I Just Want To Deliver a Normal Takeaway

I just want to deliver a normal takeaway Chapter 238

"I haven't seen a student who skipped a grade yet. Is Mr. Weird a good student?"

Hearing Kato Megumi's question, Chen Feng's face darkened instantly, and he held his head.

"I got 50 points in the ancient prose test last time, so obviously I will study ancient prose every day!"

"After all, everyone has subjects they are good at and subjects they are not good at. Come on."

she gasped.

As the two began to line up, the length of the line did not shorten with time, but more and more people came to line up to buy crepes.

Soon, a long dragon revealed its true body.

But the great thing is that the two have come to the front, and you can buy crepes from this store in a while.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng keenly noticed that there seemed to be some commotion behind the team, and he looked back.

I saw a spirited guy at the back of the line who was constantly jumping in the line, moving forward bit by bit. This very rude behavior made many people in the line frown, but they all didn't want to cause trouble. Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

The short-sleeved young man put his hands behind his back and looked around looking at the scenery. As long as the team made a slight movement, he would quickly get in front of the few people in front.

No, before he knew it, he had come behind Chen Feng.

A customer had already taken his crepe and left the line. Everyone was walking forward. This young man also saw the timing, and walked directly in front of Chen Feng, looking like he wanted to squeeze him Out of the team look.

However, the moment his foot stretched out, Chen Feng stepped on his instep calmly, and grabbed the opponent's collar with his left hand.

"Sir, please don't jump in line."

"I'm in a hurry!"

"Do you want to starve to death and prepare to reincarnate?"

Chen Feng didn't really want to cause trouble, he planned to be a good citizen who obeyed the law, so he tried his best to put on a kind smile and said kindly.

"You him? Stop stepping on my feet!"

It seemed that because Chen Feng kept stepping on his feet, the young man's face became ferocious, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the soles of Chen Feng's feet, so he cursed loudly.

"I'm sorry, can you go ahead of me if you are in a hurry?"

Kato Megumi turned around and said.

"You know how to flatter you."

As he said that, the young man stretched out his hand to push Kato Megumi away, Kato Megumi staggered, and then tried to step into the empty space in front of Kato Megumi, but...

Chen Feng still didn't let go of his feet, he was still stepping on the young man's feet firmly, with a stern face, and his eyes became more and more unkind.

"Go to the back and line up."

"I really give you face..."

The smug expression on the young man's face disappeared in an instant. He turned his head and tried to push Chen Feng away, but he didn't even finish his sentence, and just raised his hand, a huge force came from his back collar, pulling and pushing .


The young man was thrown to the ground in a daze, and a vaguely angry voice came from behind him.

"Many people's mothers told them to be polite, obey the rules, and not jump in line when they were young. But then I realized that not everyone has a mother."

The left hand that slid down from the back collar tightly gripped the wrists behind the young man like pliers, Chen Feng lifted the young man up like a small light box with both hands, and threw it out like a trash bag. rice.


The young man circled in the air, and fell to the solid ground after a muffled sound.

The young man's head was in a mess, he got up from the ground and sat there sluggishly, as if he hadn't realized what happened.

Megumi Kato also opened her small mouth slightly, as if in surprise?

As if doing a trivial thing, Chen Feng urged:

"It's our turn."

"oh oh."

A few minutes later, the two were sitting on a park bench, and Ms. Kato took a small bite of the crepe in her hand.


She was referring to the extremely impolite action of the young man who directly pushed her away, "Mr. Weird is so strong. That gentleman should weigh at least one hundred and thirty or forty catties, right?"

"It's nothing... I just simply can't understand this kind of person."

Miss Kato's expression became troubled again.

"In this way, it feels like I owe Mr. Weird a kindness again? Uh...it will be hard if I don't pay it back."

In an instant, goosebumps appeared on Chen Feng's back.

Is this over yet?

Chapter 35: Serious Miss Kato

Only those who have experienced tragedy can understand the essence of tragedy, and only those who have experienced war can understand the pain of war.

I have spent most of my life on the battlefield full of gunpowder and smoke, and the stumps of flesh and blood are in sight.

Perhaps it is very unconvincing for him, a former war devil, to say this sentence, but he is indeed working hard for his future peace at the moment. Life.

He is also working hard for this, doing his best to restrain all the war traumas caused by his past experiences.

If there is no other help, only self-help.

His long-term experience has made his temper very eccentric. Many words that are unbelievable to ordinary people can be easily uttered from his mouth. His character is also very straightforward, so straightforward that many times he even disdains to say something Lies about his own shortcomings, even when faced with other people's questions, he will answer them straightforwardly.

He is working hard to change, and he is also working hard to integrate into this peaceful society.


Chen Feng has never given up his heart full of struggle. He very much hopes for world peace, but all this will always be an unrealistic existence.

As the ancient Roman military strategist Vegetius said

- If you love peace, prepare for war.

Trying his best to adapt to the entire peaceful society does not mean that Chen Feng will completely transform himself into a disfigured defective product. When necessary, he will still return to his original appearance, just like the young man who jumped in line just now.

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