I Just Want To Deliver a Normal Takeaway

I just want to deliver a normal takeaway Chapter 174

Xue Nai glanced at the blood on her hand, it was the blood of those soldiers.

Is it beautiful?

Not beautiful.


Even though she has read a lot of classics, she can't describe everything here in words. No one in the battlefield will feel emotional when seeing the clips recorded by the predecessors risking their lives.

Ah, what a spectacle, what a beautiful sight!

But now when she was actually standing on this battlefield, there was only fear and despair in her heart.

The wounded had broken their own limbs, and there were still countless bullets hidden in the body of the wounded. Some of them were still breathing, and some of them closed their eyes forever under the severe injuries.

Those dull eyes.

A beautified war, why is the word 'beautified' used as the prefix?

Of course, such words are used because none of this is beautiful! !

Although words will appear extremely weak in such descriptions, the charm of language is that it cannot completely hide the true meaning of every word and every sentence.

Language, it is used to express the existence of true meaning.

Using her Japanese-style plastic English to appease these soldiers who were in pain but unwilling to hum, she was doing everything she could.

At this moment, Xue Nai couldn't help realizing something.

Is everything she used to be moaning for nothing?

"Ha ha……"

Inadvertently, Xue Nai laughed out loud.

Everything stays in language, and all actions are just forced. What are the key factors that promote these?

Enough support.

It seems that he is acting for the goal, but these actions are full of weakness and compromise.

That's not what I want.

She lowered her head and looked at a wounded person who was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed under her comfort.

Then look at the soldiers who gritted their teeth and kept silent in order to ensure that the work of the headquarters would not be affected.

This is the action you want. Start from the most practical place and do the most pragmatic things. Shouting is the struggle of the weak. Only the most pragmatic actions are the best way to prove yourself!

She came to him at the call of a soldier, who was accompanied by two other paramedics with morphine.

"Miss! Miss told them not to do this!"

The brows of the wounded man who spoke had already been twisted into a ball, his eyeballs protruded from his sockets, it could be seen that he was being tormented by his injuries, and there were countless blood holes on his side waist, it could be seen that it was really difficult for him to survive as he was dying .

"That... may I ask why this gentleman is so resistant?"

"His body can't take it anymore, and if he continues like this, he will only suffer from his own pain..."

The medical staff stopped abruptly in the middle of their speech, but Xue Nai already knew what happened next.

"Can you leave this gentleman to me? I'll take care of it."

"It's... alright."

The two paramedics left to deal with the steady stream of wounded.

"Miss, ahem...Thank you very much..."

"Sir, why are you unwilling to accept pain relief?"

"I want to keep my eyes open and watch the BOSS win, absolutely, absolutely!"


"Please, please don't give me pain relief, I can't close my eyes, otherwise I won't be able to see that light!!"

Yukino saw longing in his eyes.

"I will respect your opinion. Is there anything else you need to explain?"

"If..." the European and American man shed tears, "I mean, if, if I really die, don't let me close my eyes if it's convenient for you at that time, I want to look at the back of the boss, even if I fell down halfway, and I also want to watch BOSS move forward, he is our savior and everything to us."

"Well, I'll do it."

"The front lines need more morphine, those brothers are suffering more than we can bear, you can get it from the front lines... poof..."

The wounded man vomited a big mouthful of blood and sprinkled it on Xue Nai's body, but at this moment, Xue Nai did not retreat, she was still squatting solidly beside his bed.

"Let them transport... to the brothers on the front line..."

He raised his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to do something.

Xue Nai saw that the wounded man took out some scattered ammunition from his pocket.

"They need this...the boss needs this...we need this! I can't hold the guy who fights because I am not allowed to fight..."

The guy who is not allowed to fight, but still holds the fight...

Does he mean that as long as one gives an order, even if the body is torn apart, he can still pick up a weapon and rush, walk or even climb to the front line?

What is supporting his iron will? Is it that person?

Xue Nai turned her head and saw Chen Feng in the distance who had already put on a military uniform and was using the drone sent out to check the front line, planning to make a corresponding battle plan based on this.

Could this be... his charm?

Chapter 141 They are still alive forever

"Miss Angel...can you listen to me?"

The wounded man's chest kept rising and falling, and he held Xue Nai's hand weakly.

"You tell me."

Xue Nai squatted halfway in front of the bed, she smiled and made a gesture of listening.

The wounded man smiled with relief.

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