I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 930 The pig on the tuyere blows up by itself

It can be said that among the top 500 companies in the world, Samsung is the one that lacks this kind of forward-looking ability the most.

The fish selling company established from the puppet Manchukuo, seized the start of the 38th parallel war, gained a lot of development opportunities in the Vietnam War, and finally climbed to the level of top multinational companies by taking advantage of the chip war in the 1990s.

All of this is based on the resources, technology, and orders given by Citigroup's father.

Therefore, when it develops to such a large extent, Samsung still does not have its own development route.

Even though they have been desperately building research institutes to engage in scientific research and development since the 1990s, but this depends entirely on the huge scale of the external market, and one wrong step will be irreversible.

So besides obediently following Citi's father's guidance and being a dog, I can only cast the net generally and focus on training.

Keep technology accumulation on every road, and once someone proves which road is correct, they will use the advantages of scale to follow up heavily.

That's why Samsung will always be able to do everything, but it can't be the best at everything. Occasionally, it will innovate something, but it will always be slapped by the market and followed in despair.

Nowadays, digital cameras and mobile phones are of course the core products of Samsung Electronics.

But being evaluated by Zhao Dezhu's categorical discussion, how could he not pay attention?

Chen Yanling and Huang Panpan led the team and sat in the VIP seats, with pride in their eyes.

Sister Zhiling had already stood at the front, holding up her mobile phone to take pictures with admiration;

Sister Song next to me has another look of anticipation, I am very optimistic about you.

Zhao Dezhu's condition is amazing: "All of you here are Internet elites, I will only describe one detail to you..."

She raised her mobile phone and turned on the camera lens. Since Dopta's 3G mobile phone is relatively large and the microphone is a bit in the way, Song Fuzhen finally reached out to help him hold it.

Song Xuanjian raised his eyebrows, but he didn't respond when he heard about the industry prospects just now.

Maybe only he knows, when did his daughter help someone get things?

It was still held so firmly by the young man's mouth, and he had to translate it by the way.

Zhao Dezhu took a picture of her, the profile is extremely beautiful.

Moreover, it has a straight nose bridge shape against a dark background, and the black and white sides on the mobile phone screen are like a Tai Chi picture.

"Here... beauty, do you know what it means? Through face recognition, the corners of the eyes are automatically lengthened, the eyes are enlarged, and the mouth and chin are narrowed. After this one-click beauty, any woman will feel, wow, this Mirrors are great."

Song Fu couldn't help translating, but no one dared to laugh.

Because Song Xuanjian couldn't help getting up, he came over from behind to look around, and compared his daughter.

Zhao Dezhu is not in a hurry: "The best consumer psychology is to grasp the female market, and then women's pursuit of their own beauty is regardless of cost and has no upper limit. This function alone will increase our sales of mobile phones by about one billion US dollars. Digital cameras Can it be done?"

After hearing the amazement, there was a lot of discussion. Zhao Dezhu couldn't understand but he could roughly understand: "Of course, a beauty phone with this built-in program can be produced, but what about the scenery? What about food? What about night scenes? The phone can add unlimited plug-ins. , update the APP, directly transmit it to friends, and show off on the Internet, can a digital camera do it?"

He also paused for Song Fuzhen to finish the translation: "For the vast majority of users, they don't need professional-level photographic works of art, as long as they look good and are convenient, is it convenient to carry a mobile phone, or a laptop, Camera, mobile phone, MP3, video player, oh, and ordering food, shopping, etc. All these functions are combined, and all you need is a smartphone. When everything is concentrated here, the camera becomes dispensable toys."

Song Xuanjian had already taken his mobile phone, sat back on the sofa, and started playing with it.

As the boss of a super multinational group, he certainly doesn't need to pay attention to such detailed product issues, but this is a direction, the direction in which the wheels of the times are rolling.

Song Xuanjian couldn't be more clear about this truth.

Zhao Dezhu reached for the microphone and talked eloquently: "First of all, you need to solve the problem of online payment and bind a bank card and credit card. This is called convenient payment. There is no technical problem, right?"

The following nodded frequently, Nanli's super-developed e-sports online game industry has actually helped e-commerce complete this step.

Zhao Dezhu pushed forward: "Why does Ms. Song want to unite the three of you, because you will eventually embark on a huge e-commerce shopping mall model with all categories of products. At present, you are just testing the water in various parts to see which team is more effective. If you have leadership and are able to win the market from an operational point of view, this team will get later investment and swallow up the other two teams, and if none of you can do it, then a brand new team will swallow you up.”

He still understands that there are differences in different countries and regions: "Don't talk to me about B2B, B2C and so on. In my opinion, there are only two types that may be successful. All the products on the Internet are sold to consumers by me. For example, I am In shopping malls, each product enters the shopping mall to distribute goods, and I settle with the supplier. The other is that I only provide this trading market, and each company comes in to set up a stall to sell the goods, but the online payment cashier is here, and the payment for the goods is all in. My account has an account period of 15 days to two months. The difference is that I can control the quality of the former, and the latter may be cheaper and sell more exotic products. I have everything. In China, I do both. The ratio It is about 1:99, in Nanli, you have to explore this relationship by yourself, if you fail, you will be annexed."

The three start-up teams that were happy just now are now under a lot of pressure, and they all hold their breath and look at the man on the stage, not even looking at the Song family boss who is sitting next to him.

Song Xuanjian also put away his mobile phone and looked at Zhao Dezhu quietly from the side.

Li Zhengdao tried to communicate something with him again and again, but just as he probed, he was blocked by a raised finger.

In the eyes of Lao Song, Li Zhengdao, who made money from venture capital, is really nothing.

In other words, from the bottom of his heart, Song Xuanjian's model of starting a business looks down on those who engage in venture capital.

But what Zhao Dezhu said was too satisfying to him: "Why does Ms. Song want to take on this burden? Because only Samsung has this strength, a fully optimized smartphone, with one phone in hand, I have everything in the world..."

He wanted to pretend to be aggressive, alas, the phone was taken away by old man Song.

They all raised their hands, empty.

Song Fu really listened, and smiled coquettishly and took out the Dopta G3 mobile phone from her suit, and handed it to Zhao Dezhu in a light green female model.

Allowing him to complete the styling: "Thanks... Luke! This is the mobile version of online shopping..."

Song Xuanjian listened to the translation of his daughter's laughing words Yan Yan, got up and walked around to Zhao Dezhu's side, watched him close and open the app again, and stood there to operate as usual, no need to understand Chinese.

It is enough to see the dazzling array of online shopping malls.

It's impossible to say that he wasn't shocked.

Especially Zhao Dezhu’s explanation: “Why am I desperately developing smartphones? Think about it, how many people have computers? Can they shop online? Only smartphones can solve this bottleneck. Order for takeout..."

Following Song Fuzhen's uncontrollable and excited translation of this sentence, the whole scene became a sensation.

The Internet industry is like this. Using Internet thinking to connect common industries together, force upgrades, efficiency upgrades, and profit upgrades.

The purpose of all this is to accumulate thousands of users on the other end of the network cable through the Internet.

The biggest advantage of the Internet is that regardless of physical distance, all Internet users can become users.

The significance of smartphones creating the mobile Internet is to make the Internet popular to an unprecedented proportion.

It can almost be said that the market has sunk to more than half.

And a country like Nanli can even exceed 80%!

Let me just ask, if 10% of the people have a computer, that would be great.

This is how many times the user is abruptly expanded.

Resulting in the entire market, all urban residents are users.


The point is that the boss of Samsung, one of the largest mobile phone manufacturers on the planet, stands here.

The people of Nanli are very patriotic, and the streets are full of Nanli's domestically-made cars. Zhao Dezhu has heard it in his last life.

But he has come to Nanli several times. There are many luxury European and American brand cars, but on mobile phones, there are basically only domestic products.

So after talking so much, he never thought of selling his mobile phone.

He doesn't want to sell mobile phones, so the layout needs to be enlarged.

With a mature smartphone ecosystem, our own team has already reached the front of the world, and even Apple has to cooperate.

If Samsung wants to do this, it must cooperate with him.

At least this is a heavy weight for Song Fuzhen.

He mentioned Ms. Song over and over again, now holding Song Fuzhen's light green mobile phone: "I will fully support Ms. Song's layout on the mobile Internet, and I believe that she can lead this situation to success, and the e-commerce sales of tens of billions of dollars , but only a small part of it..."

Song Fuzhen's beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked deeply at Zhao Dezhu.

This sentence was not translated.

It is enough to have this statement.

She also understands that all the pictures on this platform will be translated and sent to her father.

This sense of proportion must be grasped.

Zhao Dezhu's words were still a little too explicit, as if he wanted to reach out into Samsung viciously.

Even though he has a net worth of hundreds of billions, he is still a bit arrogant in front of a behemoth of hundreds of billions like Samsung with hundreds of thousands of employees.

So Song Fu really helped him calm down gently: "Thank you Charles for your statement, I think everyone has more confidence in the future of the e-commerce platform, right?"

There was wild applause and cheers from the audience.

That's right, Zhao Dezhu had already pointed out the golden road to them, and whoever could snatch it, even if it was a small player in the team, would completely change their fate.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dezhu thought he had translated his words, so he couldn't help but say that sentence: "Believe me, when you get to my point, I really don't want to make money, making money is meaningless, I even regret it a little Created this e-commerce model..."

Alas, he finally lived like the person he hated.

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