel.

A row of business people in suits and leather shoes stood behind their chairman and followed Song Fuzhen to bow: "Mr. Zhao, welcome home..."

I can't find the check-in record, and Disney's business manager will definitely reveal his identity, otherwise he flew over from HK overnight, what is he trying to figure out.

And this business trip isn't even Disney's internal work.

But he was rewarded immediately: "According to my preliminary estimate, this is a potential investment project, located 40 kilometers south of Seoul, currently it is an amusement park with the theme of a natural farm, but there are many references to the expansion project. The characteristics of Nishi, of course, they cleverly avoided copyright disputes, Universal Bazaar, American Adventure Zone, European Adventure Zone..."

Song Fuzhen was actually a bit hot-headed and blushing, she never expected that a Disney commercial specialist would be found here to make an assessment, and this was almost a case of plagiarism.

In fact, her team in Nanli really thinks so.

Zhao Dezhu walked away frowning with his daughter in his arms. The HK executives lowered their voices and followed closely beside him to explain in a low voice.

Already in the elevator room, the Chinese hotel director graciously helped press the buttons, bent down to guide and close the door, and the welcoming beauty specially arranged inside even bent down at 90 degrees to receive.

Zhao Dezhu walked in casually: "If you think there is no problem, sign the agreement. If you want to be the vice president in the past, then seize the opportunity. I have to arrange... What Seoul? Where is it?"

The capital of the pitiful Cosmos Kimchi Country only changed its name two years ago, and the people of HK are still using the former name. The ignorant and illiterate Zhao Dezhu doesn't know this history at all.

There were more than a dozen high-level hotel staff standing outside the entire luxury elevator room, most of them were Chinese staff, and those who could understand almost fell to the ground and vomited blood.

With an investment of 200 million U.S. dollars, today we went from apprehension in the morning, to shocking news, to frantic verification, and finally to complete all kinds of materials. Just the PPT waiting for the presentation in the conference hall is crazy, adding Chinese as much as possible.

You didn't even know where it was, and you decided to vote?

Song Fuzhen was also a little dizzy, it must be anemia...

The Chinese hotel director hurriedly added in a low voice: "The capital of Nanli is now renamed Seoul."

Zhao Dezhu suddenly realized, and looked back at Miss Meirener, no wonder her Chinese is a bit cute, Nan Liyin has a good nose.

He nodded and said yes, and walked into the car.

It's like walking into a restaurant and buying a pack of cigarettes at the door.

Poor three-star eldest princess, she has never suffered such neglect in thirty-seven years.

Of course she now knows that he has this qualification.

When she saw the profile about Zhao Dezhu today, she was also shocked.

She had heard the name but paid little attention.

The entire hotel industry is a very inconspicuous real estate club in Samsung's huge all-round system. Song Fuzhen is really committed to developing this company into a large-scale group industry.

So I'm too busy at ordinary times, so I don't have the time to pay attention to foreign rich people.

By the same token, Samsung's top-level decision-making, the details of the most core electronics, semiconductors, etc., will basically not be informed to her.

For example, Samsung mobile phones now regard Zhao Dezhu as the most critical competitor, and this kind of statement will never be leaked to the hotel industry.

So everyone present was respectful.

Song Fuzhen still had a bright smile on her face, stepped into the car to signal the bewildered guests to go out, and helped close the door with her own hands: "Your daughter?"

And only she has the qualifications to make homework.

In the car facing alone, Zhao Dezhu stared at the other party, holding his daughter with one hand, and raised the other hand to touch his face.

Song Fu was really startled, but she persisted in not moving, and only gently covered the corner of her eyes and the man's fingers with her hand: "I accidentally dropped it..."

In fact, her concealer and foundation are suppressed today.

Zhao Dezhu joked: "It's a crime to lie to investors?"

Song Fu was really stuck, the elevator had arrived, she opened the door to guide her out.

The bodyguard came up ahead of time and opened the door to check that it was correct, and waited at the entrance.

Song Fuzhen went in with her, and the bodyguard closed the door without a sound and exited.

She said in a low voice, "It's a family conflict. My husband accidentally hit it while drunk. It won't affect work and investment."

Zhao Dezhu took off Hamei's shoes and socks, and Song Fuzhen quickly helped him unfold the taut and neat quilt, but he was obviously not very good at it, and almost fell down on the carpet beside the bed.

Zhao Dezhu was overjoyed: "Are you still running a hotel with this skill?"

Song Fu was really baffled by his logic. My family is engaged in automobile real estate, so should I have to pull steel bars and cement?

But the two tidied up the children together, turned off the headlights, and checked the temperature of the air conditioner before coming out to the living room of the suite outside.

Zhao Dezhu suggested: "Drink two cups? It should have the effect of invigorating blood." He also gestured to the corner of his eye.

Song Fu is really helpless, why do you keep staring at this injury, nodded and changed the subject: "I also have a son, eight years old."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dezhu still cared about this: "That's not good, my father beats my mother. Children who grow up in this kind of environment will probably beat their wives in the future. They are worthless. Men can't beat their wives under any circumstances..."

While talking, he called for some wine and food on the phone.

Song Fuzhen will definitely not easily talk about her personal affairs and feelings with others: "I... I'd better talk to you about the details of the scenic park, and then discuss the details about the shares. In fact, this kind of receiving external funds is very rare. I personally I hope to return you with profit cash.”

Zhao Dezhu opened the balcony door at the back, and the bodyguard outside asked him if he was going to disappear.

Zhao Dezhu signaled to the bedroom: "Ask Xiaofeng to come over and help Ha Mei scrub. She is sweating all over from playing today, and her underwear should be changed."

The nanny went from being on call to being on duty immediately.

Zhao Dezhu turned around and said to Qing Meili, "So you are from Nanli, and your husband is Chinese?"

Song Fu really felt struck by lightning: "You still don't know who I am?"

Zhao Dezhu was so strange, he leaned closer and took a closer look: "Are you famous? You are making movies or TV shows, so you can't be a trainee?"


Zhao Dezhu really didn't know that Samsung had a hotel business, even if it did it, it was just like an industrial park for the convenience of its own reception.

And this hotel is not called Samsung.

Song Fuzhen was suddenly a little powerless, but also a little fresh.

There are people in this world who don't know Samsung Hotel, and don't care about their own status.

But Zhao Dezhu has this strength.

The self-introduction that was on her lips suddenly changed: "My Chinese name is Song Fuzhen, Furong, the real appearance, as the president of this hotel company, I own 70% of the company's shares ..."

Zhao Dezhu looked again, pointed and laughed: "I know, you are the rich second generation!"

This is what he knew. For such a young and beautiful woman, if her husband still beats his wife, it would definitely not be inherited from her husband's family.

I can even guess that this husband is mostly on soft food. Facing this kind of wife with a hotel, the pressure is great.

In fact, when he laughed and said he knew, Song Fu was really disappointed for a moment, and bored at being recognized.

As a result, she understood the very common word rich second generation, and nodded seriously: "Yes, I am the second generation rich."

Zhao Dezhu felt that this silly Miss Fu Rong was very cute.

Just as the waiter brought over champagne and a snack trolley, Zhao Dezhu poured a glass by the bench last night: "Sister Jie, I don't care if you wanted to jump off a building or pick up things yesterday, I saw you cry, don't take it to heart , this is not a problem, you are already happier than almost everyone, come, have a drink."

Gulp the cow drink.

Song Fuzhen raised her eyebrows at his willfulness.

Accustomed to all kinds of red tape and dignitaries, Song Fuzhen chose to marry her father's bodyguard, because she hated those things on the scene from the bottom of her heart.

But the ten-year marriage still disappointed her, and she was severely slapped in the face due to the wrong marriage.

So she still took a sip with full demeanor, and nodded politely: "Combined with your wealth, you don't care too much about the investment of 200 million US dollars, I think I understand, but..."

Zhao Dezhu waved his hand: "I care. If it is an amusement park with an investment of 200 million US dollars in China, I think it will probably work. I believe in the consumption power of domestic consumers. The main thing is to do this well, but in South China Li... Judging by the class and ostentation of this hotel, there is a high probability that it won't be too bad, just wait and see, maybe I can help you too."

For Zhao Dezhu, the situation is changing rapidly.

Just like the acquisition of colleges in HK, the result is a series of medical institutions, and then superimposed logistics distribution, e-commerce operations, that is a big game of chess.

Originally, it was just pretending to be coercive in front of beauties, no matter how big the investment was, it seemed that it would not lose money, and the meat that was followed up by a special person would be rotten in the pot, and it would not lose money in China.

It also saves him the cost of pouring in dollars.

But if it involves Nanli, it must be related to the Nanli e-commerce platform that Li Zhengdao was working on.

In the future, it is very likely that local snakes will be needed to assist in management.

The young but thoughtful appearance made Song Fu really dazed for a while, she was really facing the muddy husband at home who couldn't get on the wall.

She may also have the desire to give medicine.

Subconsciously, he prefers this kind of strategizing.

Finally, he asked, "Help me? How? Do you have other investments in Nanli?"

The understanding of Nanli is limited to the plastic surgery girl and Zhao Dezhu of Korean dramas, and she still can't help showing off in front of the beauty.

Pretending to be deep in thought, he leaned closer and whispered, "What do you think of e-commerce platforms and online shopping?"

Then he added: "I mean the launch of an e-commerce platform in Nanli..."

Song Fu's surprised expression made him feel very useful!

But I never thought that this f*ck is simply seeking skin with a tiger!


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