I Just Want To Deliver a Normal Takeaway

I just want to deliver a normal takeaway Chapter 13

"I understand this..."

"You don't understand at all." Wu Yue made strange gestures that Chen Feng couldn't understand when he said the last sentence, "No one knows how to eat better than me."

After all, Wu Yue picked up a rib from her own plate and put it on Chen Feng's plate like a mother teaching a child to walk.

"It's delicious, tear off the meat bit by bit, chew slowly in your mouth, let the aroma of the meat seep into the taste buds little by little..."

Wu Yue closed her eyes and showed Chen Feng the correct way to eat.

"Is that so?"

Tear off the deep-fried pork ribs and put them in your mouth, and chew with your eyes closed.

May nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, how about it, isn't it great?"

Seeing Chen Feng open his eyes, May asked excitedly.

"There is less salt, and the frying time is not enough, and the marinade is not tasty enough. It is estimated that it needs to be marinated for another ten minutes. In addition, more pepper powder and light soy sauce are needed, and the massage before marinating is not good... ... blah blah blah..."


After talking for about five or six minutes, Chen Feng explained all the shortcomings, advantages and areas for improvement of this piece of fried pork ribs, including four or five kinds of marinade alone.

As the big foodie in the family, Wu Yue actually knows how to cook, but because there is an older sister who is better at cooking at home, she can hardly use her hands.

But she is still very clear about the practice of many home-cooked dishes!

After listening to Chen Feng's evaluation, Wu Yue ate the ribs on the dinner plate and found that it was indeed not that delicious.

Oh, it turned out to be cold.

After dinner, May said:

"Student Chen, you should go back first, I still have something to do."

"Well, see you this afternoon."

Chen Feng nodded and left the cafeteria, while Wu Yue trotted to the corner of the cafeteria and rushed towards a girl whose back was almost exactly the same as hers.

"rua~ Yotsuba, here I come!"

"May, you are so slow, we have already finished eating."

"Yeah, yeah, I suddenly said that I want to have dinner with my classmates. I'm so surprised. Is he a handsome guy?"

Slapping off the big sister who pinched her cheek to tease her, Wu Yue explained:

"No, it's the same transfer student as us, who just transferred here today."

"Do you not deny that he is a handsome guy?"

"A flower!"


It was sad, but the girl who spoke did not show a sad expression at all, but instead had a meaningful smile on her face.

"Okay, no kidding, we have actually seen the new classmates you mentioned in May. How do you feel?"

"Well—" After pondering for a while, May replied, "He's a strange but powerful person."

She really wanted to use words to describe Chen Feng, but after thinking about it, she couldn't say a complete sentence because there were too few words in her head.

Wuyue said anxiously, as if stepping on a hot iron plate:

"In short, I know a lot of things, but I have no common sense..."

"Oh, is it him?"

Er Nao, who had been playing with her mobile phone without speaking before, picked up her mobile phone and turned towards May and Yihua.

Looking at Chen Feng who was smoking in the corridor in the picture, part of his body beside him was taken into this photo, but Wu Yue didn't care, but nodded and said:

"Yes, this is student Chen Feng!"

"What, he looks like a bad boy with such a good face, huh..." Er Nao curled her lips in disdain, and she stood up, it seemed that she didn't have a good impression of Chen Feng, "Let's go , Take a walk around the school to digest. Look at you in May, you have gained weight!"

"Nonsense...Nonsense, I only ate five buns a day for snacks during this time, so I didn't gain weight!"

The rebuttal words are not convincing at all...


ps: look, almost 3000 words (kimbo)

Chapter 11 Don't throw things around, or you will be beaten

Chen Feng, who was separated from May, did not go back to the classroom directly, but went to the school's supermarket, where he bought a set of long ruler tools and large drawing paper for drawing in clubs such as the art department.

He folded these things and held them in his hands. He seemed to be wandering in the teaching building. His expression was no different from those of the students walking around. If the word spread too fast among the high school students who had a pain in the ass, he thought no one would notice him.

Walking through the entire teaching building, Chen Feng has figured out the distribution of grades and classes in this school. And according to his many years of experience, this building does not have any special areas, so he only intends to draw a floor plan of the teaching building.

After memorizing the location of the corridors where most of the students often come and go, Chen Feng returned to the classroom. At this time, Wu Yue was already happily eating meat buns in her place.

Seeing Chen Feng coming back with a lot of things, Wu Yue asked with a puzzled face:

"Student Chen, what are you going to do with these things?"

"Draw a few pictures to better understand the school."

"Eh?" Wu Yue asked excitedly as if he had discovered some treasure: "Chen, can you show me how you want to draw? It looks really amazing."

This kind of small thing is not a bad thing that can't be seen in the light. It's just a drawing of the school's teaching building floor plan, so there's no fuss about it. When he bombed the headquarters building of the hostile armed forces, he even got the construction drawings, and easily blew up a ten-storey building with the least amount of explosives.

Chen Feng nodded without any hesitation.


Taking away the textbooks on the table, Chen Feng began to operate with a long ruler and pencil.

Chen Feng has an unusual talent in the sense of distance and data processing. Although he is only walking in the teaching building, Chen Feng has already measured the length and width of most parts of the teaching building. The error Chen Feng I am very confident that it will never exceed 5cm.

The floor plan is still being drawn, but the bell for class has already rang. However, Chen Feng, who has entered a state of serious work, will not be affected by the surrounding environment unless he encounters danger.

I guess he doesn't know that class is already in session, right?

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