I Just Want to Die

Chapter 531: Let's go home from 1 (9)

"Quickly wear: I just want to die (!

That night, the one hundred and tenth person finally had a warm and full meal. The sixth squad leader came to the cooking squad with the tableware, and he handed the guy who was eating to the cooking squad leader.

"Old Li, have another bowl!"

The cooking squad leader threw down the rice spoon and glared at him, put three fingers in front of his eyes and shook them: "The third bowl! The pigs should be full!"

The sixth squad leader smirked: "I haven't eaten enough for several days!"

The cooking squad leader scraped the last bit of residue from the bottom of the pot: "I can't do anything if you don't have enough to eat now."

The sixth squad leader took the rice bowl and poured a big mouthful into his mouth. While chewing his mouth, he kept saying: "Why don't you just eat your two bowls of rice? Look at your distressed look. The supplies are all here. Don't eat now. When will you be full?"

"Eat, eat! Just know to eat!" The cooking squad leader was anxious, he took out a small bag from his hand, and the sixth squad leader craned his neck curiously, exclaiming when he saw the contents inside.


Said it is meat, it is actually just some dried minced meat, up to two or three spoons.

"Hey! I knew that you old boy had private goods!" The sixth squad leader snatched it over, and took a bite no matter what it was.

"Yeah! It's delicious! It's just a bit flavorful."

The sixth squad leader tasted it, and the taste in his mouth seemed to be familiar.

"What's the taste! Do you like it or not! Take it!" Seeing that he was too disgusted that he would reach out and grab it, the squad leader six quickly avoided.

"I didn't say not to eat!"

He poured all the last bit of meat into his mouth, and the taste in his mouth became stronger.

"Why does this taste a little bit more like you eat..."

"What's it like? Bird shit?" The cooking squad leader stared at him.

"Yes, yes! Really a bit!"

"Hahahahaha!" The cooking squad leader burst into laughter on the spot.

"Maybe I didn't wash the bird's pelt clean, leaving some bird feces in it!"

The sixth squad leader was dumbfounded, now that he didn't know that he was being tricked, he was really a fool. He threw the bag on the ground hard, his face was red and white.

"I didn't let you eat it. You wanted to **** it. No wonder I am!"

The cooking squad leader hurriedly waved his hand to wash himself away, and the schadenfreude on his face was in full view.

"Well, you Li Jianguo, wait! I have to go to the company commander to sue you!"

"Go and go, I'm afraid you won't make it!"

The two were noisy, and the people watching the excitement laughed forward and backward. All these happy laughter were isolated in the barrier of A Jin, without a trace of smoke floating out.

Ten kilometers away is a temporary camp for the US military.

A few days ago, they had evacuated from the home game. The above order was to make them break through the east. The commander of this team looked at the dark rolling mountains in the distance, and he seemed to see the calm in the next few days. How tragic the valley will be.

"Let everyone have a good rest tonight, and we will leave early tomorrow morning."


The commander frowned when he looked at the map on the table. This area is full of mountains. If the volunteers lie in ambush here, it must be another tough battle. Thinking of their heroic style on the main battlefield, he has always been proud. He couldn't help but admire a little.

He circled a place on the map with a pen, and this is their only way.

In the early hours of the morning, the U.S. military was ready to go, and the footprints of the snow were stepped on solid and smooth. At this time, the sky was not bright yet. Even with the flashlight, some people in the team fell from time to time. The original planned time was more than an hour late before reaching the breakout point.

"Sir, the famous Dead Eagle Ridge is in front of you. There is a highway here, but it has been frozen for many years and the road is narrow and slippery."

The commander raised his binoculars and looked around. The surrounding mountains were covered with white snow, as if no one had set foot in it for a long time.

"Do you think there is an ambush here?" he asked.

"Sir, I don't think it's possible. I sent someone to see it just now. The snow on the mountain is already half a person high. If there is an ambush, it will definitely freeze to death. I don't think the Chinese will die in vain."

Although the commander was a little worried, he had carefully observed the surroundings and came to the same conclusion in his heart. It is impossible for anyone to lie in ambush in such an extreme place.

"Let's go."

The road is very narrow, and only one vehicle can pass. The team lined up to follow behind the vehicle and proceeded slowly. Everyone was cautiously paying attention to the surrounding situation. However, after the journey was over halfway, nothing happened. Everyone's emotions slowly Relax.

Seeing that his guess was correct, the commander couldn't help but talk to his subordinates.

"It seems that our guess is correct, and the volunteers don't like this place either."

"Of course, I believe they are not so smart..."

Before the words fell, the vehicle in the front exploded suddenly, and a huge roar resounded throughout the valley.

"Enemy attack! Watch out for concealment!"

Bullets poured down like rain, and the sound of grenade explosions one after another. The U.S. military was caught off guard by the sudden attack, but they quickly reacted and began to counterattack where they were hiding.

"Seize the commanding heights! Hit them down!"

The man had just come up with a bullet and hit him accurately, and blood spattered on the man immediately.

"Hidden! Tank! On the tank! go! go! go!"

The tank was headed toward the top of the mountain against the rain of bullets and there was a cannonball. Only a loud noise was heard, and the mud and snow were flying.

"Are you all okay?"

The sixth squad leader yelled under a head of mud and snow.

"It's okay!"

"Call me!"

The crowd wiped off the muddy water on their faces and continued to fire at the enemies below.

The sixth squad leader tied several grenades together, and he looked at the tank that kept adjusting its angle, and the light in his eyes gradually gathered.

"Let you taste Grandpa's grenade!"

At this time, the tanks seemed to have found their place, and saw the huge barrel slowly aiming at their position, and the thick smoke continuously floating from the muzzle heralded the coming of the next shell.

When the sixth squad leader saw this, he pulled all the grenades away, and he squeezed his arm and threw it towards the tank.

A Jin noticed the situation on his side. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com and they are still some distance away from the tank. I'm afraid that the grenade will explode if it doesn't fly that far. I saw her breathe slightly in the direction of the grenade. No one noticed it quickly. The grenade was spinning continuously in the air, and everyone's hearts were lifted. The sixth squad leader stared at the grenade closely, and kept saying: "Go! Go! Go!"

Just hearing the sound of "dang", the grenade was hung on the barrel of the tank accurately. The next moment the grenade slammed, and the ammunition in the tank that was still in the future was exploded on the spot, and everyone around the tank was not spared.

"Good job!"

This scene was only fleeting, and everyone did not cheer. The sixth squad leader picked up the machine gun and continued to fight. All this has just begun.

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