I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 947 Everything Changes From This Moment

A certain scale can be achieved more than ten years later, which represents the core strength of China's technological strides into the 5G era.

Of course there is some weight and background.

After Zhao Dezhu discussed it for a while, he decided to follow the trend and close the net.

Originally, he and the Internet monitoring department jointly planned this matter.

Whether it's killing chickens to scare monkeys, or leading snakes out of their holes, or to scare others.

The thing is actually very simple.

From the very few people who went online in the 1990s, it was only at the beginning of the century that the computer room was gradually transformed into an Internet cafe.

Then the number of people surfing the Internet will explode after the popularization of the mobile Internet.

Countless ordinary people who have never had Internet experience have stepped into this brand new world.

At least until this moment, almost everyone still thinks that the Internet is an illusory world.

It has nothing to do with the real world at all, and you can do whatever you want.

Including the young hacker Li Shengjun back then, they were all deformed products of this weak legal awareness.

It's time for netizens to understand that the Internet is not a place outside the law.

In the past, we only relied on the industrial park's own technical strength, network communication power and network supervision to operate this matter.

Now that someone with strong hardware technology and physical address participates with relevant ministries and commissions, it becomes simpler and clearer.

Yao Nanping couldn't help but stay for two or three days longer, watching the whole scene from the sidelines.

It's purely a technical slap.

Almost before the start of school in September, WB suddenly shut down more than 2,000 accounts from the end of August!

Moreover, they came up with a complete explanation of the reasons for the account closure by category.

Most of them are Internet keyboard trolls who have participated in various rumors and troubles in the past two or three months.

According to various speech evidences with reasonable evidence, different processing results of banning speech for one week to one year are given.

Among them, more than 100 accounts that first started and compiled rumors were brought to court!

What surprised the legal department the most was that more than half of them were real users with real-name authentication and bound mobile phone numbers.

It can be said that by this time, all netizens have no hidden anti-investigation awareness.

He even took the initiative to show his identity on WB.

In the long list of forms listed by the official account, there are more than 2,000 registration IDs, real names with asterisks, ID card numbers with asterisks, home addresses with asterisks, and even the physical location of the Internet IP address in detail. Number.

Obscure and obscene, reactionary and country-hating, rumor-mongering, all kinds of illegal remarks, there are screenshots to check.

The rumors involving Zhao Dezhu, WB, TB's series of capital, betrayal, capital flight, etc. are so clear that even the working identities of the other parties are listed.

Even if the keyword is replaced with an asterisk, I still urge the other party to verify the situation with the relevant network monitoring department as soon as possible. It is considered that the civil dispute is still in the mediation stage.

Otherwise, the next step is to use the power of the law to report the case to the police and officially enter the criminal investigation and pursuit.

As for the speeches on other websites, forums, and social media, the Ministry of Justice also issued an investigation assistance notice and a long list to all colleagues.

And those talents who use Zhao Dezhu, Yi Fei, sister Zhiling, and Yao Min as the protagonists, and write all kinds of small yellow texts in capitals and close-ups.

Sorry, you have already been involved in the crime of disseminating obscure articles, which is a big deal.

The entire network really is like a piece of granite thrown into a cesspit.

There are bits and pieces everywhere.

For the Internet used by ordinary netizens, your every word, every click, and every page will leave clear traces.

It is even more undeniable than the real society.

Don't think that you can talk nonsense unscrupulously in front of the screen, or even speak out.

There are also moral values, laws and regulations as the bottom line.

Even Zhuaner TV Station explained in detail the investigation of laws and regulations on online speech in news and special reports.

Basically, it is a legal education for netizens across the country.

So much so that there are places where it is necessary to introduce the "Cyber ​​Law".

And the results of the vigorous and public handling have also played a warning role in various places.

Those netizens who have spread and reposted a lot will not have any influence, but they may be a little bit afraid that they will pass by their legal responsibilities.

Most of the account users who have been seized, as long as they report to the local Internet monitoring department or even ordinary police station, sign and admit what they have said, and admit their mistakes, it will not have any impact.

But those more than 100 originating accounts are miserable.

Whether it is the employee supervisor of a mobile phone company, or an Internet colleague, or a freelancer or even a person in the system.

You have to explain the origin of your speech, if you want to prevaricate by writing and playing, then wait for the law to severely punish this kind of mentality that you think is just playing.

Yao Fangyuan led the Ministry of Security, the Ministry of Supervision, and the Ministry of Justice, with the support of branch companies, brother companies, and the Southwest Railway Army all over the country, to keep a close eye on these more than 100 online speech defamation cases.

In each case, sufficient conclusions must be drawn.

TM and WB have plenty of money to support a lengthy lawsuit.

When this kind of lawsuit is brought down, it is often the individual who cannot afford it.

Possibly even your career will be completely changed.

Moreover, the Jiangzhou Internet Surveillance Center was the main body to directly prosecute those who wrote pornographic articles, and they were quickly arrested and reviewed and handed over to the procuratorate.

Basically, they all met the sentencing standards.

Even if it is likely to be sentenced to one to three years in the end, there will basically be a suspended sentence.

I also want to kill these guys who hit the guns for everyone to see.

For a while, there was really a feeling that the Internet atmosphere was cleared up.

"The Internet is not a place outside the law, please pay attention to your words and deeds", many years in advance, has been widely popularized in almost everyone's mind.

On the front page of the WB website, the business composition and shareholding ratio of the entire WB website and TM website are listed.

As the largest social media in the country, WB has sought the entry of the national network supervision department from the first day of its establishment to comprehensively monitor and screen all content.

WB.com has more than 200 supervisors and self-examination personnel who are processing and screening related texts and speeches every day.

In the future, the number of personnel in this department will even expand to tens of thousands!

The high-tech industrial park where the WB headquarters is located, will cooperate with the Jiangzhou Internet Police Department to launch the Internet Security Police Department from September 1st, and officially introduce the police's online supervision office. This will be a pilot project for relevant departments across the country.

In addition, from the first day of its establishment, about 3% of WB's shares belonged to Jiangzhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and Jiangzhou Media Group.

In other words, although there are not many, the relevant departments and units have endorsed this company from the very beginning.

Just like many people don't know that the major shareholder of Shanghai Disneyland is a local state-owned unit.

Not to mention TM, 20% of the shares directly belong to the Education Foundation, which is under the supervision of the Jiangzhou Education Department.

If you want to transfer a penny of funds abroad, you will not be able to escape the audit and supervision of relevant domestic departments.

The huge financial department has all kinds of accounts that are open to the supervision department of the Jiangzhou government at any time.

Every penny of this frankly has to flow under the noses of the tax department.

How could it be possible for billions and tens of billions to go abroad as laymen take for granted?

It can be said that the previous rumors were easily clarified and reversed, and the factual evidence presented showed the paleness of the rumormongers.

But having said that, the previous rumors and incitement about the outflow of TM funds did not really form a run on situation.

Rumormongers also underestimate the power of the Internet.

The TM network now exceeds one billion transactions per day, and the transaction volume can reach three to five billion during peak holidays.

It's hard to shake the fundamentals.

So the inside of the WB building is very lively.

Even if he knew that the boss deliberately let people from all walks of life dig their own pits and jump on their own, but in the past two or three months, he went to work and watched all kinds of rumors and criticisms from the public every day, and there were so many netizens who didn't know the truth and followed them without thinking.

Still very depressed.

Now there is quite a sense of comfort that has let out a bad breath.

No overtime pay, you have to keep an eye on the review results of various cases 24 hours a day!

Yao Nanping has witnessed with his own eyes how huge a storm of public opinion will be formed by social media with the blessing of the mobile Internet.

Online speech needs to be controlled.

She, who once only defined herself as a producer of Internet equipment, must have also realized the new situation in which this technology changes the world.

By the way, she also straightened out the Nortel matter.

It's very simple. She arranges people and Zhao Dezhu to open a new telecommunications network equipment company in Singapore, and then cross-provides business order momentum, and then replaces the shares and injects business. The company led by this foreigner will come forward to enter Nortel and rectify Nortel. electricity company business.

Yao Nanping is very confident that he will bring this well-known century-old brand back to life in accordance with the Chinese people's model of hard work and diligence.

Perhaps in a few years, the technical patents owned by Nortel will also shine brighter.

In the end, Zhao Dezhu took himself as an example, and reminded Yao Nanping very bluntly that he should pay attention to overseas business trips as much as possible, because European and American countries may turn against each other at any time.

Yao Nanping expressed his thanks with hesitation and surprise.

Zhao Dezhu tried not to smile: "Believe me, the establishment of a new great country in the new era is just like when countless scientists wanted to return to the country when the country was founded, and European and American countries would try their best to stop it. Some people always think that this can stop us, but it cannot be stopped ..."

Yao Nanping stared at Zhao Dezhu and felt his sincerity: "Okay, I hope we have more opportunities for such frank exchanges, and I hope that the situation where we work hard will come soon..."

At this time, the elevator arrived in the lobby. Except for Yuanyuan, no one would dare to squeeze in with the boss, and the elevator door slid open...

Zeng Nan in police uniform stood outside, and the scene seemed familiar.

It seemed completely different again.

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