I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 927 Take Jujube Pills

For many women, face-to-face makeup or maintenance is a very personal thing.

At least in the eyes of the eldest princess's subordinates, the relationship between the boss and this young Chinese rich man is already very close.

This surprised them even more than Song Fuzhen brought Zhao Dezhu a full set of clothes.

It is different from the Italian version of almost all SRs of Zhao Dezhu before.

Controlling the most high-end duty-free store system in Namli, its Namli Hotel is known as the most luxurious hotel in Seoul, and many luxury brands have settled in it.

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess arranged such a matter with her fingertips.

When the housekeeper took Zhao Dezhu's suit to clean up last night, he recorded the size by the way. It is common practice for a high-end tailor to modify and adjust a semi-custom suit overnight.

So today Zhao Dezhu is Savile's British style.

To put it simply, it is more traditional, less casual, and more gentlemanly and aristocratic. At least the front buttons have become three-breasted.

More in line with formal occasions.

Song Fu really didn't know how to do it, so she watched from the side, but tilted her head to tell the butler what adjustments might need to be made.

It's really that Zhao Dezhu is not in good shape. The smell of SR before is suitable for his somewhat sloppy yuppie line. Mama Yi really has a vision and will choose clothes to match Zhao Dezhu.

But Song Fuzhen clearly showed that she was used to controlling the situation and wanted to reform Zhao Dezhu.

Savile style needs to adjust a lot of details to cover up this incongruity.

Ning Zhiling didn't even know how to do it, and she didn't even stand by to show her presence, but she quietly took pictures with her mobile phone and passed them to Long Zhiyu.

If you do it personally, it's a bit like demonstrating to your wife.

Another wife might get mad too. What are these f*cking bastards doing around my husband?

But the two of them flattered each other very well. First, they reported on the phone and laughed and explained. This time in Nanli, it may have caused a storm of public opinion. The one next to her in a black couture suit is Ms. Song.

On the other side, Long Zhiyu observed carefully, marveling at how well maintained she was, thirty-seven years old!

It looks like it will be about 30, right?

Women in their thirties and forties talk about this and become sisters naturally.

Ning Zhiling also laughed and said that Zhao Dezhu had already asked someone for the secret recipe for maintenance, and she definitely wanted to come back to present the treasure.

Long Zhiyu tried not to show off: "He just likes to do some tricks like this. The suits are nice and look brand new."

There is a saying in Europe and America that a good suit is like a man's armor.

For example, European-style classical women wear corsets and vests, which can shape the body by checking for omissions and filling in vacancies.

Zhao Dezhu's sloppy sloppiness was restrained by this dark blue vertical striped suit.

He had to hold it himself, otherwise his neck, waist, and legs would be strangled.

It looked tough and solemn like never before.

It was a new experience in a short period of time, so Zhao Dezhu was quite cooperative.

Song Fuzhen reluctantly agreed at last: "Ask someone to measure you a new set at night, so you can wear this style from now on."

Zhao Dezhu has already confirmed: "Fuck, who can accept your style? Being your husband is suffering, and your son is also suffering. The problem is all with you. You have to take care of everything. Why, now I I feel that most of the problems in the divorce are yours."

Song Fuzhen hesitated again.

Then don't mention it anymore.

Come over to meet Li Zhengdao, who is also completely new, and say a few words lightly.

Everyone set off for the start-up company in Jiangnan District, Song Fuzhen and Zhao Dezhu got into the car together.

Ning Zhiling hastily and obediently filled the seat for greeting with Li Zhengdao. It was really difficult for her to deal with the 1.6-meter venture capitalist and bend over to talk the whole time.

Song Fuzhen caught a glimpse, and commented after getting in the car: "It's rare for her to define herself."

Zhao Dezhu leaned back comfortably: "Not everyone is like you. You have to have high standards since you were young. It's rare for everyone around me to make it this far."

Song Fuzhen was silent again.

It wasn't until I got out of the car that I said, "I also put in a lot of hard work."

Zhao Dezhu was making faces from behind, and when Song Fuzhen saw it, a smile appeared on his already cold cheeks.

So when I walked into the e-commerce company that was still in the start-up stage, all the Nanli entrepreneurs who were trembling and fearful saw the eldest princess with a happy face.

A few of the founders were still notified, especially in formal attire, but they were all a bit patchwork.

All of them had the attitude of wanting to bow and stick to the ground and shout long live three times.

Zhao Dezhu laughed again.

Song Fu really didn't like his tone, and she had to control her tone if she wanted to criticize: "What are you laughing at?"

As much as possible, she seemed to be asking, but she spoke with a foreign accent, which made her a bit whiny.

Zhao Dezhu substituted: "Those guys in my company have never been like this. Even grassroots technicians dare to scold me, and even laugh at me for not understanding, so don't compare. Hahaha, if they are like this, I will definitely not do a good job."

In fact, it was mainly because he purposely mingled with the engineers of various departments in the cafeteria, but when he returned to the office, no matter where he worked, no one dared to joke with him.

Song Fu was really puzzled: "The people I met in Gusu are not like this, I think they treat you like a general."

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "That's my senior vocational team, the iron army from higher vocational education, you know, it's an army that fights hard and charges forward. I never treat them as dogs. When I kill people, they will say nothing The brothers who followed Chong respected me from the bottom of their hearts, and no one was allowed to be big or small, but technicians and entrepreneurial teams could not do this. They had to be creative and dare to think and do things instead of following my orders. , the difference is huge."

Song Fu, who has been in the business world for more than ten years, really listened to it. It is estimated that Zhao Dezhu's success is too dazzling. She said thoughtfully: "It seems that Internet companies are a little different... Men need to be more convenient..."

After that, she deliberately followed the rare women in the opponent's team, holding hands and chatting a few words in an easy-going way.

As a result, the big-faced female supervisor almost got down on her knees in fright!

The hands that have been grabbed are cherished and dare not let go.

Zhao Dezhu felt that Nan Li's concept of hierarchy was too deep.

Then I saw Huang Panpan and Chen Yanling standing quietly in the team.

Huang Panpan was originally stationed here to lead people, while Chen Yanling flew over temporarily from Jiaopen Tita yesterday to take over the actual work.

No matter what the above agreements and transactions become, Chen Yanling has to sort out the substantive work and see who is responsible for it.

Originally, this was a matter for the Innovation Business Department, but it would be a pity to use Pang Yong's ability to see the overall situation as a big housekeeper, and he is now focusing on TM Street affairs, so I still recommend Chen Yanling.

This girl has already cultivated a good foundation in the ability to adjust short, flat and fast.

She would not come with Li Zhengdao, and she would first find out the working team when she came.

At the moment, both of them were dressed in standard black skirts, and Huang Panpan was obviously not used to temporary clothes, but looking at Zhao Dezhu, Song Fu really grasped the difference, and reached out to greet them in Korean.

Huang Panpan didn't understand, but he was no longer cramped and flustered. He simply said that he didn't understand with a few short sentences in Korean, and then his name and title were fine.

Chen Yanling introduced her identity in English even more modestly, Tita's vice president of special affairs, Mr. Charles' business administration director, welcome to visit this company.

Putting on the host's style of receiving guests, he stood out from a large group of young people like a stand out from the crowd.

Many Nanli employees and supervisors who were curious about the background of this thin girl were surprised.

Song Fuzhen's eyes lit up, she turned her head and asked with a smile, "Is this your man?"

Zhao Dezhu stretched out his arms to hug him, feeling distressed and thin again: "I'll go back with me this time, and I will only come out when I gain weight."

Chen Yanling just hooped lightly, and smiled silently.

Huang Panpan hugged her back vigorously, and cried again: "It's been three years again, I want to go back and eat kimchi every day!"

Zhao Dezhu said in a repeated voice: "I'll come for Yuanyuan, it's a good thing!"

Huang Panpan chuckled: "That's no good, ginseng chicken soup is also available every day, that's too nourishing!"

Song Fu really stood by and watched Zhao Dezhu making out with his female subordinate with great interest, but she didn't feel any obscenity.

In the end, I was envious: "I can't learn your style, I can see that you treat them like relatives."

Zhao Dezhu shook his head with pride: "This is my talent!"

Song Fu really couldn't resist poking his head: "Damn!"

The e-commerce company team of hundreds of people fell silent collectively.

Absolutely never thought that the legendary princess, the top chaebol, would flirt and scold in front of everyone like this!

Chen Yanling and Huang Panpan looked so indifferent. Ning Zhiling, who was hiding in the back, was so happy to see them, and hurriedly took pictures for his wife to see, and then came to laugh and talk with them again, and made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening ?

Chen Yanling is being polite, let me arrange it, and ask sister Zhiling for advice on some work matters in Jiaopen.

Ning Zhiling clenched her fists and encouraged: "Okay! Let's work together to revitalize Asia!"

Chen Yanling and Huang Panpan took a peek, wondering if this big sister had been brainwashed by Lao Zhao, she was a bit naive.

Women, no matter what, they have to form cliques.

But no matter what, Song Fuzhen became the gang leader without any trouble.

There are a total of three e-commerce start-up companies, and there was a bit of a life-and-death competition among them. Li Zhengdao just made it clear that whoever survives will be the ultimate king, and the rest is up to you.

Song Fuzhen took a quick look at it, and then sat down to talk separately at noon. In the afternoon, she announced the establishment of this brand new e-commerce group under Samsung's full control. The three companies came together to explore different directions and models. sexual competition.

In another country or region, if this f*cking entrepreneur directly flips the table, why do you take everything from the top?

It’s okay if you spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy it. If you don’t pay any money, just give it the name of Samsung?

Well, the audience here is full of thanks!

Thank you for giving us a lot of opportunities, thank you for giving us a platform to participate, and thank you for finally getting on the right track.

A look of rejoicing to be incorporated into Zhao'an.

Zhao Dezhu, who was sitting next to the eldest princess, was shocked.

If this isn't a monopoly, what the hell is a monopoly?

The brand-new innovative industry originally drove a large number of ordinary wealthy people such as Zhao Dezhu, Page, Job Bush, and Zuckerberg, giving the bottom-level people the opportunity to make their mark.

No, the chaebol directly cut off the leeks. Only by following me can we succeed, otherwise we can't even think about making it.

Everyone still looks grateful.

What a jujube pill!

happy weekend everyone

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