I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 924 You have to be able to hold a golden bump

So the holding hand never let go.

When boarding the plane, Zhao Dezhu tried to slide out, but Song Fuzhen silently tightened his grip, and looked at each other and shook his head slightly.

Just by crossing eyes, Zhao Dezhu seems to understand that it is the sentence he said: "If people misunderstand and misjudge, will it bring other effects?"

But you are a wife!

Zhao Dezhu suddenly realized that this sister is not ordinary ruthless!

This is in East Asia where traditional concepts are particularly deep-rooted!

Doing so is tantamount to declaring war on public opinion!

Sure enough, from the moment they boarded the first-class cabin of the Nanli flight, the Nanli stewardesses who were familiar with the looks of the eldest princess betrayed their shock even though they tried their best to control their expressions.

Zhao Dezhu himself has a thick skin, don't be afraid, and asked in a low voice: "Is it necessary?"

When he walked out of the VIP terminal, he could feel the slender fingers trembling slightly, but they were firm. ,

The kind that makes up its mind and then moves.

Song Fuzhen nodded: "It is necessary."

Well, Zhao Dezhu grabbed it leisurely, and took the opportunity to check his palm after taking off.

Sister Long's fingers are not so delicate. After more than ten years of flight attendant work, they are also the hands of working people.

It's not like the meticulous maintenance of this childhood.

Song Fuzhen actually blushed, she was already white, and the redness reached her neck, which reminded Zhao Dezhu that Yi Fei also had this characteristic.

However, Zhao Dezhu seriously asked Sister Song about the secret of maintaining his hands.

Nanli also produced a lot in this regard.

He said he wanted to buy some to give to his wife.

Song Fuzhen's flushed cheeks miraculously faded with the tide.

But Zhao Dezhu also recommended the stem cell mask by the way, and carefully observed the corners of Song Fuzhen's eyes and facial features.

So the eldest princess began to blush again.

But under the peeping of the stewardess who was not far or near, she still tried her best to ask Zhao Dezhu about his wife's situation.

She knew from the early interviews that Zhao Dezhu's wife was his teacher?

It also disregards social traditions and shakes the sky.

Zhao Dezhu just talked about the relationship between himself, Ha Mei's mother, and his wife.

Song Fuzhen teased sister Zhiling who deliberately sat far away and dozed off wearing a blindfold, didn't it make his wife feel uncomfortable?

Zhao Dezhu has a very thick skin: "Didn't you realize that the women who have a good relationship with me are all mature and beautiful big sisters? The point is that everyone knows how to measure. My wife is also trustworthy enough for me. Of course, I will not live up to this trustworthiness." gone."

Song Fuzhen might not have dared to tease her like this in the past thirty-seven years, the heat on her face could never fade away, and it was difficult to recover from the aloof attitude she used to show in various public occasions, especially the teasing forehead in the corners of her eyes. Well, it was the hands of the two who glanced at them.

Meaning, this is your peace of mind?

Zhao Dezhu could see the smile in her eyes, she was pretty, she was really pretty.

That exhilarating energy that is rarely indulged.

So when you get off the plane, you have to wear sunglasses.

After all, it is an international flight, so you have to pass through customs and then turn into the VIP channel.

Of course, this journey was frantically photographed by countless entertainment reporters guarding Hallyu stars!

Originally, sister Zhiling also put on sunglasses and a baseball cap to lead the team away from these two.

It turned out to be completely unnecessary.

All the shots were attracted to Princess Song's parents almost immediately, and then the shutters were all consumed by the young man she was holding!

Regardless of whether this kind of news can be sent out, at least shoot now!

Everyone knows the extent of such a news explosion.

The wealthy and chaebols who have always been secretive have always been Song Fuzhen, who has always appeared with a dignified, wise and beautiful image.

Actually cheated in marriage?

Still so blatantly holding hands and making out?

While waiting for the formalities, he was talking and laughing with the young man.

Even wearing sunglasses, this is a unique display of private image!

So much so that when the two finally boarded the car surrounded by a large group of bodyguards, the surrounding roads were completely full of people and blocked the traffic!

There were nearly ten princess convoys huddled in front and back, and Zhao Dezhu was sent to the hotel first.

All kinds of vehicles follow and track, and the scene is spectacular.

When she got off the car in the lobby, Song Fuzhen didn't follow her in, but her behavior of getting off the car to see Zhao Dezhu off in the foyer, and then returning to the apartment by herself also highlighted the importance of this young man.

I can get the treatment given by Song's parents and princess as a gift when they get off the car.

Even though it was already midnight, this explosive gossip spread throughout the entire Nanli universe.

Especially less than an hour later, some commercial media reporters recognized from the photo that the young man was actually a young Chinese billionaire with a net worth of over 100 billion U.S. dollars. This news inevitably ignited the rocket engine!


Her Royal Highness the eldest princess, who is regarded as a national treasure, is actually a Chinese who cheated during marriage?

In the eyes of many Nanli people, aren't the Chinese still the bottom of the factory, and they still want to smuggle refugees who come to Nanli to work?

But after a little understanding of the popular science information in various gossip news, I have to admit that this young man is worthy of Song Fuzhen in all aspects.

Even Zhao Dezhu saw the comparison between the old man of the Song family and his wealth on the Samsung large-screen LCD TV in the presidential suite of the most high-end Nanluo Hotel in downtown Seoul during this round of gossip feast...

$27.5 billion vs. $142 billion!

The legendary head of Samsung, with such little wealth?

Not even a fraction of your own?

Isn't it the three-star world that is second to the earth every second, but the whole Nanli people have been shrouded in the three-star world since birth?

Li Zhengdao, who had already arrived in Seoul in advance, explained to Zhao Dezhu: "In fact, Samsung has a large amount of equity in the hands of Citigroup Capital. Together with patents and investment, Samsung was supported by the Song family, so the proportion of Samsung held by the Song family is not high today, but it also absolutely guarantees the right to operate and manage. After all, Citi capital is held by various investment banks and securities companies. Not seeking to hold shares..."

Zhao Dezhu immediately felt, what the hell, why does this matter seem familiar to me?

Isn't this the structure of the South China Fifth Hospital? Immediately asked Ning Zhiling, who was acting as a translator, to call his investment consultant manager in Bona.

Sure enough, the other party also took some funds to invest in Samsung.

In theory, Zhao Dezhu is also a minority shareholder of Samsung.

Of course, the Samsung consortium with a total value of more than hundreds of billions of dollars cannot be influenced by a small shareholder like Zhao Dezhu.

The hundreds of millions of dollars he invested in have no rights other than dividends.

Without sister Zhiling as an intermediary, Zhao Dezhu and Li Zhengdao could only stare blankly.

Li Zhengdao could still change his color slightly after listening to her call over there.

With the same investment of 10 billion US dollars, he and Zhao Dezhu have two completely different investment styles.

Zhao Dezhu's standard old lady in the stock market doesn't know anything about stock trading, so she directly handed it over to the fund consultant for trading. Anyway, earning a little money for grocery shopping can be better than bank interest, and it is enough to beat the speed of currency depreciation.

Li Zhengdao is saving money as an atomic bomb, bombing investment industries one by one, and making huge profits.

As for what will be left after the bombing, whether it will be destroyed or grown, it is not within his consideration.

At this time, the importance of Ning Zhiling became more and more obvious, even if it was just a private translator.

Able to switch between English, Japanese and Korean skillfully.

The professionalism of business etiquette is top-notch.

After confirming the news, I hung up the phone: "Okay, I have already asked them to send the investment schedule for this season, continue the conversation just now?"

Li Zhengdao rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly: "Miss Song has the confidence to ask me out. It is easy for her to mess up this situation, but this is not appropriate. I have also put in so much effort and investment."

Along the way, Song Fuzhen clasped her hands and thought about it. Didn't Zhao Dezhu also learn not to bump into the deer, and think more about the business.

He also has his own calculations: "I'm out, at least I'm not on the surface, but you are leading a start-up team to cooperate with Ms. Song, but you have to use other investment projects to pledge this project with me, it's so obvious that you want to make money , I will definitely get the benefits here too!"

Li Zhengdao breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Song Fuzhen decided to participate in the Nanli e-commerce platform, only the three present and Song Fuzhen himself knew.

With the title of Samsung Princess, this will definitely boost the starting point of the entire e-commerce platform, and it will also suppress the problems of many start-up teams.

Venture capital venture capital, out of ten votes, eight out of ten.

The famous Pareto principle in the venture capital circle - 80% of the income comes from 20% of the transactions.

Most projects fail very quickly after being invested.

Otherwise, how is it called venture capital?

These two words are especially emphasized.

With Song Fu really joining, she was able to forcibly pull this project into the 20%.

The rest is to see how much profit can be made.

Such fat, Li Zhengdao must not be reconciled to take the investment cost to withdraw.

Besides, for him at present, it doesn't matter how much money he makes from this project, what matters is that he can make money.

Only by holding on to this golden signboard that can make money, can we bring more investors to hand over their money to him.

So he was also fascinated by this brilliant performance.

Proactively and generously proposed: "Okay, I will give you the choice of all the projects that I have been tracking and evaluating since last year and have been launched. In name, the e-commerce platform belongs to me. In the end, we still follow the previously agreed four or six points. , but change it to you four and me six, after all, I will take on all the rest."

Zhao Dezhu was noncommittal: "Let me see what venture capital projects you have."

Li Zhengdao immediately arranged for his secretary to set up a PPT presentation in the presidential suite.

Ning Zhiling snuggled up to Zhao Dezhu, softly translating all kinds of start-up company information that the narrator talked about…

Who would have thought that a page that turned Nanli's public opinion upside down, Zhao Dezhu, a beautiful woman, accompanied her to watch an investment project all night.

He ended up picking a company.

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