I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 954 Discussing how her daughter's elbow turned

So Zhao Dezhu didn't deny it.

Still nodding silently, as if saying that I have something to do.

Song Xuanjian understood this feeling all too well: "As a businessman, we must leave a way out for ourselves, so if there is anything, at least Fuzhen has a good relationship with you and has a background in cooperation, and let Mengchang face it on the other side. Bar."

Zhao Dezhu remained silent.

Song Xuanjian said: "I will mobilize my resources to promote God-making as much as possible and shape your investment performance. I will also fully support the development of SB and Sansun mobile phones. This will also become a model for your investment success. How will this give you? What did you bring, you know very well, right?"

Zhao Dezhu really didn't know, but he could pretend to have Chengfu and asked: "What did you bring?"

Song Xuanjian explained: "We jointly set up a venture capital foundation, choose a few potential international projects to do, and then try to attract funds from several companies. As long as you have a scale of more than 100 billion funds, you are already on this planet. With the existence of huge capital, no matter Sansun or TM, no matter which country you are in, it will not shake your strength..."

Zhao Dezhu was cautious: "Just the two of us?"

Song Xuanjian admitted: "I hope you can bring Mr. Buffett in, I also have familiar and interested Wall Street giants, and everyone will work together to push you to the front..."

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "I'm not interested in flying around the world..."

I still held back and didn't say, you can find me any country and wait for Lao Tzu to catch me when I cross the border, or sue me for being a woman anywhere.

Song Xuanjian smiled: "Maintaining a sense of mystery is the foundation of a high social status. You only need to receive the top ones. I will help you arrange and hand over Sansun to Mengchang and Fuzhen. I also have the idea of ​​breaking away from Nanli's restrictions. Our domestic The environment is too annoying, let’s go to HK to stay for a while.”

What Zhao Dezhu actually thought was that he could ride the plane again!

What the hell, people are persuading him to be a financial tycoon at the level of hundreds of billions of dollars, and he is thinking of taking advantage of other people's business jets worth tens of millions of dollars.

Being a dick has nothing to do with how much money you have.

More importantly, he had to use this method to repeatedly warn himself not to fall into beautiful visions.

Haven't you been deceived enough by all kinds of big cakes in the last life?

So now I can still calm down, and suddenly I have a cold suggestion: "The main thing is trust, because you may sell me to capital at any time, and I am afraid that you are partnering with others to engage in fairy dance, so let's put your grandson Take me as a hostage, Miss Song's son will be handed over to me to raise, if you agree to this, we will continue to talk."

Didn't Song Fu really say that she hoped to hand over her son to Zhao Dezhu for remote teaching, so as to stay away from the deformed environment of the Song family and make it easier for her to divorce.

At that time, she said that she might be strongly opposed by her family, and she still had to think about it.

Now that Song Fuzhen has obtained the power and family property that she may wish for, I don't know if she still has this idea.

But Zhao Dezhu thought he could give it a try.

For Song Fuzhen, Song Xuanjian can be regarded as a touchstone.

Sure enough, Song Xuanjian was so startled that he almost had a heart attack, and he covered his chest: "You..."

Zhao Dezhu tried to put on an indifferent look: "Didn't you say that you admire my ability? Aren't you dissatisfied with your son's ability? Do you dare to send your grandson to me to learn to raise him? You know that I only have two Daughter, I don’t plan to have any more children, I will raise him as my son, and he will even inherit the same property as my daughter, it’s not a loss at all, you can come and see him anytime.”

Song Xuanjian reconfirmed: "Have you seen Fuzhen's son?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head.

But in his heart, he secretly praised himself for his good move and wonderful move, and his move was croaking!

The ancients always used their princes and grandchildren as hostages, and it seems that it will still be effective after thousands of years.

If Lao Song had any evil intentions, he would really bury his grandson directly, even if he was famously cruel, at least he was a restraint.

At least this is a card for Song Fuzhen.

Song Fuzhen has become the president of Sansun Mobile, with this child in the middle...

It has to be said that Zhao Dezhu is not a cultural person, and the only bit of morality is created by his wife in the past few years.

And at his level, calculations are everywhere.

Zhao Dezhu has never had any moral baggage.

Lao Song didn't seem to be as cruel as the outside world said. Looking at Zhao Dezhu, he might need to measure the moral level of this guy again. He has lost a little daughter. How should he face his most beloved eldest daughter?

The son who regards the eldest daughter as the pillar of life is brought out to make a deal.

Song Xuanjian was probably thinking about how to talk to his daughter.

But Zhao Dezhu raised it as a matter of course. Such a huge transaction, on the surface, seems to be a dispensable transaction for Zhao Dezhu.

If the muddy water of this international venture capital god does not flow, Zhao Dezhu can still do well regardless of the future of Sansun's industry.

Only by dragging Zhao Dezhu in can Sansun have more possibilities.

Don't talk about what you can get in the future, the person who proposes this cooperation plan must show some sincerity.

Both of them are at this level, and things like deposits are not deterrent.

Zhao Dezhu still kept silent, not to mention that this might be what Song Fu really thought, and just quietly watched the luck of the nearly seventy-year-old old man there.

This is the pressure that those who achieve great things must bear.

Just like if Zhao Dezhu agrees, it means that his future situation will change abruptly.

Finally, it was Lao Song who raised his head with difficulty: "I want to discuss with Fu Zhen first, and I must seek her opinion on this matter."

Zhao Dezhu stood up clearly: "You can do whatever you want, I'm still far away from retirement, and I have a lot of business to deal with..."

Then Shi Shiran went behind the desk and summoned Yuanyuan to start working.

Song Xuanjian finally picked up his mobile phone and started making calls.


Song Fuzhen called Zhao Dezhu very quickly, her tone was a little sneaky but full of eagerness: "Father told me that you asked to send Zhiyou to you to be raised?"

Zhao Dezhu glanced at the old man here, without changing his face.

Song Fuzhen really has rich experience in fighting against her father, and immediately felt: "He is right next to him."

Zhao Dezhu's tone was relaxed.

Song Fuzhen already has CEO Fan Er: "Then I will take Zhiyou to China immediately, and I also have a lot of work matters to communicate with you..."

He also paused: "I know, you helped me win the mobile phone group company. Although it is not completely under my control now, I will work hard to do it well!"

Zhao Dezhu finally smiled: "You say that like I'm trying to trick you, I'm going to HK to see my wife soon."

School was about to start, and Long Zhiyu couldn't sit still anymore, and was anxious to come back to urge the enrollment status of various colleges. Last night, she asked Zhao Dezhu if he would go, and if she didn't, she came back with Nana.

Zhao Dezhu was going to pick him up in HK by himself, but he missed him so much after so many days.

In the end, Song Fu was really neat: "Okay, then I will go to HK to meet my wife, see you in HK!"

Just hung up the phone.

Zhao Dezhu wanted to say in his heart, I'm still trying to figure it out, can you stop doing this and see my wife every now and then, is this a demonstration?

Seeing him holding the phone in a daze, Song Xuanjian came to the table: "How did the talk go? Is Fu really emotional?"

Oops, Zhao Dezhu suddenly felt that, Sister Song, you are also good at acting in front of your father.

He held back his attitude: "That's it, hurry up and let's go to HK, she said she would bring the children there to meet..."

As he said that, he was going to pretend to ask Yuanyuan to take some more documents to look through, pretending to be indifferent.

As a result, Song Xuanjian stretched out his hand to pull him anxiously: "Then let's go! I want to explain to Zhiyou... are we going to HK? Okay, let's go to HK and wait for Zhiyou! Let's go!"

Uh, Zhao Dezhu is still not used to people having a private computer, just like a private car, he can leave whenever he wants.

I had to explain to Yuanyuan, ask her to set up a network police station, let Li Shengjun be in charge of equipment, Yao Fangyuan in charge of communication, try to make this department as successful as possible, and tell Chen Yanling...

Li Yuanyuan has already rolled her eyes: "I will help you take care of Sister Jinghua, so you go and take care of Sister Nanli, Yanling told me all about it!"

Song Xuanjian looked sideways, does the secretary have the guts to be so bold?

But it was too late to talk nonsense, so he directly dragged Zhao Dezhu to the airport.

He didn't even think about the luggage, which was in line with Zhao Dezhu's habit of empty-handed business trips.

As a result, Song Fuzhen brought her son and arrived first.

Because Nanli is only a small place, it is natural to give way to the chaebol. Jiangzhou does not give much privilege. It took two hours to get the airspace permission.

When he landed at HK Airport, Zhao Dezhu saw for the first time what kind of privileges capitalism would give to capitalists.

The last time he rubbed against Buffett's plane, he didn't have such deep feelings from Citigroup to Jiaobain.

The main reason is that there are Buffett’s small private airports on the Citigroup side, which is similar to the small airport in Sansun on the outskirts of Seoul, but HK’s new airport has set aside a separate small terminal for the rich, with parking areas and passages, which perfectly interprets What is the feeling of reverence.

Thousands of kilometers across the ocean, it is really a distance of two or three hours' flight.

Song Fuzhen, who was dressed in a silver-gray high-end fashion, was elegant and delicate, so dignified that the flight attendants in the high-end service area could only look at it from a distance.

Know that this is the real celebrity.

Then, when Zhao Dezhu and Song Xuanjian came out side by side, the eight-year-old boy in a small suit couldn't wait to run and throw himself into Grandpa's arms.

Song Xuanjian didn't care about his business image in the world, and he almost knelt down and hugged the child in tears.

He may never have imagined in his entire life that he had to rely on his grandson to pledge the future of Sansun in exchange for...

So Zhao Dezhu justifiably hugged Sister Song.

The flight attendants clearly saw that this pair of dogs and men secretly gave each other a wink when they hugged each other!

Then there was such a connotative hug around the waist, fingers hard!

There are problems at first glance, and the flight attendants have a lot of knowledge.

God does not hide rape.

I'm really sorry that the update volume for the entire July has not increased.

In addition to thinking about the new book, the main reason is that my son is on summer vacation and needs to accompany him, and he has to accompany him to go out for a walk. Although he still spends all night coding no matter where he goes, it still greatly disrupts the rhythm of my biological clock and keeps adjusting.

Sorry sorry, try harder next month

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