I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 1018 Fire Thunder


In the early hours of the morning, the disguised Qin Yu sent Shangwen Lingyun to the pass, and had just approached the people from Wen's family when he saw a fast horse galloping past.

"It's the military newspaper!" Shangwen Lingyun's face changed slightly, what kind of military newspaper is there now.

Is there news from the Battle of Cangdong?

Qin Yu delayed for a while, because it was faster to get the news from Shangwen's family than to spy directly on her.

But this news. . .

"Lin Heng is dead? Hidden illness broke out and was assassinated?"

Not to mention the shock of Wen Lingyun and the others, Qin Yu was also stunned for a while, then got up.

"Are you leaving?" Shangwen Lingyun originally wanted to say that the truth of this news was uncertain, and it was most reasonable to stop silently at the moment, but Qin Yu obviously had his own plans.

"According to the original plan, you go back as soon as possible, by the way, tell your little aunt not to go back to Haiyu Tianlai."

Qin Yu left after leaving this sentence.

Shangwen Lingyun was thinking about the meaning of the latter sentence.

Why don't you rush back to Haiyu Tianlai? It stands to reason that in the civil war of the empire, the nobles of the aristocratic families are actually very dangerous, especially the Shangwen family, who have already prepared to transfer part of their blood to Tianlai in the sea area, and Shangwen Lingyun is also an important member who is about to be transferred. It's already settled.

Why did Qin Yu suddenly say that?

Shangwen Lingyun subconsciously believed that Qin Yu's suggestion had something to say, so she had to go back and discuss it with her grandfather.


The news of Lin Heng's death was relatively brief, and it was just a piece of news. Most people didn't believe it, including those in the ruling and opposition circles who wished for Lin Heng's sudden death in the past.

It is not easy to determine whether it is true or false, so we can only send out spies for a second verification.

Anyway, Wen Yazhi and his daughter didn't believe it, and even suspected that it was a conspiracy by the Xiangfu.

But a small number of people believe it.

For example, the expert old eunuch beside Yue Taichu brought a secret letter.

"Dijun, this is from Cangdong..."

Yue Taichu opened it and looked carefully, his eyebrows have not stretched, even though the content inside basically conforms to the original plan, but this result. . .

Had he really defeated the man?


"Lin Heng is really dead?" Shang Wenxuan didn't look forward to the news of his own family this time, but instead looked at Shang Wenyazhi, because the former had connections in the imperial court, while the latter had a lot of money but had connections all over the place.

Sure enough, Shangwen Yazhi brought definite information two days later.

"Heyun Dao, the accident happened on Heyun Dao. Father, you also know that the official road over there goes through Shanyun Gorge. , prompting Lin Heng's army to follow the Heyun Road, because Heyun City is where Lin Heng's power is located, and there are food and grass supplies, which can be transferred one or two times, but..."

Shangwen Youyou's face was sullen, and he interrupted Shangwen Yazhi's words, "However, there is an ambush in Shanyun Gorge? But what kind of ambush can destroy such a huge army?"

Shangwen Yazhi shook his head, "Lin Heng didn't bring the whole army, but only 3,000 vanguards, probably because he wanted to go back to Heyun City and the five surrounding cities to build a new food and grass supply department, and such a vanguard was too late. When I was in Yunxia, ​​I didn't know that a large number of fire mines had already been buried on the mountain gorge, and the fire mines detonated and shattered the mountains, not to mention ordinary people, even Tianzong couldn't come out."

After all, it is the ability to destroy mountains.

Shangwen Youyou was silent for a long time before saying: "To achieve such an effect, we must first plant core traitors among Lin Heng's group, otherwise we will never be able to learn such secrets, and I am afraid that such a huge amount of fire and thunder will It’s not a one-day achievement, and in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I’m afraid there are still many experts who have sealed off the sides of the mountain gorge to prevent anyone from escaping.”

He looked in the direction of the court, "Chaotang, Jianghu, the emperor is a good means."

At this time, Qin Yu was also far away on the river cloud road, standing on the gorge and looking down at the rocks and bloody corpses below. She did smell the remnants of the fire and thunder, and even saw the traces after the explosion.

Generally speaking, such an ambush attack is real, and it can indeed trap and kill a Tianzong.

The opponent is well prepared.

An army of more than 3,000 people.

There were almost 3,000 dead bodies.

If it is said that the Xiangfu's branch is fraudulent, it is impossible to send 3,000 people's lives in vain.

Is that true?

Not necessarily, the one surnamed Lin has always been ruthless, and used to send his wife out as a target.

Qin Yu looked at it for a while, and noticed that there were some spies nearby, and even thought about sneaking into the distressed area inside to find out.

"Is he really dead..." Qin Yu looked indifferent, and left from the other side before the other spies were about to climb up.

She doesn't know if Lin Heng is dead or not. It is true that this area and the entire River Cloud Road are surrounded and blocked by two other forces. These spies were deliberately let in to spread the news of Lin Heng's death to the outside world.

This is conducive to the disintegration of the power of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and it is also conducive to the rapid harvest of power by the orthodox imperial power in the early days.

She can probably think of who one of the forces is, but who is the other one~~?

Late at night, quiet.

In the post house on the official road of Heyun Road, a handsome young swordsman walked on the attic corridor and pushed open the door.


Xu Jingchuan raised his eyes to look at Yu Yanzhi, and he stared at the latter for a while with a lonely and cold expression.

"You have doubts about me in your eyes, why, do you not obey my decision?"

Yu Yan frowned, but he was telling the truth, "I just think that although Tian Ce Pavilion is based on the imperial power, excessive meddling in the court is not conducive to martial arts practice."

Straightforward, too straightforward.

Xu Jingchuan cast a sidelong glance at this kid, and said calmly: "Of course a person like you is not suitable to intervene in the court, otherwise he would have been killed by the stick early."

Yu Yanzhi didn't deny it either.

"After this incident, there will be no more Lin Xiang in the world. Could it be that you think that the existence of Lin Xiang is beneficial to the country?"

"I don't think so, I just think... even if we want to eliminate harm for the country, we shouldn't join forces with those people."

Yu Yanzhi's brows and eyes were indifferent, but his tone was firm.

Those people, who are they?

"Under the benefits, there is no need to worry about it. If you are not convinced, you will benefit more. When you can defeat me and take this position, then talk to me about whether you should go out."

After Xu Jingchuan finished speaking, Yu Yanzhi left without saying anything.

And Xu Jingchuan took the teacup and said lightly, "Come in."

Gu also came in, with blood on his body.

"Sovereign, I found out. Although I don't know all of them, there are indeed quite a few of them who are Lin Heng's subordinates."

Xu Jingchuan nodded and looked behind the screen on the left.

"Now are you relieved?"

There was a cold sound from inside.

"If Lin Heng's body is not found for a day, who can really rest assured? But our suzerain has returned to the imperial capital to return to the emperor's life."

The man seemed to laugh.

"However, the cooperation in this matter makes us bloody people quite happy."

The laughter was really uncomfortable. Gu Ye's face turned a little cold, and he faintly wanted to draw a sword, but Xu Jingchuan didn't move, he just gave him a cold look, and the latter continued to sneer, then turned around and walked out through the window.

The cold wind poured in from the window.

Gu Ye said in a deep voice: "If it wasn't for the emperor's order, I really don't want to be with such dirty people."

Xu Jingchuan was noncommittal.

"He won't live long."

"If he wants to court death."

He puts down his glass.

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