I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 942 What's wrong with relaxing

Even Song Xuanjian was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and got up: "That's right, didn't the doctor say that I should keep calm, good idea!"

It's now close to dinner time, and Lehman Brothers should have declared bankruptcy in the early morning over there.

Yi Fei called to confirm that she could participate in a small drama at nine o'clock in the evening, although it was only a small supporting role.

So the two bosses went out happily, and Song Xuanjian also turned off the sound of his mobile phone, because his assistant team would send a market news or proposal almost every time.

Compared with Zhao Dezhu's side, there is no disturbing report at all, which is embarrassing.

Little did they know that in Zhao Dezhu's team, as long as the boss decided on the direction, don't bother, it has become an unspoken rule.

Because of the specific operation, I told the rich boss that he didn't understand.

As a result, the two of them appeared at the Experimental Theater to watch the news of Yi Fei's participation in the drama, and once again accompanied by the financial headlines of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, it was read all over the news pages of various portal websites.

Compared with the distant bankruptcy of some brother bank, the general public still prefers to care about the news of young rich people watching star dramas.

I have to comment on the way Zhao Dezhu sat under the stage with his legs crossed.

Those who care start to panic.

Because financial experts and rich bosses who are concerned about the subprime mortgage crisis and the other side of the ocean can all see the headlines there early in the morning: "The big shareholder of Oriental rich TiTa will save the market, 23 billion US dollars shocked the Nikkei stock market, and the US stock market will wait and see!"

"The Sansun chaebol is not to be outdone, Song Xuanjian mobilized 5.2 billion US dollars to enter the market"

"Boxshire announced that it is cautiously optimistic about the market recovery and mobilizes chips as much as possible to buy bottom for customers"

"Microsoft Gates spoke publicly, hoping to resolve this financial turmoil as soon as possible. If the financial disaster caused by greed spreads to the real economy, there will be a Great Depression like the 1930s..."

“Citi Central Bank Applauds Efforts to Resolve Problems, Urges Congress to Consider Government Solutions Where Possible…”

23 billion dollars!

Almost equivalent to the capital injection of the European Central Bank.

Is this a rich and invincible continent?

So there are still people who spare no effort to incite Zhao Dezhu to transfer TM's funds to Citigroup to save the market.

Take the hard-earned money of our Chinese people to save the capitalist stock market.

Everyone hurry up and withdraw the funds in TM, otherwise it will be gone if it is too late!

Be vicious, wishing to break Zhao Dezhu's capital chain.

They clearly knew that Zhao Dezhu didn't do this.

I didn't even look at Zhao Dezhu's investment in the Citi stock market. He was selectively picking the electronics and semiconductor industries for bottom-hunting investment.

Even out of various interests and purposes, we must attack like this.

Anyway, ordinary people don't understand, as long as they hear that they have taken everyone's hard-earned money, they will be filled with righteous indignation.

However, the sound was much lower than that at noon.

Maybe some people also think they are a bit ridiculous.

When these jumping clowns in the country are all kinds of smears and dirty water, they are not rare enough to roll in the cesspit with you, playing with US stocks.

Aren't you advocating foreign countries? You simply ignore them. This is the greatest contempt.

Still so carefree.

After ten o'clock in the evening, after the opening of the US stock market, it became more nervous and quiet everywhere.

The market index fluctuated slightly and hesitated.

The collapse of an investment bank of the level of Lehman Brothers would have produced a chain reaction of financial collapse.

He was abruptly held back by the good news of the previous bailout.

Countless people are watching, is it really over?

But it didn't go to the point where they could boost their confidence and enter the market to rescue the market.

Only a few tens of billions of dollars can affect the Tokyo stock market and the London stock market, which is nothing in the huge US stock market.

Let's take a look first.

This has actually proved that Zhao Dezhu has the qualifications to participate in calling the wind and calling the rain.

Even Boxshire is following up, which shows that he is still optimistic about the timing of his choice to intervene.

Someone on domestic WB took photos of Zhao Dezhu and Song Xuanjian in the theater.

The suit is neat, and the gestures are relaxed and freehand, and he doesn't seem to care about the ups and downs of the huge money at all.

Some people have already begun to be convinced: "If it were me, I would always keep an eye on the market index. How could I have such a leisurely heart? It seems that there is really no one with such a big heart."

"Two billion dollars... What exactly does he want to do? It would be great if he could see the specific content of his entry."

"So sure, is it really time to buy the bottom?"

Many people who are engaged in finance and economics in China have also begun to hesitate, whether they should go to Lei with the big guys.

Finally someone mentioned that Yi Fei is acting in a play.

In fact, most ordinary people pay more attention to Yi Fei's image on the stage of drama.

Compared with the scenes of film and television dramas that can hit the face, the stage where the natural distance is kept, the makeup is exaggerated and strong.

The clothes are even more colorful and tacky in the streets and alleys, which is not at all the fairy-like look in everyone's mind.

Just like this, there are people who are trying to get in touch with Zhao Dezhu.

What kind of good things can happen between traitorous capital and celebrity actors, it's not just a money transaction, it stinks!

In fact, I couldn't hold back the envy of the rich and the handsome.

After Zhao Dezhu and the others finished the play, Yi Fei didn't feel ashamed of the small supporting role because of her box office and reputation.

After earnestly following the curtain call, the makeup was not removed, and the appearance of rushing out to get into the car was recorded by countless candid shots intentionally or unintentionally.

In fact, Yao Min's phone call came when he got in the car.

For the first time, she didn't ask the teacher to ask the crime, but asked what she can do in the current messy situation?

This attitude is right.

Zhao Dezhu was very satisfied, and asked Yao Min to meet and discuss in detail the next day.

Sitting next to her, Yi Fei had a rare lively expression.

It seems to be saying silently: "Then I go?"

Song Xuanjian paid attention to observing the communication between the young and young people, trying to figure out what kind of character Zhao Dezhu is. Even if he can't become a son-in-law, it still involves his beloved eldest daughter.

However, when I returned to the hotel, I immediately learned that the latest US stock news came. The Citi government authorized the Ministry of Finance to purchase assets involving non-performing loans, and more than 500 billion US dollars will be invested!

Even if it's just paper money, ink fees and overtime pay for the money printing machine, this is a big deal!

The entire U.S. stock market immediately began to soar like a rainbow!

Song Xuanjian's secretaries were flushed with excitement, and Yi Fei also rolled up her sleeves to be a good translator, conveying information about US stocks.

But Zhao Dezhu floated back to the room without looking at it.

Because Chen Yanling really collected all kinds of comments today for him to read.

Print it out and bind it into a book!

Zhao Dezhu casually flipped through this pile of pornography, how could he dare to be alone with these two girls, so he quickly found an excuse to say that he was tired and went to sleep.

Close the door and call my wife every night.

Yi Fei thought it was some kind of document, so she picked it up and flipped through it, and all kinds of colors rolled on her face as if a dyeing workshop had been opened.

Chen Yanling finally smiled mischievously.

Long Zhiyu didn't care what her husband spent 20 billion for, and continued to talk about the teaching preparation of Nanhua College with a little emotion. If there were not enough teachers, they would hire from Jiaopen, the Right Bank or even Southeast Asia.

These HK people prefer to believe that those small countries in Southeast Asia are full of contempt for the mainland.

Fortunately, the rented site in the industrial park has started to operate the logistics center. Duan Tianping and Huang Zheng are working hard, hoping to really change the cost of education and living in HK.

She sort of understood how her husband seemed to see far away.

Winning people's hearts from society and people's livelihood is much better than those incompetent people who curse and lament.

Of course Zhao Dezhu didn't mention the complicated calculations and contests behind her.

What's more, people like Duan Tianping and Huang Zheng care more about observing and learning this brand new networked business model. Maybe after they understand it, they will set up their own houses and become tree top people.

Let the wife think she is doing a great good deed.

It wasn't until Long Zhiyu was a little tired and yawned that he had fallen asleep, and the two fell asleep listening to each other's breathing through the phone.

We've been married for several years, and it's like a long-distance relationship.

But the next morning, when Zhao Dezhu woke up in good spirits, he saw Sansun's secretaries flustered and dispirited.

They stayed up all night watching US stocks, and received bad news early in the morning.

According to the rules of Citigroup, any bills proposed by the president are just the beginning. As a result, in the afternoon of local time, the House of Representatives announced that they were not optimistic about the bailout plan.

Maybe not.

The entire U.S. stock index immediately fell, which can be regarded as shattering the little confidence that had been accumulated through hard work in the morning.

One falls before morning.

It feels like tens of billions of dollars of real money have been invested before, and there is no bubble, and the entire stock market continues to fall.

Zhao Dezhu's investment of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars is estimated to have shrunk by one-sixty-seventh.

Billions of dollars.

Just ask if the heartbeat is too fast.

There was a lot of gloating on the Internet.

Yi Fei was a little nervous.

And on the way to the hospital, even if Song Xuanjian tried his best to be calm, it was obvious that he didn't sleep well.

Zhao Dezhu's composure is even more unbelievable: "Are you not worried at all?"

Zhao Dezhu took out the traditional performing arts that dismantled the second generation: "Just treat the money as not yours at all. It's like gambling. If you win, it's an unexpected fortune. If you lose, the money will go to people's peace..."

Almost singing like Su Qier, Yi Fei secretly covered her mouth.

That slumped appearance is really similar to that of a prodigal son.

Song Xuanjian can only be convinced: "Maybe you are engaged in the Internet economy, unlike our real industry, where various capital chains are linked one by one. Every fund has an arrangement. If you are not careful, the capital chain will be broken."

Zhao Dezhu patted Song Xuanjian on the shoulder hahaha: "Trust me, that's right!"

Song Xuanjian rarely smiled wryly.

As a result, the old Chinese doctor who was rehired looked at Song Xuanjian, who was plump and sluggish with a bit of excitement, and skillfully reminded him: "Don't toss too much at night..."

Zhao Dezhu laughed wildly, of course he covered his mouth so as not to disturb the doctor.

Yi Fei stood behind him and wanted to kick him.

Why are you so naughty all day long?

The old Chinese doctor also sensed the element of ridicule, and nagged helplessly: "There were leaders in the past who also had this situation. Why, you have to watch the news from Washington and Moscow at any time. When the country was not strong enough, it was always This kind of walking on thin ice ensures that you can respond at any time, and this old gentleman may be like this for a long time, adjust as much as possible, this is also an important part of whether your damaged cardiovascular function can be rested and recovered."

It is estimated that this well-informed old man still did not expect that this white and fat old man is a foreigner.

Accidentally leaked high-level news.

Song Xuanjian was completely convinced.

In front of these top national famous old Chinese doctors, the patients are really transparent.

Leading the Sansun Group with hundreds of thousands of people, he is on the verge of an abyss, watching the news all over the world, especially Europe and the United States.

Standing in his position, what should I do if I don't think so hard?

Hundreds of thousands of employees looked up and down at the top of the tree.

So what's wrong with spending some money and relaxing sometimes?

Thinking of this, Boss Song looked at Zhao Dezhu sadly.

This guy was cocking his legs and peeking at the secretary beside him.

Song Xuanjian's secretary was not proficient in Chinese either, so Yi Fei had to bend down carefully to confirm the prescription with the old doctor.

The gray skirt rarely outlines beautiful curves.

Zhao Dezhu looked relaxed.

Song Xuanjian had a little bit of self-criticism about his moral standards.

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